CA - Five unprovoked murders of men ages 21 to 54, Stockton, July-Sept 2022 *Reward*

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I live in the area and find this case to be really disturbing. I was looking at the Stockton PD's Facebook site about the case and was reading some posts people left. One person's comment struck me as really odd so I looked him up and what I saw gave me reason for concern. I also found a youtube site this person has.

I don't recall the rules on whether I can provide a name here for others to research so I thought I'd check first.

I felt it was disturbing enough, so I did call the Stockton Hotline number to report it.
You can link to the post since it's an official LE page, and say "Interesting comment by XX" xx=initials.
I'm curious now.
Any patterns evident? April to July is a bigger jump between killings than the other dates, and all of the shootings occurred between 9:49 pm and 6:40 am. They know if the gun is registered, and to whom by now. So, is it registered, stolen, or an illegal gun? I hope LE begins to release info to the public for serious help. 8 people shot, 6 dead in 6 months is a serious situation. Definitely serial killer.

I saw the jump and thought maybe incarcerated during that period or in the hospital.
''A type of serial killer that is pragmatic in orientation and focused on the act of killing is the “mission-oriented” serial killer. This type of killer seeks to improve the world according to his own biased and self-serving standards. They target specific groups of individuals.

Mission-oriented killers justify their murders as being necessary to rid the world of a group of people that they perceive to be undesirable. Such groups may include prostitutes, the homeless, or those who are different from the killer in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.''

"They are likely to be perfectionists and highly compulsive. They are often stable, gainfully employed, and long-term residents of the geographical territory in which they kill.''

''Mission-oriented killers are highly meticulous in their crimes. They plan their murders with great precision and they kill their victims quickly and efficiently. Thus, mission-oriented killers generally fall into the FBI’s “organized” category of serial killers that plan their murders in detail prior to committing them.''

''Mission-oriented killers will not stop until they are either apprehended or killed''.

''Mission Oriented  Seek revenge  Eliminate a specific group or person  “Ridding the world”  Generally not psychotic ''
''Joseph Paul Franklin Mission Oriented  Killed 12 young black males  Whom had white girlfriends ''
I don't know how to link and it may have been posted, but they have uploaded a video of the suspect walking through an apartment complex on the Sheriff's Facebook

Stockton serial killings: Video of person of interest released, ballistics connect shootings​

"McFadden also said ballistics tests have linked the seven shootings together. No details were revealed on what exactly ballistics have shown investigators that they were able to connect the attacks together.
McFadden said they were able to learn a few more details about the suspected assailant from a woman who is the only known survivor of the string of shootings.

The police chief said a 46-year-old Black woman biked to an encampment at Park and Union streets in Stockton. The woman was by a tent when she saw a man, dressed in all dark clothing, wearing a dark face mask and a dark jacket. She said the man was anywhere between 5 foot 10 inches to 6 foot 2 inches.

The woman told police that no words were exchanged between them and that she tried defending herself by advancing toward him. She was hit multiple times by gunfire.
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I wonder if Stockton PD has access to, and utilized, the ATF’s NIBIN (National Integrated Ballistic information Network) - and if so, why it took so long to connect the shootings?

Maybe they entered the casings (or bullets?) from each shooting and did find common markings, but didn’t want to tip off the killer by announcing that they think they have a serial killer on the loose?

I think that now that it’s hit the news though, the killer may try to change weapons and/or go outside of the Stockton area when searching for a next victim, which might make it harder to identify him.

Hopefully somebody will recognize this guy or call in a tip, and he’ll be arrested before he can kill again

All jmo
I wonder if they did link them sooner and didn't say anything because they didn't have a photo to share. Now that they have a photo, they are sharing it in hops they catch him before another shooting can happen.

I think if this person doesn't care and thinks they won't be caught, they will conintue to use the same weapon. Maybe move areas. I guess it depends on who it is. Maybe he enjoys the news coverage so he wants them to be connected. I would be curious about the huge gap in killing. I think either he was somewhere else and they need to connect that or he was somehow locked up or in some way unable to kill.

Or if the victim that didn't die scared him off from killing for a while that is possible. Maybe why he moved areas since she lived and could recognize him. Just throwing things out there.
The first killing is a homeless man in a park. The second appears to be someone in a parking lot at a gym or Burger King. There is a homeless encampment nearby.

The others appeared to be residential areas. Wondering if others were homeless and it’s not being reported.
i was wondering that as well. there have been a few spree or serial killers the past few years who randomly shot homeless folx.
Two more shootings that happened in April 2021 have been linked to this case, the first one in Oakland, the second one a woman in Stockton who survived.

Log in or sign up to view < Stockton Police Facebook page.
where was he between april 2021 and july of 2022 is my question. travelling? moved and returned? jail sentence?


Serial killing victims​

April 10, 2021: Juan Miguel Vasquez Serrano, 39, of Oakland was shot on Harmon Avenue at 4:18 a.m. The Oakland Police Department was alerted to the shooting by its ShotSpotter gunshot audio detection system, but when officers arrived, the killer had already slipped away.

July 8, 2022: A white man was gunned down on the 5600 block of Kermit Lane at 12:31 a.m.

August 11, 2022: A 43-year-old Hispanic man was fatally shot on the 4900 block of West Lane at 9:49 p.m.

August 30, 2022: A 21-year-old Hispanic man was slain by a gunman on the 800 block E. Hammer Lane at 6:41 a.m.

September 21, 2022: A 52-year-old Hispanic man was shot on the 4400 block of Manchester Avenue at 4:27 a.m.

September 27, 2022: A 54-year-old Hispanic man was shot on the 900 block of Porter Avenue at 1:53 a.m.

Lone survivor​

April 16, 2021: A 46-year-old Black woman was shot next to her tent on Park Street near Union Street in Stockton at 3:20 a.m. The woman said she was inside her tent when she heard footsteps. The gunman never said a word before firing multiple shots at her. The injured woman fought back by charging at the person. She said the shooter was thin, about 6-feet-tall, wore dark clothing, and had a COVID-style mask."
BBM so she was also homeless
where was he between april 2021 and july of 2022 is my question. travelling? moved and returned? jail sentence?
Wondering if the perp did not intend to shoot a woman much less have that woman fight him back- maybe he got spooked for a while, then jumped back into the killing game full force? speculation, imo.

Brad Hunter Oct 05, 2022 rbbm.
''CNN Law Enforcement Analyst John Miller suggested the killer is a mature and patient individual.
“Given past cases and offender characteristics, it is likely that he goes ‘hunting’ much more often than he kills,” Miller said.

“He likely ‘hunts’ regularly and strikes when everything is just right: single victim, no witnesses in the immediate area, likely an area without video coverage.”

Temperatures in Stockton are expected to stay in the 30s until at least Tuesday. The warm weather will be accompanied by sunny skies.

More people will arrive in the Golden State from the north, south, east and west. On planes, trains, buses, cars and using their thumbs.

Striving to reinvent themselves, catch one of life’s elusive breaks or as James Ellroy told me, be someone else.

A recipe for terrible things to happen.''
idk why im getting security guard vibes. they tend to work odd hours and moved around a lot.
My best guess is that he works normal hours and kills on days off, if not on days off he also seems to kill between 10pm-7am. He could also have a family, work a normal 9-5. If he was a security gaurd the chances of him killing on the job seem unlikely to me.
Interesting is there is nothing about race. Did the poor woman really not see it, fighting for her life or was it left out on purpose and the police knows and keeps it to the vest for "political" reasons? Would they?
My first thought too was why the police ruled out hate crime at the beginning, and actually openly stated that, when it seems pretty obvious the targets are non-white. i guess it's a very touchy subject in the US, but still.... I know from friends in California that the anti- illegal immigrant feelings are very strong among numerous people there, and those feelings are often generalized to anyone of colour.

This is an early article about the Oakland victim:
It sounds like there were witnesses to the confrontation and/or shooting? This one doesn’t seem to fit the pattern of the last 5.

OAKLAND — A man was fatally shot in East Oakland Saturday morning, police said.

Police were trying to confirm the man’s name but believe he is an Oakland resident in his 30s.

The man was found with multiple gunshot wounds about 4:18 a.m. Saturday in the street at the intersection of 57th and Harmon avenues. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police said the man was known in the area and apparently was shot after getting into a confrontation with another person.

A motive for the killing has not been determined yet and no arrests have been made.
I noticed that two of the men were homeless. The woman was shot while she was visiting? and parking her bike at a tent in an encampment. This was not specified, but could this be a homeless encampment too?

This is an early article about the Oakland victim:
It sounds like there were witnesses to the confrontation and/or shooting? This one doesn’t seem to fit the pattern of the last 5.

OAKLAND — A man was fatally shot in East Oakland Saturday morning, police said.

Police were trying to confirm the man’s name but believe he is an Oakland resident in his 30s.

The man was found with multiple gunshot wounds about 4:18 a.m. Saturday in the street at the intersection of 57th and Harmon avenues. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police said the man was known in the area and apparently was shot after getting into a confrontation with another person.

A motive for the killing has not been determined yet and no arrests have been made.
If this was the first victim, then maybe he learned after that encounter that he needed to not have confrontation or not be seen. Then he shoots the woman victim close after and she lived. He then has to spend some time fine tuning his process because he's spooked. I still think it's possible he was in jail or some other reason like he was operating in a different area and they have connected the murders to him yet. But, now if he's picking areas and victims where he won't be seen on camera or have anyone possibly around, I think he could have used the past encounters to learn and change up things so he is not caught on camera or drawing any attention.
Is it possible that the killer moved from Oakland to Stockton between April 10, 2021 and april 16, 2021 ?

Did he after his April 10,2021 get scared that he would be discovered/caught in Oakland and therefore moved out of Oakland to Stockton right after his first murder, and in Stockton at once continued his murders ?
I think police should check out men that moved from Oakland to Stockton in the period april/may 2021,
They probably already have.

(H) Hispanic (B) Black (W) White

2021 Oakland:
a 40-year-old man (H) fatally shot at 4:18 a.m. Apr 10

2021 Stockton:
a 46-year-old woman (B) fatally shot at 03:20 a.m. April 16, 2021
at Park Street and Union Street in Stockton (survived)

2022 stockton:
a 35-year-old man (W) fatally shot at 12:31 a.m. on July 8
a 43-year-old man (H) fatally shot at 9:49 p.m. on Aug. 11
a 21-year-old man (H) fatally shot at 6:41 a.m. on Aug. 30
a 52-year-old man (H) fatally shot at 4:27 a.m. on Sept. 21
a 54-year-old man (H) fatally shot at 1:53 a.m. on Sept. 27.
At this point very much reminded of this alleged serial shooter of random people, similar profile type?

CNN — 2017
“He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?” Dugan said. “He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing.”

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested on four counts of murder on Tuesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days.''

''But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer.

“He was friendly and nice to the cops, but he didn’t give us anything. He didn’t tell us why he was doing it, or anything like that,” Dugan said.''

Yeah this feels extremely similar to that case, and I bet there will be at least some parallels.

My current theory, from a geography standpoint, is that the killer lives in the vicinity of the Hammer St murder, and is likely a current or former student or an employee at the San Joaquin college.

That Hammer St murder seems like a bit of an outlier in that I’m guessing by the timing it took place in at least partial daylight, which to me suggests it was more opportunistic/impulsive than the others. It wouldn’t surprise me if he lives VERY close to that spot.

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