Identified! CA - Carlsbad, LIVING WhtFem, 50s, amnesia, Feb'15 - Ashley Menatta

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Apr 3, 2015
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On February 1, 2015 "Sam" was found in S. California not knowing who she is or where she is from. She has an accent most likely from Australia. Many of her memories are from Perth, Cottesloe Beach, New South Wales and in Cairns in Queensland, Byron Bay, and Hawaii. She speaks English and some French.

Unfortunately when she was found she was in dire conditions. She was rushed to the hospital by paramedics and was in ICU for a few days. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer which caused her to have retrograde amnesia. She cannot recall her name or any family or friends. This is where we need your help! Please share this FB page to everyone you know, especially Australia, England. Please contact Special FBI Agent Aaron Haass @ 760.929.0811

White female,
Approximately 50 years old,
5’7” and 200 lbs
Blonde highlighted hair,
Brown eyes,
Chipped front tooth (probably from fall)
vaccination (sm pox?) scar on right arm

The last thing I was wearing was a navy blue T-shirt with Annapolis Harbor with anchors on it, navy blue shorts and Sperry boat shoes, and Burberry tie made in England.




The Long Version of the Story

It has been a bit over a 3 weeks that i have been out of the hospital and there have been no leads by the authorities on my finding my family. My friends that I have made believe it is time to use the internet ourselves to see if we can find my family or friends.

You see since I’ve been in the hospital I have been here alone. Well, let me clarify. I have had no family or friends here. However, clergy and doctors and nurses and other patients whom I met have all become friends. Some of whom were there before, during, and after the surgery I had to have and my subsequent cancer diagnosis. They continue to bring prayers, books, gifts, food and flowers. “I can’t stop thinking about you,” is what I hear over and over again. God has done a miracle in providing a “family and friends when they could not find my own. You see, I can’t remember how I got to the hospital (was by firefighters) or where I was before I came to be at the hospital. I was in dire condition when I arrived and was put in intensive care immediately. The amnesia I have is called retro amnesia and doctors have seen this before with the kind of antibodies that were found on the small volleyball sized tumor that was on my ovary. The doctors said it could have been growing for 5 years causing me to be forgetful of things. Before the surgery, my nurses truly thought my tumor would be benign because the tox screen when I rushed into the hospital was clear, no diabetes medicine, drugs, alcohol or heart medications. They removed my tumor as well as the tumor on my other ovary. During the 7 hour surgery they found that the large tumor was cancerous and therefore they had to remove my cervix, my uterus, my fallopian tubes, all my female organs. There was a diagnosis of ovarian cancer. I have been getting chemotherapy treatments and have lost all of my hair. My prognosis is not good and I pray my family will be found soon. From the moment I woke up in the hospital I first thought I was on a hospice floor because I heard a nurse talking about hospice. I was speaking with an accent, a British or Australian they thought. All of my initial dreams had to do with a lap pool swimming in a salt water pool in Perth, then Icebergs in New South Wales and in Cairns in Queensland and Byron Bay. I also had many dreams of Hawaii living in a contemporary home there. Both Australia and Hawaii are extremely familiar to me. I remember having breakky almost every morning at the organic restaurant across from the ocean in Cottelsoe Beach outside Perth, and dining for months at the restaurants in Byron Bay.

The American authorities have been searching here, the British and Australian authorities have been looking there. The only thing I know for certain is I have a faith in God. I woke up initially feeling as if someone had their arms wrapped around me, I felt him. I felt I was not alone, but instead enveloped by the Lord with his warmth, with his sacred heart and with his warmth and grace. The lead chaplain at the hospital gave me many spiritual books to read and they were so enormously helpful to me. Two scriptures which have sustained me throughout these months have been these:
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
And from the Book of Proverbs “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, but in all ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.”

I also found myself meditating naturally for extended periods and have had dreams of having experienced Samsara many times with a bloke (man) by my side in an ayurvedic spa with massage table and shower at the end of the room. Very lovely room. I also remember being on a boat for a long time. Not a cruise ship but smaller boat with a crew.
I literally love the friendsI have gotten close to through these months and will always be enormously grateful for their caring. I continue to trust in God for everything and that God is seeing me through this cancer diagnosis and the pain that comes with that.


Chaplain’s observation:
She has had an amazing positive influence upon many she has encountered during her lengthy stay in the hospital as a cancer patient. Her active and growing faith in Christ has been at the heart capacity to not focus on the “thorns” of her cancer experience but to focus on being a “rose” to others who have needs. She has had a wonderful impact upon nurses, doctors, employees, roommates and their families on the Oncology unit. She exemplifies how someone can embrace a great trial with all its hurts and yet have a sense of real purpose. This perspective gives a sense of hope and meaning.

White female
Approximately 50 years old
5’7” and 200 lbs
Blonde highlighted hair
Brown eyes
Chipped front tooth
small pox scar on right arm

The last thing I was wearing was a navy blue T-shirt with Annapolis Harbor with anchors on it, navy blue shorts and Sperry boat shoes, and Burberry tie made in England.

PS ADMIN - if this is not where this belongs, please remove.
Wow, I've never read anything like this before. She has so many memories of places she has been before yet none of people or more importantly, who she is. How very sad.
At least now her face is on the internet, she has the chance of someone recognising her and someone will, surely. I wonder if she's ever had children.
I hope this lady finds out who she is very soon and continues to improve in her health. Best wishes to her.
Very interesting. I hope the word spreads quickly. This should probably be in the Unidentified Section of the forum. I'll alert a mod and ask them to move it.
This is such an amazing and interesting story. I really hope she finds her family quickly!

I have sent an email to the Daily Mail to ask them to publish her story. I'm sure they get 100's of emails a day from people sending them stories that they think should be published so mine may get lost in there somewhere, but I really hope someone there sees it and publishes her story as the Daily Mail has a lot of readers from the US, UK and Australia so they could, fingers crossed, reach someone that could help, especially if they are not on Facebook to see the group about her on there.

Best of luck to this lady!
I'm not 100% convinced that this whole story is not a hoax. The Interpol posting seems legit, but if a woman was found with amnesia in Carlsbad, California wouldn't there have been some media about it when she was found? Especially since the report says she was found by a firefighter. The media usually picks up on stories like that.

With that said, if this is legit. I don't think we are looking for somebody missing from 20, 30 or 40 years ago, but somebody who went missing in the past year or so. She was found in CA in February 2015. The FB page says that the amnesia is due to cancer. Untreated, the cancer would be getting progressively worse in a fairly short time. IMO she looks pretty healthy for somebody who is reported to be so sick.
My first guess would be that she was here as a tourist or visiting friends or something.
I noticed it says "I also remember being on a boat for a long time. Not a cruise ship but smaller boat with a crew", and also says she was found wearing a T shirt with "Annapolis Harbor", and Sperry boat shoes.

It would really help if she could only remember the name of the vessel. I don't know if this would help, but I wonder if there is any way to contact Harbor Masters in California marinas (close to where she was found) and plaster her info and see if there is any recognition there.
small volleyball size tumour?

where I'm from volleyballs are the size of basketballs/soccerballs
does she get free health care if they can't identify who she is?

and what hospital was she in?
One thing that bothers me is that they (supposedly the nurses at the hospital she was at) posted something on the fb page asking media to contact them for the story. Not exactly how it was written but that was the jist. The media would have already had the story... Beyond weird :/
One thing that bothers me is that they (supposedly the nurses at the hospital she was at) posted something on the fb page asking media to contact them for the story. Not exactly how it was written but that was the jist. The media would have already had the story... Beyond weird :/

I think it's strange that there has not been any media coverage. Something about how the "story" goes into a lot of personal details, but the way the FB page is being handled is so vague. Today they say they are "working with authorities" and give thanks to all that shared on social media. They don't say anything about what authorities. Just doesn't sit right with me.
I think it's strange that there has not been any media coverage. Something about how the "story" goes into a lot of personal details, but the way the FB page is being handled is so vague. Today they say they are "working with authorities" and give thanks to all that shared on social media. They don't say anything about what authorities. Just doesn't sit right with me.

Agreed. Now they are saying negative comments will be taken down without notice. Not really something someone new to making pages would say I don't think. I'm waiting for the old I want money to reveal more details. Sad I think that way but it sounds familiar :/
JMO but unless she was mugged or left for dead by someone she knew she would have in jewelry etc wouldn't she. I can't find any story about fire fighters finding anyone at that time either. Hope she isn't another Lori ruff or benjamin because those cases did my head in lol
I smell a hoax. Just waiting for the ******** (banned fundraising site) page to be set up. And nurses do not post about patients with social media unless they want to not be nurses any longer.

*sniff, *sniff

Yup, I smell a hoax.

PS: Ovarian cancer does not cause retrograde amnesia. Except maybe on soap operas.
Maybe it's real maybe it's not but there is something fishy for sure :/
I hate to call this a hoax when she could be so badly in need of help, but something smells fishy to me. Also, maybe I watch way to many movies, but if she were a British or Australian national here on holiday wouldn't her fingerprints be available somewhere?

This woman seems well cared for (Sperry's aren't cheap!). Just very odd...

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