CA CA - East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer *ARREST*

DNA Solves
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A lot of the answers you seek are in this thread, can be found through google, and in Michelle McNamara's book.

I am absolutely celebrating this monster's arrest .

Celebrating with you and ( most of) WS!!
I wish Michelle could see the results of her tireless work. God bless her.
A lot of the answers you seek are in this thread, can be found through google, and in Michelle McNamara's book.

I am absolutely celebrating this monster's arrest .

One of the best books out there is one published last year by Kat Winters and Keith Komos “Case Files of the East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer.” It is chock full of facts.
I still can't get over all of the witness testimony stating he had blonde or light brown hair and hazel or blue eyes when he looked nothing like that. How is this possible so many witnesses/victims got this wrong? Even the police sketches do not resemble him at all!

fear. When you're a victim it's hard to recall correctly.
The author (Michelle McNamara) and one of her editors dubbed the East Area Rapist / Original Night Stalker the Golden State Killer.

He wasn't known as the latter until recently.

The EAR cases weren't even officially tied to the ONS cases until 2001 or so. Multiple cases, multiple nicknames, because nobody realized they were all the same dude. That's a big reason the crimes didn't get more attention, in McNamara's opinion. So she "renamed" him in a huge piece she wrote for Los Angeles magazine in 2013.

So the stalker/killer was known by most people, especially locals, police and media — until recently — as Original Knight Stalker, or East Area Rapist, or EAR/ONS (after the two were officially connected) or the Visalia Ransacker.

The "Golden State Killer," as we known him today, didn't "exist" as a complete suspect before 2013. I suspect that's why she didn't use GSK in the book/story timeline until he actually "became" GSK.

Thanks. I may not be to the part in the book where she explains the 4 or so different nicknames he had, but " Original Night Stalker" made me sit up and realize WHO this was all about on a national, not regional, level. I was so far away from CA that I'd never heard of the East Area Rapist, either. Just " Original Night Stalker" from the very watered down for TV audiences recounting of a Night Stalker prior to RR being dubbed " Night Stalker".

Without Michelle's work, I don't know if the case would have this progress today.
Also, I don't usually do this kind of thing, but I want to thank you for your work on this case. Your posts are incredibly informative and helpful. I want to thank you for your input and excellent info, and patience with less informed posters like me, too. :)
Because some stores might have already had security cameras? Or because he thought he might be recognized by someone working or shopping there if he was standing in line to buy those two items he " needed" to gain entrance stealthily? Taken together, the two items might alert LE to the presence of a " burglary kit". IDK when stores in CA started having video, but I know ATMs in the 80's had it, even at night in very small towns.

Buying vs Stealing because of security cameras? Which is more 'chancey'?

Buying dog spray and a hammer is not really a 'burglary kit' ... with reasons for buying readily available.

How did stealing vs buying work out for him?

Still a weird thing in my opinion.
I have green eyes that have flecks of brown, gold and blue in them. Sometimes people complement my blue eyes, green eyes, hazel eyes. Depends on the lighting and my mood and I guess people's perception of color. His eyes look similar in his booking photo. Also, your eyes change color as you age. I'm sure they were brighter and clearer when he was young and when he was excited and full of adrenaline.

I predicted he would be of Italian descent back in 2016 so wasn't surprised at all by his very Italian name Joseph DeAngelo.

I agree wholeheartedly will everything you say about witness statements. What was it that made you predice Italian descent? I had thought out a lot of things about this case but curious what caused you to predict that.
Buying vs Stealing because of security cameras? Which is more 'chancey'?

Buying dog spray and a hammer is not really a 'burglary kit' ... with reasons for buying readily available.

How did stealing vs buying work out for him?

Still a weird thing in my opinion.

I wonder if his wife handled the money (or at least paid attention to it) and he stole the items so he wouldn't have to explain what he was buying or why he was buying it to his wife? Just a thought.
Buying vs Stealing because of security cameras? Which is more 'chancey'?

Buying dog spray and a hammer is not really a 'burglary kit' ... with reasons for buying readily available.

How did stealing vs buying work out for him?

Still a weird thing in my opinion.

Re: stealing vs. buying

He got caught stealing and lost his job.
Had he bought them and then used them in a crime, he may have been exposed and been in prison all these years.
From information I have gleaned, I believe the following is how this guy was caught. I may be proven wrong after more comes out, but I stand by this for now. and other online DNA companies will compare submitted DNA against their records and identify anyone who appear to be relatives. They then notify the submitter of possible relatives he may not be aware of. These companies, however, guarantee confidentiality and will not co-operate with Law Enforcement. A Law Enforcement agency could submit a sample claiming to be a private citizen but, since this would be fraudulent, there is concern that US courts would disallow any evidence obtained this way and prosecution would not be possible. In Australia, however, such a use of these records is perfectly legal and Law Enforcement there has access to those DNA data bases including American DNA records.

In Australia, there is an as yet unidentified serial criminal referred to as Mr. Cruel who began operating in 1986, soon after the last known EAR/ONS crime. His crimes involved abducting and raping children so they weren’t that similar and he is only know to have killed once, so he isn’t technically a “ serial Killer” but due to the timing, there was some speculation that EAR/ONS may have moved down under and changed his game a little.

Apparently, Australian authorities were interested enough in this possibility to compare the EAR/ONS DNA against the Commercial DNA data bases, in a search that was completely compliant with Australian Law. They found no matches or relatives in Australia but they did identify one or more close family member of EAR/ONS who lived in the US. They relayed this legally obtained information to the FBI.

Cynics might suspect that nobody really believed Mr. Cruel had anything to do with EAR/ONS and it was all just a rouse to get around the US confidentiality laws. Who knows?

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I’m sorry but I can’t find the original post ...
Someone was surprised that his arrest was for a DNA match in the Maggiore case because they didn’t know DNA was retrieved in that murder. My hunch is that LE was able to gather DNA from the pre-tied shoelaces found near Brian’s body.
Re: stealing vs. buying

He got caught stealing and lost his job.
Had he bought them and then used them in a crime, he may have been exposed and been in prison all these years.
I agree with dgfred
it wouldn't matter if he used it in a crime--he had/''used'' [ ? ] the dog repellent and still was not caught--per my previous post on this subject

..he made himself a huge target by getting fired for stealing it !! this is much more of a ''red flag'' and easier to pinpoint than a bunch of people buying repellent --the proof of this is:
-----he was caught stealing dog repellent ---it's on the police record and his record that he stole it
if he didn't steal it, it would not have been on his record
...people buy dog repellent for lot's of reasons--bikers for one--and he was a biker

...btw--see my previous post on this subject--the dog repellent was ''inconsequential'' to the investigation--so by stealing it, he made it a bigger deal than it was
..bold for emphasis only
Buying vs Stealing because of security cameras? Which is more 'chancey'?

Buying dog spray and a hammer is not really a 'burglary kit' ... with reasons for buying readily available.

How did stealing vs buying work out for him?

Still a weird thing in my opinion.

Early security cameras were primitive and were usually fixed into position on the cash register areas. Had the old B and W grainy loop video.
Most stores only had one or so in the checkout area in the early 80's.

This guy sat in his dead victim's house and ate their food from their kitchens. He ran across roofs in nice neighborhoods to get to THE house with the pretty young wife he'd staked out.

I truly believe he had a warped sick sense of being untouchable.
Maybe he didn't want to spend money on things used to kill people, since he certainly doesn't value human life.

This guy was also an accomplished thief ( usually).
He stole family photos, engraved personal jewelry while leaving the more expensive things.
His life of crime started with B and E and theft of personal property. I don't know all the details about how he got caught for theft of the hammer and dog deterrent spray but he was definitely a very brazen criminal who was a rampant, leisurely thief who rifled through entire houses at the crime scenes, along with being a serial killer.
Re: stealing vs. buying

He got caught stealing and lost his job.
Had he bought them and then used them in a crime, he may have been exposed and been in prison all these years.

Tough to prove back then that a random hammer and spray were bought at a random store by a random customer... unless maybe they were left behind. Of course everything he owns would also apply under that condition too.

If you had been the killer... what would be your thoughts on stealing vs just buying? That is not even considering that you were also a police officer.

I try to put myself into these 'positions' and what I think I might do. A police officer chancing being caught shop-lifting is just crazy to my lines of thought.
One of the best books out there is one published last year by Kat Winters and Keith Komos “Case Files of the East Area Rapist/Golden State Killer.” It is chock full of facts.
It is also an Kindle Unlimited selection right now making it “free” to read with membership. Just downloaded it myself.
It is also an Kindle Unlimited selection right now making it “free” to read with membership. Just downloaded it myself.

Thank you so much for this info!! Off to read... more.
It is also an Kindle Unlimited selection right now making it “free” to read with membership. Just downloaded it myself.

I was in the middle of rereading it when he was arrested. It was a little surreal picking it back up last night after learning his identity. I keep thinking about his daughters. They must be in utter shock.
Buying vs Stealing because of security cameras? Which is more 'chancey'?

Buying dog spray and a hammer is not really a 'burglary kit' ... with reasons for buying readily available.

How did stealing vs buying work out for him?

Still a weird thing in my opinion.

I think it's more about him compartmentalizing. As in keeping his EAS/GSK life separate from his police officer married life. Like he's two separate people.

Or maybe he worried that his victims would lead police to search local stores for someone who bought a hammer and dog repellant at same time.
Yup! All when I am largely convinced it was Michelle's book, the podcasts and TV specials that led to a renewed interest and likely got the tipster to make a call. JD not on any list for 40 plus years and then just shows up 6 days ago? Hmmmm.

Do you think he confessed to this tipster? I wonder who it could have been and if he didn’t confess I wonder if they found his trophy box or something.
I’m sorry but I can’t find the original post ...
Someone was surprised that his arrest was for a DNA match in the Maggiore case because they didn’t know DNA was retrieved in that murder. My hunch is that LE was able to gather DNA from the pre-tied shoelaces found near Brian’s body.
well DNA was probably not hard to gather, he ate food at these peoples homes, helped himself to their drinks and he always left the trash behind.. they have DNA from several different crime scenes if you look at the list.. it was the DNA from different crime scenes that made it possible for them to link several crimes together back in the late 90's
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