GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #11

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I think even the stuff we know (some of which I consider rumor, but still discussed in MSM) is helpful here. MSM has discussed that other neighbors knew of the affair (I will try to find a link!). JC himself knew of the affair, and certainly told LE right away. Combine that with what I consider a MAJOR dumb move by CL: denying the affair entirely, then changing his story and saying they kissed--TO LE!

I'm sure JC would have been investigate thoroughly regardless. But texts aside, CL would have been near the top of their list from the get go. So would NL, for that matter.
Actually the neighbors statement about the affair was included in the statement of probable cause for the search warrant.
But they have her phone. And her phone records.

We don't know if they have her phone. Nothing has been shared with us regarding her phone other than it being deactivated that day.

We ASSUME they have her phone records by now.
I agree that the phone records would prove that the text was not spoofed. Because if it was spoofed then the phone records of his phone would show he was the one that initiated sending the text rather than her phone sending the texts.

At least I think it would if I understand how spoofing works. I think what spoofing mainly does is change the "sender" to make it appear as a different sender's email address.

I think the phone records should show who sent what and when. Even if a spoofing site was used, there would have to be some initial communication from the original sendees phone I would think.

I maybe wrong about some of this so if anyone knows for sure how it works, it would be appreciated.

IMO there was no spoofing of texts in this case. Some folks are really grasping for stuff to talk about with that one.
Early on, more often than not, comments were made after those MSM articles that the husband did it. I believe that CL knew the husband would be the first person that LE looked at. Admittedly, there was no way I would have had a clue about an affair if it hadn't been for those text messages. What CL now realizes is that there was a "loose end" he knew nothing about and that "loose end" played a huge part in putting him where he is at the moment.

My thoughts exactly Mrs. Gladden!
Those texts were major! Erin herself, unknowingly gave LE the who, what when and where of that fateful day. IMO~ also, another thing that CL didn't count on was the red car.
What are the odds that someone would be driving down that desolate rd. at precisely the exact time that Erin was getting out of her car and getting into a small red newer red car? I think LE knows everything there is to know about that car. Whether it was borrowed, rented, or test driven...I haven't a clue. But I would be willing to bet money that LE knows!

* My thoughts on the red car*
I think CL was trying to conceal the fact that he and EC were meeting up to spend the day together. Kind of like a decoy. After picking EC up in the red car, he then took the car back to wherever he got it (where his jeep was parked) and they switched back to the Jeep. MOO~

* I absolutely DO think this was premeditated. I think LE found out a lot of information from CL's computer. More than likely a lot about the "mines."
What I find really incredible, is perps don't take into consideration that what may SEEM like a desolate or unvisited area is exactly a place where gold hunters, target shooters, rock hounds, amateur explorers, etc, are going to go.
The mine shafts? That's where gold hunters are going to go, the further out and unfrequented, the better. They sift through the "tailings" (previously sifted rocks, sand) for any gold that was too small to notice. The gold hunters don't need to go down the shafts (though some do....stupid if they don't know the air quality). Mines are always revisited by new gold hunters, thinking that they might be more successful than the previous miner.
You might call me a "gold hunter widow". The BF just came back from a trip above Dolan Springs, Az. It's a pretty expensive hobby of his, but at least he keeps out of trouble and he has a S.P.O.T. and firearm with him. He's definitely not going to get rich doing it! (Although he thinks he's going to find the "mother lode" that previous hunters missed :gaah:)

The same thing goes for areas where there is places for climbing, 4 wheeling, dirt biking, horseback riding, Indian artifacts, wild game, photo ops, and target practice areas.

Someone is going to look at an area and find a reason to go there. It's just a matter of time, and the arid desert areas do a lot to preserve bodies and bones.
Can someone explain the thanks feature? I assumed it was like the FB like button where if you liked or agreed with the post you like/thank it??
I suspect it was something like this:
"C is so happy, we're going to spend Saturday together celebrating. He wants to take me to a place he goes hunting a couple hours away."
"What are you going to tell J?"
"He's working that day. C told me to tell him I was going to JTNP to scout out photo spots for when Mom comes. There's no cell reception there so J won't be expecting me to be calling or texting him while he's at work."
For EC someone that seamed to have a lot to loose if the ongoing affair (especially with the pregnancy) came out she seamed to not mind taking big chances.First she has a miscarriage early in her first pregnancy then shortly after telling her husband she is pregnant again she tells him she is going to hike trails (from probable cause statement) for 8 or 9 hrs alone.You would think he would have some concerns/suspicion.Then since they lived next to each other she was not concerned that JC or NL would notice that they both left and came home at about the same time?That they might notice that both of their phones were shut off.That JC and NL might actually talk and put 2 and 2 together.
On Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda "Secret Life" they are featuring a case of a guy in the U.S. Army who was having an affair with an Army wife. She told him she was pregnant and she wanted $1,000 to make it go away or she'd tell his CO and have him dishonorably discharged from the Army, and bring dishonor to his family. (She wasn't pregnant.) He conspired with another to have her murdered and did.

What did EC want from CL in relationship to the child? We may never know.

BBM: I am hopeful LE has something in writing (notes, texts, emails) between Erin and CL that explains this, and it comes out at his trial as one of his motives. Or maybe in the texts to her friend, Erin explained more what she was expecting to have happen or what she had told him. I hope it wasn't just "I just told him and he wants to celebrate".
JC was initially suspected by some, but I haven't seen any MSM that indicated what his schedule was at the base, so reports of when he filed a missing person's report didn't give me any red flag. Because the Military kept JC from commenting to MSM, I figured that JC was NOT on the radar and possibly another military person WAS. EC's mom coming to visit and giving her the news of the pregnancy was another issue that struck JC out of the "possible perp" list for me.

EC voluntarily disappearing was another: THAT never made sense to me. Young married pregnant gal, husband had job security, she had her horse, she was excited about the pregnancy, and her mom was coming for a visit. Didn't buy into that one either.

I didn't "buy" the "going to JTP to find good hiking spots or areas to photo" for a second, the temps are just too hot, there's snakes, scorpions, etc, and I just don't see someone from Tennessee trekking out there in the desert in the middle of the summer, by herself. She wasn't a "desert rat". Specially in her first trimester where morning sickness, exhaustion, dizzy spells, and all the other fun stuff from pregnancy come into play.

Foul play: This is the only conclusion that made sense to me, even before the "affair" was legitimized. I thought it was going to be a "stranger abduction". Finding her car made it seem more viable an option......

That JC would have been unaware of the affair continuing, I can see that. Some people want to believe the best of their spouses. They deal with it and put it behind them. And JC was doing his job, whether it was on the base or somewhere else. He probably felt he had no reason to keep tabs on his wife.

Unfortunately, there where probably people he worked with or hung out with that knew the affair was ongoing (seriously, his "friend and neighbor", how close is that?). That's just the way it is in small "communities", like military bases. He was probably the last person to know.
Can someone explain the thanks feature? I assumed it was like the FB like button where if you liked or agreed with the post you like/thank it??

"Like", "agree", or "thanks for contributing to the thread" whether you agree or not.
Can someone explain the thanks feature? I assumed it was like the FB like button where if you liked or agreed with the post you like/thank it??

Yes, when you hit the "Thanks" button your user name automatically goes below the post (in alphabetical order if other posters have also said thanks). FYI, it wasn't working for me yesterday, and the "Thanks" button wasn't even showing sometimes, so maybe there was a temporary glitch. It seems to be working today.
Can I ask this...I completely understand if you can't answer: were you there when the mine with Erin was discovered? What was your reaction? What was the reaction of the searchers and LE? I would imagine after such an exhaustive and difficult effort there would be some sort of satisfaction? But also sadness I wonder?

For me, it was a sense of excitement and relief that it was over, followed quickly by sadness. Our initial clue was what what we saw reviewing the camera footage with LE. But it was hard to tell what we were looking at with the lighting/etc. Then we did a second camera mission, which raised our certainty to about 90% that this would be a find, and this built the excitement some more. When we finally sent someone to the bottom to confirm it, that's when I think it became real for me and the somber tone set in.
JC was initial suspected by some, but I haven't seen any MSM that indicated what his schedule was at the base, so reports of when he filed a missing person's report didn't give me any red flag. Because the Military kept JC from commenting to MSM, I figured that JC was NOT on the radar and possibly another military person WAS. EC's mom coming to visit and giving her the news of the pregnancy was another issue that struck JC out of the "possible perp" list for me.

EC voluntarily disappearing was another: THAT never made sense to me. Young married pregnant gal, husband had job security, she had her horse, she was excited about the pregnancy, and her mom was coming for a visit. Didn't buy into that one either.

I didn't "buy" the "going to JTP to find good hiking spots or areas to photo" for a second, the temps are just too hot, there's snakes, scorpions, etc, and I just don't see someone from Tennessee trekking out there in the desert in the middle of the summer, by herself. She wasn't a "desert rat". Specially in her first trimester where morning sickness, exhaustion, dizzy spells, and all the other fun stuff from pregnancy come into play.

Foul play: This is the only conclusion that made sense to me, even before the "affair" was legitimized. I thought it was going to be a "stranger abduction". Finding her car made it seem more viable an option......

That JC would have been unaware of the affair continuing, I can see that. Some people want to believe the best of their spouses. They deal with it and put it behind them. And JC was doing his job, whether it was on the base or somewhere else. He probably felt he had no reason to keep tabs on his wife.

Unfortunately, there where probably people he worked with or hung out with that knew the affair was ongoing (seriously, his "friend and neighbor", how close is that?). That's just the way it is in small "communities", like military bases. He was probably the last person to know.
I wonder how he found out about the affair in march
My question has to do with Jeeps and tire inflation when exploring the area where you searched.

I read that inflation is a must when going in the area. Is this true? If so why? Would the average person know this? What could happen if tires were not inflated? Does the average person just get in a Jeep Cherokee and head into the area or would they research prior?

Thank you

That depends on your vehicle and the time of year. Airing down your tires to 10-25psi will make the contact patch larger and will help you get through deep sand and other obstacles you might otherwise get stuck in. It's like having 1-2 sizes larger of tires for purposes of traction.

It would be a must if you were on street tires, not so much if you have decent All-Terrains on a light truck. You would want to re-inflate them to normal pressure once you hit the highway. Researching the area would make the mines and other stuff much easier to find, but you could get around with just a Delorme atlas or similar.
"Like", "agree", or "thanks for contributing to the thread" whether you agree or not.

Thanks. Hmmmmm not sure I can get into "thanking" a post I don't agree with. I think I'll continue to use it like a FB like button.

So is there any other purpose for it? Most thanked post wins a million dollars? lol!
Thanks. Hmmmmm not sure I can get into "thanking" a post I don't agree with. I think I'll continue to use it like a FB like button.

So is there any other purpose for it? Most thanked post wins a million dollars? lol!

Perhaps. But if the friend didn't specifically ask, I think there was a bad feeling there...

Originally Posted by Voice4theSilent View Post
IMO I think CL underestimated a young woman's need to share the exciting things in her life with her closest girlfriend(s). Most young women text their friends a lot. And when I say a lot....I mean A LOT! I wouldn't be surprised if there was an entire timeline of her affair outlined in those text messages in the months leading up to her disappearance. I think Erin was merely communicating with her friend everything that CL had told her, not out of fear or concern but merely because her friend probably asked where he was taking her and Erin probably responded with the information CL had given her. MOO.

Thanks for your posts, I agree. And there could have been some uneasiness on her friend's part when Erin told her they were going to "celebrate" the news of her pregnancy by going off 2 hours further into the desert country they lived in to go hunting or shooting at targets (when the temperature in southern CA in the middle of the summer was typically in the 90s/100s and she was pregnant)(?). It gives me the chills just thinking of a friend of mine saying this to me -- I think I would have been concerned, even if I knew they both liked to hunt. It's the activity itself that is concerning to me as a celebratory thing to do, not whether the activity makes sense in context with the celebrating couple.

JMO, but I wouldn't have been concerned if my friend told me he was planning to take her to lunch at a romantic inn or something 2 hours away (so they wouldn't be seen together locally and could be alone together, but in a public place). Other plans/activities that would have caused me concern would be things like rock climbing, boating, caving, offroading, etc. -- outdoor activities during which physical harm and/or someone getting "lost in the wilderness" are not beyond the realm of possibility, so easier for the murderer to hide behind (kill and hide the deed and body). MOO.
Thanks. Hmmmmm not sure I can get into "thanking" a post I don't agree with. I think I'll continue to use it like a FB like button.

So is there any other purpose for it? Most thanked post wins a million dollars? lol!

This may be obvious, but if I don't agree with or like what is in a post, I just don't use the thanks button. If I do agree or like a post, I almost always use the thanks button.

I don't know what the purpose is from the moderators' point of view, but for me, it gives me a feel for how many people reading the post are in agreement or feel the information was important.

For example, the post honoring/thanking LE and the search and rescue teams for keeping at it for months and finding Erin in such treacherous conditions had more thanks (30+ I think) than any other post I've seen. Kind of like a popularity meter?
Thanks. Hmmmmm not sure I can get into "thanking" a post I don't agree with. I think I'll continue to use it like a FB like button.

So is there any other purpose for it? Most thanked post wins a million dollars? lol!

Sometimes I click the ol' "thanks" just because the post contributed to an opposing view and made me "think" whether my view was all that valid, or raised some issues I may not have brought into my opinion.

And sometimes I click it just because no one has "thank"ed it, and the post sticks out like a red headed step kid :truce:
I use to use the thanks button to mark the last post I read before having to leave on a page. Quit doing that and now I thank posts that either I like, that make a valid point or that are informative.
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