GUILTY CA - Emma Barker, 18 mos, suffocated, Lancaster, 18 March 2009 #2

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Happy belated birthday sweet Emma....we love you!
There was a hearing today that I was able to attend. I'm trying to get some more information before posting...

I can tell you BB was in attendance and he brought his whole posse'. (Ma B, Gma B, BB's brother KB and three other FOB). SB's family was not present.

BB has an attorney now.
There was a hearing today that I was able to attend. I'm trying to get some more information before posting...

I can tell you BB was in attendance and he brought his whole posse'. (Ma B, Gma B, BB's brother KB and three other FOB). SB's family was not present.

BB has an attorney now.

Thanks sooooo much for the update! Hmmm i guess that move is now on HOLD! I hate the fact that he might think he did nothing wrong, even if it was after the fact.
I wanted to get BB's attorney's name and a couple other things before posting, I'll add the information as it becomes available.

When TD and I walked into Courtroom A-1, BB was sitting in the first seat, front row. He made eye contact with TD, it was that flash of a second recognition and then nothing (kind of humorous actually). He doesn't know me, he was never in court the days I showed up but I recognized him immediately! He and his posse took up half of the row with his Gma sitting next to him, then his brother (KB), 2 FOB, his mom (MB) and then another FOB.

Court started right at 8:30 - but BB wasn't called until after the first recess at around 10:30.

BB spent most of his time resting his head on his hands. While we waited an attorney walked into the courtroom and he acknowledged BB, a few minutes later he took BB out into the hall, MB followed. They were gone for about 10 minutes, when they returned MB looked really pizzed and BB's face was bright red. Sure would have loved to have heard what was said.

When Judge Ogden called BB he approached the podium and his attorney asked for 6 witness statements; he claimed not to know the names of these witnesses, the dates from trial, the judge, the court reporter, NOTHING! When asked BB said he thought the judge's name was Zacky...yes after sitting in the courtroom for over two years and testifying in a trial, that was the best BB could do. :waitasec: TD and I were dumbfounded. Well, Judge Ogden was having none of that! He told them he was denying the request, the attorney started to reply to this and Judge Ogden denied him two more times! The judge made a phone call then told BB to give the names of the witnesses to the bailiff and he would make sure they get those 6 transcripts. Next hearing is 9/20.

We were expecting an arraignment or a preliminary hearing - this wasn't either so I guess we'll see what happens.

The rumor mill is running rampant in the AV that BB has moved to Valencia (about 90 minutes away). Another rumor, KB (BB's brother) is saying BB was at home all day on 3/18, aside from going to work and out to lunch with SB.

So whose transcripts from trial do you all think BB and his attorney want?
Well he must want the statement of SB's brother, the responding officers? And I don't know who else?

Well he must want the statement of SB's brother, the responding officers? And I don't know who else?


Im betting they want the statements from the people/witnesses at the Park and Ride also? Im sure they have someone to give him an alibi, but his actions speak LOUDER than words.......his body language from LCM screams GUILTY- at least after the fact or roughing up SB for her "attack in the park"
I was also thinking about Emma and wondering if there was any new info on BB.
I can tell you BB has moved to Valencia and is going on with his life as if he won't be punished for his part in this crime.

My "other RL" has gotten in the way and I've been too sick to make the drive to Lancaster, Toria doesn't want to do the pre-trial like we did for Stacey. I'll try to get ahold of Kelly Cromer after the first of the year for an update to see where they are and when BB will be in court again. From what I've been told the AV Press hasn't posted anything following his court appearances.

The attendant couldn't give a positive ID on Brendan as the person who drove SB's car into the PnR before the 911 call but he knew exactly where to go to find her, despite her being "unable" to tell LE where she was (RIGHT). His lies on the stand were as transparent as SB's.

Happy Holidays, rest assured I haven't forgotten our Emma Leigh.
I can tell you BB has moved to Valencia and is going on with his life as if he won't be punished for his part in this crime.

My "other RL" has gotten in the way and I've been too sick to make the drive to Lancaster, Toria doesn't want to do the pre-trial like we did for Stacey. I'll try to get ahold of Kelly Cromer after the first of the year for an update to see where they are and when BB will be in court again. From what I've been told the AV Press hasn't posted anything following his court appearances.

The attendant couldn't give a positive ID on Brendan as the person who drove SB's car into the PnR before the 911 call but he knew exactly where to go to find her, despite her being "unable" to tell LE where she was (RIGHT). His lies on the stand were as transparent as SB's.

Happy Holidays, rest assured I haven't forgotten our Emma Leigh.

Thank you so much, LCM! I'm so sorry to hear that you aren't well...please take care of yourself and heal. The prosecution did a great job on Stacie, so I have some faith in them. They're probably getting all their ducks in a row while BB settles into his false sense of security.
Thanks flourish, I'm hanging in here. I agree with you, I have a lot of faith in DDA Cromer and I don't think she would have started this if they weren't prepared to see it through.
KatFish alerted me to an interesting post at the pond:

I really don't have the energy to look into this right now but I know Toria has a call into Ms Cromer. I'll post updates as they become available. :maddening: :maddening:

ETA - pretty sure Kat has busted the anonymous poster's story wide open. Most likely the story came from a FOB (Friend/Family of Barker) as most folks aren't up for a 3 hour (minimum) commute to work. We'll see.
Barker has moved to "the other women's prison" in Chowchilla:

Inmate# WE1723


PO Box 99
Chowchilla, CA 93610-0099
Well as it turned out the case against Brendan has been dropped. I don't know why Kelly didn't pursue the lying under oath charges but I respect her judgement.
So what about this beotch getting another trial? And her dad winning the lottery? Any of that true?

sigh. This site fascinates me and at the same time depresses me. All of the lost and murdered souls....

The hard work of some of the people on this site astounds me. I want to grow up to be like them. Really.

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