CA CA - Elijah 'Bear' Diaz, 20, El Cajon, 29 Aug 2015

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Hello. :wave: I just saw a piece on KUSI news about Elijah "Bear" Diaz still missing. What a handsome young man. Where are you, Elijah?

Bear's mother was on camera telling of how before he went missing she spent everyday with him and talked about the problems he was having with his feet. My heart goes out to his Mom. She needs answers. I pray he is found soon.

Diaz was a 20-year-old (at the time of the disappearance) Native American male and a member of the Barona Indian Tribe. He has juvenile diabetes and, in the weeks prior to his disappearance, had been suffering from acute side effects of the illness, leaving him weak, immobile and vulnerable.

Please watch if you can this Sunday. I don't get that channel, and wish I could see the program. Hope everyone will share their thoughts after watching.

Diaz's story will be told on True Crime Network Investigation Discovery's Hit Series "Disappeared" on Sunday, April 23 at 7 p.m.
His mother feels someone must know something about what happened to her son. At the time he disappeared, he couldn't walk or drive. He was in bad shape and couldn't survive without care. It's a mystery that has gone on too long, and answers are desperately needed.

He vanished from his home in the middle of the night along with his TV, backpack and some cash. The family has had no communication with Bear and believe he was the victim of foul play.

CBS News8 also did a segment on missing Elijah "Bear" Diaz with a reminder of the Investigation Discovery show tomorrow night.

Locally, the Investigation Discovery network airs on Direct TV (channel 285), Cox Cable (channel 80), ATT (HD1260 or 260), Time Warner/Spectrum (channel 77 or 138) and DISH (channel 192). Please check local listings with your cable provider in your area.

TV show examines El Cajon man's 2015 disappearance
Do they think he might have harmed himself because he was suffering so much? Do they think he left with someone and something happened to him (without proper care or medication) and that person panicked? Do they have any theories at all?
IMO, it seems like if someone did help him leave knowing he needed a great deal of medical attention, then that person might have had bad intentions right from the start. Can't imagine what their motive would have been though. The tv being gone is so weird, IMO.

His mother thinks someone in El Cajon must know something that would explain what happened to him. Somebody must've taken him, and it's unknown if it was voluntarily because at this point I think they believe it was foul play. How awful for his mother to not know.
If none of his checks were picked up 7-10K Per Month ! Money must not have been
A factor . So what was ? As generous as he was described I can't imagine any enemies.

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When I heard his TV was missing, my first thought was him (or someone he left with) selling it.
I have this episode recorded and can't wait to learn what else I don't know. :) Based on the little I read here I am completely baffled. No theory seems to make any sense.
What's concerning is that someone knew he kept money in the house if the safe was cleaned out and his wallet (if I heard that right) was left behind. To me something doesn't add up. Also I can buy the connection to Bear and Sky. Especially considering he was picked up where on of the last places Bears phone last pinged.

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Once again I am a friend of LeLanie Thompson who is Elijah 'Bear' Diaz's mother. We had a very emotional time watching the show Disappeared-Every Mother's Son as I am sure everyone can imagine. Just to comment on Riverking21's post it was Skylar's wallet that was left behind.Bear's wallet was kept in his backpack and was part of the items missing from his bedroom. There is no connection between Bear and Skylar except for the fact they are both San Diego County. Bear is from El Cajon (East County) and Skylar is from Escondido (North County). Yes they both were 20 years old at the time they went missing. Both slender built. Bear went missing August 29, 2015 and Skylar August 30, 2015. But Bear was at home when he went missing and could not have possibly carried everything that was taken that night due to the fact he was unable to walk without his crutches. Hims also being to weak to do so. So someone had to carry Bear's belongings out of the house. Whether Bear was forced to go or was simply just carried out of the house Bear didn't leave on own free will. Skylar on the other hand called a lift driver and freely got into the vehicle himself and was driven away from his home to somewhere (where Skylar wanted to go) by himself he asked the driver to stop on the side of the road and he got out of the lift car by himself. From there Skylar went missing.

Dulcinea we are baffled as well. We are praying that those involved or know who is involved will come forward with information as to where we may recover Bear's body so his Mother, family and friends may give him a proper burial and lay this matter to rest. It is a terrible thing to not know where your child is.
Such a baffling case. I really hope we can find out what happened to Bear.

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Sending love and support to Bear's family.

If Bear had been able to transport himself, and if it weren't for the missing, items, I would think perhaps suicide. I even wondered if the bed sheet could have been taken to be used to hang himself. HOWEVER, I just don't think this is the case. If he were going to commit suicide, there is no explanation for the missing TV or the money being cleared out of the safe. Plus, again, he couldn't transport himself + his things.

I think his acquaintances were likely using him for his generosity. Unfortunately, it sounds like Bear was too trusting of these people he allowed to stay in his home at will. I could tell at least some of these acquaintances were bad news when his mom stated that she had to legally force them to leave the home months after Bear disappeared (meaning they were just living there rent free when the missing person's mother was asking them to leave). I wonder if any of these acquaintances were involved in drugs and ended up needing money badly to pay a debt. If so, they may have decided stealing cash from Bear would be an easy way to settle the debt. Killing him could have been unplanned.
If none of his checks were picked up 7-10K Per Month ! Money must not have been
A factor . So what was ? As generous as he was described I can't imagine any enemies.

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Sadly, even when a person is generous, there are always greedy predators. I believe his money and television were stolen and I worry that Bear was removed from the scene in his sheets. He was very connected to his mother and I don't believe for a minute that he would have left her. LE needs to focus on 'friends'. Someone knows something. From the info on the show 'Disappeared', Bear's house was a friendly hangout. They reported that $7000 was also missing, IIRC. All it takes is someone who accompanied a friend or visited and wanted what Bear had. Praying for a conclusion for Bear's mother and loved ones. Of course, a miracle would be so welcome (finding Bear well and alive). I just don't believe that he left his family connections willingly.
Once again I am a friend of LeLanie Thompson who is Elijah 'Bear' Diaz's mother. We had a very emotional time watching the show Disappeared-Every Mother's Son as I am sure everyone can imagine. Just to comment on Riverking21's post it was Skylar's wallet that was left behind.Bear's wallet was kept in his backpack and was part of the items missing from his bedroom. There is no connection between Bear and Skylar except for the fact they are both San Diego County. Bear is from El Cajon (East County) and Skylar is from Escondido (North County). Yes they both were 20 years old at the time they went missing. Both slender built. Bear went missing August 29, 2015 and Skylar August 30, 2015. But Bear was at home when he went missing and could not have possibly carried everything that was taken that night due to the fact he was unable to walk without his crutches. Hims also being to weak to do so. So someone had to carry Bear's belongings out of the house. Whether Bear was forced to go or was simply just carried out of the house Bear didn't leave on own free will. Skylar on the other hand called a lift driver and freely got into the vehicle himself and was driven away from his home to somewhere (where Skylar wanted to go) by himself he asked the driver to stop on the side of the road and he got out of the lift car by himself. From there Skylar went missing.

Dulcinea we are baffled as well. We are praying that those involved or know who is involved will come forward with information as to where we may recover Bear's body so his Mother, family and friends may give him a proper burial and lay this matter to rest. It is a terrible thing to not know where your child is.

Where they able to identify all those people who had access to the home ? Did any of them disappear after Bear was missing ?
Hard to believe the squatters would stay there if responsible .
Prayers for peace soon for LeLanie

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On "Disappeared," a detective said there were prints all over, from all the many friends who spent time at the house. So they weren't able to get any helpful evidence from prints.

This is a heartbreaking case.
Dixie811 I think that you are right on with the mark with most of your opinion about Bear's disappearance. All except the part abot suicide. That would absolutely not be the case. If you remember just a short time before Bear going missing his step brother committed suicide. So there had been much discussion about that subject. Family and friends knew how he felt about it.

As far as Bear's house and roommates he had at the time he went missing were definitely taking advantage of Bear's good heart. Bear was what we call a neat freak and his roommates were not. It upset Bear that they didn't feel they had to keep the kitchen, bathroom and living room clean. Bear didn't like to be alone so much in the house. He may have been by himself in his room a lot but he did enjoy hearing people out in the living room.
Of course after Bear went missing most of the people who would come to hang out at his house stopped coming by. There was a stubborn roommate who stayed for over a month but then too left the house. The out of stat. We are aware where everyone is and we do keep tabs on them.
Than you for watching.
Stripehaven unfortunately I guess because of all the people that would come to hang out at Bear's house there were a lot of fingerprints and the police couldn't process them. Remember these are younger kids late teens and early 20's. They didn't clean so great if at all and they smoked that hookah which if you don't know leaves a fine ashy dust all over everything. Layers of it. A mess.
Thank you for watching
Ray_of_hope so true there are greedy people everywhere. We know Bear didn't leave willingly. We also believe that he is not alive and that we are searching for his body. He was very ill at the time of him going missing. Weak and frail. Insulin dependent. An very easy mark. It is a sad situation. LeLanie does thank you for watching the show about Bear.
TexasT We have the names of the people who came over to Bears house to hang out. Yes some have left our area and even out of state. We are keeping tabs on where they are. As far as squatters go most want to be where they don't have to pay rent. Of course most every roommate Bear had was verbal agreements about their staying there and monies to be paid. So LeLanie had not proof as to what they had paid for how long and one even said he wanted his deposit back, money to move and even suggested Bear had borrowed money and he wanted that as well. But LeLanie said prove to me you loaned money to Bear. Of course he couldn't. He left that night. So LeLanie was able to have procession of Bear's house without further problems.
Thank you for watching.
Thank you for the much needed prayers for family and friends.
I have a few thoughts about this one.

1. My initial thought was robbery. When you pick up people at a Hookah bar and start buying multiple vehicles, it's a recipe for disaster. Let's face it, his new "friends" weren't in it for the game nights. People have screwed over other people for much less money in the past.

2. Then I went to depression. You can have all the money in the world but a hell of a lot of good it does you when your chronic illness makes it impossible to live a normal life. (But I might be bitter. I have a chronic illness and it's been a bad week for it.) I realize that he initially had strong feelings against suicide but those feelings can change in a heartbeat. There are people that get so sick, and so depressed, that suicide often feels like the only way "out", especially if they feel like they might be a burden on others. Plus, you CAN get to the point where the mental illness takes over and you're not even in control over your own thoughts anymore.

3. However, most people that wander out into the desert to commit suicide don't take their flat screens for comfort.

4. So then I returned to robbery.

5. Once the other dude was introduced, I started thinking about cults. I definitely don't think "Eli" was the same Elijah, since I don't see Bear being physically able to hike up the mountain. But the cult thing could still apply. Sick kid, few friends, pondering the meaning of life, lots of money...those things would ALL appeal to a cult. However, killing people is not usually the way a cult works. They like the numbers, the body count. Plus, they'd want the cash flow to keep moving. Since he hasn't picked up his checks, seems unlikely that it's a cult.

6. Where was the step dad in all of this? Why was he never interviewed?

7. I ended back on suicide again. Sick, missing his step brother, co-dependent relationship with his mother, feeling bleak about his future, etc. Perhaps a friend assisted in it and, in return, Bear gave him some things for their trouble (like the TV). I know that on a lot of these specials the friends and family will say "he/she would NEVER kill themselves." But unless you're inside that person's head, you have no idea what they're thinking. When I was at my sickest and actually suicidal, I put on a darn good front for everyone in my life and was able to convince everyone that I was fine. You get good at it.

8. And then I fell back on robbery.

Wherever the poor feller is, I don't think he's breathing. I feel very sad for this family. Bear seemed like a good guy and, as a mother that has lost a child herself, I feel for his family.

(All of this is IMO, of course.)
TexasT We have the names of the people who came over to Bears house to hang out. Yes some have left our area and even out of state. We are keeping tabs on where they are. As far as squatters go most want to be where they don't have to pay rent. Of course most every roommate Bear had was verbal agreements about their staying there and monies to be paid. So LeLanie had not proof as to what they had paid for how long and one even said he wanted his deposit back, money to move and even suggested Bear had borrowed money and he wanted that as well. But LeLanie said prove to me you loaned money to Bear. Of course he couldn't. He left that night. So LeLanie was able to have procession of Bear's house without further problems.
Thank you for watching.
Thank you for the much needed prayers for family and friends.

I just watched his Disappeared episode. Please let his mother and his whole family know that I am praying he is found soon. My daughter is his age and lives in San Diego. I sent her and all her friends his missing poster. I asked them to share with their friends also. (Hugs)
I watched the Disappeared episode last night. Did they mention if the people in the house (anyone known to frequent the house, not just roommates or squatters) were questioned? They must have questioned all of them, right? It seems like the first thing LE would do, but I don't recall that being mentioned in the show. I remember them talking about all of the fingerprints, but I don't recall any interviews being mentioned. Was the house sprayed with Luminol or anything like that? It's odd to me that his bed sheets were missing.

Is it possible (I suppose anything is.) that either A) Bear asked someone to leave/move out and the person didn't take kindly to that, harmed Bear, took the cash, took the TV, and used the bed sheets to remove Bear from the house or B) Bear found someone stealing from him and an altercation occurred and a frail Bear did not fare well? Perhaps Bear's cell phone was in his pocket, unbeknownst to the person who harmed him, and he is located somewhere in the vicinity of those last pings.

I hope my post makes sense. My brain moves much faster than my fingers.

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