GUILTY CA - Father Eric Freed, murdered in church rectory, Eureka, 1 Jan 2014

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Day 19 continued--All John Chiv

Defense Rebuttal****-would-i-murder-someone-you-are.html

Prosecution Closing Argument

When you see the evidence, all of it, you will see every move Mr. Bullock makes is intentional.He knows from the beginning he is going to commit a crime. After the police have left, he pulls his sleeve and wipes the door knob. He has made up his mind. He knows what he is doing."

Defense Closing Argument

The defense claims that "the weakest portion of the People's case is first degree murder and premeditation."
This is a very interesting article about the not guilty by reason of insanity plea. It discusses the long history of the plea and ties it in with three cases connected to the Humboldt and Trinity county area, including Gary Bullock. It's well worth reading before the possible sanity phase of the trial.

Dunlap's case — as well as two others locally that involve heinous, high-profile deaths — underscore the high stakes of California's not guilty by reason of insanity laws: On one side lies lengthy or lifetime incarceration; on the other, treatment, rehabilitation and potential reintegration into society. The cases also highlight a wide gap between California law, which treats insanity defenses as moral imperatives, and public sentiment, which largely views them as technicalities and impediments to justice.
Under California law, when someone pleads not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI), his or her trial is split into two phases, the first designed to determine if he or she committed the alleged crime or crimes, and the second to determine if he or she was legally sane at the time. The insanity defense — or the concept that someone whose crime is a symptom of their mental illness can't and shouldn't be held criminally accountable, at least not to the same degree as another defendant — has deep historical roots that predate our justice system.
Of insanity cases that do make it to a jury, only about 26 percent result in a finding that the defendant was legally insane at the time of the crime, according to the report.

In Bullock's case, if the jury proves swayed by the seeming mountain of evidence before it — prosecutors have introduced surveillance footage of Bullock on the property as well as a host of physical evidence placing the defendant at the crime scene — and finds Bullock guilty, the case will move on to the sanity phase. Then, the jury will hear from psychiatrists — some appointed by the court and potentially others retained by the prosecution or the defense — who will testify on Bullock's mental state on the night Freed was killed.
If Bullock's case makes it to the sanity phase, it will be up to a jury to decide whether he was sane or not when Freed was killed. Like the trial itself, the verdict has to be unanimous: sane and Bullock is sent to state prison; insane and he's committed indefinitely to a state mental hospital.
Day 19 continued:

Times Standard--updated, expanded article about closing arguments and jury instructions

Father Freed, the evidence shows, died the way he lived: trying to help other people,” Humboldt County Deputy District Attorney Andrew Isaac said in closing arguments.
Video from the day of the slaying, testimony and other evidence show Bullock was “smooth, controlled, deliberate” before and after the priest was slain, Isaac said in his 48-minute closing.
Cockrum pointed to Bullock’s behavior during the 48 hours surrounding the slaying, and testimony about his mental state and drug and alcohol use that shows he was not a calculating killer.
“You can consider all of this when you decide whether this is a man capable of making a deliberate and considered decision,” Cockrum said.

Jurors are scheduled to return to Superior Court Judge John Feeney’s courtroom Tuesday morning, and they could get the case after the conclusion of closing arguments and the rest of their instructions. Feeney began instructing the 10 women and two men of the jury, and the man and three women who are alternates today on how they should deliberate the Redway man’s culpability in the slaying.
Today, Feeney instructed the jury on hallucinations, mental impairment and intent; premeditation; and how to weigh intoxication in their deliberations. Feeney explained their responsibility to find true the allegations of special circumstances, factors that elevate the murder charge into something deserving of harsher punishment.

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Day 20 (April 5) Defense finishes closing argument; prosecution rebuttal; jurors start deliberations

Lost Coast Outpost

More than two years and three months after Father Eric Freed was murdered in the rectory of Eureka’s St. Bernard’s Catholic Parish, the murder trial of Gary Lee Bullock is now in the hands of a jury. Prosecutor Andrew Isaac and defense attorney Kaleb Cockrum wrapped up their arguments to the 10 women and two men on the jury this morning, and jurors are now sequestered in chambers considering the seven felony charges against Bullock.

Those charges are as follows: first degree murder, two counts of residential burglary, car theft, carjacking, attempted arson and torture. Bullock has entered dual pleas of not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity.

Cockrum, who works in the county’s Conflict Counsel Office, resumed his closing statement this morning, arguing that the People had failed to prove the charge of murder in the first degree. Bullock showed a pattern of irrational “white-hot rage” leading up to the murder and was incapable of forming the specific intent that’s necessary for premeditated murder, Cockrum said.

He also suggested that Bullock had broken into the rectory that night merely “to get out of the elements” and had no idea there was someone living inside and a car in the garage. Therefore he shouldn’t be convicted of residential burglary or carjacking, Cockrum argued, adding that jurors should instead find Bullock guilty of the lesser charges of second degree murder and car theft.

In his rebuttal, Isaac said jurors themselves watched Bullock act with deliberate intentions in security camera footage captured outside the church rectory on the night of the murder. And he said it doesn’t matter whether he knew Freed was inside and a car was in the garage because he entered “with an illegal purpose,” which is all the law requires for the residential burglary charge.

As for Bullock’s state of mind, Isaac noted that in all Bullock’s recorded conversations with his wife, mom and stepfather, he never says he was crazy or out of control. Instead, in a clip replayed for jurors today, Bullock told his parents, “They have video of me … going inside of the house. … They’ve got me dead to rights.”
Isaac called the suggestion that Bullock broke in to the rectory merely to get out of the elements “the reddest red herring in the case.”

Isaac admitted to being reluctant, after more than two years, to hand the case over to the jury. But finally he did so, telling the jury, “Whether or not Father Freed receives justice is now up to you.”
Day 20 continued--John Chiv

Closing and Thanks

"Both sides have been dreading this day," said Deputy District Attorney Andrew Isaac in his final statement to the jury in the Gary Lee Bullock trial. He mentioned that a lot of people behind the scenes had put in work on this case, he thanked DA Investigators Martin Perrone and John Burke.

Mr Isaac expressed similar sentiments echoed by Mr. Kaleb Cockrum minutes before in his closing, that the case had been with them for over two years and now it was time to turn it over to the jury.

"Families have been waiting, there are people in the room have been waiting, who believe that Fr. Freed is waiting," said Mr. Isaac. "Fr. Freed is not waiting for revenge or retribution; he is waiting for justice. Whether there is justice for Fr. Freed is up to you."

Bullock case goes to Jury

Clerks and attorneys are checking jury room to make sure only admitted exhibits are in the deliberation room. After mid morning break, the bailiff will escort the jury and they will begin deliberations.

What Fr Freed's Response to a Verdict Would Be
Light-hearted piece by John Chiv about the local media gathered at the courthouse awaiting the verdict.

Media takeover second floor of the Courthouse : Ryan, Paul, Sierra, Zach, Chiv with cameo by Goff

Despite no coffee for hours and no lunch for some of us, we have survived day 3 of jury deliberations and no verdict and still like each other.

We take periodic breaks by ignoring each other and working on our cell phones or laptops so that the camaraderie lasts into the future.

Day 23 continued--

Lost Coast Outpost

One juror was unable to attend, and so the rest of them were sent home this morning, meaning the verdict will have to wait at least until next week.
The Insanity Riddle

The article at this link is a discussion of insanity and how it relates to Bullock's behavior and crime. I do not envy this jury. On the one hand it seems like a guilty slam dunk. On the other hand, there is lots to ponder. While he may be considered legally sane, I'm not sure that he wasn't in and out of sanity during the course of the crime. Insane people are capable of flashes of reasonable activity, in my uninformed opinion. Either way, it is a waste of two lives. :(
Hi Lilibet, For over a year I have tried to search the internet for information on this case and I would find nothing! Makes me wonder what is with the internet anymore, I should have found this information easier, as often all the info was already a year old that I did find. Last week I finally came back here and found you were still providing links. Thank you so much for the info and links. Kind of sick I couldn't find much, you know that I live in Humboldt County and you would think trial updates would have been easy to find. I don't read the papers much because I am allergic to the ink. I'm glad you are a true sleuth.

Today I was so happy today to see that Gary Bullock was found guilty, last week I couldn't understand what was taking so long for the obvious guilty verdict. And now the sanity/insanity phase! I know where I think this murderer should go and it isn't to a hospital. Thanks again.
Hi Lilibet, For over a year I have tried to search the internet for information on this case and I would find nothing! Makes me wonder what is with the internet anymore, I should have found this information easier, as often all the info was already a year old that I did find. Last week I finally came back here and found you were still providing links. Thank you so much for the info and links. Kind of sick I couldn't find much, you know that I live in Humboldt County and you would think trial updates would have been easy to find. I don't read the papers much because I am allergic to the ink. I'm glad you are a true sleuth.

Today I was so happy today to see that Gary Bullock was found guilty, last week I couldn't understand what was taking so long for the obvious guilty verdict. And now the sanity/insanity phase! I know where I think this murderer should go and it isn't to a hospital. Thanks again.

Thanks for stopping by Rosebutter. It has been difficult to get current information. The local MSM has been very spotty. That's why you see so many John Chiv posts. He stayed the course for his priest and friend.

I'm glad the jury took its time to reach a verdict. Even though it seemed like a no brainer, even to GB, the case had a lot of complexity. So at least they were thorough.

As you know, my husband and daughter had a peripheral connection to Gary Bullock well over 30 years ago, so it is difficult for me to process a little boy growing up and becoming a brutal murderer. But it is what it is and justice will be done.

I will recap the links I posted earlier today while traveling and add others.

Starting with John Chiv, court blogger, parishioner and friend of Fr Freed who covered the case from start to finish, while MSM ignored the boring details and kept us uninformed. JMO

Bullock jury sends another note to the Judge

I think a verdict is in for the Bullock case...

Guilty on all counts and special allegations for Bullock phase 1

Moving on to Lost Coast Outpost which has given very detailed coverage from the arrest to hearings to the trial.

With the guilty verdicts now issued, the case will move on to phase two, during which the jury will consider whether Bullock was legally insane when the crimes were committed. Three expert witnesses are scheduled to testify in that phase, which will determine whether Bullock is sentenced to prison or a mental institution.
This morning the courtroom was nearly full as the clerk read off the verdicts one at a time. Friends and family members of Father Freed cried silently as each verdict was read. Bullock himself sat still, leaning slightly forward in his chair but betraying no emotions. Neither his mother nor stepfather were in attendance.

Mad River Union

North Coast Journal

According to reports, that phase will open Friday and will include testimony from three expert witnesses. If the jury finds more evidence than not supporting Bullock’s being sane at the time of the killing, he will face a sentence of life without the possibility of parole in state prison. But if the jury finds a preponderance of evidence supporting Bullock’s being insane at the time of the crimes, he will be committed indefinitely to a state mental hospital.

Times Standard

After the 1st degree murder verdict was read, Freed’s twin sister Karin began to cry as those nearby in the audience consoled her by placing their hand on her shoulder.
Bullock 46, was dressed in a blue button-up shirt and sat still and quietly as each verdict was read. From the back, it was difficult to discern Bullock’s emotional response to the verdict.

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Although this thread doesn't see many readers, those who come here will notice that I have quoted extensively from John Chiv's blog. Now, I know that WS TOS do not allow us to link blogs, since they are considered opinion, rather than MSM. This is the only thread on which I've broken that rule. I realized early on that if I wanted to chronicle this tragic case that was deeply personal to me, local media was not going to help. Because the case was also deeply personal to John Chiv, he was almost the only one reporting on the two-plus year legal slog leading to trial. I decided that it was better to ask forgiveness of the mods than permission. :) The article I've linked from the Mad River Union pays tribute to John's tenacity reporting about the trial of Gary Bullock and other local court cases that would not be covered if it weren't for John.

Chiv has been a reporter and also does marketing and promotion for businesses. His acute interest in the courts apparently began with the case of Gary Lee Bullock, who is accused of the murder of Father Eric Freed on New Year’s Day, 2014. Chiv was an active parishioner and close friend of Freed; he saw him late the night of the murder and was waiting at the church the next morning to serve Mass.

Despite his personal connection, Chiv has been doing a remarkably objective job describing the progress of the case. He has several times mentioned that he was the only spectator in court.

John Chiv

Bullock did not want to be present when jury was brought in.

Jurors stayed to talk with family.

Update: Bullock made the decision this morning and it was a surprise to his attorney, the prosecutor and the Freed's family.

Everyone is drained. Most jurors did not want to talk about the case. Jurors cried and hugged each other. Some hugged the family.

Chiv will update later after talking to attorneys, jurors and family.

This is a description of what was supposed to happen today if the insanity plea had remained.

Mad River Union

Lost Coast Outpost

With the jury and alternates waiting outside the courtroom, Judge John Feeney advised Bullock of his rights, reminding him that he could testify on his own behalf and bring witnesses, if he so chose. He asked Bullock if he wanted to waive and give up those rights and Bullock responded clearly, “I do.”

At the attorneys’ suggestion Judge Feeney also asked Bullock if he’d taken any medication in the last 24 hours. Bullock said he had not. Then, at Bullock’s own request, he stood up and left the courtroom before the jury was brought in.
He grabbed a piece of paper and filed out of the courtroom through a side door. The jury was then brought in and informed that their service in the case had come to an end.

After the court recessed, Bullock’s attorney, Caleb Cockrum from the county’s Conflict Counsel office, said his client chose to withdraw his plea on his own, against Cockrum’s advice. “He made a personal choice; I can’t look behind the veil on that,” Cockrum said.
He added the Bullock made the decision just this morning, and he reiterated that the decision ran counter to his recommendation.
“I support him in his decision, [but] it was against my advice,” he said.

Much more at link:

^^^^^^^Usable link for Lost Coast Outpost story in previous post ^^^^^^^

Northcoast Journal

Journal attempts to contact Bullock's attorney, Kaleb Cockrum, have been unsuccessful, but we'll update this post if we hear back from him.

Times Standard

Jurors said they spent the most time weighing the issue of first- versus second-degree murder, eventually deciding on the more serious charge. One of the eight women on the jury said she wanted to be fair to thoroughly consider the possibly that Bullock had experienced a psychotic break, as Cockrum had asserted in closing arguments in urging the jury to find for second-degree murder.
“We looked at whether he intended to do it, the issue of intent,” one of the two men on the jury said. “We knew it was murder. We just needed to discuss whether it was first- or second-degree.”
The man, who like the other jurors declined to give their names, said the 12 members of the panel all worked well together with little discord during the four days of deliberation.
“Nobody got mad at each other. There was occasionally a little bit of frustration, but we’d take a quick break and get back to it,” he said.

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Humboldt County D.A. Investigator John Burke contributed an immense amount evidence to the case, even listening to more than 70 hours of telephone calls Bullock made from Jail.

Burke was listening to Bullock’s phone calls and visits up until Thursday night. He says that’s when Bullock made the comment “I’m going to call this all off.” Although it was unknown exactly what that meant, Burke informed Isaac and Cockrum. Isaac said about the change of plea “It was no surprise to us.”’s-sister-shares-feelings

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