CA - Christopher Dorner kills 4 in tri-county rampage, Feb 2013 - #3

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just sayin

I cannot discriminate against any news that shows breaking news !
:p But I do see your point. Last night I was switching between
cnn and fox and this is where it was when I turned it off !

Idk about this license thing. I'm so skeptical of everything anymore.
Is he in there? Is it his friends' body? Did he get away ?
Did any of the scanner peeps hear the recording that is hitting youtube just now?
It is just over five minutes long and you can hear the officers talk about deploying burners.

I heard it on the scanner but there was already reported some sort of smoke coming from under the door at the time. It sounded like he started a fire inside the house and then shot himself.
I'm sure this was discussed way back in earlier threads, but I'm surprised this came to head for Dorner when it's being reported he was terminated in 2007. I'm floored that he likely (JMO) spent the past 5 1/2-6 years planning and plotting his revenge. Some reports I'm seeing also show his wife filed for divorce the same year.

Rhetorical question: where was he and what was he doing from 2007-2013?
ETA: I see he was going through an appeal process for his termination up to 2009 (?).

I won't ask why no one saw him mentally decompensating. We see it all too often here at WS.
Did any of the scanner peeps hear the recording that is hitting youtube just now?
It is just over five minutes long and you can hear the officers talk about deploying burners.

See first page of scanner link thread 3..........( I can't get the proper link-sorry)
Cops are who he blamed for recent problems. He pretty much said it all in the manifesto. He was so consumed he felt he had the right to harm their children to hurt those cops. That same paranoia and blame and picking apart what he imagined others said or meant seemed to have went way back to childhood. If true, how did he get so far in military or into the police force with such a bitter suspicious personality.

I have been wondering that, too. We studied about it in my CJ classes and LE tend to rank high on the fascism scale. No idea what that means and what other groups do as well. Math teachers, Moms...but seriously you make a good point. It's almost like he was off his meds (if he was on meds) and just went on a rampage. An armed one.

this is from the los angeles times link i just posted about the second mistaken id
"David Perdue was on his way to sneak in some surfing before work Thursday morning when police flagged him down. They asked who he was and where he was headed, then sent him on his way.

Seconds later, Perdue's attorney said, a Torrance police cruiser slammed into his pickup and officers opened fire; none of the bullets struck Perdue.

His pickup, police later explained, matched the description of the one belonging to Christopher Jordan Dorner — the ex-cop who has evaded authorities after allegedly killing three and wounding two more. But the pickups were different makes and colors. And Perdue looks nothing like Dorner: He's several inches shorter and about a hundred pounds lighter. And Perdue is white; Dorner is black."

No way. I missed that because I was traveling much of yesterday. That could have ended very badly. Even worse, I should say.

here is the actual shoot out
can't get o to work need to copy and paste


Thank you for this.
iirc the smoke started after LE sent in tear gas grenades and with that the home caught fire, it was a given.
I'm sure this was discussed way back in earlier threads, but I'm surprised this came to head for Dorner when it's being reported he was terminated in 2007. I'm floored that he likely (JMO) spent the past 5 1/2-6 years planning and plotting his revenge. Some reports I'm seeing also show his wife filed for divorce the same year.

Rhetorical question: where was he and what was he doing from 2007-2013?
ETA: I see he was going through an appeal process for his termination up to 2009 (?).

I won't ask why no one saw him mentally decompensating. We see it all too often here at WS.

From what I've been hearing here locally is they believe it was his separation from the Navy Reserve that may have sparked his anger. He blamed LAPD for him not being promoted in the Navy.

The Navy separation came just the Friday prior to the Sunday that he allegedly murdered the retired LAPD Captain/ attorney's daughter and her fiance.

IMHO, he was a victim, no matter what he failed at it was always someone else's fault.

FWIW and I don't have a link handy, but the brother of the ex-wife said she and he had gone to Las Vegas, she came back married, was embarrassed about it, never spoke about it, and immediately terminated the marriage upon her return from Vegas.

Can't even imagine if its not him inside that cabin. It just seems he gave up pretty quickly yesterday.
This guy is no cause celebre or martyr for any ethnic group. He's no hero to minorities. He killed two innocent people, a young black man and his Asian fiance, both well loved. The only people rooting for dorner are conspiracy theorists and sociopaths.

Wow. Deeming the LAPD and dorner to be two "sides" to a conflict is like saying Kyron Horman and his step-mother were two sides to a conflict.

You said that both sides have done wrong and acted hastily and forgot their training, etc. Since when is cold-blooded, premeditated murder forgetting one's training and acting "hastily"?

I love you, friend and I;m sure you don't mean to be controversial but come on!

dorner had his day in court. The police followed proper procedures at all times when it came to his allegations of racism and police brutality. I read what they did. At one point he wanted to withdraw his allegations but they couldn't allow that and had to investigate because the allegations were serious and there are procedures to follow.

Ultimately, dorner just wasn't believed and it was found, in fact, that he lied. So how did anything the police do in that regard compare to the calculated, and methodical premeditated murder of innocent human beings?

And the shooting of the newspaper woman? That was an accident that occurred as a result of dorner's behavior. He promised to kill and use all sorts of measures and weaponry to wreak havoc. He kept his promise. Then, as officers guard a target, they see a truck similar to dorner's approaching in the darkness, rolling slowly up with no lights on, a figure emerges from the dark truck and throws something at the home.

I understand how that accident happened. Was it negligence? Was there protocol they failed to follow? Probably. But this isn't two sides to a war. This isn't the actions of one party to a "fight." This was an accident resulting from a reaction to a perceived threat and borne of the desire to protect. It cannot come anywhere close, not in the same universe, to the conduct of dorner, who intended to kill and did carry out his plan to kill, totally innocent people. Four of them. :twocents:
Unfortunately, you've read between my lines far too much, embellished, and have made some very wrong assumptions.

By "sides", I meant "perspectives". There are many issues in this case, IMO.

It often feels like a curse to be able to see many perspectives and understand them (and yet not condone the various actions taken) when trying to post in a forum.

IMO, it sure has seemed like a war (and terrorism), by both CD and LE.

Hopefully this won't devolve into semantics.

I never, ever, said that I condone CD's approach, I do not...and never did. It's rather insulting to have it implied that I do.

The shootings by LE on the newspaper women and the surfer dude were not "accidental", IMO. I wonder how they feel about that terminology/excuse (ditto for their family and friends). Perhaps someone on the force could have thought about possible newspaper delivery? Surely it isn't a secret that newspapers get delivered to homes in the early morning hours. <shrug>

Does anyone remember, or have a link to the article that talked about what was found with Dorner's badge? I thought they said it was his DL, but now they are saying that his DL was in the burned out cabin and I am very confused. TIA for any help anyone may be able to provide.
My son has applied to the LAPD. If he gets into the academy, is he automatically on the wrong side of justice? Does he deserve to die because of Dorners perceived injustices?

Saying things like ' BOTH SIDES HAVE DONE WRONG' seem to imply that anyone wearing an LAPD uniform is all part of some united group that is guilty of something.

This killer slaughtered INNOCENT officers. He killed men with young children. So 'what side' were they on? What did that Riverside officer, father of two young kids, have to do with Dorners firing?

What did that beautiful young basketball coach have to do with his misery? She died a brutal needless death. And you imply she was on the wrong 'side' of something? That is really hard to hear. JMO
Ditto what I said in my previous reply to gitana1.
From what I've been hearing here locally is they believe it was his separation from the Navy Reserve that may have sparked his anger. He blamed LAPD for him not being promoted in the Navy.

The Navy separation came just the Friday prior to the Sunday that he allegedly murdered the retired LAPD Captain/ attorney's daughter and her fiance


He would have learned about the pending separation prior to Feb. 1.

I'm curious to know the date when he learned he was passed over for promotion.

I suspect the separation from the Navy was his final trigger point.
Does anyone remember, or have a link to the article that talked about what was found with Dorner's badge? I thought they said it was his DL, but now they are saying that his DL was in the burned out cabin and I am very confused. TIA for any help anyone may be able to provide.

This ones says "identification", that could mean military i.d., state i.d., LAPD i.d., I don't know.

A wallet containing Dorner's identification and an LAPD detective's badge was found near the San Diego airport, police said.
Does anyone remember, or have a link to the article that talked about what was found with Dorner's badge? I thought they said it was his DL, but now they are saying that his DL was in the burned out cabin and I am very confused. TIA for any help anyone may be able to provide.

I've read that they found his "identification" in San Diego.

Reports that it was his DL found in SD could have been assumptive. It's also possible for him to have had more than one copy of his DL.

Police discovered a photo ID belonging to Dorner and an LAPD badge that's authenticity and original owner were unclear.
I haven't finished reading all the posts yet (still on page 18), but I had to post up...

<modsnip> I understand what MsF is saying...she is not saying that it's all right in any sense of the word; she's saying that it's both interesting and fascinating that Dorner focused so specifically on LE and LE families that he did NOT hurt others at all, even when it would have helped his escape. Both carjacking victim and hostages were NOT hurt; and both instances, if I were to think like a criminal and wanton murderer, would have helped Dorner escape had he killed them (I mean the cleaning ladies and the other carjack victim).

MsF., I completely understand your position. And I also agree - it's very interesting, and very intruiging...Dorner's rage was narrow-focused, and his target selection was quite particular.

Doesn't make him a hero or a good guy or anything nice at all...but it's a completely fascinating aspect to this whole thing. I suspect he will be studied and "dissected" for a long time to understand how he was able to compartmentalized and focused his rage and murderous rampage, and did not hurt others even though it would have benefited him in many ways.


Herding Cats
I just can't imagine it NOT being his body. They had the house completely surrounded. I don't see a way he would have been able to escape from the cabin without 1. being seen and 2. being gunned down. Unless there was some type of underground tunnel (not likely), I think his body is in that cabin.

I do sure hope though that officers did indeed search the other cabins on the property last night as well!
Hooo boy...this reminds me of the Friday the 13th movies where Jason is dead on the ground and when the camera looks again he's gone.

After reading this morning, I don't necessarily believe he's dead but time will tell.
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