CA - Dean Swartzmiller & Frederick Everts for child molestation, San Jose, 2002

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I just had a sick, horrifying thought. If he thought he was dieing, does the bas*ard have aids?
duffy said:
I just had a sick, horrifying thought. If he thought he was dieing, does the bas*ard have aids?

Oh why did you put that thought in my head? Hopefully they will do some testing on him.
I know Mysterview. If he has aids I don't think I want to know. I am still reeling from the verdict of the mj case and now this.

We just finished the criminal process of the molestation of my daughter in January. The civil process began about 3 months ago with papers being served. Our attorney says we will be deposed soon. They will probably think I am lieing because I will have to say "I don't remember" a lot. I can hardly remember jack these days. It started the day I found out what happened to my daughter. It's one of the reasons I spend so much time on my computer. I need to have an outlet or I'm not going to make it. I'd either be a nut job with an uzzi looking for every pedophile and their defense attorney or..........I don't know what the or is.

I just want to scream and shout "We have got to protect our children!" I personally think when the statistics are as high as they are in our nation, it is our fault as a nation. The death penalty wouldn't stop every pedophile but if they were put to death they certainly wouldn't be able to get to another child.

Do our lawmakers not realize that these children who are growing up physically but emotionally scarred and wounded are our future, their childrens peers, co-workers, spouses etc?

My greatest fear will be if this case does nothing to change our judicial system at all. I'm not hoping for the death penalty for these dirt bags, that would be too much to ask but things have got to change.
duffy said:
I know Mysterview. If he has aids I don't think I want to know. I am still reeling from the verdict of the mj case and now this.

We just finished the criminal process of the molestation of my daughter in January. The civil process began about 3 months ago with papers being served. Our attorney says we will be deposed soon. They will probably think I am lieing because I will have to say "I don't remember" a lot. I can hardly remember jack these days. It started the day I found out what happened to my daughter. It's one of the reasons I spend so much time on my computer. I need to have an outlet or I'm not going to make it. I'd either be a nut job with an uzzi looking for every pedophile and their defense attorney or..........I don't know what the or is.

Duffy, I am terribly sorry about your dau! Why don't you post some info about it in the parking lot or the jury room. (I will watch for it). It will give you someplace to vent, and I think you will be suprised at some of the responses you get. Many on this board were molested as kids, and we all carry scars to some extent. But we all survived. So there is much hope for your dau.
Frederick Everts was sobbing as he was ratting out his pedophile buddy, Dean Schwartzmiller, to police last month. He said he'd tried to protect two 12-year-old cousins from Schwartzmiller, his accused accomplice in the sexual abuse of the San Jose boys. The molestations were not his fault, Everts told police.

Yes, Everts admitted, he'd tried to molest a 3-year-old boy while they shared a bath at the San Jose home he lived in with Schwartzmiller, a police report said.

bug me not:

Molesters: thousands live hidden among us
Recent high-profile sex-crime case highlights how legal discrepancies make tracking offenders more difficult
In an appeal to immigrant communities, a California prosecutor said on Wednesday he will not report illegal immigrants if they come forward as victims of a convicted pedophile suspected of thousands of sex acts with children.
Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney Steve Fein called on undocumented immigrants to help investigators in their probe of Dean Arthur Schwartzmiller.

"A victim is a victim whether they're undocumented or documented," Fein told reporters. "They should not be afraid to come forward. The most important thing here is making sure that if they're a victim we can take care of them and find out what happened and we can help them."

"Our concern is not to prosecute any victims that come forward," Fein said.
Dean Arthur Schwartzmiller did his best to stay out of camera range this morning in court, leaving legal experts to surmise that he was trying to limit his exposure to additionalsex-abuse victims who might recognize his face on the news and come forward.

The 63-year-old San Jose resident never actually entered the basement courtroom at the Hall of Justice in San Jose, but stood back a few feet from the doorway, making it difficult for cameramen to get a clear shot of him.
Frederick Everts, the San Jose pedophile friend of Dean Schwartzmiller's, told police in May he molested a 3-year-old boy last year. But investigators have not told the boy's father, who lives in Everett, Wash., and no one has interviewed the child.

And Everts has not been charged in the molestation, at least for now.

The father of the 3-year-old boy Everts confessed to molesting has known Schwartzmiller for years and considers him a kind of ``uncle'' -- a caring man who's given him shelter and helped him out of a few jams. The Mercury News is not naming the father because it would reveal the alleged victim's identity.

The father, 21, came down to help Schwartzmiller on a construction job in San Jose in May 2004, he said Monday in a phone interview.

While here, he left his then-3-year-old son overnight with Everts, who was rooming with Schwartzmiller. The father knew of Schwartzmiller's history as a repeat pedophile, but said he didn't know Everts had the same habits. Everts is a convicted sex offender.
I hope Everts gets to go to jail with his buddy. Then maybe Bubba can let them both know how their victims felt.

Sobbing? These freaks prey on the most innocent and have the audacity to cry when they're busted? It isn't new to me, it just flips my switch every time.

We had a case here in Red Bluff of a child molester (I've learned there is a difference between pedophile and child molester but that's another thread) who kidnapped a girl right off of the school grounds. They got her back after a few hours after the bas*ard had assaulted her of course. After investigating they found his own 4 children have been vics and several more.

He was sobbing so hard at sentencing (he ain't ever gettin out!) that one of the guys in our Victim Witness office said, "You know, I felt sorry for him until I thought wait a minute........." I didn't forget for a second what he did. I hope he gets the royal Bubba treatment in prison. Not sure where they sent him.

I hate prison rape as much as any other unless it is a rapist or child molester who it happens to. I don't make apologies, I think they got what they gave.
During a search of convicted child molester Dean Arthur Schwartzmiller's bedroom, San Jose police found boys' underwear, sleeping bags and, on his bedside table, the framed school photo of an alleged 12-year-old victim, according to search warrant records obtained Wednesday.

Schwartzmiller, an Oregon fugitive who hid out for five years under the alias "Dean Harmon" in a south San Jose neighborhood, faces seven felony charges for allegedly abusing two San Jose 12-year-old boy cousins. Accused accomplice Fred Everts, 34, has been charged with seven felonies for molesting one of the 12-year-olds, and it is alleged in court documents that he confessed to molesting two other boys, ages 3 and 9.

During a brief San Jose court hearing Wednesday, Schwartzmiller delayed entering a plea. The suspect hung back in a court anteroom to avoid appearing before a battery of cameras.

"Phone calls are coming nationwide," Fein said.
Dean Arthur Schwartzmiller, Dean Harmon,
Dean Stevens, L. Robert Stevens, Don Miller, Timothy Lewis, Ken Estes, Mark Johnson, Mark Martin, Dean Miller, Tim Lewis Schwartzmiller and Patrick Millard.
A convicted sex offender who lived with a man alleged to be one of the most prolific child molesters ever has been charged with eight new felonies, including accusations that he photographed himself molesting a 3-year-old boy.

Fred Everts, 34, did not enter a plea during a brief appearance in Santa Clara Superior Court on Wednesday. Prosecutors revealed that a criminal complaint against Everts was amended to include more charges.

Everts did not enter the courtroom during the hearing, instead hiding in a hallway inmates use to enter court chambers. A plea hearing is scheduled for Aug. 12.
Article is graphic
The driving force inside Dean Schwartzmiller is to molest young boys. All his cunning, wile and considerable intelligence seem to have been twisted toward that goal. And he has been horribly successful.

Over nearly four decades, he has conned boys, conned their families and conned the system, according to records from five states and interviews with his family, friends and former attorneys.

The 64-year-old plasterer is awaiting trial in San Jose on charges he sexually abused two boys. But it is the discovery by police of seven cryptic journals -- containing more than 36,000 entries of boys he longed for or molested -- that has staggered authorities.

His much-publicized arrest has animated ghosts long disappeared. One of Schwartzmiller's early victims, a man now in his late 40s, said the news brought a rush of bad memories, of things he hasn't even told his now-adult son.

The man, as a young boy, testified to the humiliating details of what Schwartzmiller had done to him. Then he watched him go free.

``I did all I could possibly do,'' he said recently. ``The system let the world down, not me. They let him go and he molested repeatedly.''

Schwartzmiller's family -- who disowned him long ago -- wonders as well why he was repeatedly freed, slipping from state to state, often under assumed names.

``They had the son of a in jail. Why didn't they keep him there?'' said his younger brother, Robert.
How are we going to keep these pedophiles, sexual predators, out of the mainstream of society, where they are free to entice our kids over and over, even after having been caught many times before?

I do not believe that a person's sexual orientation can be changed. And I don't think that someone can be counted on not to "act" on their sexual orientation, for their entire lives, free in society with the very objects of their desire around them. Once it is determined that a person's sexual orientation is pedophilia, what is the system to do with that person?

Immediate death sentence?

What if it's determined that the person has this sexual orientation, but so far have looked at photos or films? Death sentence still?

Should they be locked up forever? One offense and then throw away the key?
Would reading material geared to pedophiles count as such an offense?

Would such behavior indicate a risk enough for future molestation that they should be locked up for preventative purposes?

A castration---physical or chemical? May work but many of the violent predators don't act purely for sexual reasons...

Find the area of the perp's brain that contains his (or her) sexual and violent
triggers---and then permanently blast just those areas of the perp's brain?
Possibly in the future...

A little barren planet somewhere, where the basic survival tools are there, no children, no way to get any child *advertiser censored*, and then after getting the basic survival tools and being left there, the pedophiles have to do their best to survive?

:confused: I am simply going through a list of possiblities, that's all. It's very frustrating because although harsher penalties will help, the penalty is given after at least one kid has been horribly harmed. Then, the perp still ends up getting out of prison at Some Point, ready to start all over again...

I read a sci-fi story once, ("The Country of the Kind", by Damon Knight) about a violent criminal who was allowed free in society, without any restrictions (after serving a sentence?)

In this future society, the criminal's body chemistry was altered so that he had a horrible smell about him, that was so bad that anyone who got too near him would not only not want to be around him, but would be warned about just what he way for the criminal to pretend he was anything but what he was.

This criminal could think his violent thoughts as much as he wanted, but if he in any way at all tried to act upon them, he'd have a violent seizure and be completely incapacitated. As long as he did not try to act out his fantasies, he'd be seizure free. Cheap and effective for the society; no overcrowded prisons, no monitoring needed, One-time alteration of patient's brain and body chemistry and it was a done deal.

Hmmm...once a violent perp's sentence is served, and he is back in society, would be nice to ensure that he is unable to act upon his fantasies ever again...also nice for preventative purposes for those who've so far just fantasized (been convicted of possesion of photos, etc.)---maybe they wouldn't need to have a "warning smell" about them, but if they tried to even begin to act out their fantasies----well, it wouldn't feel too good after all.

I know I'm doing alot of rambling but it just seems as though there is going to have to be a Major change in how this is handled before our kids stop being used as objects to fulfill some perv's fantasy.

The changes May (just may) have to come from a medical standpoint rather than a "try to get them to stop by locking them up for awhile" standpoint.
It would be nice if they could do this now (smell and seizures). It's really scary when you realize how many are actually free right now.
Police say Dean Schwartzmiller was crafting a lengthy memoir about his sexual exploits with boys when he was arrested. They also say they've cracked "99 percent" of the code in the notebooks he kept, which apparently chronicle crimes both real and imagined, and have learned much about the man who may prove to be one of the nation's most prolific child molesters.

Schwartzmiller isn't talking to police, and apparently hasn't been very forthcoming with his public defender, either.

Police say they're only beginning to document the extent of his alleged crimes. But as investigators follow up on the hundreds of phone tips from all over the country, they're confident he won't go free again, as he has in the past despite at least three molestation convictions and a dozen arrests across the Pacific Northwest in the past three decades.

"This time we've got him," San Jose Police Lt. Scott Cornfield said in an interview. "This guy's not going anywhere."

Schwartzmiller, 64, is being held without bail on seven felony counts of child molestation involving two 12-year-old cousins from San Jose. His next court hearing is scheduled for Tuesday.

His public defender, Melinda Hall, said she's just starting to evaluate the evidence, still knows very little about the case and isn't getting much information from her client. "I've learned more from the newspaper," she said.

Some of the investigators' hard work is already reflected on their office walls, where large maps of California, Alaska, Oregon, Washington and Idaho show the names and addresses of at least 16 alleged victims. A blown-up copy of Schwartzmiller's mug shot hangs nearby, with this provocative question written underneath: "Child Molester of the Month? Year? Career?"

The information in Schwartzmiller's notebooks - 36,700 entries, with codes for each boy's anatomy and personality - is being entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Police haven't determined how many victims they represent - many of the line items are duplications, and some may describe his fantasies, Cornfield said.

Police also confiscated CDs, DVDs and videotapes, including child *advertiser censored*, as well as computer servers and hard drives, which are being evaluated by specialists at the FBI's Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory in Menlo Park.

Cornfield said they also seized a memoir Schwartzmiller had been writing - a narrative about his exploits with boys, composed in "Penthouse Forum" style. Typed out, the manuscript is about an inch-and-a-half thick. If you believe Schwartzmiller, "every boy was beautiful and every one wanted him," Cornfield said.

Despite his lengthy criminal record, he wasn't required to register as a sex offender.

As it turns out, it was a fender bender that finally brought him to the attention of San Jose police. On May 17, he was involved in a minor traffic accident. Police said he appeared ready to exchange information until the other driver suggested contacting the police. Schwartzmiller took off.

Police tracked down his address, went to his home and spoke to Schwartzmiller's roommate and former prison buddy, Fred Everts, 34. Schwartzmiller wasn't home. Suspicious, they checked Everts' background, found his two previous molestation convictions, and arrested him on an outstanding warrant for a parole violation in Oregon.

Schwartzmiller may not be talking, but Everts, now also charged with molesting one of the same San Jose boys, is apparently desperate for a deal with prosecutors. He's met with police at least seven times, helping to put together a case against his roommate, according to Everts' public defender, David Hultgren.

Both defendants face life in prison if convicted under California's "three strikes" law.

"He's freaked out about the whole thing, understandably so," Hultgren said. "I said, 'Look, he wants to help.' I said, 'Fred wants to cooperate.'"

Hultgren says Everts, 34, is no "angel," given his previous convictions and his "unhealthy obsession" with boys. But he portrays him as more of an observer than an equal partner in crime who idolized Schwartzmiller, understands the damage molestation causes and "does have true remorse."

Prosecutor Steve Fein won't discuss how many alleged victims they've heard from, or whether any of the reports might result in additional charges against Schwartzmiller. Meanwhile, Cornfield, for one, is eager to talk to Schwartzmiller. He wants to use what he learns to train investigators on interrogation techniques.

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