GUILTY CA - Faith Tsarnas & Kiya Kitchen, Both 14, Die In Hit & Run, Fortuna, 12 July 2016

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She will be arraigned today at 1:30 p.m. I expect that John Chiv will be there reporting. I certainly hope that there will eventually be further charges to reflect that she killed two people and left the scene. But based on her attorney's record, I don't expect her to serve much time, if any. :mad:
Yeah. How about fleeing the scene of a crime, pressuring a witness?

How are they going to prove she was intoxicated?
Kym edited her article with a quote from Marci's attorney and also changed the penalty information. There is a link to an attorney site explaining how an attorney can help someone beat either misdemeanor or felony charges. I'm not sure which Marci's are. But in any case, it's sickening to read.

One method that jumped out is that if the victim was doing something illegal like jaywalking, that can be used as a defense. So, is the fact that Kiya and Faith were skateboarding in the street going to be used against them?!

Since they never measured Marci's blood alcohol, it's just going to be the officer's observation that she was impaired. He will be dragged through a knothole by this attorney.

How does this attorney sleep at night!?
And what about poor Faith Tsarnas? With all this hullabaloo, she is the forgotten victim. No word from her relatives? No chargea being filed over her death?
And what about poor Faith Tsarnas? With all this hullabaloo, she is the forgotten victim. No word from her relatives? No chargea being filed over her death?

She is included in the charges. Jane Doe #1 and #2 are listed. The photos of the charges are hard to read, but MK has been charged with both deaths AND with leaving the scene.
Here's just one example of Ben Okin's work in getting a lenient sentence for a horrible 2007 Ruth Lake crash. The driver had a prior DUI and much worse charges than Marci is facing at this point. Cody Baker served less than four years and four passengers in his vehicle were killed.

I have to agree with the statement that the father (Cliff Titus) of one of the victims (Nathan Titus) made regarding justice in these smaller counties compared to that which is seen more commonly in large counties: "It's a progressive county (Orange Co. CA) versus a back-woods county," he said, criticizing the way the Trinity County District Attorney's Office handled Baker's case from start to finish.

I can't fault any attorney for doing their job and doing it well, even though sentencing outcomes often seem so unfair. What is extremely frustrating to me is when the prosecution, jury and/or judge fails us by not doing their job just as well or better than these high-priced defense attorneys. If only they did their part at a level comparable to the defense attorneys: I think we would all be seeing a lot less "justice for hire" types of cases across the board.
A Ramey warrant was used to arrest MK. Apparently this is issued by a judge, rather than the D.A. According to the link below, LE will use a Ramey warrant to bypass the D.A. for any number of reasons, including speed and availability of the judge after hours. Sometimes it is used when the D.A. is not going to file charges because more evidence is needed. So LE will file a Ramey warrant in order to do further questioning. I'm not sure if that's the case here. But a judge issued the warrant. John Chiv will have more info later.
I have been reading about other possible penalties. Unfortunately: even four years in jail is not the minimum Marci could get. With her attorneys: she may be able to get only felony probation (she has no priors), and a possible fine of up to $10,000.

Really? Felony probation for killing two people? That's difficult to fathom. If this crime was committed by a person with no money or legal resources, would the punishment be the same?
Article from the Times Standard.

And a snippet from KIEM. A commenter requests that her booking photo be used from now on.



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Incidentally, what does Marcie do for a living, anyone know? Curious about her "resources".
Marci is depending on her boyfriend's pot growing income (which is extremely lucrative).
I have been sending links of everything I can find to Crime Watch Daily TV show. I HOPE they start covering this story. It might help to see that justice is done.
Marci Kitchen arrives early for arraignment. Joe Kitchen is there with his attorney and the Kitchen family attorney. The Tsarnas family is there. Josh Pearlston is there with his attorney father Mel. No filming allowed, so Chiv will try to get a photo of MK elsewhere in the courthouse.

The charges:
Count 1 Vehicular manslaughter without gross negligence; Jane Doe # 1 and Jane Doe #2 with special allegation that she fled the scene and a second special allegation that she caused great bodily injury to Jane Doe #2.

Count 2 Driving Under the Influence of an alcoholic beverage causing injury with special allegation of great bodily injury to Jane Doe #1. It is alleged in the complaint filed that the brain injury caused Jane Doe #1 to become comatose and suffer paralysis. Second special allegation that is alleged is that Kitchen caused great bodily injury or death to Jane Doe #2.
More Chiv. This is what he does best. The CHP determined that MK was the driver:

It outlines the following reasons for this determination: she is the registered owner; the jeep was located concealed at her residence; the Jeep's driver's seat was adjusted for someone of her stature and there is physical evidence that the Jeep struck the victims.

More at link.

Lilibet, thanks for continuing to cover and report on this case! I hope Faith's parents file a wrongful death lawsuit against Kitchen and wipe her out financially. IMO she is the lowest of the low. From your first link:

In a 911 call reporting the crash on the evening of June 12, the caller identified the driver as a “she” and said the car stopped momentarily before leaving the scene.

I can't begin to imagine what a person could think that justifies leaving two children dying in the middle of the street. And I can't imagine what a mother would think that allows her to leave her own daughter dying in the street. Dear God, what kind of person is she?

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