GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #4

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Just wanted to ask a quick question.

Does the old wives tale still ring true that pregnant women are not suppose to ride horses?
Why??? I hiked and jumped up and down in a protest march when I was pregnant. Neither activity dislodged the pregnancy. I think that's an old wives tale.
Anyone can publish an article on Vinelink. I could go to Vinelink right now and create the wildest of tales and post it. Caution must be used when dealing with content that is not coming directly from a well established source.

I thought Vinelink was the arrest record site???
A question for those well familiar with Twentynine Palms, Joshua Tree and Dale Mining areas — I'm trying to get an aerial perspective on where some of the mines are relative to Sheeps Hole Pass. In particular Ivanhoe Mine.

As in from the Pass, what direction is Ivanhoe and are there any landmarks that would show up in Google maps?


Don't know if this has been discussed yet (catching up from last night) but here is a map that shows where some of the mines are in that area:
A question for those well familiar with Twentynine Palms, Joshua Tree and Dale Mining areas — I'm trying to get an aerial perspective on where some of the mines are relative to Sheeps Hole Pass. In particular Ivanhoe Mine.

As in from the Pass, what direction is Ivanhoe and are there any landmarks that would show up in Google maps?


Interesting. Why this mine in particular?
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I noticed this too but in my opinion, assumed it was simply a mistype and not proofread properly. It is extremely rare to know when you are only 2 weeks pregnant!

Also, pregnancy symptoms (nausea) don't set in that early. Most of nausea has been from 6 to 12 weeks with each healthy pregnancy, peaking at 9 weeks. All pregnancies are different, but the way I've had it is pretty common for most women. The few I lost, I did not have nausea or very little.
Why??? I hiked and jumped up and down in a protest march when I was pregnant. Neither activity dislodged the pregnancy. I think that's an old wives tale.

I've seen, although not often, women playing basketball, running marathons, and dancing like crazy, all while pregnant. The most I ever did was swim laps, doing flip turns. There is an old country doctor where we live who sends his patients out to chop wood when they are wanting to go into labor and it works every time. :)
True, I have a friend's granddaughter who has been in horse shows. She just told me yesterday that they don't own the horse, only the saddle they bought. The stable/riding club they belong to owns the horses and transports them.
Fair enough. I do hunters and jumpers and people surely can't just waltz up to the show and jump on someone else's $50,000 horse and show, LOL. I do have lesson horses that students can take to shows, but it is all planned out in advance and they pay a lot of $ to take said horse to the show. They don't just get a ride out and show up if they feel like it!

I guess the point of my post was that, if she was showing, there would have been plans made, and we would know about those plans.
I noticed this too but in my opinion, assumed it was simply a mistype and not proofread properly. It is extremely rare to know when you are only 2 weeks pregnant!

When you're two weeks pregnant, you're not pregnant yet. ;D I know that's a weird thing to say, but pregnancies start counting from the first day of the last menstrual cycle, so at two weeks pregnant is when you ovulate. I'm sure the 2 weeks pregnant thing was just yet another media error.
The way this article was written, it sounds like he was home at 7am. IMOO.

" On June 28, while her husband, U.S. Marine Cpl. Jon Corwin, stayed home, Erin, 19, got into her car at about 7 a.m. and drove to Joshua Tree National Park, " (snipped by me.)

I have read here and other places that JC was probably working a 7 am Sat to 7 am Sun shift, so based my comment on that, along with no description of what she was last wearing. The People article was the first I saw that JC witnessed EC leaving.

Like everything else with this case, no information causes misinformation, and I respect LE's reasons for keeping the investigation close to the vest. Although two people have been mentioned in MSM, both can't be guilty, and we really do not know what information has been gathered by LE.
Did either of them indicate that they've given some of this info to police? Dumb question, I suppose since I'm sure they did

The person (KSN) who posted the information regarding the conversation with Erin's neighbor edited her post on that FB site (several times now). Paraphrasing, she posted that she was told that the police already have the information so she (KSN) has no obligation to tell the police what she was told.
I noticed this too but in my opinion, assumed it was simply a mistype and not proofread properly. It is extremely rare to know when you are only 2 weeks pregnant!
This is true. However, I tested positive at 5 days past ovulation. He's 15 now, so I guess it was correct. There are super-sensitive tests available, which I did especially value after a miscarriage. But yeah, I'd think the 2 weeks quote is in error.
For some reason the phrase" hidden in plain sight" keeps going through my head....I know we aren't privy to every detail of this case and maybe it's me just wanting to make sense of something so senseless.....
I apologize I misread I thought it stated Newsvine. Sheesh. Newsvine is definitely quite different than the VineLink.
I apologize I misread I thought it stated Newsvine. Sheesh. Newsvine is definitely quite different than the VineLink. July 20 things we know interesting background...she does sound like a girly girl, except for the horse rescue. Not a hiker camper get your boots dirty type of girl. Photography...JT is so overwhelming from the moment you enter the park. There are so many nooks and crannies and I so fear that she was tucked away inside. Since her car was found outside the back gate, I'd like to know if she used this entrance...we used to long ago when we were young and lived "on base". Either someone knew enough to know it would MAKE IT look like someone couldn't get it back on base...*dep on national status even with your basetag you are stopped for ID* Or someone knew to park it there because she used this gate. There are so many details about her life NOT coming from her husband that it's distressing to say the least. One more thing; to kill her before a MIL comes to one knows what is going on inside a marriage. I Dont care if you are family or neighbors, unless you know them well enough and have Spent Time Inside the home with this couple we do not know how their relationship was going. I find it very interesting that so far the only searches and warrants are for their cars and for their home. One cannot forget tha major snafu that the base made in NC when McDonald killed his family. IF this happened off base, SanBerdo would be involved, its' my humble opinion that the base security...and MPs as well as JAG are more involved than the public realizes. If you come from a Military background then you know what I mean. This happened on Gov property...and could end up a federal case. She was last seen alive in her home, On Base.

You are forgetting the videos from the base security gates. I am certain if she was not seen driving off base, Jon would be restricted to base and LE would not be spending so much time searching at JT
NCIS would have to be involved in this. Erin Corwin is a military spouse. SWs have been issued for quarters on a MC base. Two men possibly involved are Marines. The Marines have ordered JC not to give public statements as per his CO. I'm sure they are very much part of this investigation.

On a side note: I've have many an occasion to go onto a MC base. Every time the gate has been manned, and 100% ID is required. Not just for the driver, but for the passenger as well. Those with DOD stickers get waved through, those without have to show ID. (Military ID and/or Driver's License.) No one cares who goes off base, that side is not manned with MP's or Civilian Security Guards. (Which was the case for a couple of years when those jobs were outsourced, but as of June, it was MPs manning the gates again at the MC installation I was on.)

On some Navy bases, you are required to get a written permit to enter the base with the dates you intend to be there. You have to display it every time you go on or off the base.

This is all my own personal experience.

At the Marine base here, you show ID even with a DOD sticker on your car
This is true. However, I tested positive at 5 days past ovulation. He's 15 now, so I guess it was correct. There are super-sensitive tests available, which I did especially value after a miscarriage. But yeah, I'd think the 2 weeks quote is in error.

Are you sure you ovulated when you thought you did? Usually implantation doesn't happen for about 6 to 8 days post ovulation, then it takes a few days for the hormones to register enough to show on a test

Regardless though, that's why doctors count from first day of last period since each person can be different. Easiest way to standardize it. If Erin was taking anti nausea meds, she was definitely more than 2 weeks along
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