CA - Elliot Rodger kills 6, injures 13 in Isla Vista, Near UC Santa Barbara, #3

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On Friday night of the shooting spree, Jon saw Rodger sitting in his black BMW in the gated lot around 8:30 p.m., just an hour before the horrific scene unfolded. Rodger was parked in a space directly outside of his apartment, though it was not his assigned spot. Rodger had his computer propped on his lap,.....

Jon speculated he had parked in the spot to connect to his WiFi in private, which he had done a number times before. Rodger tilted his screen away from Jon’s viewpoint and had appeared to be acting in a “defensive” manner.In hindsight, Jon speculated Rodger was in the process of mailing his “manifesto” t

interacted very little with his neighbors in the complex where he lived. Residents recalled that Elliot Rodger was an unusual character, never had friends over, became infuriated when he passed couples in the courtyard, and spent quite a bit of time alone sitting in his parked car.

he Capri apartments are dorm-style, and residents can lease a single or double room. In some cases, property managers place residents together based on a personality questionnaire, a procedure also used for university housing.

He wasn’t someone you could approach,” said Jon, residents who tried to befriend him had no success. “He had a thing with couples,” said Jon, who recalled that Rodger would become infuriated when walking by a pair of people who appeared to be romantically involved.
tudents have raised signs that read “Stop Filming Our Tears,” “News Crew Go Home,” and “Our Tragedy Is Not Your Commodity” to protest the constant presence of TV news crews, cameras, and vans in Isla Vista.

Initially, a number of TV crews left the site when the protesters arrived, and the remaining reporters explained they were just doing their jobs and that they wanted to show the memorial. The residents replied that the news organizations were making money from their pain and that they wanted them to leave. was the very first report in the local paper about that night:
This year’s much-berated Deltopia celebration, for example, erupted into an out-of-control riot seven weeks ago. To restore order, Sheriff Bill Brown had to call for backup from every nearby law enforcement agency, and his deputies used so much tear gas that they had to order more. Just four weeks before Deltopia, Sheriff’s deputies and the Isla Vista Foot Patrol found themselves forced to quell a Saturday-night mini-riot. In both instances, law enforcement officials have blamed outsiders for instigating the violence.

.......they fail to acknowledge the mounting tension, aggression, and sexual violence simmering throughout the campus and Isla Vista. The laissez-faire attitude of the community at large toward Isla Vista bacchanalian extravagance was at least temporarily shocked earlier this year by a pair of uncommonly violent gang rapes.

.........UCSB has grown significantly in prestige and popularity, boasting almost as many Nobel laureates as it does drunks on a Saturday night. As the cost of attendance skyrocketed, the number of students seeking entry into classes grew. At the same time, the number of course offerings diminished, meaning more time was required for most students to complete graduation.

SBCC, now ranked the top city college in the nation — not just the state — has long been known as a backdoor into the UC system for low-achieving high school graduates.

the shooting took place the same day as SBCC celebrated its graduation ceremonies and just one day before the campus was slated for a massive emergency-preparedness drill by multiple public-safety agencies in case of some hypothetical disaster. That disaster, tragically, was not nearly hypothetical enough.

from same source below forgot to copy link
a comedy improv troupe that’s been meeting every Friday night ...
Ellen Anderson, who is in charge of both programs, was just driving away from the Embarcadero Theater Friday night when she heard shots. “I’m from Detroit,” she said. “I know what gunfire sounds like.

..... raced back to the theater and, to her great relief, discovered that the students charged with running the show had locked the doors and kept the lights off. ......that some of the shooting occurred by the new 7-Eleven right across the park from the Embarcadero Theater, it was urgent no one left.
“I was really scared,” Anderson said. “What would happen when we told people they couldn’t leave? How would they react?”

..... crowd of about 100-plus people (including 8-10 elementary school kids) watched a short cartoon, then they did about two more hours of improv. One woman in the audience got a text that a friend of hers was shot in the leg.

“I did get a little grouchy,” confessed Anderson. “I’d say things like, ‘How many times do I need to tell you to stay away from the window?’” About midnight, the building was unlocked, and people allowed to leave. Students were instructed to go to a nearby dorm.

The Hunger Games, a blockbuster film based on a popular young adult novel series about young people who are forced to kill each other for everyone’s entertainment.

Oscar Trigueros, who works at the golf course, did not know Rodger but said that his now notorious black BMW had been frequently parking in the Sandpiper parking lot over the past couple of months. “The car would be parked there every now and then, just at the end of the day,” said Trigueros. “But none of us recognized his face. “

chat site called Wizardchan that was apparently dedicated to sexual virgins. He also detailed his plans on that site, seemingly just hours before carrying them out. There have been at least two Facebook pages launched in “tribute” to Rodger, and they too are littered with misogynistic rantings.

George Duarte..... radio deejay w... remembers Rodger from the SBCC Math Lab last fall. “He was always talking about the same thing, how annoying his roommates were, how he’s gonna move to a different place,” said Duarte. “He was constantly annoyed by people. Of course, when you’re that type of person, no girl is gonna want to hear you whine and complain all day. “

.....Duarte remembers thinking that Rodger was going to excel in life. “Some of the stuff he said sounded right-on — he was very logical, very well spoken,” said Duarte. “This kid is one of those successes. He’s gonna go places. He had that aura about him and the ego to go with it.”

Thirteen people were injured in Rodger’s rampage, Brown went on, eight by bullets, four by car when Rodger plowed into them, and one by unknown means.

He bought one in Goleta, one in Oxnard, and one in Burbank. In addition to the guns, Rodger was in possession of 34 loaded 10-round magazines for the SIG Sauers and seven loaded 10-round magazine for the Glock.

spokesperson for Santa Barbara City College, where Brown said Rodger was a student, issued a statement explaining that while Rodger had registered at SBCC at various times during the last three years, he had either stopped attending or had withdrawn from all his courses. Before that, in 2011, he had completed three classes
UCSB officials sought to put a damper on the party-hearty exuberance that sends so many students to the Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital’s emergency room every weekend for alcohol poisoning. One idea was for the campus to buy up existing I.V. rental units and install resident managers to keep the residents in check.
The sister of Peter Rodger told Sky News the family was “in total shock” - and she condemned US gun laws.........enni Rodger, who lives in Cazals, France, said: “I can't imagine how awful this must be for the families of those killed. My heart goes out to them.......
.”I don't know how on earth a sick, disturbed young man was able to get hold of a gun...............He was always a disturbed child. I don't know how he was allowed to get a gun. Something has to be done about gun laws in America.”She added: “Pete is absolutely broken. He is such a sensitive being. I can't see how he'll ever recover from this.”

......Police also had dealings with Rodger, who had Asperger syndrome, on two other occasions. In January, Rodger performed a citizen’s arrest on his roommate, whom he accused of stealing candles. The roommate was subsequently arrested and booked on petty theft charges,
The resident of Capri Apartments in Isla Vista said Rodger moved into the complex last summer. And although many members of the tight-knit community tried to make Rodger feel welcome, the resident said Rodger would spurn their offers to hang out.

“We reached out all the time to him to get him to party with us,” said the resident, who asked not to be identified to protect his privacy. The few times Rodger would hang out in the communal courtyard, “he just sat in the chair and stared at everyone the entire time,” the neighbor said.

At least a month ago, the neighbor was himself sitting in the courtyard around 9:30 p.m. when Rodger arrived with “his face all bashed in, his knuckles cut up,” crying, the neighbor said.

The 22-year-old asked what happened and Rodger initially rebuffed him. But after the pair talked some more, the neighbor pressed the issue, and when Rodger calmed down, he eventually admitted to having been jumped by multiple men

they kept talking for about three hours, and by the end, the neighbor said Rodger was smiling and laughing and making jokes. Rodger eventually calmed down, thanked him and went inside.Since then, the neighbor said he had seen Rodger four or five times walking to and from his BMW from his apartment, No. 7.

“Every time I saw him, I tried to reach out to him,” the neighbor said. “He pushed everyone away."

I never knew this: After initial refusal, Facebook removes page glorifying accused Isla Vista killer Elliot Rodger.
Facebook removed the page after receiving complaints from multiple users and activists. One complaint said the page contained a credible threat of violence; others reported the page for harassment.Originally, Facebook told the users and activists that it did not plan to take the page down because it did not violate its community standards, but the company removed the page Monday.

“When the page was first reported to us, we incorrectly allowed the page to remain up," a Facebook spokesman said. "We removed the page as soon as we became aware of the error and apologize for the inconvenience.”
Before Rodger moved to Santa Barbara from the Los Angeles area to attend Santa Barbara City College, his mother and psychiatrist had sought to set up a range of mental-health services to enable Rodger to safely navigate the challenges of a new environment. But just two days before the shooting occurred, Rodger was reportedly denied the insurance coverage to pay for such help.

Sheriff Bill Brown described Rodger, managed to get his hands of a semi-automatic handgun with far greater ease than his family could secure the mental-health services he so desperately needed.
muted echoes of David Attias — who killed four people in Isla Vista 12 years ago —

2001, Attias, then a UCSB freshman with a long history of severe mental illness, plowed his black Saab into a crowded Isla Vista street, killing four and wounding others. Attias, who was filmed at the scene hopping around the dead bodies and proclaiming himself the “angel of death,” attributed his action to frustration over lack of sexual contact.

Two years ago, Santa Barbara Judge Thomas Adams ruled that Attias had recovered his sanity and ordered him released from a state facility for the criminally insane. Presumably, he is still living in a supervised group home and receiving supervised therapy.

Both Attias and Rodger struggled with significant mental-health issues.

fathers of both killers were successful in the television and motion-picture industry. Daniel Attias, David’s father, was an accomplished television director.
Great find - he has been ill since birth - imo thats typical of mental illiness! From anyone in the kids life we have not heard one descriptin that is not aspergers - just have not!

Peter Rodger, the father, once told a friend that Elliot was “such a good liar, I didn’t even know he knew how to lie.”

Actually, No, Elliot Rodger Was Never Diagnosed With Autism

Again, I’m not remotely qualified to diagnose anyone with anything, but I am qualified to report the fact that Elliot Rodger was prescribed a medication used to treat paranoid schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder, and that sociopathy, the symptoms of which Rodger’s own manifesto checks nearly every box, is often confused for autism by idiots and quacks. During the last round of autism propaganda, following Newtown, there were “experts” and reporters all over the TV reporting that people with ASD “lack empathy,” and even have “something missing in the brain,” which is completely untrue of autistic people, but completely true of sociopaths.
Whatever the truth turns out to be, journalists should stop reporting that Elliot Rodger was autistic, unless and until someone presents evidence that he was actually diagnosed with it.
-.. how would we say he would respond to the following questions.
How would we think that his mother/roomates/classmates etc answer if the questions were......Did Elliot.....?
IMO yes

Do you find it difficult to make eye contact?
OR Did Elliot......................

* Do you have fewer friends than others your age?

* Do you have problems interacting socially with others, particularly in less structured settings?

* Do you often feel overwhelmed or confused by what others consider normal or manageable emotions?

* Do strangers often find you unkind, do loved ones find you callous or unfeeling?

* Do you lack interest in spontaneously sharing your interests or joys with others?

* Do you tend to rely on your family, spouse, or partner for all your social needs?

Do people complain that you monopolize conversations, and rarely ask questions?

* Do others describe you as “weird,” "awkward,"or “eccentric”?

* Do you have more rigid rules that govern your life, or a stricter schedule that you need to adhere to than others? (I.E Drving around alone in your car)

* Do you work prefer to work with numbers or puzzles over social or verbal tasks?

* Do others comment that you speak in a monotone?

* Are social encounters with others uncomfortable, or uninteresting?
* Do you have poor handwriting?

* Are you anxious often?


[FONT=&quot]The FDA approved the use of risperidone or Risperdal orally disintegrating tablets for 'the symptomatic treatment of irritability in autistic children and adolescents' with autism. As the first FDA approved drug treatment for behaviors associated with autism, this is likely exciting news for parents.


Calif. Senate leaders promise new laws after Isla Vista massacre

Elliot Rodger, had long been in therapy and had been prescribed psychotropic drugs but declined to take them.

drop Asperger's syndrome from this dialogue.. How can one do that? We just cant pick stuff to leave in or out of a story IMO
Isla Vista attacker was able to legally buy three guns, despite mental health issuesExperts: Being treated for mental illness doesn't generally affect a person's right to own a gun in California
'It's just not a surprise that someone with mental health problems would still be able to get a gun'

The family was caring and attentive, said family friend Adam Krentzman. Peter Rodger, the father of the attacker, "is the sweetest, nicest, most genuine, caring person, and he did everything he could," Krentzman said.

But after Elliot Rodger turned 18, he started rejecting mental health care that his family provided, Krentzman said. "He turned his back on all of it," he said. "At some point, your kid becomes an adult."
Calif. Senate leaders promise new laws after Isla Vista massacre

Elliot Rodger, had long been in therapy and had been prescribed psychotropic drugs but declined to take them.

Well, this will do absolutely nothing concerning compliance- and will make less beds available for the non-criminal mentally ill...

A cop will not be a psychiatrist, no matter how much mandated training is given. Are they going to let cops provide therapy & meds too? It's like a pharmacist diagnosing and treating cancer, imo. :facepalm:
Don't worry too much. After all, it *is* a promise by a politician, lol....
Well, this will do absolutely nothing concerning compliance- and will make less beds available for the non-criminal mentally ill...

A cop will not be a psychiatrist, no matter how much mandated training is given. Are they going to let cops provide therapy & meds too? It's like a pharmacist diagnosing and treating cancer, imo. :facepalm:
Do you have links to these? On the body building one, did someone make a convincingly similar screen name, hack ER's real account or......??? Obviously it wasn't really him.

His password was probably "hotblonde4me", "girlsR*****es" or possibly "iammagnificent" or some other easily guessable word or phrase.
No woman owes you anything.
The best way to get the attention from the women you want is through becoming the person you want to be. You can't force anyone to adapt to you, but you can change you, and then the people you want around you will lock in and see you and find love in you and for you.

Read the entire post at the link:

That reminded me of a Bill Cosby routine. He was talking about how people act when they drink and how someone who drinks a lot might justify it by explaining that when a person drinks, their inhibitions are lowered and the "real you" can come out. Bill Cosby's reply was something along the lines of, "Yeah, but what if you're an *advertiser censored**HOLE?"
Well, this will do absolutely nothing concerning compliance- and will make less beds available for the non-criminal mentally ill...

A cop will not be a psychiatrist, no matter how much mandated training is given. Are they going to let cops provide therapy & meds too? It's like a pharmacist diagnosing and treating cancer, imo. :facepalm:
At least it is a start in recognizing the role mentail illiness plays in all these mass a start.......and more productive , in terms of the future, than blaming mom. dad, LE, thaerapits, judges video etc etc.

IMO all the blaming does is give an individual the falsehood that all these shootings are "one" reason, Imo they are complicated. But as least it is something in addressing the metal illiness issue related to every mass shooting this country had gone through...

IMO, there is a direct correlation a now this relationsip will be blended in to make current notions, which quite clearly are failing horribly imo

[FONT=&quot]The FDA approved the use of risperidone or Risperdal orally disintegrating tablets for 'the symptomatic treatment of irritability in autistic children and adolescents' with autism. As the first FDA approved drug treatment for behaviors associated with autism, this is likely exciting news for parents.


Risperdal is a black box drug:

FDA Watchdog Speaks Out on Dangerous Drugs and Docs
I just read the manifesto. This guy reminds me of Eric Harris, with a bit of Jodi Arias thrown in.
Well, this will do absolutely nothing concerning compliance- and will make less beds available for the non-criminal mentally ill...

A cop will not be a psychiatrist, no matter how much mandated training is given. Are they going to let cops provide therapy & meds too? It's like a pharmacist diagnosing and treating cancer, imo. :facepalm:

Also, if the treating therapist, and the patient's family, recognizes there is a potential problem, then it takes more than calling 911 to make anything REAL happen. There should be an expanded branch of psychiatric social workers, who could go on calls with cops and emts, when deciding if there needs to be an intervention. But a regular patrolman cannot make that determination, imo.

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