CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST* #3

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Also, I have to throw this in regarding the china/silver. I keep seeing all the ransack crimes, taking this little thing/that little thing. Then this one house where he takes, what? $17,000 worth of stuff (I need to go back and find that exact one, but it was china/silver/jewelry and other items.) Seems out of character. And he must have taken all that stuff because insurance fraud by homeowners doesn't even exist, right? Just leaving it out there.


earonsgsk post

"Attack #37 in Concord on October 7, 1978 - Camera equipment, appliances, utensils, and Chinaware dishes, $4,000.00 of jewelry, and miscellaneous items. This particular burglary is compelling for a couple of reasons. "

But, I don't know if nor how the date and location were verified.

Also, where's the WS media thread? Can someone help me out with a link, please and thanks!
You know, every gift he has ever given to someone is going to be viewed differently now that they know about his crimes. :eek:
I think that's the real motive. He stole it because he could, it gave him the thrill to steal. Maybe broke it, tossed it and thought it was funny or worse gave it to his wife knowing full well where it came from. Maybe gave him some sadistic thrill to see it everyday and his wife was none-the-wiser.

Trying to put myself in his wife shoes at this time. I don't know, knowing that the crimes cannot be charged, if I would go into it and let the media know what was or was not in my house that I did not know was stolen at the time. Her reputation has already been marred, and I know we all want it to be resolved and get all the information, but if I were her I don't know if I would open my mouth? I really don't know..

I'm speaking of the burglaries, nothing speaking to anything to do with the murders of course! Anything to do with the murders I would absolutely speak up!
It is so crazy. Does he have a brother?!!

Similarities include;

1. Time of attack was always late night/early morning.
2. Cut the phone line.
3. Was armed with a knife AND a gun.
4. Wore selfmade balaclavas/ski masks.
5. Had a similar height (5'8-6'0) and are described as white males of about 30-35 years of age.
6. Calmed victims down initially by "Don't worry, won't hurt you, all I want is your money".
7. Tied both hands and feet.
8. Were described as athletic.
9. Ordered adult victims to lie on their stomachs.
10. Used a complicated (navy) knot to tie victims.
11. Blindfolded AND gagged his victims.
12. Took frequent breaks during the attacks to wander around the house.
13. Had a habit of making meals during the attack.
14. Took small, personal souvenirs from the residence.
15. Did extensive stalking and surveillance months prior to the attack, where both perps posed as joggers.
16. Attempted to mislead victims by talking to people who were not there.
17. Used a scripted MO.
18. Ruthlessly shot and killed victims, execution style, like with Offerman and Cruel's last victim, who were a threat to him.
19. Did not localize his attacks in a small area.
20. Used junker cars.
21. Concentrated attacks in middle and upper class areas.
22. Appeared to attack quick and methodical, military in planning and execution.
23. Had extensive knowledge of forensic and LE methods of tracking perps and accumulating evidence.
24. Were both reported to have bad breath.
25. Cruel may have mocked his Australian accent, as an American accent most likely stood out like a sore thumb in Melbourne. EAR has been described by victims as sounding "Asian" or "like a black guy", and mocking an accent is not that hard.
26. Were described as sounding nervous.
27. Were "softspoken", where it may refer to EAR's high pitched voice.

Dissimilarities include;
-Cruel did not do hang up phonecalls.
-Cruel did not call his victims after the assault.
-Cruel solely targeted young girls, though EAR had tried to -abduct- the -14 year old- daughter of Claude Snelling and was not beyond assaulting a 13 year old girl in her home. I do not think EAR had a specific target. EAR has attacked white people and asians, older people and young girls, couples and single living people. EAR was not like Ted Bundy or GRK who killed the same girl over and over or targeted solely prostitutes. His targets did not matter that much, as long as he could instill fear and terror.

I will also include that we do not know where EAR was between the murder of Janelle Cruz in 1986 and his employment at SaveMart, his call to a victim and the birth of his third daughter in 1991. His home records only go back to 1992.

Just my two coppers.
Wonder if GGK somehow twisted and obsessed over things associated with his mother working at a restaurant?

Such as placing ( setting the table ) dishes on victim's back, stealing silverware, banging pots and pans, cooking, eating going back and forth into the room, leaving a mess ect.?
Coins taken ( tips ) odds and ends of items, lost and found.
speculation, imo.

I wish I had a link but it's just my recollection, but in one of the podcast or somewhere that I cannot recall, it was stated that driver's license were searchable by anyone a long time ago during this time.

:moo: ( and for those they were up thread talking about this, m o o means in my opinion, my own opinion, and some of us like to use emoticons of a cow mooing for such!)

earonsgsk post

"Attack #37 in Concord on October 7, 1978 - Camera equipment, appliances, utensils, and Chinaware dishes, $4,000.00 of jewelry, and miscellaneous items. This particular burglary is compelling for a couple of reasons. "

But, I don't know if nor how the date and location were verified.

Also, where's the WS media thread? Can someone help me out with a link, please and thanks!

Media Thread:*NO-DISCUSSION*
Do you have a source of where you got JJD's drivers license number/info? I'm having trouble thinking of a legal source for that info.

Regarding the comment about why were unmarried couples being targeted. I can't remember the year it ended, but all California drivers licenses showed marital status. With JJD's position as a police officer, a possible scenario--see a woman in a car, run the license plate to get the name and address. Then run the name through drivers license and see "single." Potential victim. Just my opinion, but it certainly would have worked. Would be nice if records went back that far to see who's records he was accessing.

Also, I have to throw this in regarding the china/silver. I keep seeing all the ransack crimes, taking this little thing/that little thing. Then this one house where he takes, what? $17,000 worth of stuff (I need to go back and find that exact one, but it was china/silver/jewelry and other items.) Seems out of character. And he must have taken all that stuff because insurance fraud by homeowners doesn't even exist, right? Just leaving it out there.

I know that law enforcement won't prosecute, and our thirst for knowledge won't be acknowledged, but I really do wish that law enforcement and the media and 48 hours or Dateline or someone would put out there all the stuff that was taken and photographs and descriptions so people could call law enforcement or media and let us know. I really want to know the Paul Harvey, the rest of the story.

ETA.. I really appreciate those that linked to the podcasts on this subject! They are fabulous!
I am still curious whether JJD was also Australia's Mr. Cruel.

-It fits the timeframe; 1986 - last attack, then he was off the radar until he began to work at SaveMart in 1991 - the year Mr. Cruel's last attack took place before he presumedly vanished.
-There are many similarities between the perps.
-JJD has lived in Australia before, when he was a marine.
-The victims were younger girls, but I think it never truly was sex he was interested in. It was terror, and as he was getting older and less physically capable he needed easier victims than grown men and women.

DNA will give us the answer I suppose.

JJD is not Mr Cruel.

I don't think it is an exaggeration to state that various posters have provided links at least a dozen times over in these three EAR threads which emphatically state that any connection has been ruled out.

A few points:

1.) Mr Cruel attacked a dozen victims from 1981 to 1991. JJD did not live in Australia for a decade.

POLICE suspect Mr Cruel was responsible for at least a dozen sickening attacks on children over a 10-year period.

Operation Spectrum detectives established that Mr Cruel was almost certainly responsible for an earlier series of attacks in Melbourne's southern suburbs in the early to mid-1980s.

One of these suspected attacks was on a 14-year-old girl who was abducted from her Hampton home in Melbourne's southern suburbs in 1985. She was tied, gagged and blindfolded before being driven to a vacant building site and assaulted. The scared and scarred schoolgirl was dumped at the nearby Moorabbin Bowl on the Nepean Highway several hours after being kidnapped.

He was not kidnapping schoolkids in Australia in 1985, and then back in the US murdering Janelle Cruz in 1986, and then back in Australia attacking kids again in 1987.

2.) Mr Cruel was an Australian. He was a local, with extremely detailed knowledge of the Melbourne suburbs as he had likely lived there for decades - in the same way JJD had extensive knowledge of the Rancho Cordova / Citrus Heights region as he grew up there.

Mr Cruel had a house in the suburbs of Melbourne that he took victims to - it was in the flight-path of Tullamarine airport, as described by his victims who heard many planes coming in to land. He kept one victim there for exactly 50 hours. JJD did not own a house in Melbourne.


3.) The police are highly confident that they know who Mr Cruel, they just don't have enough evidence to convict him of the crimes. As mentioned by other posters he took all the victims clothes, forced them to shower extensively etc... to remove all traces of DNA.

But in a 2003 interview with the Herald Sun, former Spectrum chief David Sprague said his personal view was that there was one man above all others who he believes might be Mr Cruel - that man is still alive.
"There is a prime suspect. We interviewed him for about 14 hours. He said at the end of it that if we thought we had a good case we should charge him and if not he wanted to be let go then and there,'' Commander Sprague said.

"It was a good circumstantial case, but not good enough to charge him. We have certainly kept tabs on him since and if we had another abduction he'd be the first person dragged in.''


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JJD is not Mr Cruel.

Also, here are a few quotes from the FBI profile of Mr Cruel:


Mr Cruel and JJD shared a number of traits that all served the purpose of disguising themselves and thus avoiding arrest.

Their personalities and victim selection however are extremely different.

JJD was interested in hurting and terrifying women. Even in the very early EAR attacks he would hurt the women, frequently ''accidentally'' cutting them with knives etc...

BAE / Mr Cruel (in his own sick mind) felt he was not hurting or terrifying, children. BAE / Mr Cruel was described as being extremely gentle and joking around with the girls, who in his warped, deluded mind he thought of as being like his girlfriends for the duration of the attacks..


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We do not know where JJD was between the last attack in 1981 and 1986, then 1986 to 1991. There are no work records or property of him from that time as far as I know. The earliest address of his that I could find was from 1992 and his wife was pregnant in 1986.

Again, not saying it's definetely the same guy.

JJD was interested in hurting and terrifying women. Even in the very early EAR attacks he would hurt the women, frequently ''accidentally'' cutting them with knives etc...

BAE / Mr Cruel (in his own sick mind) felt he was not hurting or terrifying, children. BAE / Mr Cruel was described as being extremely gentle and joking around with the girls, who in his warped, deluded mind he thought of as being like his girlfriends for the duration of the attacks..

Good point.
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