GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #12

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Hmm. no wonder she thought maybe the baby COULD be CL's. In this interview Jon said he found out from Nichole in March about the affair. But thought it was over. It very well could have been over. But if EC was 3 months pregnant in mid June ~ then that takes us back to March.

In March, Jonathan discovered Chris and Erin had a brief affair. However, Jonathan believed the fling was over, and so he had made amends with his wife and tried to forgive his neighbor. Jonathan didn't discover the affair had continued until after Erin had disappeared.
I think you are mistaken.No where have I been able to find an article that explains how JC found out about the affair in March.The one you posted did not.
If she was pregnant by CL from the affair that was found out in March, then the fact she was pregnant might be why it didn't end when NL and JC thought it did.

Oh ok :smile: ~ It took me a minute Seajay, but now I understand what you are saying. (I don't get out much) :wink: I was thinking totally a different way. I thought Erin possibly told Chris she was pregnant on Father's day too, and that she was 3 months along. So that maybe the baby was his? And that's when he said he was afraid NL would find out and never let him see his daughter again. That's when I was thinking he began to put his horrifying scheme together. (June 15th)

It's just two different ways to look at it. :thinking:
Ya know..........for IM not knowing much about EC, she sure had a lot to say about her......oh say like EC's first pregnancy (VERY excited), the Tractor supply job, why she left the job, the miscarriage, email about getting her horse on base, the "nanny" job, "adopting" the horse, "relinquishing" the horse, "holding" the horse for EC's return, family not "seeing" the horse.......blah, blah, blah.
And she obviously is VERY close to CL and NL.......gee, the search warrants were served on them just because LE was trying to find EC.......apartment next door to them was searched (????? uh, wasn't that JC and EC's apartment like 2 doors down???)......... yeah RIGHT. LE doesn't need a search warrant unless you refuse to let them search. :facepalm:

As far as a casual conversation..does anyone REALLY say "No body, No crime"? We say that on WS's when a missing with possible perp goes up, though we know that's NOT the case most of the time, but casual convo when the speakers have a personal relationship with the missing? Ehhhhhh...not buying it. And discussing CL's alibi? Who does that unless they KNOW they're a POI BEFORE the fact? Those darn guys who didn't go hunting with him that day, if they had gone with him, "none of this would have happened". Like, REALLY?:scared:

Seriously thought the reporter was going to say "....right from the horse's mouth" when he started! :floorlaugh:
I think you are mistaken.No where have I been able to find an article that explains how JC found out about the affair in March.The one you posted did not.

In March, Jonathan discovered Chris and Erin had a brief affair. However, Jonathan believed the fling was over, and so he had made amends with his wife and tried to forgive his neighbor. Jonathan didn't discover the affair had continued until after Erin had disappeared.

"When I first figured out about the affair, and everything, he was still my next door neighbor. There was a part of me that wanted to go take care of him. But if I did that, I would be in the same boat as him — I would be a bad guy. And that is just not me."

BBM. From that article in the post:
IMO, regardless of CL's motives, he has been charged with and arrested for murdering Erin, and NL has not been charged or arrested. NL also was not in court at her husband's arraignment in CA when he plead not guilty (though it could just be too far for her to travel with a child at home and recently relocated back to AK). Excerpt from MSM link:

I recall discussions here on WS about how each state in the US may have different laws about whether a spouse can be required to testify for or against their spouse. Even though the crime was purported to be committed by CL when they were living in CA end of June 2014, and they since moved back to AK (early July 2014 after fulfilling his 6 years as an active Marine with planned honorable discharge), just wondering if legal people can posit here if NL (under pressure from LE), a current resident of AK whose spouse is incarcerated in CA where the crime was purportedly committed, could be providing/have provided statements to LE already (to be used as testimony at trial?) during their investigation that will/could help convict CL and keep her from facing any charges if she had any involvement at all (covering up for him, etc.)?
Ya know..........for IM not knowing much about EC, she sure had a lot to say about her......oh say like EC's first pregnancy (VERY excited), the Tractor supply job, why she left the job, the miscarriage, email about getting her horse on base, the "nanny" job, "adopting" the horse, "relinquishing" the horse, "holding" the horse for EC's return, family not "seeing" the horse.......blah, blah, blah.
And she obviously is VERY close to CL and NL.......gee, the search warrants were served on them just because LE was trying to find EC.......apartment next door to them was searched (????? uh, wasn't that JC and EC's apartment like 2 doors down???)......... yeah RIGHT. LE doesn't need a search warrant unless you refuse to let them search. :facepalm:

As far as a casual conversation..does anyone REALLY say "No body, No crime"? We say that on WS's when a missing with possible perp goes up, though we know that's NOT the case most of the time, but casual convo when the speakers have a personal relationship with the missing? Ehhhhhh...not buying it. And discussing CL's alibi? Who does that unless they KNOW they're a POI BEFORE the fact? Those darn guys who didn't go hunting with him that day, if they had gone with him, "none of this would have happened". Like, REALLY?:scared:

Seriously thought the reporter was going to say "....right from the horse's mouth" when he started! :floorlaugh:

IM reminds me of Cindy Anthony. You know, the way Cindy made excuses for EVERYTHING Casey did. At least in that case it was the mother doing so. I wonder what IM's excuse is. She ought to know by now that she should speak only if she can improve upon silence. :notgood:
I have a question for everyone (during this slow time):

Why are you following THIS case? What is it about it that you are drawn to?
This place only seems to be lively in the very early hours, like 12-3am? I'm thinking that most of the posters on this thread must be on Pacific time? I'm on Eastern time :frown: and it's 3:33pm here.

Ok, I have a question. Does anyone know if CL still has a court date on Sept. 9th for the tater gun "arrest." I know his preliminary hearing is on September 16 for the murder charge.

I read during the day but may or may not post since I'm reading from my phone and it's a real PITA to post. I read/follow in the evening off and on depending on what I'm doing. But 9-midnight is past my bedtime! I do catch up when I get up in the a.m. though.
A few things I found interesting from the IM phone interview "extended clips":

- The police did confiscate the Lees' U-haul for a time, but gave it back to them [I assume after it was searched]
- They had adopted two horses, both of which were shipped to Alaska - and IM said something about them being professionally shipped since they had to go through Canada.
- According to IM Erin never started at Tractor Supply [I think we already knew she had said that, but it was interesting hearing it 'in person' from IM]. Personally I think Erin DID start there and left later.

The guy doing the interview made me laugh a bit... I was seriously wondering if it's someone on WS or someone who reads here? He's like "I know you know more than you're saying" with almost every sentence. You could tell he was trying so hard to get information from her without stepping over the line. When he finally pushes too much, bam, phone cuts out. The reception isn't great for most of it but it's funny (sad funny) how it cuts out exactly when he starts asking the hard questions such as the ones about "keeping his lies straight." "Where does that come from?" <beep><beep><beep> call is disconnected.

It's pretty long, but interesting to listen to.

I just wanted to state I don't think IM is involved and I'm not thinking of her as a POI, I listened to the full phone interview after it was mentioned here and I still don't think she's involved, though I do think she talks too much. The extended phone interview made me feel pretty bad for her. I think (JMO!) that she got stuck in a really awkward position.

BBM - Ya, I brought that up back when the interview first came out. I knew I had read that she DID work at Tractor Supply in Yucca (every time we drive by it I tell hubby: "Erin used to work there." And he says "Yes, you tell me that every time we drive by.")
I have a question for everyone (during this slow time):

Why are you following THIS case? What is it about it that you are drawn to?

For some reason, the moment I heard about this case, I had feeling there was an affair involved. I even told my husband. I have no clue why I thought that, because at that point, CL had not been mentioned. But I just knew it. Now, I didn't know if she'd been murdered or had run-off, but I just knew JC had nothing to do with it. Once I heard about CL, I became strongly interested in seeing how this case turns out.
I have a question for everyone (during this slow time):

Why are you following THIS case? What is it about it that you are drawn to?

Thanks for asking, moonbeams. This is the only case I am following (on WS and MSM), and have been from when Erin first went missing. The only other case I followed closely was Laci Peterson's murder, but that was before WS (for me), so just MSM. For me (and someone on an earlier thread spelled it out more eloquently than I can who has 19 year old daughters, and I have young adult daughters as well), I lived in CA for 20 years (where Erin & Laci lived and were both killed at the prime of their life while expecting), including when I was 19 years old and didn't know what I was getting myself into sometimes or making the best decisions. I was shy and trusting and vulnerable to men who pursued me and/or I was attracted to, and I got pregnant and wasn't sure what to do. So for me it's pretty personal, I guess, that I can relate to and emote with a 19 year old young woman who has gotten pregnant and mixed up with the wrong man (ok, not necessarily apparent at the time of the involvement) who did her wrong in the end.

I also had a very intense relationship with a not-so-healthy or balanced but charismatic man with whom I knew I wasn't destined to be with, but I was attached to him and he controlled me, and I couldn't sort out how to end it with him, living on my own and somewhat naive at that age. It's possible things could have gone south with us as well if he had slightly more sociopathic tendencies than he did and I was less cautious/scared than I was and didn't have the local support system that I had (a close sibling nearby and family who did not like him).

I haven't ever thought about my interest in Erin's case in these terms before, but maybe on a subconscious level I have been all along. I feel sooo horribly bad for her (and Laci) that they were victimized and murdered by awful men whom they trusted and had an intimate relationship with because their pregnancy was a threat. These types of cases seem to be more prevalent than ever these days, and it is very disheartening to me if this is a societal pattern developing -- hopefully it's just more open, honest reporting of these types of crimes instead of sweeping things under the rug. 'There but for the grace of God go I'. So I am following the case to hopefully see it through to justice for Erin in the end, as it was for Laci and her unborn child.
In South Carolina, LE charged husband and wife at the same time, with the same crimes, in Heather Elvis' case. I am kind of doubtful as to whether NL will be charged with anything. My feeling is LE pretty much knows what happened in this case, almost down to the last detail, since CL did such a poor job of covering up, Imo.

I watched two shows this week (Snapped) where the defense attorneys beat a path to the DA's office to make deals once they had reviewed all of the evidence, to make deals and get the DP out of the conversation. Hoping this case is similar and that the state will continue to talk about the DP so the defense knows what's what.

I have a question for everyone (during this slow time):

Why are you following THIS case? What is it about it that you are drawn to?

For me, it's because it took place in Southern California, where I live. I was also an Army Wife so I have an interest in the fact Erin was a military wife who went missing. I have also spent some time on a Marine base with military friends, yet not at 29 Palms.
I have a question for everyone (during this slow time):

Why are you following THIS case? What is it about it that you are drawn to?

I really did not want to get involved in another case. Why did I get sucked into this? The first thing I read was that a pregnant woman had supposedly gone to JNTP to scout out the area for hiking trails but never made it back home. That's all it took.
I have a question for everyone (during this slow time):

Why are you following THIS case? What is it about it that you are drawn to?

Saw the cover of People magazine and looked it up. Once I've started a "mystery" I like to see it through to the end whenever possible (probably why I have so many subscriptions... :thinking: ). So glad that it appears there will be some resolution for the families involved.

And Dmacky - I'm hanging out with you in the EST! :happydance:
BBM - Ya, I brought that up back when the interview first came out. I knew I had read that she DID work at Tractor Supply in Yucca (every time we drive by it I tell hubby: "Erin used to work there." And he says "Yes, you tell me that every time we drive by.")
" Erin got a job, again at Tractor Supply Co., in Yucca Valley in January, but left in March for personal reasons, said assistant manager Darin Sanden."
<snipped for space/clarity> Seriously thought the reporter was going to say "....right from the horse's mouth" when he started! :floorlaugh:

Thank you for saying this. I thought the same thing! I was oddly relieved when he didn't actually say it. I guess maybe he didn't need to.
I have a question for everyone (during this slow time):

Why are you following THIS case? What is it about it that you are drawn to?

Interesting question that took me a minute to think of the answer. Why do I follow cases? A very close family member of mine was murdered. His murderers where captured. Both are serving their time in prison, one a life sentence. The experience one goes through dealing with the aftermath of such a violent crime is surreal. For my family, we got our answers and justice was served. I cannot imagine not having those answers so on here myheartgoesout to families who have not had that closure (if there is such a thing) and if something I post helps family searching for clues/answers/theories, it's like paying it forward. Erin in particular?, well, she seemed special and this young lady needs justice!
My son is a Marine stationed at 29 Palms. I grew up in Southern Ca. Since I was a kid, I've loved the desert.

ETA: I forgot to quote moonbeams question.
" Erin got a job, again at Tractor Supply Co., in Yucca Valley in January, but left in March for personal reasons, said assistant manager Darin Sanden."

Thanks for posting this again. I knew I'd seen it but was having a hard time finding it. I really think she did work there and IM was wrong when she said that Erin never started the job there. Maybe it didn't last that long, but I think she worked there for at least a short time.
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