Identified! CA - Fontana, WhtFem 662UFCA, 25-35, hit by car, Aug'85 - Marguerite O'Brien

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
i did hours of scouring news archives yesterday, but didn't come up with much for julianne. i did find out that her surname jaillet (in some reports, jaillette in others) is most common on the east coast.

pearly, have you contacted the bellevue LE yet to see if they have anything more on julianne?

yes I did approx 3 days ago I did to let them know that I believed that she may be a match for this JD this is the email I sent: -

To the Bellevue Police Department;

“I am a member of the Websleuths (an online cyber sleuthing community) and I work to assist law enforcement locate matches between missing persons and unidentified persons cases shown on public websites.

“While reviewing The Doe Network at I observed similarities between missing person Julianne Cecilia Jaillett (DOB: 28/01/49- DLC: 01/06/85 – Agency Case Number (OCA) 85B07480) and an unidentified person on the NamUs Unidentified Person website ( Jane Doe #13-85 (Coroner case #73787 - DBF: 08/03/85 - NIC #U150001871).

“According to the unidentified person investigator, identity can be confirmed by fingerprints and dental records, each of which is on file (and digital copies available in the photo section of the NamUs website), and a DNA profile will be submitted and available in CODIS later this year.

“Please contact David Van Norman, Unidentified-Missing Person Coordinator, San Bernardino County Sheriff Department - Coroner Division (”

Please feel free to CC this message to me so I am able to know the result of the comparison– but it should be directed to the MPI.


I am hoping we should hear news soon :)
With regards to the Lincoln Hotel contact:

My, now deceased (in 2002 - I think) unlce did own the Lincoln Hotel on Clinton Street in Binghamton, NY. It has been closed for a number (maybe 10 or more), and the property has been lost to back taxes.

We cannot follow this lead any further.
Response from the coroner to the questions I asked yesterday, the questions are also listed below.
Q #1 – “the left ovary and uterus were absent, were you able to determine whether she had ever given birth? I was also curious at why a doctor would remove one ovary and not the other?”

A #1a: Not being a physician, I will answer from a layperson’s perspective (who happens to have been a medico-legal death investigator for 17 years): A patient being treated for a cyst or tumor (benign or otherwise) may undergo a partial hysterectomy. Nowadays they would likely remove both ovaries, but back then they were concerned with leaving a healty ovary for hormone production – or so I’ve been told.

A #1b: pregnancy cannot be determined by gross examination. However, we may see the evidence when we exhume her body for DNA. Pregnancy may be evidenced by its effect on the pelvic bones – dorsal pitting and a pre-auricular sulcus.

Comment: None of that is particularly useful to us. If a matching missing person was never known to have been pregnant or had surgery when they disappeared, that does mot tell us anything about what happened ten minutes AFTER they went missing. For all we know Linda Smith left home and immediately became pregnant and/or went right to a doctor to have surgery. Nor does the absence of evidence on the skeleton mean that they person was never pregnant.

Q #3 – “I am particularly interested in the pieces of paper found, are you or Rebecca able to provide me with any more information as to what happened when you followed these up? On the one saying 'Kelly' it appears that it was written on some type of hotel receipt. the rusty and lincoln hotel pieces of paper appear to be written on the same type of paper. The insuance piece of paper also appears to have something written on it although so far I cannot make it out. (Maybe I should direct these questions to Rebecca if she has the time).”

A #3: I did some basic searches on the information on the papers. Enough to be satisfied that the Lincoln Hotel is in Bingham, NY and that J.C. is probably Johnson City (could be Jersey City, but Johnson City had an exact Main St. address. I called the phone numbers for area codes in Wisconsin (the insurance company paper), New York, New Jersey, and a few others. I did not reach any residences. Does this mean it is a dead end? No. But, will I continue down that lead-path? No. If “Rusty” wasn’t at the listed number, then imagine the time that I would waste searching for everyone named “Rusty” (and only a small percentage of men called “Rusty” were actually given the name “Rusty” – it is most typically a nickname).

Any more questions let me know :)
Now with regards to the "kelly" number I did some research in the johnson city area the address is for the department of rehabilitative services abingdon.

468 East Main Street Suite 200
Abingdon, VA 24210

So i am in the process of emailing them to find out if it is a multi story building (i.e. 3rd floor) and furthermore to find our if someone called Kelly has worked there)

Fingers crossed :)
I am confused by this--Johnson City is in NY, a suburb (so to speak) of Binghamton. Is there more information about a place in VA?
Now with regards to the "kelly" number I did some research in the johnson city area the address is for the department of rehabilitative services abingdon.

468 East Main Street Suite 200
Abingdon, VA 24210

So i am in the process of emailing them to find out if it is a multi story building (i.e. 3rd floor) and furthermore to find our if someone called Kelly has worked there)

Fingers crossed :)
Well, Answer #3 made me alittle frustrated. I realize that finding out who belongs to those telephone numbers would take some extra effort, but since there is SO little to go on, woudn't one use WHATEVER is available??? SO Websleuthers...I guess that is where we can help LE. Let them focus on what they feel is relevent, and we can help search for this other stuff.
Response from the coroner to the questions I asked yesterday, the questions are also listed below.
Q #1 – “the left ovary and uterus were absent, were you able to determine whether she had ever given birth? I was also curious at why a doctor would remove one ovary and not the other?”

A #1a: Not being a physician, I will answer from a layperson’s perspective (who happens to have been a medico-legal death investigator for 17 years): A patient being treated for a cyst or tumor (benign or otherwise) may undergo a partial hysterectomy. Nowadays they would likely remove both ovaries, but back then they were concerned with leaving a healty ovary for hormone production – or so I’ve been told.

A #1b: pregnancy cannot be determined by gross examination. However, we may see the evidence when we exhume her body for DNA. Pregnancy may be evidenced by its effect on the pelvic bones – dorsal pitting and a pre-auricular sulcus.

Comment: None of that is particularly useful to us. If a matching missing person was never known to have been pregnant or had surgery when they disappeared, that does mot tell us anything about what happened ten minutes AFTER they went missing. For all we know Linda Smith left home and immediately became pregnant and/or went right to a doctor to have surgery. Nor does the absence of evidence on the skeleton mean that they person was never pregnant.

Q #3 – “I am particularly interested in the pieces of paper found, are you or Rebecca able to provide me with any more information as to what happened when you followed these up? On the one saying 'Kelly' it appears that it was written on some type of hotel receipt. the rusty and lincoln hotel pieces of paper appear to be written on the same type of paper. The insuance piece of paper also appears to have something written on it although so far I cannot make it out. (Maybe I should direct these questions to Rebecca if she has the time).”

A #3: I did some basic searches on the information on the papers. Enough to be satisfied that the Lincoln Hotel is in Bingham, NY and that J.C. is probably Johnson City (could be Jersey City, but Johnson City had an exact Main St. address. I called the phone numbers for area codes in Wisconsin (the insurance company paper), New York, New Jersey, and a few others. I did not reach any residences. Does this mean it is a dead end? No. But, will I continue down that lead-path? No. If “Rusty” wasn’t at the listed number, then imagine the time that I would waste searching for everyone named “Rusty” (and only a small percentage of men called “Rusty” were actually given the name “Rusty” – it is most typically a nickname).

Any more questions let me know :)
OK--I looked for people missing from NY that are near Binghamton:

Leisha Kelly: Missing Jan 31, 1985

Karen Wilson: Missing Mar 27, 1985 Albany is about 2 1/2 hrs from Binghamton

Also, Binghamton is not too far from the PA border, so perhaps the Jane Doe is from PA?

Also--I used 607 area code and Rustys number, and it is an existing residential phone number in Binghamton. I did a reverse lookup and it would not give me a name, but did say it was a landline residential. Who knows if the same people live there since 1985, but...
Hi Larry,
my name is Alexandra and I am a member of the Websleuths missing persons and unidentified forums which attempt to reunite families with their loves ones and unidentified persons with a name.

I am wondering if you are able to assist me with something, one of our Jane Does possibly had your address as in the Department of Rehabilitative Services in her pocket when she was located with the name Kelly and 3rd floor after 6, I will attach it to see if this helps. She may have been a client of yours I am wondering if you have multi story offices there and if you have an employee named Kelly or the name Kelly may be of particular relevance to you or another staff member. The Jane Doe would have been there in 1985 I am sorry I do know this was along time ago and that staff change relatively quickly but this piece of paper is of major importance to our case and could help identify our Jane Doe so any help is appreciated.

Email sent now so will see how we go...just have to focus on the Rusty and Insurance papers now
I have driven through Abingdon, VA. Johnson City, TN, is just across the state line, about an hour south.

Abingdon itself is a small and pleasant town with a population of 7,780 (Wikipedia) and is mostly low rise buildings.

468 East Main Street appears only to have two stories. I've actually driven past it but obviously wasn't looking for this specifically and right now I don't see the relevance of the Tennessee/Virginia link.
Great work Pearly!:clap:
468 East Main Street Suite 114 is called "The Johnson Center":
It wouldn't be on the 3rd floor but it could possibly explain the "J.C." I wonder if there is a way to find out if someone named Kelly ever worked there?

Thanks morty :) and welcome I posted the email last night but have just checked and there has not been any reply as of yet but that is understandable it takes a few days! Fingers crossed it provides us with a lead of some sort.

Maybe someone will even recognise her face, who knows???
I realize I'm just jumping in here, but I am confused about the 468 East Main Street Suite 200. I thought he was referring to 468 East Main Street Suite 200 in Johnson City, NY (it is a valid address there).

How did 468 East Main Street Suite 200 Abington, VA get involved?

Can someone please clarify for me... Maybe I missed something, but I'm not understanding how the search made the leap to VA?
I realize I'm just jumping in here, but I am confused about the 468 East Main Street Suite 200. I thought he was referring to 468 East Main Street Suite 200 in Johnson City, NY (it is a valid address there).

How did 468 East Main Street Suite 200 Abington, VA get involved?

Can someone please clarify for me... Maybe I missed something, but I'm not understanding how the search made the leap to VA?

Hi raindrops at this point in time the coroner has not done enough follow up ( this isnt his job) with respect to the pieces of paper in Cherry Doe's possession to know for certain the exact addresses. I emailed the people at the address in VA to see if it could provide us with any clues as it seemed to fit with some of the information on the paper. JC etc I am not saying it is definitely the address on the paper it is just a hunch.

Are you able to post on here the business etc that is located in NY for that address...most appreciated.

Pearly :)
Hi raindrops at this point in time the coroner has not done enough follow up ( this isnt his job) with respect to the pieces of paper in Cherry Doe's possession to know for certain the exact addresses. I emailed the people at the address in VA to see if it could provide us with any clues as it seemed to fit with some of the information on the paper. JC etc I am not saying it is definitely the address on the paper it is just a hunch.

Are you able to post on here the business etc that is located in NY for that address...most appreciated.

Pearly :)

From Google street view of that address (JC in NY) it seems to be a residental address, multi-family possible. It is at least two stories. Possibly a 'Kelly' resided there in Suite 200 (2nd floor). I'll check further into the address. It does not look like a business.
Wow, a lot of her description fits this Jane Doe quite well.
The only thing that makes me want to say it's not her are the circumstances of her disappearance.

The only thing I am concerned about is the fact that if she had her appendix removed, the coroner would definitely had picked this up and mentioned it in his report.

My only worry :(
From Google street view of that address (JC in NY) it seems to be a residental address, multi-family possible. It is at least two stories. Possibly a 'Kelly' resided there in Suite 200 (2nd floor). I'll check further into the address. It does not look like a business.

Thanks Raindrops hopefully we get somewhere with these pieces of paper they seem to provide such potential yet oh so frustrating at the same time!!!!
Mr. David Van Norman (coroner);...

snipped for length

.......replied to the questions I asked firstly with regards to the paper he posted: -

Payphone Location Information Number: (607) 722-9612
Description: LLOYD TEVYAW
Zip Code: 13905


Interestingly, 468 E. Main St, Johnson City, NY is only 2.74 miles from Binghamton, NY.

That is way too close for coincidence IMO. I believe she had ties to that area.

BTW, Those scraps of paper look like what's in the bottom of my purse!
Thank you! I questioned that above too, but did not hear anything. Johnson City Ny is right near Binghamton, so it would make sense that it was that Johnson City. Is the Johnson City search all because of the JC in the address? Could it just be initials for a business or a person?
I realize I'm just jumping in here, but I am confused about the 468 East Main Street Suite 200. I thought he was referring to 468 East Main Street Suite 200 in Johnson City, NY (it is a valid address there).

How did 468 East Main Street Suite 200 Abington, VA get involved?

Can someone please clarify for me... Maybe I missed something, but I'm not understanding how the search made the leap to VA?

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