GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #2

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FBI has a lot of resources local police may not have. I don't think military police are leading this case, are they? It is not at all unusual for police agencies to request help from FBI in missing persons or any labor intensive cases. I live in NM and FBI gets involved in any major case. Jmo

It needs to be considered a federal crime in most cases for them to get involved, or a crime across jurisdictions/state boarders.

Federal law gives the FBI authority to investigate all federal crime not assigned exclusively to another federal agency (28, Section 533 of the U.S. Code.) Title 28, U.S. Code, Section 533, authorizes the attorney general to appoint officials to detect and prosecute crimes against the United States. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 3052, specifically authorizes special agents and officials of the FBI to make arrests, carry firearms, and serve warrants. Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 3107, empowers special agents and officials to make seizures under warrant for violation of federal statutes. The FBI’s authority to investigate specific criminal violations is conferred by numerous other congressional statutes—such as the Congressional Assassination, Kidnapping, and Assault Act (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 351). The FBI has special investigative jurisdiction to investigate violations of state law in limited circumstances, specifically felony killings of state law enforcement officers (28 U.S.C. § 540), violent crimes against interstate travelers (28 U.S.C. § 540A0, and serial killers (28 U.S.C. §540B). A request by an appropriate state official is required before the FBI has authority to investigate these matters. In addition, Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 0.85, outlines the investigative and other responsibilities of the FBI, including the collection of fingerprint cards and identification records; the training of state and local law enforcement officials at the FBI National Academy; and the operation of the National Crime Information Center and the FBI Laboratory.
It seems that even if invited by local LE, FBI needs to have reason to believe that local LE can no longer handle the case, or that a federal crime was committed.

I believe they do have jurisdiction on military bases since it is federally owned land
It had a very sleazy side in the nineties. I was very pregnant in 1991, however, when the troops were returning from the war I waddled by belly out there to welcome them home and hand out Coke. Very creepy area. We also had friends we would go visit and I always made my husband get us out of there before dark. There was just something about that place that gave me the heeby jeebies.

I completely agree and I have never been there and never want to go now. I had no idea it was like this at the Joshua Tree. I've always heard of the place but when I look through google maps and seeing other photos on instagram #joshuatree #joshuatreenationalpark it looks very creepy. There seems to be a sense of emptiness there. I have also looked through #0811 #0800 and others. Very interesting photos.
As if that wasn’t complicated enough the FBI can be called for assistance on any major crime. Usually these are mass murders or serial murders that may or may not cross state boundaries. It is important to recognize however that the FBI must be invited into the case by the local agency unless there is a clear violation of federal law (such as an act of terrorism). The FBI can’t just storm onto any old homicide and take over just because they want to. More importantly, the FBI doesn’t have a dispatch center like you might find in a police department. 911 calls don’t go to the FBI switchboard and FBI agents aren’t driving around “on patrol” waiting for a radio call. Every agent I know is backlogged with major cases and doesn’t have time to investigate local crimes even if they wanted to (and they don’t). Besides, that’s what the local police are for. of the following occurs. They are invited in on something major, the crime is covered under federal statutes, and that it occurs on some kind of federal property
My point in posting all of that.... I wonder if they are thinking whatever happened, happened on base?
Found this on the people discussion thought I'd share it. Credit goes to LongIslander. I wish I'd thought of it.

longIslander > Melissa • 10 hours ago
All great questions you pose. There is also one glaring error in his story. He said she left at 7AM to go to that park which is only 10 mins from their house. If the park doesn't open until 9AM why would she leave the house two hours before the park was even open to the public? Also...Joshua Tree National Park is in the desert. It is over 100 degrees in summer there. What pregnant woman (or anyone else!) would choose a site like that for summer sightseeing?

Sorry Strike all that, the park is open all hours, year round just the visitors centers have hours.
Found this on the people discussion thought I'd share it. Credit goes to LongIslander. I wish I'd thought of it.

longIslander > Melissa • 10 hours ago
All great questions you pose. There is also one glaring error in his story. He said she left at 7AM to go to that park which is only 10 mins from their house. If the park doesn't open until 9AM why would she leave the house two hours before the park was even open to the public? Also...Joshua Tree National Park is in the desert. It is over 100 degrees in summer there. What pregnant woman (or anyone else!) would choose a site like that for summer sightseeing?

I remember reading someone saying that you can go in that early. The place where you pay is not manned until 9am (sometimes later) and so it is by the honor system that you drop your money in the box, unless you have a park pass.

Also, even though I'm known to NOT be a morning person, I have many times headed early in the morning to a park nearby in the summer (it has a beach on the lake) to avoid the 100+ temps later on in the day. This also makes it less likely that my children we get sunburns. So, her leaving that early has never put up red flag for me. Also, we lived in the Nevada desert for a couple years and did what we could to stay out of the heat.
I wonder if he said she left at 7 or if he last saw her at 7. Maybe HE left at 7. Since he's not being allowed to talk, I wonder exactly what he meant. Things can get twisted when they pass from one person to others.
I don't know if this has been discussed:

" "Her husband told us that her plans were to go to Joshua Tree and we have no reason to believe otherwise," said Erin Corwin's sister-in-law DeeAnna Heavilin. "We think she was probably looking for a place to take pictures with her mom."

Erin, who announced in January on her Facebook page that she was pregnant, suffered a miscarriage in February, Heavilin said, and was pregnant again. "

Let me address the second part first; so the miscarriage was in February.
Now, to the first part....
I thought Erin told her mom on that Friday that she was going to Joshua Tree on Saturday.
I wonder who the "we" are that Erin's sister-in-law means, because the way the sister-in-law is quoted, it sounds
like they found that info out from Erin's husband, not from Erin's mom.
The park is open 24 hours a day. The visitor center doesn't open until 9AM. I think this was discussed on our first thread.
I am kind of wondering if they think the crime occurred on base, and then her body was dumped outside of base. That could be why a lot of things are being kept quiet (if the actual crime was on base, MP/FBI would likely keep that all quiet in regards to the media).
I don't know if this has been discussed:

" "Her husband told us that her plans were to go to Joshua Tree and we have no reason to believe otherwise," said Erin Corwin's sister-in-law DeeAnna Heavilin. "We think she was probably looking for a place to take pictures with her mom."

Erin, who announced in January on her Facebook page that she was pregnant, suffered a miscarriage in February, Heavilin said, and was pregnant again. "

Let me address the second part first; so the miscarriage was in February.
Now, to the first part....
I thought Erin told her mom on that Friday that she was going to Joshua Tree on Saturday.
I wonder who the "we" are that Erin's sister-in-law means, because the way the sister-in-law is quoted, it sounds
like they found that info out from Erin's husband, not from Erin's mom.

I may have missed it in catching up but I don't recall Erin discussing JT location with her Mom. I thought that came from Jon. I certainly could be wrong. Anyone? I don't like the vagueness of what Erin was doing that day. She was in early pregnancy. Headed to a sketchy area alone. Extreme heat. It just doesn't add up for me given a recent miscarriage. Just bouncing off your post.
People who care get passionate, whether it is about being passionate or being dispassionate. Snipping at each other is going to happen because we all want this young woman to be found safe or if the worst has happened to be found and have justice done. If we didn't care about what happens/happened to Erin, we wouldn't be so invested. It's bound to happen from time to time, and frankly, I think it's a good thing in a weird way. It keeps us thinking and talking about the missing.

Now back to trying to figure out how to upload pictures of the buildings I'm talking about north of 29 Palms.

I am interested in seeing pics of the "vaporized" ghost town outside of 29 Palms!

I wonder if he said she left at 7 or if he last saw her at 7. Maybe HE left at 7. Since he's not being allowed to talk, I wonder exactly what he meant. Things can get twisted when they pass from one person to others.

The sheriff's deputy stated that the reporting party (in this case her husband) reported that SHE left at 7am and he expected her back by 4 that afternoon.
I may have missed it in catching up but I don't recall Erin discussing JT location with her Mom. I thought that came from Jon. I certainly could be wrong. Anyone? I don't like the vagueness of what Erin was doing that day. She was in early pregnancy. Headed to a sketchy area alone. Extreme heat. It just doesn't add up for me given a recent miscarriage. Just bouncing off your post.

Erin told her mom her plans, according to her mom.

HEAVILIN: We also talked about her running out to Joshua Tree to kind of, you know, just kind of scope out a couple of different places that we might want to just go look at and take some pictures. She would have never gone off trail for very far. We always joked with her and have a running joke that she could not find her way out of a brown paper bag because she has no sense of direction.
Thanks so much. I have had a hard time catching up with every post.
When I look at the land in area around the base and at JTNP, I think of old westerns made in the 50s and 60s. John Wayne and others were on horseback and in wagons with dust flying. My dad is a huge fan and watches them all the time. I told him it made me tired and thirsty just watching them!
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