GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

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Erin told her mom her plans, according to her mom.

Three times in that link they called Erin's husband a colonel.
"Breaking news in the mysterious disappearance of a beautiful pregnant wife of a U.S. Marine colonel."

"Her husband of a year and a half, a Marine colonel is the one who reported her missing the
next day."

"VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, I want to stress something, Erin`s husband, a marine colonel, is not named as a suspect. We want to stress that. "

Now I also found this in the link:

"VELEZ-MITCHELL: That is the devastated mother of 19-year-old Erin Corwin, three months pregnant, missing, nobody knows where she is. Her

husband reported her missing and he is a corporal in the marines, not a colonel, a corporal in the Marines."
Edited scanner traffic from deputies finding the Corolla is posted here now as an update at the bottom of the story. A half hour of scanner traffic after this clip is missing from the radio reference archive site (as stated earlier).

The radio traffic above indicates a possible second set of tire tracks and foot traffic at the site. IF this was an ongoing sexual affair, with both parties married, the two of them could have established a routine where they both drive off base in their own cars, then meet up someplace; maybe a motel or maybe just a dirt lot two miles off base. Then, when they meet up they drive away in the other person's vehicle leaving one vehicle at the dirt lot. The JTNP story EC told may have been a cover story as to where she was going off base all day. In fact, maybe she was meeting up with the other Marine at the dirt lot. What happened next is anybody's guess, argument over the pregnancy, EC proclaiming she is ending it and keeping the baby, one of the parties wanting to stay together and the other wanting to split up, etc. The two car rendezvous theory means the lover would not have to walk back on base, he would just drive back on. Also, it might explain why LE has cell phone pings driving away from the base, but not returning. JMO.
On that car. (I'm stuck on it since it was the last thing found.)

Looking at Google Earth, has anyone any more specific info on where and how that car was parked?

I am using the intersection of Ranch Road and Valle Vista road as the location per earlier posts.

And where the Corwin's actual address was that they physically lived at?

Was Erin and Husband at home together when the comment about going to Joshua Tree for picture taking opportunities made? (Looking for her last physical location substantiated)

On a secondary note is the possible sighting within the Park of her car by a ranger if anyone knows more about that.

I'm not far from the place and want to drive up Sunday to look at things so trying to get this info.

Thank you,

I will be interested to hear/read your observations... If you get a chance to visit the area on Sunday!

On a secondary note is the possible sighting within the Park of her car by a ranger if anyone knows more about that.

I'm not far from the place and want to drive up Sunday to look at things so trying to get this info.

Thank you,

Please take photos if you see any search teams and make a note of the GPS location, if possible. Cheers!
Erin told her mom her plans, according to her mom.

You know, I got to thinking, the way that Erin's mom mentioned about Joshua Tree and Erin, she didn't specifically say that Erin was going to go to Joshua Tree that very next morning, I mean it is possible, but it wasn't worded that way. Maybe Erin did have plans to check out Joshua Tree before her mom's visit, and according to the sister-in-law Jon told the sister-in-law that.
So, I wonder if it was discussed between Erin's mom and Erin that yes, specifically, Erin was going to go to Joshua Tree at 7am Saturday?
Are there any other links, videos that state specifically Erin's mom knew FROM ERIN that Erin was going to go to Joshua Tree at 7am?
Edited scanner traffic from deputies finding the Corolla is posted here now as an update at the bottom of the story. A half hour of scanner traffic after this clip is missing from the radio reference archive site (as stated earlier).

The radio traffic above indicates a possible second set of tire tracks and foot traffic at the site. IF this was an ongoing sexual affair, with both parties married, the two of them could have established a routine where they both drive off base in their own cars, then meet up someplace; maybe a motel or maybe just a dirt lot two miles off base. Then, when they meet up they drive away in the other person's vehicle leaving one vehicle at the dirt lot. The JTNP story EC told may have been a cover story as to where she was going off base all day. In fact, maybe she was meeting up with the other Marine at the dirt lot. What happened next is anybody's guess, argument over the pregnancy, EC proclaiming she is ending it and keeping the baby, one of the parties wanting to stay together and the other wanting to split up, etc. The two car rendezvous theory means the lover would not have to walk back on base, he would just drive back on. Also, it might explain why LE has cell phone pings driving away from the base, but not returning. JMO.

IMO this is likely what happened.
Finally someone mentioned Sheep Hole Pass by name in a news article. That was where I was alluding in my earlier posts that they were digging (the searchers) and why the car would be where it was: If he were coming back from burying her out there, then the car was facing in the right direction (rather then having to make a U-turn if coming from JTNP.)


Information (temp./map/etc.) for Sheep Hole Pass:
When I initially read the article it was dated the 11th. I clicked a link later and it was dated the 10th, with slightly different wording at the beginning....????? Maybe it was 2 separate links that linked to similar looking pages? I don't know, but I clearly remember seeing the 11th and then the 10th. Very odd.

After reading the article dated the 11th I did a search for "Erin Corwin" (on the Z107.7 web site) and the article dated the 10th came up.
It was bringing border control on board the investigation that got me thinking outside of personal as to who the perp might be.
I'm wondering if they brought on border patrol as they have a great deal of experience searching that type of terrain. The land near the border is not much different than the land around JT.
You know, I got to thinking, the way that Erin's mom mentioned about Joshua Tree and Erin, she didn't specifically say that Erin was going to go to Joshua Tree that very next morning, I mean it is possible, but it wasn't worded that way. Maybe Erin did have plans to check out Joshua Tree before her mom's visit, and according to the sister-in-law Jon told the sister-in-law that.
So, I wonder if it was discussed between Erin's mom and Erin that yes, specifically, Erin was going to go to Joshua Tree at 7am Saturday?
Are there any other links, videos that state specifically Erin's mom knew FROM ERIN that Erin was going to go to Joshua Tree at 7am?

LORE HEAVILIN, ERIN CORWIN`S MOTHER: We also talked about her running out to Joshua Tree to kind of, you know, just kind of scope out a couple of different places that we might want to just go look at and take some pictures. She would have never gone off trail for very far.
We always joked with her and have a running joke that she could not find her way out of a brown paper bag because she has no sense of direction.

I haven't checked her Facebook, but I wonder if she had a lot of friends in the area? It would help to clarify her personality a bit-social or introverted.
FBI has a lot of resources local police may not have. I don't think military police are leading this case, are they? It is not at all unusual for police agencies to request help from FBI in missing persons or any labor intensive cases. I live in NM and FBI gets involved in any major case. Jmo

I agree. Back when Brianna Denison's body was found, it was in a field directly next to the parking lot at my work. There were at least a dozen FBI agents with 10 feet of my car. So, I am not sure that the presence of the FBI in this case means anything one way or another.
I haven't checked her Facebook, but I wonder if she had a lot of friends in the area? It would help to clarify her personality a bit-social or introverted.

You need to go to her "friends" page and keep scrolling scrolling scrolling until all friends are displayed. Then, do a CTL F and search for the word Marine.
I would love just to see a page of quotes just from family on her trip to JT. It seems they say differing things at times. I wonder if they read things posted here and there and say things differently to clarify? Or if they just say it in a new way and it seems different. We are watching every word, so it may be nobody else is critiquing them as we are. Day one words may change over time due to more info too.
LORE HEAVILIN, ERIN CORWIN`S MOTHER: We also talked about her running out to Joshua Tree to kind of, you know, just kind of scope out a couple of different places that we might want to just go look at and take some pictures. She would have never gone off trail for very far.
We always joked with her and have a running joke that she could not find her way out of a brown paper bag because she has no sense of direction.


Yes, I read that, but my question is, it does not SPECIFICALLY state that Erin and her mom talked about Erin going on that particular Saturday morning at 7am. Erin and her mom talked about Joshua Tree, but their conversation could have easily been about her going before Erin's mom arrived, but not necessarily meaning that Saturday or even that Saturday at 7am, you know what I mean?

What I am asking is other than Erin's husband saying that Erin left at 7am to go to Joshua Tree, did the family acknowledge that Erin also told the family that she herself was going to go to Joshua Tree at 7am on Saturday, or go there at anytime on Saturday?
I understand the conversation between Erin and her mom about going there, but I haven't seen it in print or a link that Erin told the family it was going to be on Saturday. That is what I wanted to find out, specifically going there the very next day after Erin's phone call with Erin's mom.
There does not need to be a Federal connection for the FBI to become involved with local LE agencies. It is very common for them to do so. And you see them assisting in almost every high profile case.

Murder, violence, kidnapping, theft—they come at a high cost to our communities and families.
That’s why even in this post 9/11 era, the FBI continues to play a key role in combating violent crime and major thefts in big cities and small towns across the nation. Thousands of our agents work closely with their state and local partners on investigations and joint task forces. We have a surge capacity that can be tapped into during major cases, and we make our many capabilities available upon request—from evidence experts to behavioral analysts.
Beyond our casework, we’re always looking at the bigger picture-analyzing trends and threats and sharing that intelligence with our partners. We’ve also built and continue to manage a criminal justice support structure for the entire law enforcement community, including databases of crime records.

Very informative page at the above link
Her Facebook page makes it seem like she is interested in photography, so maybe scouting out areas for good pictures is not untrue
There does not need to be a Federal connection for the FBI to become involved with local LE agencies. It is very common for them to do so. And you see them assisting in almost every high profile case.

Murder, violence, kidnapping, theft—they come at a high cost to our communities and families.
That’s why even in this post 9/11 era, the FBI continues to play a key role in combating violent crime and major thefts in big cities and small towns across the nation. Thousands of our agents work closely with their state and local partners on investigations and joint task forces. We have a surge capacity that can be tapped into during major cases, and we make our many capabilities available upon request—from evidence experts to behavioral analysts.
Beyond our casework, we’re always looking at the bigger picture-analyzing trends and threats and sharing that intelligence with our partners. We’ve also built and continue to manage a criminal justice support structure for the entire law enforcement community, including databases of crime records.

Very informative page at the above link

Yes true, but what defines a "major" case? I guess what I am saying is, murders happen every day. People go missing every day. The FBI isn't involved in every instance. I thought it was either somehow linked to a federal crime, if local LE call them in because they can no longer handle the case, if it's across state lines/lines of jurisdiction, or if it's something really major, like serial killing, mass murder, etc
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