CA CA - Ember Graham, 7 mos, Happy Valley, 2 July 2015 - #2

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I know someone has previously asked this, but I can't find it... Where did y'all read/hear MG refer to Ember as "it"?
Wow this has gone in a whole new direction.

As upsetting and sad as this is, I don't believe that Ember is alive anymore. I don't believe he sold her or someone kidnapped her either.

After seeing how he reacts under pressure I'm now thinking that he's not all that bright and makes snaps decisions that are not necessarily good decisions.

I could see a scenario where he left the store with Ember to meet up with someone for nefarious purposes. He may have left Ember unattended for a period of time while he "did business". When he came back Ember was dead, either a seizure that caused her death, heat, or an accident related to the child not being secured in the baby seat. I just can't understand a person who does the good parent thing when he takes Ember out of the vehicle, goes to pay for gas and then comes back out and puts her back in the vehicle. If he intended to murder her, why go to all this trouble?

Since he doesn't make good decisions as is apparent based on his lifestyle and currently being on the lam, he panicked, hid Ember, and then came up with his story of a kidnapping to cover his *advertiser censored*.

Now he's panicked again and he's on the run and that's made things a 100 times worse for himself.

Once again, it's all about him. All his actions or non actions are all about him saving himself. Ember is not in the thought process and I think that speaks volumes.

Well, we will see. I think resolution isn't far off.
Good Morning all - I seriously thought I would update the Redding News site and see an update about a capture. Nothing eh?
Well according to one of their main news stories, today will be 96 degrees there and Wednesday a wicked 105 (weather article about heat this week is below).

MG will be needing food soon and more beverages it would seem. Not sure how much he packed in his back pack but if he already had to purchase drinks yesterday - it doesn't seem that he put much in the backpack. Wonder if he brought changes of clothes at least so that he can alter his appearance (even though his face is pretty recognizable by now)?

Link to article about the heat this week in Redding:
This has probably been mention. But did MG clean up his friends list on FB? or did he always have that amount of friends. Sorry I've been busy all weekend. Just trying to catch up, I can't believe he took off.
This has probably been mention. But did MG clean up his friends list on FB? or did he always have that amount of friends. Sorry I've been busy all weekend. Just trying to catch up, I can't believe he took off.

According to the Recently Added list - three were added but not sure how long ago. Do you feel he has less now? If so, I'm guessing some people "Unfriended" .
I am sorry for you that your father dehumanizes you. There is NO way that the regular language in 2015 in which people refer to their babies (especially those that have gone missing or that the parent has killed) is "it". That is nowhere near normal. I am glad your dad didn't kill you just because he dehumanized you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I sometimes will refer to one or the other of my sons as "the boy". Hopefully this isn't "dehumanizing" - I don't think it would be, because "boy" refers to human child. But yeah, I love my boys. It's due to the Simpsons, the way Homer calls Bart "the boy" or just "boy". We had our sons in the mid 90s and the Simpsons was something my husband and I watched when dating prior to that, and it just stuck as a joking reference.

I hope nobody would ever hear me and my husband refer to "the boy" and think we were being less than loving parents. *eek*
What's the legal age for buying cigarettes over there? And does everyone have to present ID when buying cigs, regardless of how old they appear?

The signs always say "we ID under 30" which bugs me because though I don't smoke, if I did and was under 30 and DIDN"T get ID'd I would be offended that they decided I looked older than I really am. LOL.

The alcohol ones say 40. I still don't get ID'd. How old must I look??? yeesh.

But yeah most places they scan your ID for you to buy alcohol or cigarettes no matter how old you are, at least here in NY state. How many times I have seen elderly people get upset because of getting out ID for beer and cigs... dozens.

ETA - I guess NY state is probably more strict than other states but no matter how old or young you are you can't buy alcohol or cigarettes here without your ID being physically handed to the clerk and having them scan the bar code. Everything is logged, just like if you want to buy Sudafed.

IME of course. And NY is a far cry from CA, so who knows.
There were unconfirmed reports on the scanners that after his encounter with the store in Shasta Lake, Graham stole a gray minivan.

I bet she'd get real good with names real quick if it was her 7 month old infant who went missing from her crib in the night. You know context is important. A parent referring to their just-missing precious baby as "it" is damned significant. It's simply not the same as a quirky or funny or generally rude parent who is messing around with pronouns. This is a very sobering and desperately frightening event. That a father would refer to his child as "it" in such a moment is devastating in its significance, no matter what cute familial anecdotes we can all come up with.

Fair enough. For the next poster who asked where we saw that he referred to her as it, it is in the sheriff's statement from the very first day of this case. He said that Matthew didn't "show remorse" that she is missing, didn't ask what was being done to find her, and called her "it".
This is so strange. Who shows ID when they are the run. Did they say what type of phone he had?
This is so strange. Who shows ID when they are the run. Did they say what type of phone he had?

I know someone who has a bench warrant out for their arrest and they're just living their life like it's a normal life, probably due to self-medicating with substances. It baffles me. And that's just a bench warrant - MG has a full on BOLO going on.. yet he's still acting like the person I know. Maybe it has to do with self-medicating. That can definitely help to amplify the natural amount of "stupid" that some people have built in, IMO.
PS - I'm kind of glad he smokes because discarded cigarette butts are a good way for LE to get his DNA if they didn't have it already. But surely they did. But at least it could help them track him I guess if they have a reported sighting, recover butts, test them, find his DNA.. at least that's something I suppose....

ok so basically I got nothin. I need more coffee.
I am surprised there isn't a vigilante type group tracking MG down...

but... Then again... The type of people that would be vigilantes would probably be his drug connections...

and THEY would not want to turn him him....

Nor would they want to face any LE...

- Suicide plans, or suicide by cop? I honestly don't think he would have bothered to take the money in this case, but maybe. I could also see it being his "backup plan" if whatever he's planning/attempting to plan doesn't work out .

Oh my. That's troubling on so many levels. How and when did the phrase "suicide by cop" ever find its way into our casual language? It's a rhetorical question, not one that I want to discuss here.

I just don't believe that this is one of MG's plans. Rather, I see him as a person who is unlikely to make any plans of any sort. He seems to be an impulsive, knee-jerk reactor.
I was just curious if there was any documented info on how long JG and MG were dating? To get a feel for the relationship I re-read many of her posts going back a few years. I get the impression that this was a girl who pushed for the relationship - hard . Everything seemed to be directed at MG in terms wanting someone to love and love her back. She seems to have loved and trusted blindly as most teens do.
Having said that, I can't imagine her supporting him after he took off .
I don't think he has any ' help'. If he did, wouldn't his help go into the store for the smokes ? Without that one verified sighting, LE would be clueless as to his whereabouts. Then again, he may have no idea how widespread people are hearing about his name and face and keeping an eye out for him. Kudos to the store clerk!
I'm curious about the reference to "it". I'm pretty convinced he's guilty at this point, but I also think people make WAY too many assumptions about word choice sometimes.

Was "it" used late in the 8 hour interrogation? Or did he say "it" when asked about the gas station where he removed Ember and the carseat, and then did he strap her back in to the truck, and he said he strapped it back down? Like, the carseat and Ember as one unit?
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