CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #5

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Wasn't there a post a few threads back from someone who stayed at the Cecil and noticed someone appeared to either be partying or squatting in that elevator maintenance room/attic at the time of his/her visit?
Sorry, this is totally irrelevant to the thread... but I love that cat :)
The website for the Gaslamp District in San Diego also lists 2 hostels that are in the Gaslamp District: The Gaslamp District is a beautiful pedestrian area, according to my boyfriend (he's been there, but I haven't).

From everything we've heard, Elisa was probably not a big drinker. But a speakeasy in the Gaslamp District would have been a sensible place to hang out and drink if you were stating in a hostel there. I've wondered if she drank a little wine, got tipsier than expected because of her medications, and lost her (original) phone as a result. I used to take a combination of psych meds (some of the same drugs), and just half a glass of merlot would unexpectedly get me drunk. I wasn't much of a drinker at all, either.
She did not drink at all according to her friends that have been making comments. But of course - as you describing half a glass - she could have some in a social way.
I may have missed the post where the twitter info was linked. Sorry in advance if it has been.

No need to be sorry! I think it has been posted, but everything bears posting again once in a while because the threads go by so quickly!

This conversation is actually the beginning of a trail that in itself confirms that Elisa owned the @lambetes account. @final******* actually met Elisa in early December due to common interests. She knew her name and what she looked like because she'd met her in person, and she knew the @lambetes account because they'd communicated on Twitter before their meetup (Elisa suggested it--you can find this on her Twitter. @final******* says here that she learned of Elisa's disappearance and probable death from a trackback from a crime sleuth forum (probably us).
She did not drink at all according to her friends that have been making comments. But of course - as you describing half a glass - she could have some in a social way.

It seems possible...I think the last time I drank was champagne on New Year's Eve 3 years ago (I did that some years just because I felt like I was supposed to!). Anyone would tell you that I don't drink, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that I might have a little red wine at dinner in the future. A lot of people (including me) wouldn't truly consider such minor drinking to be drinking at all. Especially when the person doesn't drink to get drunk. Who knows? Some people have said that Elisa did say that she liked wine in a Tumblr post. I haven't seen that post, so I'm not sure.
^This. Seems like this whole case in turning into one giant game of telephone! Don't forget her alleged "Mexican stalkers". *sigh* :banghead:

See--the effects of telephone right there. I thought they were "Indonesian stalkers"! With tasers and crack. :)
"Professional" or not, it's doubtful they can make a reliable diagnosis based on a video that has no context or audio cues. People are susceptible to pass judgment on other people without context of the situation. It's much too easy to say someone is crazy or on drugs when they can't open their mind to different contexts.

I would surmise that some "professionals" have a bias toward their field of work. Their logic boils down to, "It's obvious from the video that she's crazy, and crazy people do crazy things." - not much thinking needed there.

Frankly, I would be dubious of any "professional" who claimed they could make such a determination about a person based solely on that video.

(I am agreeing with you, not countering. In case that isn't clear.) :)
I find it odd that no one has seen her. Someone should come forward who have stayed in the same hostel, somebody which had given her that blanket so she could oversleep in the airport terminus. Many more must have seen her at the Cecil Hotel but no one comes forward in the media. That is odd. This thread needs a real real brake through or do we all need to wait for that second autopsy? What if the answer is negative....we should need a Private Investigator. I wonder if her family have had such thoughts, someone working parallel to all involved. My feelings is that I have doubts in LAPD:s investigations at Cecil Hotel, if they are thorough and meticulus in the most precise approach. That they have complete control about everything and everyone at Cecil Hotel. I have doubts.
There have been several recent posts talking about the Cecil/Stay building being nearly empty of residents and hotel guests. I don't know where this idea originated, but I do not believe this is correct. All of the hotels of this type in downtown (longtime residence SROs) are at or near capacity. When longtime residents move out or die, the hotels that are seeking to upgrade their facilities will often renovate a room, then quickly fill it again. There is an enormous demand for housing in the neighborhood, and considering the high price paid for this hotel fairly recently, it is extremely unlikely that the owners would not fill every available room with a paying tenant.

Re: the psychic who thinks Indonesian restaurant workers killed Elisa Lam, the Cecil doesn't have a restaurant. And L.A. has very few Indonesian residents.
Since you brought it up, I would love that cat at about 1/8 that size. :moo:

here ya go

"So are we splitting hairs over my slight over statement on the location of her glasses"


Stating that she left her glasses in Vancouver is more than just a slight over statement.
Okay, I was a week busy with other things. Had to update my website, add another SK to my collection and so on. And work comes sometimes in the way. So, any news about her clothes? Because is she committed suicide, the clothes should have been somewhere on the roof. And if it was an accident, she would have worn the clothes (falling in accident) or the clothes would have been on the roof (if she, in whatever state of mind tried to take a swim in there). No clothes on the roof means murder. Any updates about the clothes? And her cell phone?
Further, Sillybilly backs this with EL's sister's Twitter account of EL with "NO GLASSES"

If someone goes to look at the sister's twitter, I immediately recognized, and I think most people would recognize, that when she writes, "NO GLASSES" (with nothing else if you look at the page), she is only giving a label for the picture of her sister that she is linking to the post. I thought she was obviously saying basically, 'Here is a picture of my sister without glasses.'

She was posting pictures of her sister because she was hoping somebody would recognize her. The sister was missing at the time. So she posted a picture with glasses in another twitter, one without glasses in the twitter that said 'no glasses'--trying to help people recognize her sister both ways.
My theory is that if it was murder, then the water tank was used out of a sense of necessity, because that makes the most sense to me. I can't see why a higher level staff person wound't have just used their knowledge, rank, and access to any part of the building to smuggle the body out and dump it somewhere less conspicuous that their own workplace. The only reason I can think of would be some kind of sick thrill, which of course is possible, but it seems like an extremely unusual personality profile.

I'm becoming increasingly drawn to this theory, or some similar variation. The only part that I wouldn't understand is her lack of clothes, assuming she was indeed naked when they found her. And I would think that if the authorities didn't find the clothes she was wearing, then they would have made an attempt to retrieve them from the hotel's plumbing system if they believed it was possible for them have gone missing that way.

- I also contemplated why the water tank?...( If she was murdered by a employee?..why not move the body away from the hotel and hide it/bury it/put it in the ocean?)

- One reason i thought of was the surveillance camera's in the elevator.We know for sure that there are camera's in the elevators...( do they also have camera's at the first floor entry?...exit?...doors)

- IF....The only way for the perp to get the body to the 1rst floor would be by elevator then the perp would be on video with the body ( If the perp was not a cleaning person....then the perp would look very suspicious with a large garbage can/case)

- Many video recorders save up to 2 weeks of video.( you can go back and look at 2 weeks from the present day....hope that made sense)

- Perp was forced to use the tank to hide the body and hope police presence would die down.
Different cases.

  • There's been no evidence that Elisa has behaved erratically, in a suicidal or delirious manner in the past. The only "evidence" is an elevator video without audio or any other context.
  • Some reports say she was found nude.
  • Minor's personal effects were found, there's been no indication that Elisa's clothes have been found
  • Minor's actions have some sort of logic, she didn't want to be seen, but wanted to get in, Elisa's "supposed" actions had no logic at all
  • Elisa was last seen wanting to take the elevator down. So you can conclude that she wasn't thinking of going to the roof at the time of the video, let alone climbing into a water tank.

I'm open to suicide or accidental death as a remote possibility, but without evidence of Elisa acting in a similar fashion before, it's not logical to assume it was suicide or a result of psychosis. The elevator video is not enough evidence to say she experiencing psychosis, or even on drugs.

Things that would sway me toward suicide or accidental death:

  • Friends or family saying she was acting strangely.
  • Suicide note
  • Her clothes were found close to the tank.
  • More video footage with odd behavior
  • The tank lid was found open

Okay. I may or may not cross a line here, so if I do then I am sure Summer Breeze or Bessie will let me know.

This case has little to go on. What we do have is a lot of "way in left field" theories, and a few sound ones. The video is the only sure thing we have access to (ad nauseum) aside from pictures. Whether the mental health professionals are stating that she is showing signs of a mental break or not, they are putting their opinion for you to take. By blindly looking past it, or refuting it based on a criteria list makes absolutely no sense to me.

Now it could very well be murder. Doesn't mean that she wasn't having issues in that video. Honestly, I don't care if someone has read 40 peer reviewed articles on a subject matter, or has 340 posts on this board, that doesn't make you an subject matter expert (SME) or someone who can speak definitively on the matter. Cath999 has been verified, as have a number of others. Even if you disagree with their observations and statements on mental health and Elisa, you should very well consider it.

As for bias, if that is what they are seeing, then why would it be? I have posted my own opinions on matters based on professional experience, only to have people with no experience try to tell me otherwise.

Edit: And what are you leaning to in terms of theory?
So, any news about her clothes? Because is she committed suicide, the clothes should have been somewhere on the roof. And if it was an accident, she would have worn the clothes (falling in accident) or the clothes would have been on the roof (if she, in whatever state of mind tried to take a swim in there). No clothes on the roof means murder. Any updates about the clothes?

I made this same exact comment to my boyfriend. He disagreed with me and said he thought the roof was high enough in altitude for the winds to blow clothes and shoes off of the roof. I don't know. I wouldn't think so but I really don't know.

We were on top of the eiffel tower. Clothes and shoes would definitely blow off of there if there wasn't the wire cage. But the eiffel tower is like 100 stories in the air or something. The hotel is only 14.

I said I thought that maybe they could blow off of the top of the water tank but that I thought that if clothes were left on the floor of the roof then they would be caught by the little wall even if there was wind strong enough to blow them around. But he said he thought they would blow over that, too. I just don't know. Anybody know what the wind is like 14 floors up?
Since you brought it up, I would love that cat at about 1/8 that size. :moo:

Yikes - sorry, everyone! I had no idea it was showing up so large, because it didn't show up at all on my computer. Hopefully it's all good now....
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