GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #8

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I am mobile and I am having trouble finding it again, but early on wasn't it stated by someone that CL did have another car but it didn't have the proper tags so he couldn't keep it on base. Does anyone else remember that? Was the color of that car ever mentioned?
I am mobile and I am having trouble finding it again, but early on wasn't it stated by someone that CL did have another car but it didn't have the proper tags so he couldn't keep it on base. Does anyone else remember that? Was the color of that car ever mentioned?

Someone did say that, but I don't believe it was ever confirmed.
snipped by me..

BTW, did I ever tell you that I "hear" all your posts in Nora's voice? I love it. :)

I am a big people watcher and have to keep an eye on 25 people every day, so I'm probably related to your daughter (wink), but the experiment raises an interesting question for me. We don't really know whether MB would be related to you or your daughter (ha), so it's hard to know how much weight to give his statement.

Does the red car really exist or not? Did he simply get the color wrong, was he totally mistaken about WHO he saw that morning, or WHAT car the person was getting out of? What about his sister? Is she someone who wouldn't be easily led into thinking something that might not be accurate? Or is she the sort of person who, while talking to her brother, either gets talked into seeing things his way or keeps coming up with new details that may or may not be correct?

My issues with MB and his sister are:

*No one involved seems to own a red car
*WSers and others did some very solid car sleuthing, but no red car seems to have surfaced here or anywhere else, even as a rumor
*We don't know if MB is color-blind, and we can't consider that MB might have actually seen CL in IM's green car without knowing that
*Even assuming MB is correct about what he saw, on the days his sister would have seen the car, there was no reason for it to be important. Why would she take so much notice of an anonymous parked car, that she would even notice it was moved?
*I am having a hard time thinking that a brother and sister both noticed something important to this case, on different days, without discussing it and likely contaminating and amplifying their recollections

After considering all these issues, I've decided that MB and his sister may very well be genuine people who want to help, but I have to set their statements aside for now.

Recall that MB and his sister first started discussing the BLUE vehicle when they looked out their back door and saw massive amounts of LE and a helicopter searching the desert near their home. The abandoned blue vehicle was in the middle of the search area. So, that would be when the siblings would have started sharing their memories with each other, probably before LE came knocking at their door canvassing the neighborhood. I can imaging their conversation. "I've seen that car sitting there for two days." "Yeah, but when I saw it, it was closer to the road." "Hey, I remember it being closer to the road too and I remember seeing a woman getting out of it..." etc etc etc. So, their memories would have been influenced by each other before LE even took their statements.

Also -- because I keep seeing this issue pop up -- only MB saw the so-called "rendezvous." His sister Jessica only saw the blue car sitting near the road. She did not witness the rendezvous.
Nora Charles, you crack me up! That experiment is an eye opener and years ago made me realize that in a lot of situations I would not be the best witness, either. I can't find the exact case that made me question eye witness accounts, but it was a wife who was brutally attacked in her home while her husband made a fast food run in the middle of the night. She woke up in the hospital and said it was her husband. He was found guilty and spent years in prison before DNA proved another man saw him leave and committed the assault. The other man confessed. After that case, I realized there are a lot of factors that can alter reality for a witness. Anyway, here is a site to check out for a bit of food for thought.

I think the same about the red car. I think the witnesses were sincere in their observations. I'm just not sure they accurately remember what they saw. I don't remember who it was offhand, but someone just posted something about the way questions are asked having an effect on the person's memory of an event. I can see if LE asked the questions by saying "car" instead of "vehicle" that it might plant the image of a car and the witness would then believe it as fact, especially being questioned several days after the event. For instance, "was there a car, what color was the car, what type of car, etc." I don't know, all I can say is that I find it very possible that the witness is telling the honest truth, yet the facts are incorrect. Unfortunately, witnesses carry a lot of weight to a jury and the red car allows the defense an opening for doubt.
Unless the military has changed in recent years...oh heck yeah of course it has..anyway, the NCIS on base likely told him to keep his mouth shut, no interviews, no cameras. Nothing. and though the police may have jurisdiction, the military police and NCIS will be prominent, after all these are marines we are talking about and who is to say the crime didn't happenon on base?

Though lack of information kills my curiosity, I think LE are doing what they must do. I think she is gone forever. Sadly.
If JC went before the camera's to give an interview he would probable get asked more question's about the affair than anything else.With all he has probably found out since she went missing he has probable had enough of being treated like an idiot.
I wish there was a function on this board where a topic would light up a different color or have an icon if there was something new happening.
I truly believe MB and his sister. My husband is color blind and wouldn't know a red car if he saw one. If MB is color blind maybe he should tell LE. But I do believe their story.

I am still on the fence. I would be very surprised if MB has gone his whole life not knowing that he is color blind (though I know it has happened before) so I am leaning away from that theory though I could be wrong (it happens a lot, after all.) Even if I could get onboard with the color blind theory, how can someone mistake a 1997 Honda Civic as "a new - brand new car" (??) (Link to MB's quoted comment:
Recall that MB and his sister first started discussing the BLUE vehicle when they looked out their back door and saw massive amounts of LE and a helicopter searching the desert near their home. The abandoned blue vehicle was in the middle of the search area. So, that would be when the siblings would have started sharing their memories with each other, probably before LE came knocking at their door canvassing the neighborhood. I can imaging their conversation. "I've seen that car sitting there for two days." "Yeah, but when I saw it, it was closer to the road." "Hey, I remember it being closer to the road too and I remember seeing a woman getting out of it..." etc etc etc. So, their memories would have been influenced by each other before LE even took their statements.

Also -- because I keep seeing this issue pop up -- only MB saw the so-called "rendezvous." His sister Jessica only saw the blue car sitting near the road. She did not witness the rendezvous.

You are correct! Looking back over my notes and previous post I have saved, MB's sister only saw the blue vehicle. MB witnessed the a woman leaving the blue car and entering the red car. Different time and day than his sister observation.
Just some food for thought: It was mentioned that CL had a vehicle he didn't have on base. I am not sure of this and am researching my older notes and post but so far no confirmation. The red vehicle could also be a rental. If it was new and clean, that would fit, BUT this is ALL SPECULATION. No known facts to back up rental car or a if CL had a additional vehicle. Still wondering if MB is color blind. My son is color blind to some degree and he explains it this way: Dad, I just have learned if I see green I know it means the actual color is red so I have learned to adapt. Hopefully MB's information is accurate and we can start putting ideas out there and draw some conclusions. Have a Great day, you'll.
I keep getting stuck on WHY someone would move her car? If she met CL anywhere else why not just leave her car there? Especially if she met him in JTNP? It would be perfect. Her car would be found exactly where she said she was going and it might look to LE as though she got lost or injured inside of JTNP. Moving her car PROVES that someone else saw her last as she didn't just wander away on her own from the location her car was found.

The only reasons I can think of that someone would move her car from Location A (where she met CL or whomever disappeared her) to Location B (where it was found) is:

1.) her body is still at Location A and if LE found her car there they would have found her body there, too,
2.) there was surveillance cameras at Location A, or
3.) leaving her car at Location A would directly link to the perp (the horse rescue, for example.)

So many questions and no answers......
LOL Maskedwoman ~
I have to admit I have never actually looked up the meaning of "rendezvous." That word just sounds so ....sneaky? to me. For example, I am spending the day with my cousin for lunch and shopping. Since we are both coming from 2 different area's, we are meeting in the middle and she will be driving. It would never occur to me to say "I'm having a rendezvous with my cousin today" :giggle:
I am also giggling. When I moved to Quebec, (our French-speaking province of Canada), I needed to make an appointment with a notary (lawyer). The receptionist stated he was currently on a rendezvous, and couldn't speak to me, but would I like to set up a rendezvous? I thought to myself, how would I know, I haven't met him?
I take it that means a meeting. :)
I keep getting stuck on WHY someone would move her car? If she met CL anywhere else why not just leave her car there? Especially if she met him in JTNP? It would be perfect. Her car would be found exactly where she said she was going and it might look to LE as though she got lost or injured inside of JTNP. Moving her car PROVES that someone else saw her last as she didn't just wander away on her own from the location her car was found.

The only reasons I can think of that someone would move her car from Location A (where she met CL or whomever disappeared her) to Location B (where it was found) is:

1.) her body is still at Location A and if LE found her car there they would have found her body there, too,
2.) there was surveillance cameras at Location A, or
3.) leaving her car at Location A would directly link to the perp (the horse rescue, for example.)

So many questions and no answers......

I think the Perp or the Perps accomplice (and YES I do think there was an accomplice), was looking for something in that car. Her phone, a note, a camera? Further, I just betcha, that LE will determine the car had recently been "wiped down" with alcohol or disinfectant to remove prints, etc.
While I don't think the Horse Ranch woman is the Perp herself, I think she knows a lot more than she is saying. I think she appears far too sympathetic to the L couple, and most especially the point where I have laser focused on her as a person with additional "insights" that she needs to share with LE.

Just all opinion and speculation.
Hi all-just getting caught up on things-and sorry again about the wrong post in scanner thread ( I didn't read carefully enough what folks were looking for). Regarding the red car and the potential 3 hour gap of time(from 7-10 when witnesses said they saw people ard Erin's car)-I still think it was jc and nl in a red car. Descriptions match them both perfectly. If they compared notes (either at party or by chance at the apt complex that morning) and realized both spouses were gone for same pd of time to same place, they could very well have gone out together to look/confront them and stumbled across Erin's car. Nicole goes to look in passenger side window and that's what witness sees (believe witness said person was walking from passenger side of car). She gets back in car with jc and off they go. Of course-this is if he's not on duty as has been rumored (but it's also been rumored that he wasn't or that he was not fully accounted for). Not sure why jc would not have gotten out. Or it's NL with a friend (eg from horse ranch since there was a red car there). I don't think he saw Erin at 10.
I think the Perp or the Perps accomplice (and YES I do think there was an accomplice), was looking for something in that car. Her phone, a note, a camera? Further, I just betcha, that LE will determine the car had recently been "wiped down" with alcohol or disinfectant to remove prints, etc.
While I don't think the Horse Ranch woman is the Perp herself, I think she knows a lot more than she is saying. I think she appears far too sympathetic to the L couple, and most especially the point where I have laser focused on her as a person with additional "insights" that she needs to share with LE.

Just all opinion and speculation.
I think one of the possible reasons IM is so sympathetic to them is they took two of her horses with them and this horse whisperer cares more about her horses than EC.
I keep getting stuck on WHY someone would move her car? If she met CL anywhere else why not just leave her car there? Especially if she met him in JTNP? It would be perfect. Her car would be found exactly where she said she was going and it might look to LE as though she got lost or injured inside of JTNP. Moving her car PROVES that someone else saw her last as she didn't just wander away on her own from the location her car was found.

The only reasons I can think of that someone would move her car from Location A (where she met CL or whomever disappeared her) to Location B (where it was found) is:

1.) her body is still at Location A and if LE found her car there they would have found her body there, too,
2.) there was surveillance cameras at Location A, or
3.) leaving her car at Location A would directly link to the perp (the horse rescue, for example.)

So many questions and no answers......

Maybe she did leave it there and went with CL from there. Or maybe someone thought they were being smart by leaving it no where near crime scene. If she did go "two hours away", she would have left her car somewhere, Imo and ridden with him. Maybe he did not know what she told JC.
Is LE searching now? I have not seen any reports of searches this weekend.
Hi all-just getting caught up on things-and sorry again about the wrong post in scanner thread ( I didn't read carefully enough what folks were looking for). Regarding the red car and the potential 3 hour gap of time(from 7-10 when witnesses said they saw people ard Erin's car)-I still think it was jc and nl in a red car. Descriptions match them both perfectly. If they compared notes (either at party or by chance at the apt complex that morning) and realized both spouses were gone for same pd of time to same place, they could very well have gone out together to look/confront them and stumbled across Erin's car. Nicole goes to look in passenger side window and that's what witness sees (believe witness said person was walking from passenger side of car). She gets back in car with jc and off they go. Of course-this is if he's not on duty as has been rumored (but it's also been rumored that he wasn't or that he was not fully accounted for). Not sure why jc would not have gotten out. Or it's NL with a friend (eg from horse ranch since there was a red car there). I don't think he saw Erin at 10.

I just reviewed MB full interview with the press. I think this gentleman in totally legit. He stated the woman got out of the blue car, walked around to check the passenger side, and then walked over and got in the red vehicle. I have some ideas what may have been happening here but need more review of notes, will post later. He described a short woman w/ dark ball cap, sunglasses. sandy blonde hair and a ponytail. The red car was running and possibly in gear. Driver was described as short /w short hair. The two people were in a conversation in the red car after the woman entered. There are a few possibilities here but for me things are now adding up. Further thought and research is needed and will post as I draw conclusions. If anyone has ideas, please post. Fifty + heads are better than one. Folks, we are on to something with the time line and the other vehicle and need to push issue. As I said before these two items (possible red car and time line) are critical to what happened and to where EC in located! Thanks all.
It's Also possible nl moved car and wiped down evidence inside and maybe took a few things. Didn't search warrant say le found a camera? Wasn't ec supposed to be taking pictures? The complicating factor with my scenario here if nl was involved and concealing something here is that 1) there would be a third person (or fourth if u count Erin) involved which complicates things for the lees (which is why I think Nichole might not be directly involved but is an accessory after the fact) and 2) where was her daughter during this time?

I lean heavily toward her doing her own "sleuthing". Jc would have had a second car key so if she was with him that would explain her being able to enter the car. Maybe they started to move it so Erin would HAVE TO come home with CL and started to drive car away but then thought better if it in case maybe they were wrong? Maybe they moved it to mess with her? Maybe it was actually not moved at all. Lots of possibilities. In re listening to dispatch it was clear that le expected to see a second set of tracks there. Then we find out later that there was a single set of footprints leading to tire tracks consistent with a jeep (not red sedan ). I'm not sure car was actually moved. Guessing police could verify this if they could see the footprints leading away from driver side door.
I just reviewed MB full interview with the press. I think this gentleman in totally legit. He stated the woman got out of the blue car, walked around to check the passenger side, and then walked over and got in the red vehicle. I have some ideas what may have been happening here but need more review of notes, will post later. He described a short woman w/ dark ball cap, sunglasses. sandy blonde hair and a ponytail. The red car was running and possibly in gear. Driver was described as short /w short hair. The two people were in a conversation in the red car after the woman entered. There are a few possibilities here but for me things are now adding up. Further thought and research is needed and will post as I draw conclusions. If anyone has ideas, please post. Fifty + heads are better than one. Folks, we are on to something with the time line and the other vehicle and need to push issue. As I said before these two items (possible red car and time line) are critical to what happened and to where EC in located! Thanks all.

That red car story has always had my attention too. Re the ball cap, I will bring something forward that I posted in Thread #6 #346 in case you didn't see it, to hopefully help spark some ideas:

Not light blue or dark blue, but I'd love to show MB this picture from the horse site (of NL) just to see what he thinks:


I also hope LE checks the old mine shown in the "Fall Horse Camp" photos:

"Next stop, the mine.... There is something rather cool about looking down into an old mine".



Awesome sleuth tvscum figured out the location of the mine shown on the horse site above and posted it on Thread #6 #535:

Ok got the online translator here:

It translates to:
34.228725 - 116.474386

It's a hike up the hill from the horse rescue location. Looks like it could be driven in 4x4

and then another awesome sleuther smc1225 posted this map on Thread #6 #539:

Here's where it is on google maps.

Also on Thread 6 #652:

I like to jot down notes too - not intimating anything here either (about IM). I just wrote 1) she wears a ball cap 2) she has a pony tail 3) speaks glowingly of CL


If she drives a red car I'll make that #4
Trying to wrap my head around this mind boggling case.
Red car. Blue car.
Red fish. Blue fish.
I want to take a poll.
Raise your hand if you suspect that IM is directly involved in the disappearance ... not just the cover up.
(and if you care to share, what would be the motive?)

I'm not raising my hand, because I just don't know enough.
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