GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #1

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It's also several degrees cooler in the Park since it's at a higher elevation.
And I hardly see her going out there after having a miscarriage months before. One would think you would be extremely cautious about your pregnancy.
I've seen this same sentiment posted numerous times, but I have a hard time agreeing with it.

First, "going out there" into JT in a well maintained vehicle with working AC during a cool part of the day and staying on the main roads and 'scenic overlooks' (pull off spots where you can park and stay in the car or get out and walk a few feet for a good view)...this is not exactly strenuous, dangerous physical activity. There is nothing to suggest given Erin's mom's quotes about her daughter scouting for picture-taking spots that the trip to JT was to do anything other than drive around and look at scenic overlooks. It really doesn't seem like she was going hiking into the desert.

Second, as someone who suffered a miscarriage and had another pregnancy, I can assure you that I took just as much care during my first pregnancy as I did during my second. I did not become even more cautious during my second pregnancy in regards to physical activity or eating or work anything else. I was extremely careful about my diet, exercise, etc. at the get go when I first began trying to conceive. The miscarriage...while it did extract a rather large emotional blow...did not really affect my behavior during the next pregnancy. I educated myself about miscarriage (a lot of first pregnancies end in miscarriage), and I understood that in all likelihood, nothing that I did (ride in a car for 10 hours during a road trip, eat a hamburger instead of a salad, walk for a while in hot Louisiana weather, miss a prenatal vitamin, etc.) made me miscarry. It took me a loooooong time to get pregnant both times (seven months to get pregnant the first time when I miscarried, and over a year later to get pregnant again), but my behavior during each pregnancy didn't really vary. I don't understand why it's assumed that Erin's behavior would be extra extra extra careful during her second pregnancy, especially since she got pregnant again so quickly.

Basically, I don't think the trip, as Erin described it to her mother, was that dangerous even though she was newly pregnant after a miscarriage.

And I suppose I'm having a hard time understanding why people are questioning her trip there. It's not like only one witness claimed she was going there that morning (which would lead one to suspect that that one witness was making up a story). Erin's mother said that her daughter talked about going to JT on Saturday to look for photo-friendly spots during their Friday phone call. So despite what may have happened on Saturday...meaning, whether Erin actually drove to JT or not...her stated intent to an outside witness was that she was going there.
Coming up on Nancy Grace in a few minutes, after they discuss little Cooper's case.

I happened to catch this tiny interview on NG with the public relations women. It was during the last portion of the show and this is what was said,

~ Erin's mom thought it odd that Erin ventured out.*
~ There seems to be a difference between the way Erin's mom versus Jon's mom are interpreting the situation. Jon's mom insists the couple is very much in love and know they were made for each other.
~ The scenario of Erin's disappearance is suspicious.
~ LE has not/will not reveal what was found (for example, keys) in car nor will they reveal what they found, if anything, in the Corwin home.

The end - that was it, not longer than a minute.

*Say what? Is there a link showing where Erin's mom said that Erin told her (via their Friday phone call) the night before that Erin planned to drive out to JT?
I'm afraid Erin's mom was only reiterating what she had been told by Jon.
Then, somehow (via media or FB peeps), the info morphed into that Erin's mom heard Erin's intentions to visit JT directly from Erin. If Erin's mom had been told, why would she be surprised upon learning that Erin had ventured out? Makes no sense.

BBM In the below article her mother states the following:

Heavilin remarked that when John was transferred to Twentynine Palms he was also immediately deployed so Corwin had to make the move on her own.

“She actually did very, very well with it,” she said, noting that her daughter flew out to California on her own and dealt with the movers and all the other details of the move on her own.

OK, if Erin's mom told this account of Erin's move to 29 Palms, I have no reason not to believe her. Erin must have been anxious to begin her adult life in that case. Still, why rush there if he wasn't going to be there? Unless their stuff had already been shipped and his deployment came up suddenly. In that case, Erin got a crash course in what spouses often have to do and, that is, put their emotions/disappointments aside (if it had been a sudden change of plans, she'd be unhappy he wasn't going to be there afterall) and do what needs to be done.

Most people might not realize this (nor did I as a greenie spouse) but the military really owns a soldier. One time, early in our marriage, my husband was assigned a last minute detail. If he went, it stood in the way of other plans we had already made. I urged him to see if he could get out of it (it was peacetime - for us anyway). Because we had only been married a short time and he still adored me :loveyou:, he asked :blowkiss: to be releaved from the assignment. Nothing bad really happened but, because he had always taken what was given to him before that, something happened within him to make him feel like his commander didn't think as highly of him anymore. That may not have even been true but he wasn't comfortable with the decision he made (my bad). After that, I accepted and adjusted as situations came up. I didn't want to mess with his career or psychy.

But, you realize that you must take a back seat because of the system, not because your spouse wouldn't adjust for you if he was able to do so without negative ramifications (real or imagined). It's not 50/50 like we are told/taught relationships should strive to be. There isn't a way to understand this until you are in it and living it. Other professions probably have similar pressures too but they pay more!
I happened to catch this tiny interview on NG with the public relations women. It was during the last portion of the show and this is what was said,

~ Erin's mom thought it odd that Erin ventured out.*
~ There seems to be a difference between the way Erin's mom versus Jon's mom are interpreting the situation. Jon's mom insists the couple is very much in love and know they were made for each other.
~ The scenario of Erin's disappearance is suspicious.
~ LE has not/will not reveal what was found (for example, keys) in car nor will they reveal what they found, if anything, in the Corwin home.

The end - that was it, not longer than a minute.

*Say what? Is there a link showing where Erin's mom said that Erin told her (via their Friday phone call) the night before that Erin planned to drive out to JT?
I'm afraid Erin's mom was only reiterating what she had been told by Jon.
Then, somehow (via media or FB peeps), the info morphed into that Erin's mom heard Erin's intentions to visit JT directly from Erin. If Erin's mom had been told, why would she be surprised upon learning that Erin had ventured out? Makes no sense.

OK, if Erin's mom told this account of Erin's move to 29 Palms, I have no reason not to believe her. Erin must have been anxious to begin her adult life in that case. Still, why rush there if he wasn't going to be there? Unless their stuff had already been shipped and his deployment came up suddenly. In that case, Erin got a crash course in what spouses often have to do and, that is, put their emotions/disappointments aside (if it had been a sudden change of plans, she'd be unhappy he wasn't going to be there afterall) and do what needs to be done.

Most people might not realize this (nor did I as a greenie spouse) but the military really owns a soldier. One time, early in our marriage, my husband was assigned a last minute detail. If he went, it stood in the way of other plans we had already made. I urged him to see if he could get out of it (it was peacetime - for us anyway). Because we had only been married a short time and he still adored me :loveyou:, he asked :blowkiss: to be releaved from the assignment. Nothing bad really happened but, because he had always taken what was given to him before that, something happened within him to make him feel like his commander didn't think as highly of him anymore. That may not have even been true but he wasn't comfortable with the decision he made (my bad). After that, I accepted and adjusted as situations came up. I didn't want to mess with his career or psychy.

But, you realize that you must take a back seat because of the system, not because your spouse wouldn't adjust for you if he was able to do so without negative ramifications (real or imagined). It's not 50/50 like we are told/taught relationships should strive to be. There isn't a way to understand this until you are in it and living it. Other professions probably have similar pressures too but they pay more!

Above BBM: Most people (I think) have heard the term G.I. when referring to a soldier, however, many people don't know it stands for "Government Issue", as in the military owns you, just as you said. When my dad was in the army his feet got sunburned one weekend and he could barely walk let alone put on his boots. I remember he got in so much trouble because he damaged military property. Off topic I know but I've always thought that was kind of funny, as in, ridiculous.
Above BBM: Most people (I think) have heard the term G.I. when referring to a soldier, however, many people don't know it stands for "Government Issue", as in the military owns you, just as you said. When my dad was in the army his feet got sunburned one weekend and he could barely walk let alone put on his boots. I remember he got in so much trouble because he damaged military property. Off topic I know but I've always thought that was kind of funny, as in, ridiculous.

o/t ~ his feet? LOL, you're joking, right?
I happened to catch this tiny interview on NG with the public relations women. It was during the last portion of the show and this is what was said,

~ Erin's mom thought it odd that Erin ventured out.*

*Say what? Is there a link showing where Erin's mom said that Erin told her (via their Friday phone call) the night before that Erin planned to drive out to JT?
I'm afraid Erin's mom was only reiterating what she had been told by Jon.
Then, somehow (via media or FB peeps), the info morphed into that Erin's mom heard Erin's intentions to visit JT directly from Erin. If Erin's mom had been told, why would she be surprised upon learning that Erin had ventured out? Makes no sense.
Conflicting info, to be sure. But Erin's mom being surprised (if true) about venturing out to JT doesn't necessarily mean she's just repeating what Jon said...Erin could have told her she was going out there and the info might still be surprising to her mother as Erin's family has called her 'timid'. Lord knows I've surprised my mother with things I've said and done over the years.

A quick statement by a PR person (what PR person??? Local LE?) doesn't clarify much at all, IMO, and it's a bit of a stretch (again, IMO) to assume that such a statement means that Erin's mom was simply repeating what Jon said and that the media misinterpreted it to be a direct statement by Erin during the Friday phone call.

The original "Erin told her mom about the trip to JT during the Friday call" came during a recent JVM show. I'd really like to know who made this statement during the show and who their source was (direct quote from mom? or who?).
My sister just called (lives in SE San Bernadino County), they are having thunderstorms with flood warnings right now. For any locals, is 29 Palms getting any rain right now?
My sister just called (lives in SE San Bernadino County), they are having thunderstorms with flood warnings right now. For any locals, is 29 Palms getting any rain right now?

What city does your sis live in? I don't live far from 29 Palms and it's clear as can be here.
Needles. Yesterday evening the whole valley was hit, washes ran and the roads were flooded. I miss those summer storms!
Working on a new thread, will be closing this one shortly...
Conflicting info, to be sure. But Erin's mom being surprised (if true) about venturing out to JT doesn't necessarily mean she's just repeating what Jon said...Erin could have told her she was going out there and the info might still be surprising to her mother as Erin's family has called her 'timid'. Lord knows I've surprised my mother with things I've said and done over the years.

A quick statement by a PR person (what PR person??? Local LE?) doesn't clarify much at all, IMO, and it's a bit of a stretch (again, IMO) to assume that such a statement means that Erin's mom was simply repeating what Jon said and that the media misinterpreted it to be a direct statement by Erin during the Friday phone call.

The original "Erin told her mom about the trip to JT during the Friday call" came during a recent JVM show. I'd really like to know who made this statement during the show and who their source was (direct quote from mom? or who?).

It was a direct quote from Erin's mom. I watched the show and it was a short clip showing Erin's mom speaking.

HEAVILIN: We also talked about her running out to Joshua Tree to kind of, you know, just kind of scope out a couple of different places that we might want to just go look at and take some pictures. She would have never gone off trail for very far. We always joked with her and have a running joke that she could not find her way out of a brown paper bag because she has no sense of direction.
I guess I'm totally confused now! Nothing new, for me! Lol...but that short timeline that was posted in an earlier thread with the husband calling the sheriff's dept. To say Erin had left at 7am and hadn't returned by 4:00pm? So was Erin's husband expecting her home by 4pm? If so? What is the reason of bringing up the "ranch"...sorry, think one of the family members mentioned that. Or her husband thought she might have stayed there, for the night? So that means she wasn't staying the night somewhere else and was expected home in the afternoon?
IMO and talking out loud :)
Ok... new thread is already to go will be closing this one in five minutes. Please continue here...

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