GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #5

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The entire base is surrounded by barbed wire fencing.[/QUOTE

Okay, but is it possible to get vehicles in/out under the wire? I'm confused because of the prominent trails/roads I see imaged from out the back door---Although I've never landed foot there and certainly not going to dispute someone who has.

It looked like it surrounded the entire base when I was there. I did not walk the entire perimeter. You can zoom in with Google maps and see the perimeter fence. Or check out all these links earlier in this thread here:
Can't wait to hear Nichole Lees alibi....for sure. Fled to Alaska, did he take his current wife w him??
I'm formulating a 3-car shuffle scenario to explain the footprints and how they could still fit with eyewitness account for time and location(s).

How bout this scenario?

- CL meets EC at the dirt area near the road. CL in a red car. EC in her Toyota.
- EC gets in the red car and drives out with CL to "celebrate her pregnancy" in the desert.
- NL is already there in the Jeep to meet them with an ambush.
- CL and NL drive away, one in the red car, one in the Jeep.
- They get rid of the red car (somewhere?)
- CL and NL return to the Toyota to move it farther away from the road.
- NL moves the Toyota 150' north, she gets out of the Toyota and walks to the Jeep. Bye bye.

MB eyewitness account is wrong.
I just made it through all the posts about an hour ago! lol I made a lot of notes and just need to put some things together, but not sure I can think straight until morning.

Sorry, I didn't take pics of the ground, and we didn't drive farther out the dirt road. I don't recall anything growing on the corner where the witness saw the cars, so I would guess it's been driven over enough to keep plants from growing. There were some tracks in the area, but nothing that stood out as unusual to my untrained eye. We didn't drive down that road so not sure of the difference in sand.

Did you zoom in on that pic of NL with the horse? She wears glasses, has blond hair, and is wearing a baseball cap. I'm totally going there too with the car shuffling...keep trying to figure out what they did with Erin if NL had her car by 10:00 am, and where they were the rest of the day. I'm dragging my family into this one and keep saying I'm going to sit everyone down with little cars and toy people to run through some scenarios! The weird thing is JC fits the witnesses description of the man FAR better than CL! (No, I'm not going there, but just find it curious how little CL seems to match the short man, short light hair description. The pictures I've seen of CL look like he's more of a stocky or burly man than the witness described.)

I've literally been thinking about the car movements all day! I'll get back to you tomorrow after I get some sleep. :)

Yo Nora, where'd you go? Looking for answers to the dirt crossroad where the blue Toyota was found and/or seen by Beasley since you drove that and parked there in one of the videos you so kindly provided. Curious how that dirt very close to the intersection looks if you keyed on it all with your camera. Lots of indistinct tracks like maybe a well-used turnaround point?

Am interested in how it might have looked there compared to say 100-150 further north from the intersection where the Beasley Bunch says they last saw it, where I would perhaps expect there to not be much for tire tracks and footprints off the side of the road.

I'm formulating a 3-car shuffle scenario to explain the footprints and how they could still fit with eyewitness account for time and location(s).
Do you mean CL instead of ML...or has my brain completely shut down for the night?

How bout this scenario?

- ML meets EC at the dirt area near the road. ML in a red car. EC in her Toyota.
- EC gets in the red car and drives out with ML to "celebrate her pregnancy" in the desert.
- NL is already there in the Jeep to meet them with an ambush.
- ML and NL drive away, one in the red car, one in the Jeep.
- They get rid of the red car (somewhere?)
- ML and NL return to the Toyota to move it farther away from the road.
- NL moves the Toyota 150' north, she gets out of the Toyota and walks to the Jeep. Bye bye.

MB eyewitness account is wrong.
Awesome maps here TVScum... Went straight to the apts map and zooming in now I can see the fences. If possible w/ just man-power, how long would it take for someone to break through and how soon would it be to notice(or detect) a break? I'm grasping here, I know... This investigation is far beyond what we think, I think?? And surveillance videos is the last of our or LE's worries now. Just some pent-up thoughts that I can't shake :)
How bout this scenario?

- CL meets EC at the dirt area near the road. CL in a red car. EC in her Toyota.
- EC gets in the red car and drives out with CL to "celebrate her pregnancy" in the desert.
- NL is already there in the Jeep to meet them with an ambush.
- CL and NL drive away, one in the red car, one in the Jeep.
- They get rid of the red car (somewhere?)
- CL and NL return to the Toyota to move it farther away from the road.
- NL moves the Toyota 150' north, she gets out of the Toyota and walks to the Jeep. Bye bye.

MB eyewitness account is wrong.

Quoting myself now.
I initially wanted to believe MB but I am wondering if he was mistaken now. Even after re-interviewing MB, I believe the detectives think he is mistaken. They think his timeline is off. They think his sister's timeline is off. And most importantly, his story doesn't fit their tunnel vision.
If you meant CL instead of ML, I'm coming up with the same scenario. The more I learn about NL, the more I think she was there, very involved, probably the "brains" (if you can call it that) behind the murder, and I wouldn't rule out her being the one to actually carry out the deed as her way of "celebrating the pregnancy." Here's the questions I have...

After the witness saw them at 10:00 am, did CL then return to the scene of the crime and move Erin? If he wasn't gone until 4:00 pm (per the Statement of Probable Cause) why wouldn't he have said so...and been seen by people so he had an alibi?
Who was watching CL/NL's child from 7:30-10:00 am (if not longer) and why hasn't he/she come forward?
Who owns the red car, and if it's not CL/NL why hasn't he/she come forward?
Why was CL worried that he had no alibi for 6/29 (the FOLLOWING day), IF he returned at 4:00 pm on 6/28?
Why does the description of CL not fit very well?

How bout this scenario?

- ML meets EC at the dirt area near the road. ML in a red car. EC in her Toyota.
- EC gets in the red car and drives out with ML to "celebrate her pregnancy" in the desert.
- NL is already there in the Jeep to meet them with an ambush.
- ML and NL drive away, one in the red car, one in the Jeep.
- They get rid of the red car (somewhere?)
- ML and NL return to the Toyota to move it farther away from the road.
- NL moves the Toyota 150' north, she gets out of the Toyota and walks to the Jeep. Bye bye.

MB eyewitness account is wrong.
Need to see JVM's transcript for tonight, I didn't see the beginning, but I am pretty sure that Jane said Mr B said that CL matches the man he saw. I might be hearing things so we just need to check the transcript, he was on the show.

Also I didn't notice in the search warrant any female shoes taken in. thought that was interesing due to trying to figure out if it was NL who might have left the prints at car recovery site. Might have been taken during July 1st warrant. dunno....thinking always thinking....
There is a picture of NL sitting on a horse wearing kinda like flip flops at the Horse rescue FB. You can see her feet not that it does any good.
Why was CL worried that he had no alibi for 6/29 (the FOLLOWING day), IF he returned at 4:00 pm on 6/28?
Why does the description of CL not fit very well?

I think the probable cause statement can be read as CL himself telling the cops that he returned at 4:00 pm.

"Lee stated he went hunting at JTNP on 062814 at approximately 0730 hours. Lee said he was not with Erin on 062814 or 062914. He returned home on 062814 at approximately 1600 hours."

It could be possible the cops did not believe his story and wanted to know where he was on 062914, and they were asking him. Maybe that line of questioning was not included in the affidavit.
Okay everyone! Forgive my bad 1st time post in any forum but... I must speak out here:) Google earth the path from jasmine to the appx intersection reported by MB @ Valle Vista and Ranch Rd where the vehicle(s) were supposedly spotted. Follow it from the town home/s where EC and CL resided. Do you see any gates or official egress from the immediate property? Looks to me that they could pull out of their driveway and on back-dirt road and out of the base without a checkpoint in no time...regardless of having 4x4 or not. Therefore, easily unseen and non-existent video footage from the gates. If I'm seeing what looks to be...IMHO

I'm not positive but it looks like there is a gate on Condor Rd. It also looks like there is fencing off what looks like the property boundary. It looks like a guard shack to me going in. I took a screen shot but I would have to upload it to Photobucket, then to here and it's late and I'm tired. :(
I just made it through all the posts about an hour ago! lol I made a lot of notes and just need to put some things together, but not sure I can think straight until morning.

Sorry, I didn't take pics of the ground, and we didn't drive farther out the dirt road. I don't recall anything growing on the corner where the witness saw the cars, so I would guess it's been driven over enough to keep plants from growing. There were some tracks in the area, but nothing that stood out as unusual to my untrained eye. We didn't drive down that road so not sure of the difference in sand.

Did you zoom in on that pic of NL with the horse? She wears glasses, has blond hair, and is wearing a baseball cap. I'm totally going there too with the car shuffling...keep trying to figure out what they did with Erin if NL had her car by 10:00 am, and where they were the rest of the day. I'm dragging my family into this one and keep saying I'm going to sit everyone down with little cars and toy people to run through some scenarios! The weird thing is JC fits the witnesses description of the man FAR better than CL! (No, I'm not going there, but just find it curious how little CL seems to match the short man, short light hair description. The pictures I've seen of CL look like he's more of a stocky or burly man than the witness described.)

I've literally been thinking about the car movements all day! I'll get back to you tomorrow after I get some sleep. :)

If you meant CL instead of ML, I'm coming up with the same scenario. The more I learn about NL, the more I think she was there, very involved, probably the "brains" (if you can call it that) behind the murder, and I wouldn't rule out her being the one to actually carry out the deed as her way of "celebrating the pregnancy." Here's the questions I have...

After the witness saw them at 10:00 am, did CL then return to the scene of the crime and move Erin? If he wasn't gone until 4:00 pm (per the Statement of Probable Cause) why wouldn't he have said so...and been seen by people so he had an alibi?
Who was watching CL/NL's child from 7:30-10:00 am (if not longer) and why hasn't he/she come forward?
Who owns the red car, and if it's not CL/NL why hasn't he/she come forward?
Why was CL worried that he had no alibi for 6/29 (the FOLLOWING day), IF he returned at 4:00 pm on 6/28?
Why does the description of CL not fit very well?


Yes, I certainly did notice the description fit to a T. And how could MB just make that one up?

I'm thinking CL was busy disposing of EC's body while NL had help (someone in a red car) to get EC's car moved.

Rolling at your little car moving idea. Smart, actually. I always need a visual.
I just made it through all the posts about an hour ago! lol I made a lot of notes and just need to put some things together, but not sure I can think straight until morning.

Sorry, I didn't take pics of the ground, and we didn't drive farther out the dirt road. I don't recall anything growing on the corner where the witness saw the cars, so I would guess it's been driven over enough to keep plants from growing. There were some tracks in the area, but nothing that stood out as unusual to my untrained eye. We didn't drive down that road so not sure of the difference in sand.

Did you zoom in on that pic of NL with the horse? She wears glasses, has blond hair, and is wearing a baseball cap. I'm totally going there too with the car shuffling...keep trying to figure out what they did with Erin if NL had her car by 10:00 am, and where they were the rest of the day. I'm dragging my family into this one and keep saying I'm going to sit everyone down with little cars and toy people to run through some scenarios! The weird thing is JC fits the witnesses description of the man FAR better than CL! (No, I'm not going there, but just find it curious how little CL seems to match the short man, short light hair description. The pictures I've seen of CL look like he's more of a stocky or burly man than the witness described.)

I've literally been thinking about the car movements all day! I'll get back to you tomorrow after I get some sleep. :)

Get the little people and the cars out of the Game of Life game. Easy to move around and easy to put drivers and passengers in and out of vehicles. :)
It does make sense that someone else could have shown up in the red car, but I can't imagine why they haven't come forward yet. Better to say, "Hey, I just gave her a ride but didn't know what they did," instead of going to jail as an accessory later. Unless...they already came forward? Maybe willingly gave LE the red car so there's no need for a search warrant??? Hmmmm...with that thought I'm going to bed.


Yes, I certainly did notice the description fit to a T. And how could MB just make that one up?

I'm thinking CL was busy disposing of EC's body while NL had help (someone in a red car) to get EC's car moved.

Rolling at your little car moving idea. Smart, actually. I always need a visual.
Day after day, our hearts our breaking

We hope and we pray, the whole world is waiting for you

We hold on to faith, and pray for tomorrow

That something will break, we’re drowning in sorrow for you

We’ll shine the light (Candles are burning)

We’ll search and we’ll fight (Everyone’s yearning)

Night after night (We’re tossing and turning)

For your precious life (All we can is that…)

Hope is your way (Hope is your way)….. Home

The silence is dire, and words are unspoken

Help fill our desire, a family is broken in two

Please search your mind, your heart, and your memory

It’s in you to find, the pieces that carry the truth

Sometimes we cry, tears of devotion

We see through these lies, the world is in motion for you

So hold strong and fight, await your salvation

Your life is our light, to our destination to you



Like that link.
Search "akdefender" in quotes on Google.

Jeep looks to be a 1997 ZJ Cherokee

He liked to sell military stuff:

He wanted to purchase a Land Rover defender in April 2014, "My budget is in the mid $20k"
He posted 13 times on that one:

(sorry if this has been posted already)
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