CA CA - East Area Rapist aka The Original Night Stalker 1976-86

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So after reading all about him. I think the killer is Italian based on reports his skin was olive tan in Summer or early Autumn attacks but very pale in the Winter or Spring. This also tells me he spent a lot of time outdoors. I think he is a construction worker, professional commercial painter or land surveyor. He may have worked construction in hospitals, office buildings, malls, schools and this is where he encountered some of his victims and started stalking him. I think his small penis and stutter and possible acne scars made him angry and I think he had a mother who was an alcoholic or something along those lines. Maybe a father in the military or law enforcement. I strongly feel there is a military or police force connection, maybe both. An angry demanding, controlling father and an apathetic, emotionally abusive mother. Perhaps he's even adopted due to his parents infertility issues and they never let him forget it. I think he spent time in the military but wasn't cut out for it based on his intense dislike of authority, having to submit to someone else. He may be dead. Could have been killed breaking into someone's homes. However, I think it's just as likely he "retired" and is living a "normal" life somewhere only terrorizing his own family and neighbors with his arrogant personality. He's intelligent but his personality disorder kept him from being able to accomplish much in his life. He dreamed about being important and accomplished and was intensely resentful of people who were. Beyond that, he's simply resentful and hateful towards humanity as a whole, but does have some concern for very young children since he would cover their faces or shut their doors when he attacked their mothers. He may have been kicked out of the military, failed out of premed or engineering program etc.

I don't think he hates women, no, he wants them, desires them with an uncontrollable intensity, wants full control of them, the more beautiful the better. He told victims he was in love with them and their bodies.

I think in his real life, not his rapist life where he basically put on a mask and became someone else powerful, brave and strong, he was easily intimidated in social situation and by other men. He was very slightly built and not particularly strong so I think in real life he would not have been one to pick fights or get into conflict beyond some sarcastic remarks. This is evident when you see what happened when the 6'2" 220lb husband jumped out of bed and confronted him. He literally froze and stepped backwards and then ran for it. Take that mask off and his weapons away and he's a weakling and a coward. He's honestly pathetic, you can hear it in the voicemails. He's just so desperate to be seen as all powerful.

If he already had problems getting it up when he was 18 his dick probably doesn't work at all now and maybe he just out grew his intense desire to rape and kill with age. I think he's one of those guys regular/average looking that you could briefly meet him and then not really be able to describe what he looked like because he looks like a million other nondescript white males.
I believe he came in contact with his interior designer victim, Charlene Smith, through a job and became obsessed with her buying special beautiful drape rope to tie her and creating a beautiful knot. She was a crowning jewel to him and he made her rape and killing very special for himself.

I hope very much he's caught. I believe there is a wife, ex wife or other family member who probably thinks he might be the East Side Rapist. I hope I'm wrong but he could have family in law enforcement somehow protecting him. There's someone out there who holds the key and for whatever reason they haven't come forward yet. I hope they aren't waiting for him to die.

I think his dark blue vinyl jacket with something like "corn" on the front of the chest is important, all the different cars he was known to use, his ability to map out areas are all important clues. As well as, what some of his victims could have had in common as far as places they visited before they were attacked. Hospitals, schools, malls, construction sites? Some of his victims were opportunistic but most were stalked long before they were attacked. This is a man of ritual. OCD. He was very bad at improvising when things didn't go the way he planned them and stopped more than one attack because his script was interrupted. He would probably have some strange rituals in his regular life as well.
On another note, someone in another forum compared this case to different case out of Australia with a perp dubbed "Mr. Cruel" by the media. This man had the same MO as the East Side Rapist/Golden State Killer down to relaxing eating food and drinking beer from the families fridge after he had them all tied up. Must be a common behavior of these control terror types.
So after reading all about him. I think the killer is Italian based on reports his skin was olive tan in Summer or early Autumn attacks but very pale in the Winter or Spring. This also tells me he spent a lot of time outdoors. I think he is a construction worker, professional commercial painter or land surveyor. He may have worked construction in hospitals, office buildings, malls, schools and this is where he encountered some of his victims and started stalking him. I think his small penis and stutter and possible acne scars made him angry and I think he had a mother who was an alcoholic or something along those lines. Maybe a father in the military or law enforcement. I strongly feel there is a military or police force connection, maybe both. An angry demanding, controlling father and an apathetic, emotionally abusive mother. Perhaps he's even adopted due to his parents infertility issues and they never let him forget it. I think he spent time in the military but wasn't cut out for it based on his intense dislike of authority, having to submit to someone else. He may be dead. Could have been killed breaking into someone's homes. However, I think it's just as likely he "retired" and is living a "normal" life somewhere only terrorizing his own family and neighbors with his arrogant personality. He's intelligent but his personality disorder kept him from being able to accomplish much in his life. He dreamed about being important and accomplished and was intensely resentful of people who were. Beyond that, he's simply resentful and hateful towards humanity as a whole, but does have some concern for very young children since he would cover their faces or shut their doors when he attacked their mothers. He may have been kicked out of the military, failed out of premed or engineering program etc.

I don't think he hates women, no, he wants them, desires them with an uncontrollable intensity, wants full control of them, the more beautiful the better. He told victims he was in love with them and their bodies.

I think in his real life, not his rapist life where he basically put on a mask and became someone else powerful, brave and strong, he was easily intimidated in social situation and by other men. He was very slightly built and not particularly strong so I think in real life he would not have been one to pick fights or get into conflict beyond some sarcastic remarks. This is evident when you see what happened when the 6'2" 220lb husband jumped out of bed and confronted him. He literally froze and stepped backwards and then ran for it. Take that mask off and his weapons away and he's a weakling and a coward. He's honestly pathetic, you can hear it in the voicemails. He's just so desperate to be seen as all powerful.

If he already had problems getting it up when he was 18 his dick probably doesn't work at all now and maybe he just out grew his intense desire to rape and kill with age. I think he's one of those guys regular/average looking that you could briefly meet him and then not really be able to describe what he looked like because he looks like a million other nondescript white males.
I believe he came in contact with his interior designer victim, Charlene Smith, through a job and became obsessed with her buying special beautiful drape rope to tie her and creating a beautiful knot. She was a crowning jewel to him and he made her rape and killing very special for himself.

I hope very much he's caught. I believe there is a wife, ex wife or other family member who probably thinks he might be the East Side Rapist. I hope I'm wrong but he could have family in law enforcement somehow protecting him. There's someone out there who holds the key and for whatever reason they haven't come forward yet. I hope they aren't waiting for him to die.

I think his dark blue vinyl jacket with something like "corn" on the front of the chest is important, all the different cars he was known to use, his ability to map out areas are all important clues. As well as, what some of his victims could have had in common as far as places they visited before they were attacked. Hospitals, schools, malls, construction sites? Some of his victims were opportunistic but most were stalked long before they were attacked. This is a man of ritual. OCD. He was very bad at improvising when things didn't go the way he planned them and stopped more than one attack because his script was interrupted. He would probably have some strange rituals in his regular life as well.

On another note, someone in another forum compared this case to different case out of Australia with a perp dubbed "Mr. Cruel" by the media. This man had the same MO as the East Side Rapist/Golden State Killer down to relaxing eating food and drinking beer from the families fridge after he had them all tied up. Must be a common behavior of these control terror types.

Please forgive the mistake, should be East Area Rapist not East Side Rapist
This case is haunting!
Would it be possible that the perp has continued to have an interest/obsession, with coins and jewellery - other people's belongings?
Maybe he now operates a pawnshop, or similar outlet?
Since he was imo, a young sadist, maybe now he is now a senior sadist, who visits legal facilities that cater to that kind of thing?

Should people be watching now, for a man who has a micro pen_s and a stutter?

This case is haunting!
Would it be possible that the perp has continued to have an interest/obsession, with coins and jewellery - other people's belongings?
Maybe he now operates a pawnshop, or similar outlet?
Since he was imo, a young sadist, maybe now he is now a senior sadist, who visits legal facilities that cater to that kind of thing?

Should people be watching now, for a man who has a micro pen_s and a stutter?


I don't think he'd enjoy it much if it was legal and consensual. He sees what he does/did as making him special, unique and some how superior to the rest of us who are content with, what he sees as, the status quo. He makes reference to this in his silly poem when he basically says life is boring and pointless and he refused to be average so became a rapist. I find it incredibly telling he felt so inconsequential as a human without raping and killing. His life felt competely worthless, meaningless and empty, other than is rage, unless he was stalking someone and following his script. He also mentioned he hoped a movie would be made about him. What a hollow existence to be so desperate to prove you exist and can be good at something that you have to become a serial killer and rapist. The truth is, he's not special or unique to the point he's almost boring. He's like thousands of other desperate sadists with self esteem issues and illusions of grandeur. The only really interesting thing about him is he hasn't been caught.
I don't think he'd enjoy it much if it was legal and consensual. He sees what he does/did as making him special, unique and some how superior to the rest of us who are content with, what he sees as, the status quo. He makes reference to this in his silly poem when he basically says life is boring and pointless and he refused to be average so became a rapist. I find it incredibly telling he felt so inconsequential as a human without raping and killing. His life felt competely worthless, meaningless and empty, other than is rage, unless he was stalking someone and following his script. He also mentioned he hoped a movie would be made about him. What a hollow existence to be so desperate to prove you exist and can be good at something that you have to become a serial killer and rapist. The truth is, he's not special or unique to the point he's almost boring. He's like thousands of other desperate sadists with self esteem issues and illusions of grandeur. The only really interesting thing about him is he hasn't been caught.

Did he ever suggest who he would like to play him? It might hint broadly at what he looked like, and/or who he aspired to look and be like.
Since he seemed to follow a kind of script of his own making, apparently lived or spent much time in California and placed dramatic phone calls, maybe he was/is an actor?
Did he ever suggest who he would like to play him? It might hint broadly at what he looked like, and/or who he aspired to look and be like.
Since he seemed to follow a kind of script of his own making, apparently lived or spent much time in California and placed dramatic phone calls, maybe he was/is an actor?

No, unfortunately he didn't go into great detail. He does have a dramatic flare, but I think the only acting he did was during his crimes.
I was driving down Interstate 5 South of Sacramento when I saw a billboard requesting information on EAR.

The problem is, the composite drawing shown on the billboard is generally considered not to be EAR ( but identifying this person is potentially significant to the investigation).

The composite is that of the man who was seen fleeing the scene of the Maggiore killings. He was described as rather tall (6' to 6'2") while EAR has generally been described as on the short side (5'8" -5'10") his facial features are different and he has a regulation Air Force haircut while EAR, like most young men in California at the time, had always been described as having longish hair. This is particularly significant because Brian Maggorie was in the Air Force Military Police (officially his job was " strictly administrative" but that must be taken with a grain of salt).

The murder itself appeared to be the methodical murder of a young couple walking their dog is a middle class suburban neighborhood; it in no way resembled the EAR crimes

There are are good reason to link these crimes together however. The shootings occurred within 100 feet of two EAR attacks, a shoelace tied together in a manner very similar that used in several EAR crimes was found very close to one of the Maggiore's body and a second man was seen in the immediate area just before the shorting who appears to have left the area very quickly while other people were coming out of the houses to await the police. His description was very close to the general EAR description.

Some investigators have played down the Maggiore killings as most likely unrelated but there are rumors circulating in EAR cyberspace that the Air Force has a very active investigation of the Maggiore killings with a "strong suspect". There is also speculation that "touch DNA" has been identified on the shoe laces found at the scene that matches EAR's. This may explain why the "wrong" composite was used in the billboard; it is the Maggiore investigation that is being given the most attention.

At the very least, solving the Maggiore killings will close out a potential red herring. It may, however, be the break that cracks the case. It has gone on so long.
The murder itself appeared to be the methodical murder of a young couple walking their dog is a middle class suburban neighborhood; it in no way resembled the EAR crimes

There are are good reason to link these crimes together however. The shootings occurred within 100 feet of two EAR attacks, a shoelace tied together in a manner very similar that used in several EAR crimes was found very close to one of the Maggiore's body and a second man was seen in the immediate area just before the shorting who appears to have left the area very quickly while other people were coming out of the houses to await the police. His description was very close to the general EAR description.

Some investigators have played down the Maggiore killings as most likely unrelated but there are rumors circulating in EAR cyberspace that the Air Force has a very active investigation of the Maggiore killings with a "strong suspect". There is also speculation that "touch DNA" has been identified on the shoe laces found at the scene that matches EAR's. This may explain why the "wrong" composite was used in the billboard; it is the Maggiore investigation that is being given the most attention.

At the very least, solving the Maggiore killings will close out a potential red herring. It may, however, be the break that cracks the case. It has gone on so long.

Imo the killings are unrelated. But I think EAR was out that night. And maybe stumbled across them, and quickly left because it meant there would soon be police in the area.
Of course it may have actually been him. But it seems so unlikely to me, despite the FBI saying they are sure the Maggiore killer is EAR. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he wasn't known to have committed any murders before the Maggiore killings. Plus the killings seem not at all like EAR. He seems to get off on having power and that does not show in these murders.
If he is the killer then the only way I could see it happening is that they may have caught him doing something and he shot them in "self defense".
Either way I hope both cases are solved soon.
I've been following this thread for a while, and am still a fairly new poster so I hope this post is ok.

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Imo the killings are unrelated. But I think EAR was out that night. And maybe stumbled across them, and quickly left because it meant there would soon be police in the area.
Of course it may have actually been him. But it seems so unlikely to me, despite the FBI saying they are sure the Maggiore killer is EAR. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he wasn't known to have committed any murders before the Maggiore killings. Plus the killings seem not at all like EAR. He seems to get off on having power and that does not show in these murders.
If he is the killer then the only way I could see it happening is that they may have caught him doing something and he shot them in "self defense".
Either way I hope both cases are solved soon.
I've been following this thread for a while, and am still a fairly new poster so I hope this post is ok.

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Many people think his first murder was Prof. Snelling, who was killed trying to protect his daughter.

Investigators now think the killer's crime spree began with a series of more than 100 home burglaries in Visalia, which they believe ended when he shot a man who tried to stop him from abducting his daughter.
1 of 3 Original Night Stalker

Imo the killings are unrelated. But I think EAR was out that night. And maybe stumbled across them, and quickly left because it meant there would soon be police in the area.
Of course it may have actually been him. But it seems so unlikely to me, despite the FBI saying they are sure the Maggiore killer is EAR. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he wasn't known to have committed any murders before the Maggiore killings. Plus the killings seem not at all like EAR. He seems to get off on having power and that does not show in these murders.
If he is the killer then the only way I could see it happening is that they may have caught him doing something and he shot them in "self defense".
Either way I hope both cases are solved soon.
I've been following this thread for a while, and am still a fairly new poster so I hope this post is ok.

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There's really no way to know when he first killed, but as already posted, I believe he did kill Prof. Snelling. However, I think he probably justified killing him as self defense. There was another situation where a couple had a shotgun in their bedroom and he seemed to be goating the husband to try to make a move for it so he'd have an excuse to kill him. The husband didn't and later the police discovered EAR had earlier unloaded the gun and carefully placed the shells in a neat row under the couple's bed. I think it was quite sometime before he progressed to killing people he had already subdued and tortured that posed no threat to him. I do think he killed the Maggiores. He was trying something new and it didn't workout, they fought back and they ran. Maybe it was a failed attempt to wrestle the gun away from him. Maybe even with the mask on they realized they knew him and identified him. I think he threatened them with a gun telling them to walk to their house or he would shoot them or perhaps he was planning to take them to a car. It didn't work. They weren't dumb enough to go anywhere with him and he decided he had to kill them right then and there.
Has the Vidocq Society ever been involved with this case?
Wonder how they would profile the perp's present day life, if he is still alive.
The logical place for him to be is in a psychiatric hospital or jail, but where would he be, if by chance he is living a normal life?
Thinking of the man who killed his family, moved away and reinvented himself, who was eventually caught with the help of the Vidocq Society.
Speculation, imo.
Has the Vidocq Society ever been involved with this case?
Wonder how they would profile the perp's present day life, if he is still alive.
The logical place for him to be is in a psychiatric hospital or jail, but where would he be, if by chance he is living a normal life?
Thinking of the man who killed his family, moved away and reinvented himself, who was eventually caught with the help of the Vidocq Society.
Speculation, imo.

It doesn't seem logical to me. He's not crazy, he's a sadist. He knows exactly what he's doing and I'm sure he can function just fine in society when he has too. More often than not, people like him are living normal lives until they're caught. BTK and The Green River Killer for example. Some even work as civil servants like Gerard John Schaefer who was a sheriff's deputy and committed his crimes while on duty. I know we all wish people like him ended up in psych wards and prison. However, since he isnt crazy and he seems to be cunning and manipulative, it just as likely he could be my neighbor or your neighbor and we'd be none the wiser. He obviously has never be convicted of any type of felony that would get his DNA in the system, that we know for sure.

Page 7 of 15 pages.
Research has provided information on the likely characteristics and traits
of this type of offender. He would likely have been described by those who knew him as being neat, articulate, intelligent and organized. He also would likely have
been described as rigid, arrogant, domineering and possessing an attitude of superiority. He would be further described as manipulative, a chronic liar, and
unremorseful. He may have an interest in survivalist groups or racial prejudicial groups. This type of offender does not suffer from delusions where there is no sense of reality. He would know
the difference between right and wrong.
The offender was very methodical. After the first crime, he took care not to get blood spatter on himself when striking his victims by covering the bodies.
His behavior was repetitive with respect to his performing the same acts during each crime. He arrived at the crime scenes prepared with a “kit”. He selected his victims through peeping. He approached the victims in the same manner. He bludgeoned all the victims to death and sexually assaulted all the women in the same manner. He planned his attacks very carefully, with great attention to detail, and likely would have rehearsed his attacks, either literally or in his fantasy many
times. Virtually every phase-weapons, transportation, travel routes, instruments of torture, and bindings-would have been pre-planned, with the exception of the victim.
It is likely that your offender selected these affluent areas to offend for two reasons. First, these areas provided a degree of seclusion for him. All the residences were single-family homes with access to main highways. The properties were corner lots, had fenced yards or were located on cul-de-sacs, providing a degree of
privacy. Peeping in the windows of these residences would be a lower risk than peeping in more populated areas such as apartment complexes or military housing. Secondly, this type of offender typically has a grandiose sense of self-importance and believes that he is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or higher status people. Because of this arrogant attitude, we believe your offender selected these affluent areas because he felt
his victims were “worthy” of him. This offender searched for his victims, spending a great deal of time and covering numerous miles. This type of offender most often attacks strangers because he does not want any ties between the victim and himself. We believe the offender selected these communities to find a victim and then through peeping would select a specific victim.

I hadn't read this until now, but that's exactly how I see him being. He was raping women who he would have wanted to date if they were an option for him. There was only one of his victims who was living more of a rough neck lifestyle with a biker boyfriend and drugs in the house. She must have been very physically attractive to him for him to step out of his comfort zone for her. However, as intelligent as he thinks he is, I still think his obvious personality disorder prevented him from rising to the level of accomplishment he wished he could.
Before Snelling there was a teen murdered behind a Kmart, some think EAR/ONS murdered her.

The Vidocq Society only gets involved when LE asks. Since EAR/ONS is an open case and LE never asked, they were not involved. Michelle McNamara wanted to start her own crime solving unit for that area after her book was published. Sadly this will never happen :(
Any chance the perp has either moved to, or operated in Canada?
It is interesting to note that the interviewer for this type of perp, .is similar to the Detective, who very successfully interrogated Russell Williams the former Col. in Canada, the perp whom i previously stated, reminded me of EAR..
imo, speculation.

Pages 13, 15.
These crime scenes present a significant set of facts concerning the type of area, location of the scenes and the extensive travel accomplished by the offender. The offender killed in a distance that spanned more than 120 miles across the West Coast of California. The crime scenes were all in close proximity to the freeway system and were all in affluent communities. The offender killed in two different counties in California and traveled a great distance between the two counties omitting the county between the scenes. In doing so, the offender chose not to kill in Los Angeles County, which offered numerous potential victims residing in affluent communities. Also, we have noted that the offender appeared to potentially have two different comfort zones. Because of this set of facts, we believe that it would be beneficial to retain the services of Kim Rossmo, Vancouver Police Department, British Colombia, Canada, an expert in Geographic Profiling. Geographic Profiling could provide investigators with more specific information concerning the locations that the offender frequented, resided and worked.
It is important to understand that these types of offenders are masters of manipulation, are intelligent, articulate, will consent to an interview, and likely will decline access to a lawyer. They are experts on themselves and their crimes. The interviewer should know everything possible about the investigations. The interviewer should have a rank of detective or higher, dress professionally in a dark suit, white shirt and conservative tie. The interviewer should be of equal or superior stature, build or condition in order to
dominate and control the interview. The interviewer should be of equal or superior intelligence, be articulate, formal and professional at all times during the interview. The interviewer should be confident, calm and relaxed and at no time show personal feelings or emotion during the interview.
The offender would likely view such feelings as weakness.
Looking around, but not immediately finding anything about the perp's teeth.
Any chance he wore braces affecting the way he spoke and breathed?
If so, maybe there is a dentist in his( earlier crime area ) who would have an inkling of who he might be?
speculation, imo.
Physical Description

According to various witness descriptions, the EAR/ONS would be a White Male approximately in his late 50's to mid-60's. (Best estimate: 18-25 years old in 1976). Suspect's estimated age range varied by as much as 10 years depending on the witness so he could be as old as 70 (if he is still alive). He would have blue or hazel eyes. He would be between 5'8 to 5'11 in height. Suspect was physically fit with a broad, muscular chest in the late 1970's and early 1980's.

Suspect wears a Size 9 shoe and has Type "A" Blood. Suspect additionally is a non-secretor.

Voice is higher-pitched than average male. When disguising voice suspect will attempt to make voice sound husky or gruff
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