CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #1

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Ok, now they've moved on, but the last caller to NG asked about the differences between SB's parents and George and Cindy Anthony!!! :eek:

Oh, I about choked on my Coke! The Barkers are totally shattered and keeping quiet and humble in their monumental loss. NG said they do support their daughter, but me thinks they are going to do it in a respectful, quiet way, which any totally shocked set of parents would do! :(

Hi dmk,

I still havent seen NG tonight, but I did see a clip on one of the sites Lovejac posted recently (the one with 3 Musketeers :blowkiss:), or Dr P today-

Anyway, they had Stacey's dad on there and he looked so heartbroken and truly devistated, as a grandparent/relative would. You can't judge a book by its cover,but Mr Barker looked like a VERY nice man, and probably knew his daughter had her demons- I cant get over the fact they arranged for a family member to be home. Stacey has NO clue how easy she had it- sounds like she was able to sleep and not be disturbed if everyone else was taking care of her! :furious:
I saw the same thing Lovejac! Wonder why Brendon would be there if he was not all that into her...and now has a bunch of sweeties flooding his MS page? Hmmmm Velly intelesting indeed. Thanks for posting this Lovejac...every little piece of the puzzle has to be looked at in this case for sure!
And I wonder about Anthony, the alleged father? Could it be he's so choked up and grieving, he didn't want to be there? *Sigh* This case is soo sad, all the way around. :(
Hi dmk,

I still havent seen NG tonight, but I did see a clip on one of the sites Lovejac posted recently (the one with 3 Musketeers :blowkiss:), or Dr P today-

Anyway, they had Stacey's dad on there and he looked so heartbroken and truly devistated, as a grandparent/relative would. You can't judge a book by its cover,but Mr Barker looked like a VERY nice man, and probably knew his daughter had her demons- I cant get over the fact they arranged for a family member to be home. Stacey has NO clue how easy she had it- sounds like she was able to sleep and not be disturbed if everyone else was taking care of her! :furious:

Yes, I saw that...poor's just heartbreaking when you see innocent family members just out there for all to see in their worst nightmare moments ever... :confused:
Good Lord, I've missed NG again!!! Guess I'll have to stay up a little longer. I've been searching the web and found this article,0,237119.story

But, they just regurgitated the same old story and used last courts picture. KTLA went from the best site to the lamest. Good going there!

I KNOW Lovejac! How lazy and uninterrested can the local LA media play reruns like this. The even did it on our local SoCal 3 WEINIE news tonight! I was ultra PO'd about THAT! :rolleyes:
It's about 2 minutes til midnight here, so I'll get to catch NG!!

ETA: POOP! It doesn't come back on until 1 am. Guess I'll play it by ear. I could fold all of that laundry sitting on the table, maybe that will keep me awake! :rolleyes:
Maybe a wee cuppa Tea or coffee could aid you along... I believe the Emma story was one of the first on NG..if not the second..I dunno, I was making chicken echiladas and cheese ravioli at the same time...running back and forth to catch everything.

One of these days I'm simply going to have to get a laptop for my kitchen, just for my WS viewing pleasure while I'm to do both!
Happy laundry folding, hope you can stay awake for the SB debacle. lol
LOL! Nancy Grace called Stacey the "Smother Mother"
Nick (Love You Emma R.I…Nick Barker May 12 2009 1:56 AM

thats cool, how much more you got?
Nick (Love You Emma R.I…Nick Barker May 12 2009 1:02 AM

it be goin ok, how bout you braham haha

posted on
NG was in rare form last night. All through her broadcast she was a bit...shall we say...well she was NG...:)

I found the nickname smother-mother a bit humorous too. Not that it's a funny situation at all, but I understand why she assigns names to these criminals. It is to deny them the dignity and common courtesey of calling them by their names.

NG made a very good point last night in asking her long does it take to smother a human being...the answer was anywhere from 2 to 4 minutes. She also pointed out that premeditation can be formed in that time frame.

So in my mind, cutting off air to your own child for a period of two to four minutes, if it is proven that SB did in fact do this to Emma, shows intent. No accident.

Sit down and watch the second hand clock for 2 to 4 minutes and you get an idea of exactly how long that really feels. It's a long time.
NG was in rare form last night. All through her broadcast she was a bit...shall we say...well she was NG...:)

I found the nickname smother-mother a bit humorous too. Not that it's a funny situation at all, but I understand why she assigns names to these criminals. It is to deny them the dignity and common courtesey of calling them by their names.

NG made a very good point last night in asking her long does it take to smother a human being...the answer was anywhere from 2 to 4 minutes. She also pointed out that premeditation can be formed in that time frame.

So in my mind, cutting off air to your own child for a period of two to four minutes, if it is proven that SB did in fact do this to Emma, shows intent. No accident.

Sit down and watch the second hand clock for 2 to 4 minutes and you get an idea of exactly how long that really feels. It's a long time.

OMG, I did just that, last night, it felt alot longer than I thought it would, poor Emma.

I LOVED what she said about intent and agree 100%
I respectfully disagree. Not me..I've had experiences in both towns and QH is no Sylmar. Though I never lived in Sylmar, I've seen enough of that gritty place and it's nowhere near what I've seen in Quartz Hill. People care about their friends and neighbors and watch out for any signs of trouble and nip it in the bud here.... ASAP

It's still a tranquil piece of the Antelope Valley that has gotten lots of bad knocks on tons of blogs. There are lots of cops who choose to make QH their place to live and raise families.... so that says something to me, at least.


I have been out of pocket of late but if memory service me correct I think I obsessivly went through and save all of SB pics one by one but their not on this computer.. will have to check my lap top.
From Max Shines:

Your recommendation is registered.
1 reply Max Shines (not verified)
at 00:18 on May 12th, 2009

Have we been at it again kiddies? Hello Syn/Cat what have you been up to lately? As you all may know by now, the arrangment date has been moved up to the 15th of June, now as you all know this only means the merits of the case being presented to a grand jury to see if the case can be bound over for trial. If the D.A. has leveled a charge against "SB," he feels he has enough to move forward. That would be up to a jury to decide. I was just reading a few of Toria comments and catching up on everyone else. Now just to keep you folks updated on a few issues; SB is under lock and key for a few reasons: 1. So the case will continue to be tried in LA County (if there is a hint of biased, the case will be moved) with the pd/appointed attorney stating that she will not get a fair trial in AV/LA. 2. If the women in jail population knew who she was or what she did, they will beat the living stuffing out of her on a daily basis. (yeah there is an honor code, even in jail) There are a few things that are not tolerated in jail. Even though she pleads "not guilty," she will most likely change that plea once she sees what evidence the DA has against her, or her Public Defender will catch up to it in the discovery phase. If she has any sense and there is a purponderence of evidence her "PD," will suggest that she cops a plea so that the case will move straight to the penalty phase. Normally folks, the courts like to plea bargin, they never want to see the case inside of a courtroom. I know we all want to have our day in court but sometimes, its just not the case (no pun intended). I can understand that a lot of you would like to draw attention to the death of Emma, I know most of you are parents (including myself) on this site and what you have seen and heard has appauled you simply because you want to see the right thing happen. As stated in my previous post, it is understandable to feel this way, but you have to bear in mind what is takin place here. NO one is attempting to sweep the issue under the carpet, no one is saying what happened to Emma is going to disappear into thin air "like a fart in the wind." I know none of the people here would ever let that action occur. Now let's take a minute and look back at friends of the past: O.J. Simpson had Al Cowlings (please correct if wrong), didnt one of the Mendez brothers get married in jail? Didnt someone want to marry Richard Ramiez (Hillside Strangler). I dont know if these are people that never got any attention when they were kids or just wanted to be in the spotlight for a moment or two. In any case, they are just a strange as the people that are being tried for one reason or another. Try not to sit in judgement just yet, let the facts come out. In Forensice Science, the facts point at someone, there is no such thing as a perfect murder anymore, a picture will be drawn from the evidence that will point in a direction that has to be understandable to the jury and irrefutable to the defendant
now as you all know this only means the merits of the case being presented to a grand jury to see if the case can be bound over for trial. If the D.A. has leveled a charge against "SB," he feels he has enough to move forward. That would be up to a jury to decide.

I see our friend Max re-worded his post! LOL I read this last night :waitasec: and had only the faintest clue what he was getting at!

Do any of you find it odd how many of the crowd Nick hangs with has a RIP for someone in their name? :confused:

Is Amber splitting with her SO? :rolleyes: Her status used to be something about being glad she found her special someone now it's: :

24 years old
My Town, California
United States

her mood has changed too: Proud Mama :D :bang:

DMK I don't know if Brandon being at the hearing is significant or not. Maybe he has been a friend of the family for years.

I think we are the ones who have commented on his lack of obvious affection for Stacy. His MS has not really changed, he has always had a lot of female attention on it, but he actually doesn't seem to go there all that much.

Ahh I was trolling the MS's and Nick signed on. :cool: I feel like I was caught being a peeping Thomasina!! :blushing:

Still looking for "Smother Mother" in cornrows. St Jude Hospital would love to take your money!! :clap:

I see our friend Max re-worded his post! LOL I read this last night :waitasec: and had only the faintest clue what he was getting at!

Do any of you find it odd how many of the crowd Nick hangs with has a RIP for someone in their name? :confused:

Is Amber splitting with her SO? Her status used to be something about being glad she found her special someone now it's: :rolleyes:

24 years old
My Town, California
United States

her mood has changed too: Proud Mama :D :bang:

DMK I don't know if Brandon being at the hearing is significant or not. Maybe he has been a friend of the family for years.

I think we are the ones who have commented on his lack of outward affection for Stacy. His MS has not really changed, he has always had a lot of female attention on it, but he actually doesn't seem to go there all that much.

Ahh I trolling the MS's right now and Nick signed on. :cool: I feel like I was caught being a peeping Thomasina!! :blushing:

Still looking for "Smother Mother" in cornrows. St Jude Hospital would love to take your money!! :clap:


Hahaha! Don't we all, especially when they're on line! :crazy:

Smother Mother in cornrows...if it wasn't such a tragedy I'd be ROTFLMAO!
Yes, I saw that...poor's just heartbreaking when you see innocent family members just out there for all to see in their worst nightmare moments ever... :confused:

This girl had it made. Her family were doing everything that they could to make life easier for her and so she wouldn't have to pay a babysitter. They probably didn't want anyone outside of the family to watch her either. I guess it just wasn't enough.

I don't understand these girls that murder their babys. Both Stacy and Casey had familys that did everything they could to make their lives easier. The familys loved their baby girls and would have taken them and raised them in a split second. It isn't like either of them were trapped and never had any freedom.

I have an idea that Stacy's family are a lot different then Caseys though. I'm sure they are just broken hearted. I don't think I could stand by my daughter and be supportive. I would be the one who refused to go visit my daughter.
I just don't see how parents can even look at their child...the child who murdered their grandbaby in cold blood and caused so many people so much pain and heartache.
Wow Nancy was REALLY rude to that one caller. geeeeeeeeezzzzzzz

Nancy can really get her tail in a knot can't she! I get so angry at her sometimes. She can be so rude to the guests..TH's...on her show. She constantly interrups and that just irks me. She has probably gotten a million emails about her behavior but she just keeps on doing it. I hope she doesn't talk to her husband the way she does to other people. Hope the twins don't grow up to be snotty little brats :rolleyes:
Toria comes through again!

0 reply toria (not verified)
at 16:08 on May 12th, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Max, that is what I thought also that the LE and DA are keeping it on the low low so the PD will not ask for a change of Venue (sp).

Cat the charges are 187 (A) PC FEL, 273AB PC FEL AND 273A (A) PC FEL and it say's...Defendant denies all Special Allegations. For her first arraingment she was given the Public Defender...Manuel R. Martinez, Deputy Public Defender. For the 5/11 arraingment it was Roberto F. Dager, Deputy Public Defender.

How can anyone not be mad at this chick? she told LE tooooo many fake stories and wanted sympathy for HERSELF while her tiny child lay in the grass and weeds, I do believe she would not have told LE where Emma was if they had stopped asking questions and believed her stupid story. Her actions say she was worried about herself and not that Angel Emma.

Does anyone know if it's common to have 2 different PD's? Off to google them.
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