CA - Hannah,16,Devonte,15,&Ciera Hart,12 (fnd deceased),Mendocino Cty,26 Mar 2018 #6

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But high school people would have something to say

I graduated with 600 kids. I at the very least somewhat knew most of them, since many of us grew up in our town. If one of my high school classmates did this, I’d have no desire or reason to talk to the media about it. Why would high school friends, who JH and SH likely haven’t talked to in 20 years, come forward to talk about a woman/women they haven’t known in 20 years?
I mean...who keeps in touch with people from high school (outside of facebook)?

You are apsolutely right! Me and the two friends (since kindergarten) who keep in constant touch talked about this and about going to our last high school reunion. We decided the money would be better spent going on a great trip, just the three of us. We had no connections with anyone else really that we had graduated with
IMHO because they never happened. These people were not shy about calling the cops over noise and other petty neighborhood business, from what we have read in other media reports. So if someone vandalized their home or threatened them, they would have called. Or you know what, for a cross burning or graffiti on a building, a neighbor probably would have called! But it never happened.

Agreed. Hell if something other than internet trolling had occurred those narcissists would've milked it for all it's worth IMHO.
Did she really make a comment about wanting to be in their lives forever? If she actually said that I'd feel differently. But I don't recall reading that. I was under the impression that they met and bonded and she casually offered to help the girls with their hair. That's the article I read. Perhaps there's another article with more information about this woman but this article didn't give me the impression that her offer was weird.

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I’m sorry I have no source for this. I just remembered I read this somewhere.
Did she really make a comment about wanting to be in their lives forever? If she actually said that I'd feel differently. But I don't recall reading that. I was under the impression that they met and bonded and she casually offered to help the girls with their hair. That's the article I read. Perhaps there's another article with more information about this woman but this article didn't give me the impression that her offer was weird.

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I do remember reading that she said she wanted to be in their lives forever. However I have a nagging feeling a lot of what she said was taken out of context. She said she wanted to be “like a mentor” and that was twisted to she wanted to be a mentor. Idk, I’m finding it hard to trust anyone that’s come forward in defense of the Hart parents, but I do think this one lady’s comments have been taken way out of context and harped on.
Geez. I'm getting the picture you're painting. How do you think this kind of thing would affect people who are otherwise paranoid/anti-government and feel persecuted?

Im really sorry that you have had to go through all that. It's chilling.

I absolutely think that it would've made them retreat that much further from people. Also, if they were already paranoid to begin with, I don't think it would take much to put them over the edge. Even just a few things here and there probably would've done the trick. And the things may not have even needed to be that bad. I used an extreme example in my case with my daughter, but I'd think that someone who was basically feeling persecuted already would take just about any kind of negativity thrown their way and turn it into something huge.
I graduated with 600 kids. I at the very least somewhat knew most of them, since many of us grew up in our town. If one of my high school classmates did this, I’d have no desire or reason to talk to the media about it. Why would high school friends, who JH and SH likely haven’t talked to in 20 years, come forward to talk about a woman/women they haven’t known in 20 years?

Because they could talk about what their life was like. Home, friends, involved in groups. I think a lot of us want to understand so we can be more aware. I am fascinated with what makes people who they are. How did they become the way they are.

I,love Humans of New York.

I have learned a lot on WS and I was a teacher that worked with hundreds of kids and parents along with other groups. But nothing has educated me more about people than WS.
Did she really make a comment about wanting to be in their lives forever? If she actually said that I'd feel differently. But I don't recall reading that. I was under the impression that they met and bonded and she casually offered to help the girls with their hair. That's the article I read. Perhaps there's another article with more information about this woman but this article didn't give me the impression that her offer was weird.

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I posted this article last night.

Friend of Harts says parents tried to isolate children

"I told Jen, 'I wanted to be a part of their life. Forever,'" she said.

She said she wanted to be close with the kids and could be like a mentor for them.

My original comment just said that I took that experience with a grain of salt and I wouldn't necessarily count that as proof of their "we don't want anyone near us" stance. (There are other things that, yeah, I can see it but not with this example.) It all just kind of went downhill after that...
They already retreated in MN. Took their kids of of school.

They ditched Alexandra when she reported them.

No looking at their home life. No way! Why is that?

We know why
I think we should put that 'be in their lives forever' thing in another possible context.

We don't know what the conversation was, that made that word come up. I say that as an adoptive Mom, because one of the main things we are concerned with, is the possibility of triggering abandonment issues in our children. It is very hard on them to get close to someone emotionally, and see that person back away or ghost them.

So I do wonder if maybe the adoptee, who brought up the idea of being a mentor, was trying to assure the Moms that she would not get emotionally close to the kids and then disappear.

I really do not think that this woman just met them once, and suddenly out of nowhere, asked to help them do their hair, and wanted to be their forever mentor. I think there was more to it than that.

Can I just say thank you? Something about the casual description of being sensitive to your babies' possible feelings of abandonment gripped me. Just brought it right home who people like you are and what you do.

It's got to be hard as an adoptive mother to read about a case like this and to hear criticism in general of people adopting kids.

But you're a hero in my eyes. People like you making a child that didn't come from you, family. Making them yours and then facing all that means - dealing with the baggage they come with, with such sensitivity and love.

I don't feel like I could do what you've done. You're precious and I'm sorry parents like you have to deal with the blowback due to the rare psychos like these two.
Because they could talk about what their life was like. Home, friends, involved in groups. I think a lot of us want to understand so we can be more aware. I am fascinated with what makes people who they are. How did they become the way they are.

I,love Humans of New York.

I have learned a lot on WS and I was a teacher that worked with hundreds of kids and parents along with other groups. But nothing has educated me more about people than WS.

Maybe they feel they have nothing to say. They may not want to associate with abusive murderers and choose to mourn the children. That’s if they even know that their high school classmate did this.

I am very aware you were a teacher. That being said, HONY is people telling their own stories. High school classmates of JH and SH can’t tell their stories for them. I highly doubt I’d go to the media to tell the story of a high school classmate who just murdered their children. IMO, that would come off weird and inappropriate.
Also, the ocean conditions have been too rough and unsafe for divers to enter the water. On 4/13/2018, this article stated ocean conditions were expected to remain unsafe for several more days. From the Hart's home to the cliff Jen drove off of is a vast area to search. Hopefully LE has been able to focus on a particular area and will release some info soon.

Its just so hard for me to understand how Ciera's body was found so close to the crash site without the other two missing bodies found. I know that there are a lot of dynamics in play, but if those two still missing kids were in that vehicle, logic says they wouldn't have been thrown considerably further than anyone else and unless the bodies are somehow trapped underwater, they should have surfaced for discovery by now.

It's so hard to figure. I really don't know what to think, other than to hope that some answer becomes clear very, very soon. If by some miracle, these kids are still alive somewhere, I want them to be taken in where they are safe and cared for in the most loving and caring way possible. If they are not alive, find their bodies, put them respectfully to rest and then have LE give full disclosure of all the facts known to them so that people can try to understand what went wrong here and work to minimize the chances of it ever happening to any other children.

The "hate mail" could very well have been from trolls making general, nasty comments.

YES, internet haters are so vocal despite their relative rarity that I believe everyone who says they've gotten "hate mail" or "death threats," whether they're liberal or conservative, religious or atheist, vegan or paleo, whatever. B/c haters are everywhere. The decent haters just misinterpret everything you say because they know what they expect you to say and they're really passionate about their cause; the really vicious ones ... well, you know, sadly, exactly what they're like. Literally saying horrible things just to upset people, with no underlying good motivations whatsoever.

I think we should put that 'be in their lives forever' thing in another possible context.
So I do wonder if maybe the adoptee, who brought up the idea of being a mentor, was trying to assure the Moms that she would not get emotionally close to the kids and then disappear.

See, this is a really beautiful conversation involving you and mtnlites. Both of you are saying, "Well, I'm not sure that's the only way to interpret it; here's another possibility," rather than jumping on a more extreme "it's racist to refuse help from black women for your black adopted children" or "it's abominable to offer your help 'forever' to someone." Both recognize that there may be context that makes the refusal or comment less horrible than it seems at first glance. (Yes, J&S shut people out, but we don't know whether racism played a role; yes, it can be really creepy to offer your help "forever," but we don't know if it was creepy in *this* context.) This makes for great, thought-provoking discussion. You've both brought up possibilities that didn't initially come to my mind. Thank you!
Can I just say thank you? Something about the casual description of being sensitive to your babies' possible feelings of abandonment gripped me. Just brought it right home who people like you are and what you do.

It's got to be hard as an adoptive mother to read about a case like this and to hear criticism in general of people adopting kids.

But you're a hero in my eyes. People like you making a child that didn't come from you, family. Making them yours and then facing all that means - dealing with the baggage they come with, with such sensitivity and love.

I don't feel like I could do what you've done. You're precious and I'm sorry parents like you have to deal with the blowback due to the rare psychos like these two.

Thank you!! So much this!! Not every - or even most - adoptive parents have bad intentions!! For every case such as the Hart’s, there are so many more loving, caring, parents who adopted their children and live regular lives sans abuse, neglect, racism, etc. some assumptions and accusations in this thread regarding interracial adoption have been really cringey and inappropriate imo
Its just so hard for me to understand how Ciera's body was found so close to the crash site without the other two missing bodies found. I know that there are a lot of dynamics in play, but if those two still missing kids were in that vehicle, logic says they wouldn't have been thrown considerably further than anyone else and unless the bodies are somehow trapped underwater, they should have surfaced for discovery by now.

It's so hard to figure. I really don't know what to think, other than to hope that some answer becomes clear very, very soon. If by some miracle, these kids are still alive somewhere, I want them to be taken in where they are safe and cared for in the most loving and caring way possible. If they are not alive, find their bodies, put them respectfully to rest and then have LE give full disclosure of all the facts known to them so that people can try to understand what went wrong here and work to minimize the chances of it ever happening to any other children.

The ocean can absolutely make people disappear without a trace. They could have been swept out to sea and/or consumed by sea life.

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Maybe they feel they have nothing to say. They may not want to associate with abusive murderers and choose to mourn the children. That&#8217;s if they even know that their high school classmate did this.

I am very aware you were a teacher. That being said, HONY is people telling their own stories. High school classmates of JH and SH can&#8217;t tell their stories for them. I highly doubt I&#8217;d go to the media to tell the story of a high school classmate who just murdered their children. IMO, that would come off weird and inappropriate.

Not to me. I wonder why people read on WS?

For me, there is far more depth here than a news headline.
Not to me. I wonder why people read on WS?

For me, there is far more depth here than a news headline.

I would feel very insensitive going to the media to talk about someone I knew 20 years ago, when said person just murdered their children, two of which are still missing. Maybe their former classmates either don’t know what happened, don’t want to be connected to them, or feel it’s disrespectful to publicly speak about classmates from 20 years ago when four children are dead and two are still missing. JMO
Yep. Me and just about everyone else on my list. It still makes me sick to think about it. The entire comment read: "(my name), you may very well have the ugliest child ever spawned. I say that with the utmost sincerity. By the way, go ahead and set all of your pics to private. I already shared this pic about 3 hours ago and it's already all across the internet. But I don't know, some guys on 4chan seem to think it's "a horrible abomination but still rapeable". Smile (my name), your kid's famous."

I started to share the screenshot on here but figured it wasn't allowed.

Anyhoo, this is an example of how awful people can be. I reported it and FB investigated. Turned out to be a 16 year old kid just trolling around. That was 6 years ago, however, and I'm still shaken by it.

I have no doubt that the Harts received hate-filled mail after that picture went viral. It happens a LOT. (And yeah, You Tube and Topix will make you fear for humanity if you stay too long.) But even so, I think they embellished a lot of what they said, if not made it up altogether. They liked to document things. If they had "proof" wouldn't they have shown it for the sympathy? I took screenshots of the worst of mine.

Good lord!!!! 16 years old??? Talk about child abuse, my *advertiser censored* would have been whooped with the wooden spoon. I am disgusted with what happened to you.
Not to me. I wonder why people read on WS?

For me, there is far more depth here than a news headline.

Personally, I "read on WS" because I am a true crime buff and, with this being a sleuthing community, I enjoy listening to people as they fit clues together and discuss the various crimes from different angles.
It's been interesting to watch these threads on the Hart family when it comes to WS discussing the kids and their possible disabilities.

I remember posting several times to keep in mind that it was Jen who told her friends how deprived these kids had been prior to adoption and then her friends mentioned the challenges Sarah and Jen faced as parents.

My son was on the severe end of ADHD as a kid. With an emphasis on hyperactive. He gravitated towards other kids who were different, so I got exposure to a lot of kids with special needs or disabilities, including visits to his pediatric neurologist.

I can't imagine a bunch of six developmentally disabled kids being able to attend 3 day festivals, especially when they are basically under 10 years old. Nor can I imagine getting all six of them together over and over and over again for photos with all of them smiling. Think about having them attend rallies and marches, with them holding up signs and chanting.

Accounts said these kids were polite. They were friendly. They were intelligent. They loved to read. Jen has pictures of Abigail with helping to lay a floor. A recent video shows Devonte making bean wraps for his siblings while talking to the camera- he's multi-tasking, engaging and using advanced vocabulary.

Whatever innate disabilities these kids had collectively, they were not severe and they would not hamper them from being independent adults.

It makes me beyond angry.
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