CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST* #3

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That's bad because if that is the case then those who would know must be withholding imo.

Yes, it makes it sound like family members haven't divulged a lot so far. Hmmmm. I mean, at least his wife should know A LOT. His brother? He has a sister also, correct? Maybe the active investigators ARE getting it, slowly but surely. But at least Paul Holes wasn't aware of many of the answers yet, enough to where he and the investigative writer (Paul Hayes/Haynes?), were stating they're trying to find where he vacationed, where he spent summers during school years, jobs, etc.
Investigators routinely keep things close to the vest. LE is unlikely to release much information they’ve learned from the family, or anyone for that matter. Officially, at least. They do not want to jeopardize the conviction. So, at this point, we don’t know whether family and friends are talking to LE.

The media is another story. They’ll publish anything they can find (and hopefully verify). Since the media still doesn’t know the timeline, all we can assume is that family and friends are not talking to the media.


yes, I hope you are right!
Yes, it makes it sound like family members haven't divulged a lot so far. Hmmmm. I mean, at least his wife should know A LOT. His brother? He has a sister also, correct? Maybe the active investigators ARE getting it, slowly but surely. But at least Paul Holes wasn't aware of many of the answers yet, enough to where he and the investigative writer (Paul Hayes/Haynes?), were stating they're trying to find where he vacationed, where he spent summers during school years, jobs, etc.

Holes has been all over the media circuit giving interviews and retired in March. There is a good chance that the DAs and current investigators haven’t briefed him on every single interview they’ve done so far with friends and family. They may not want to since he’s a civilian now. My bet is that they have more insight than he does.
So is it possible to prosecute him for the threatening and abusive phone calls? The latest I have seen are 2011 (David Witthuhn) and 3 calls to someone in 2017. What's the law regarding that?
I have some answers, pretty versed in this field. Don't take my answers as fact though, every Agency works a little different.

Couple of questions if anyone knows regarding Det. Holes.
What year did Det. Holes begin working as a detective? Don't know, usually would take min of 5 yrs to become detective while on force.
In what jurisdiction did he work in? Was it a jurisdiction now associated with JJD? Are you asking about city, county jurisdiction? A California officer Post Certified can work anywhere in state, will normally let local jurisdiction know they are investigating in their area. A police officer has all investigative jurisdiction once completing required courses, small departments may have one officer doing many things. One thing is for certain, a crime must have originated in his jurisdiction to investigate it. Wherever the crime occurred, the local jurisdiction will be lead investigators and control of case, sometimes the feds will have jurisdiction if federal crime i.e., bank robbery, kidnapping, crossing state-lines. Other situation is that small department turns over to county due to complexity of case or ask for assistance, they have better resources.
Was he assigned to just one case and so which one? The answer to this is most likely "no." Department could not afford putting one case to one man, even big departments.
Did he also work on modern crimes as he worked on what we now know as JJD related? Most likely, most detectives are assigned hundreds of cases at one time depending on size of area.
Was he always employed by a department or was he a freelance detective? Pretty sure he worked many cases at one time, never heard of freelance detective. You might be implying working on case on free-time, not being paid.

Thank you! I didn't have time just then but I since did a little research.

Sounds like Det. Holes started looking into the few crimes in his jurisdiction some 20 years after? If my map skills are correct (still looking into this) there were not many JJD crimes in Costa County? All the while investigating his caseload of current crimes! What an undertow!

map of crimes

Contra Costa County!8m2!3d37.8534093!4d-121.9017954
Holes has been all over the media circuit giving interviews and retired in March. There is a good chance that the DAs and current investigators haven’t briefed him on every single interview they’ve done so far with friends and family. They may not want to since he’s a civilian now. My bet is that they have more insight than he does.
Would agree with that. And rightly so.
However, they allowed him to watch the interrogation.
In my experience, having several close friends and family in Law Enforcement, it is inconceivable, to me, that they would cover for a vicious criminal, especially if he was a cop. It makes them look bad and it goes against everything they stand for.

DeAmgelo became a cop because he wanted to further his criminal agenda. That is not the usual way that officers decide to enter Law Enforcement, in my experience.
IMO, your comment illustrates why psychopaths are attracted to careers in law enforcement. Police PR, departments have created and perpetrated a myth portraying all police officers as saints, and the majority of the public has bought it hook, line and sinker. What a great situation for DeAngelo, to hide without scrutiny. I believe if drug and DNA testing were a prerequisite for employment in LE, monsters like DeAngelo, would not attempt to become police officers in the first place.
Would agree with that. And rightly so.
However, they allowed him to watch the interrogation.

Yep. I wonder if that was a professional courtesy given his contributions to the case. I agree that his privileged access to the case has likely ended now, especially given his media presence, book deal, etc.
In the past few years, the main reason I see for those who consciously choose to remain married is for one spouse to retain their health insurance. Many policies now include provisions that terminate coverage following a legal separation (insurance coverage is one of the few reasons to actually do a legal separation or at least it was in the recent past) and recently I have seen more and more policies that terminate coverage even when the couple is physically separated/not financially supporting the other spouse (this will have a huge impact if more policies are able to move to implement this).

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Good point. I had not considered health insurance could also be a possible reason.
I haven't seen that anywhere. There is a recent article upthread that mentions the phone calls he received for so long afterwards, he had to move.

I seem to remember hearing that he suffers from a rather serious and chronic health problem. I'm not sure if the exact health problem was stated.
IMO, your comment illustrates why psychopaths are attracted to careers in law enforcement. Police PR, departments have created and perpetrated a myth portraying all police officers as saints, and the majority of the public has bought it hook, line and sinker. What a great situation for DeAngelo, to hide without scrutiny. I believe if drug and DNA testing were a prerequisite for employment in LE, monsters like DeAngelo, would not attempt to become police officers in the first place.

I don't think DNA or drug testing was around in the '70's. How would that have prevented him becoming a LEO anyway? He had no record or history of drugs AFAWK. As soon as he offended he was out. Police are definitely no saints but put there life on the line every day, like the unarmed officer preventing a mad knifeman from getting into the UK parliament long enough for his armed colleagues to shoot. Sadly he lost his life defending the public and parliament.
This is the case (81?) where the husband was in hospital IIRC. Some of these SoCal murders have a medical connection which cannot be ignored. Did JJD know her husband was in hospital because he was a patient himself or was he visiting someone in hospital or maybe even worked there. '81 was when his first daughter was born so perhaps that was why he was attending for his wife's pregnancy or perhaps his non-secretor status? A rare blood group so was he donating blood regularly?

To then make so many phonecalls to relive the experience - the calls must have continued into this millennium. Was that what prevented him from offending after '86, because he relived it by phone?

“Some of these SoCal murders have a medical connection which cannot be ignored.”

Please, explain what you’re referring to?
I don't think DNA or drug testing was around in the '70's. How would that have prevented him becoming a LEO anyway? He had no record or history of drugs AFAWK. As soon as he offended he was out. Police are definitely no saints but put there life on the line every day, like the unarmed officer preventing a mad knifeman from getting into the UK parliament long enough for his armed colleagues to shoot. Sadly he lost his life defending the public and parliament.
I talking about now, not then. Obviously, if someone is aware that they're going to be subject to screening and they have ill intent they're going to look elsewhere for employment. Sure most police officers have good intent but I guarantee that there are currently other DeAngelos among the ranks of LE.
Can't see that this has been mentioned - what do you all think of the accomplice theory?

I can't see he'd be the type to have one and think the incidents of him talking were him talking to himself/trying to confuse authorities. Though, I've seen some convincing cases
Can't see that this has been mentioned - what do you all think of the accomplice theory?

I can't see he'd be the type to have one and think the incidents of him talking were him talking to himself/trying to confuse authorities. Though, I've seen some convincing cases

JMO, but I don't think he ever had an accomplice. I believe all of the incidences reported (of a possible accomplice) involved victims reporting having heard another voice or noise. I think it was the GSK who was faking those voices or making noises, to make it appear there was another person involved because he knew the victims would report this to investigators and it would throw investigators off track.
Investigators routinely keep things close to the vest. LE is unlikely to release much information they’ve learned from the family, or anyone for that matter. Officially, at least. They do not want to jeopardize the conviction. So, at this point, we don’t know whether family and friends are talking to LE.

The media is another story. They’ll publish anything they can find (and hopefully verify). Since the media still doesn’t know the timeline, all we can assume is that family and friends are not talking to the media.


I'm a bit surprised at how much investigators have openly discussed. I agree, there are certain things they are holding very close and I think they also have some answers to the questions that have been discussed and it is not being released to the media or anyone.

We may not learn about any of these things until trial.
I'm a bit surprised at how much investigators have openly discussed. I agree, there are certain things they are holding very close and I think they also have some answers to the questions that have been discussed and it is not being released to the media or anyone.

We may not learn about any of these things until trial.

Should be interesting. Hopefully, we'll get more details in the coming weeks.
Agree that we probably just need to wait to see if we learn more but we may never know if the real reason was soley MONEY reasons which is my guess as to why they stayed married. Sometimes there is a financial incentive or people think there is because of taxes or other reasons.

I guess in time we may learn something.
This article from the Sacbee states she did file, but she must have dropped it later. That happened to me in a divorce because I was threatened. He was so volatile I left the house (which was mine) and filed for divorce and he had such a melt down and threatened to burn the house down and kill me and I was so shattered from the weird experience I dropped it, but only for a few months. I didn't go back but did finally proceed with the divorce. They had young kids in 1991. Something made her drop it.
"Court records show DeAngelo was married from 1973 until he and his wife, a Sacramento family law attorney, separated on Dec. 30, 1990. She later filed for divorce. The couple had three daughters, according to the divorce petition, born in September 1981, November 1986 and May 1989."
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