ACTIVE SEARCH CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 Mar 2018 #4

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This from Jens facebook the story bwhind this image.

"Jen Hart
February 19 ·
I was hauling lumber to the garage and saw that these guys had a fire crackling in the back, so I popped over to warm up a bit.

Me: Hey, can I have a sip?

Bros: mischievous smirks at each other

J: You don't want to try this.

Me: ok?

D: It burns

Me: Oh. I'll wait until it cools then.

Bros: *guffaws*

J: Oh, it's plenty cool. *having a difficult time keeping a straight face* I didn't think you liked whiskey.

Me: [emoji58]

Bros: *rolling on the ground*

Me: If I didn't know better, I'd think you really were drunk.

Bros: *snort laughing*

Me: What's really in there?

D: Hot *still laughing* cocoa

J: Can't wait to do this again when mom gets home from work.

6 teenagers, y'all. 6 teenagers. I'm gonna make it. [emoji38]"

This is from just back in Febuary. It was alittle over a month before the accident happened. I cant help but wonder what happened in that month.

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My goodness, those kids are adorable, but there's nothing about this exchange or photo that is even slightly realistic. Even the snowball between the boys looks fake--with that thin layer of snow, a giant snowball would be full of sticks, stones, leaves, etc. The kids just randomly built a fire in the backyard and made cocoa without their parents knowing? Um, no.
I'm new here and haven't caught up on all the threads yet, so sorry if this was already said, but in the picture where the kids have those glasses on and I'm assuming are watching the eclipse, their necks look so thin. That really stood out to me.

Hi, welcome! :)
I noticed that too, very thin. And also strained, they are tense.
You could be right! I got and old people´s vibe from the photos.
They also do not correspond with their taste in furniture and decor from videos and photos they have posted.
When a home is listed for sale, photos are taken by the SELLERS agent for advertising on sites like Zillow, Trulia and Thus the photos we see online reflect what the property looked like before the Hart's took possession.

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My goodness, those kids are adorable, but there's nothing about this exchange or photo that is even slightly realistic. Even the snowball between the boys looks fake--with that thin layer of snow, a giant snowball would be full of sticks, stones, leaves, etc. The kids just randomly built a fire in the backyard and made cocoa without their parents knowing? Um, no.

Those women were very strange.
I don't hear good outcomes about CPS often. More than not the children are released back to the abusers and in even more trouble for having told!
But, if a next door neighbor came to my home begging for food I would feed them, ask more questions and call the police once I felt the child was endangered. If the parent came over to get their child I would tell them they needed to wait until the police got here and I would call the police again to see how close they were, hurry up and get here, don't put this on a back burner.

Ya, that's why you go through the cops. You can bet that requests that come via the cops are paid much more close attention to by CPS than from randoms they don't know. And then it's also on law enforcement records. Much less chance to slip through the cracks.

I mean, use judgement. If a local kid came asking for food once and they looked otherwise fine, I'd assume it was just a very bold kid who was a bit peckish. If it happened again ... or there were other signs ... a kid asking five days in a row? or showing signs of trauma/stress? So different, and in obvious need of immediate attention.

Re: the photos. It's true when you look close that there's been editing.

Also re: the kids smiles. So fake. I can pick it a mile away because I've always hated having my photo taken and that's how I smile when i'm forced to have a photo taken but REALLY don't want to. Or in photos from "happy" occasions when I look back and remember it wasn't happy at all (e.g. with a new baby, i'm tired and hormonal but feel like I have to look like a happy new mother). There's tension around the jaw that just can't be hidden, even when you try and bring the smile up to your eyes.
The photos of the Harts Washington home posted online on sites like Zillow or were taken BEFORE the Harts took possession. Photos are taken and posted by the SELLERS agent not Buyers.

Often times after a home sells the pictures are often accessible on line for quite awhile. Sometimes you can see photos of two different sellers on the same house.

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I think the listing photos initially referred to were from when they sold the house in Minnesota. If you scroll down that page you can view pictures from when they listed it in 2010. They owned that house and there are listing photos from when they sold it.


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They didn’t. The photo and social media post were staged and fabricated imo.
I agree, to a point it seems very staged. Whats scary to me is that she was able to act normal to post those facebook posts but a month later she drove those same kids off a cliff killing them and herself. There was def was something mentally unstable there. We know Jen was planning this because she told someone she had a family emergency. Whats weird is she said shed be gone a few weeks or days. I wonder if originally she was planning to take her own life. This is why I wonder at times about Sarahs invovlement. It couldve been kept from Sarah until the final moments. Part of me thinks the kids tried to escape and thats why they were found outside the car. They couldve opened or been close to the door when the car went over the cliff wasn't the one door open? They couldve been attempting to get out that door.

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Why is there no steam coming off that hot cocoa. They are outside, and it's cold. There should be steam, or condensation or whatever those vapors are called.
I noticed the waffles had no syrup on them, just raw blueberries. But the other neighbor, the handyman one, didn't he say one of the kids offered an ice- pop? So I'm also unsure about the sugar ban. But the anti-sugar stance fits the crunchy granola facade they had going.

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Humph! I don’t eat sugar and I don’t have a crunchy granola facade. I think I’ll take your comment personally and get offended and get on my soapbox.

JUST KIDDING! :D Sorry, I could not resist. And I hope my attempt at humor didn’t offend anyone. It’s just so easy to take ourselves too seriously that I thought I’d head off a potential thread-clogging discussion about sugar by joking. I really don’t eat sugar, but I’m only anti-sugar for myself. :)
6. No ring worn, I noticed Sarah was not wearing a ring in more recent pictures but clearly was in many older pictures - yellow circle: whoa looks like ligature marks on the wrist
7. Area on chest clearly edited - can tell from hair strands "disappearing" , I also get this feeling zooming in on SH eyes and redness in nose she was crying just prior to this photo, could be wrong

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I mean no offence to your efforts, you could be very well correct, but at the same time, this is pretty out there conjecture. If you stare at the sun long enough, you start to see a variety of things. Google Dallas Goldbug.
I have no trouble believing these kids were abused in a variety of ways, but I just think you have to keep in mind, if you over analyse things, you may start to see what you want to see.
"Crying" could very well be allergies, poorly applied makeup (see how clumpy her mascara is?) natural colouring, a cold coming on etc. You know what I mean?

A while back, when Devonte's free hugs made the MSM, a lot of people - we'll call them skeptics, theorised that the free hugs thing was manufactured. They theorised that this family were part of a progressive agenda circuit. They theorised about "Loan Closets" (that's a whole other rabbit hole you don't want to go down).
Basically, the theory was that people such as Devonte and his family, stage these situations for progressive media play, as part of a bigger community of people who stage other situations for political media play. A community that gets children through adoption easily and groom the kids into being their political pawns, through abuse typically and then when they're no longer needed or they've received too much attention, they disappear.

Whilst the theory was highly criticised as "ghoulish" and "crazy" by normal people, it wasn't all that incorrect either, in reality.
However, what I meant above about "Staring into the sun" really was applied in this situation. People would look up photos of other black kids from other events and try and match their faces and imply they were "actors" to a degree and a part of this big conspiracy by the "elites" to bamboozle us plebs in society.

When in reality - a reality that we know 4 years later - a logical reality ; these people weren't wrong, just their theories were over developed from staring into the void so much. They clearly were abusive parents politically grooming their too-easily obtained adopted minority children and they did indeed disappear when too much heat was applied, but it wasn't due to loan closets, elites or crisis actors, it was due to two narc individuals. Just two individuals making ****** choices.

So IMO and I'm saying this so people keep grounded - there doesn't have to be covered up crying evidence or "ligature" marks in pictures that have been edited when the reality of this situation was much more simple - at times they were probably good parents and good people with good intentions who got swept up in a situation politically, socially and emotionally that was too much for them and they sometimes hit their kids and they sometimes punished them by taking food away and the ending was probably due to one parent (Jen) wanting to die and in a fit of emotional idiocy, couldn't bare to be without her kids and wife in the afterlife, so she took everyone with her.

I hate saying that because I disagree with their dumb politics and stupid lifestyle, but logically, stuff is usually simple and not some grand epic.
I mean no offence to your efforts, you could be very well correct, but at the same time, this is pretty out there conjecture. If you stare at the sun long enough, you start to see a variety of things. Google Dallas Goldbug.
I have no trouble believing these kids were abused in a variety of ways, but I just think you have to keep in mind, if you over analyse things, you may start to see what you want to see.
"Crying" could very well be allergies, poorly applied makeup (see how clumpy her mascara is?) natural colouring, a cold coming on etc. You know what I mean?

A while back, when Devonte's free hugs made the MSM, a lot of people - we'll call them skeptics, theorised that the free hugs thing was manufactured. They theorised that this family were part of a progressive agenda circuit. They theorised about "Loan Closets" (that's a whole other rabbit hole you don't want to go down).
Basically, the theory was that people such as Devonte and his family, stage these situations for progressive media play, as part of a bigger community of people who stage other situations for political media play. A community that gets children through adoption easily and groom the kids into being their political pawns, through abuse typically and then when they're no longer needed or they've received too much attention, they disappear.

Whilst the theory was highly criticised as "ghoulish" and "crazy" by normal people, it wasn't all that incorrect either, in reality.
However, what I meant above about "Staring into the sun" really was applied in this situation. People would look up photos of other black kids from other events and try and match their faces and imply they were "actors" to a degree and a part of this big conspiracy by the "elites" to bamboozle us plebs in society.

When in reality - a reality that we know 4 years later - a logical reality ; these people weren't wrong, just their theories were over developed from staring into the void so much. They clearly were abusive parents politically grooming their too-easily obtained adopted minority children and they did indeed disappear when too much heat was applied, but it wasn't due to loan closets, elites or crisis actors, it was due to two narc individuals. Just two individuals making ****** choices.

So IMO and I'm saying this so people keep grounded - there doesn't have to be covered up crying evidence or "ligature" marks in pictures that have been edited when the reality of this situation was much more simple - at times they were probably good parents and good people with good intentions who got swept up in a situation politically, socially and emotionally that was too much for them and they sometimes hit their kids and they sometimes punished them by taking food away and the ending was probably due to one parent (Jen) wanting to die and in a fit of emotional idiocy, couldn't bare to be without her kids and wife in the afterlife, so she took everyone with her.

I hate saying that because I disagree with their dumb politics and stupid lifestyle, but logically, stuff is usually simple and not some grand epic.

Thank you. You've nicely summed up what I've been feeling about this situation.
Why is there no steam coming off that hot cocoa. They are outside, and it's cold. There should be steam, or condensation or whatever those vapors are called.

Bc there is nothing in it, not whiskey, not water, or hot cocoa. JMO
Why is there no steam coming off that hot cocoa. They are outside, and it's cold. There should be steam, or condensation or whatever those vapors are called.

Not to mention that any steaming liquid in that thermos top would probably heat up the top/cup and would be uncomfortable to hold with bare fingers.
I get we're angry.
Can we take care not to make sweeping generalizations?
Stupid politics, silly lifestyle, most be vegan, didn't listen to Hendrix etc.

I'm not trying to pick on anyone or single anyone out but geez it's getting kinda crazy up in here. I'm just waiting for "satanic ritual" to be uttered.

(although maybe that's on account of I ran into a super crazy conspiracy theory blog earlier that I'm not even going to say what the take on it there was holy business crazy!)

And I don't "question" the children's accounts or perceptions regarding the starving, but I do wonder about the actual reality of it, having worked with adopted children with RAD and eating disorders--like I've mentioned previously, I've worked with kids who can gorge an entire days worth of food in ten minutes then ten minutes later very convincingly tell someone they're starving. And they may have thought they were--obviously something was not connecting in the satiation area.

I'm not saying these kids were or were not starved, but I'm getting pretty darn tired of the berating posts that seem aimed at anyone who discusses other possibilities.
This is the most recent pics of all the kids

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AND call police. Each and every time.

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I mean no offence to your efforts, you could be very well correct, but at the same time, this is pretty out there conjecture. If you stare at the sun long enough, you start to see a variety of things. Google Dallas Goldbug.
I have no trouble believing these kids were abused in a variety of ways, but I just think you have to keep in mind, if you over analyse things, you may start to see what you want to see.
"Crying" could very well be allergies, poorly applied makeup (see how clumpy her mascara is?) natural colouring, a cold coming on etc. You know what I mean?

A while back, when Devonte's free hugs made the MSM, a lot of people - we'll call them skeptics, theorised that the free hugs thing was manufactured. They theorised that this family were part of a progressive agenda circuit. They theorised about "Loan Closets" (that's a whole other rabbit hole you don't want to go down).
Basically, the theory was that people such as Devonte and his family, stage these situations for progressive media play, as part of a bigger community of people who stage other situations for political media play. A community that gets children through adoption easily and groom the kids into being their political pawns, through abuse typically and then when they're no longer needed or they've received too much attention, they disappear.

Whilst the theory was highly criticised as "ghoulish" and "crazy" by normal people, it wasn't all that incorrect either, in reality.
However, what I meant above about "Staring into the sun" really was applied in this situation. People would look up photos of other black kids from other events and try and match their faces and imply they were "actors" to a degree and a part of this big conspiracy by the "elites" to bamboozle us plebs in society.

When in reality - a reality that we know 4 years later - a logical reality ; these people weren't wrong, just their theories were over developed from staring into the void so much. They clearly were abusive parents politically grooming their too-easily obtained adopted minority children and they did indeed disappear when too much heat was applied, but it wasn't due to loan closets, elites or crisis actors, it was due to two narc individuals. Just two individuals making ****** choices.

So IMO and I'm saying this so people keep grounded - there doesn't have to be covered up crying evidence or "ligature" marks in pictures that have been edited when the reality of this situation was much more simple - at times they were probably good parents and good people with good intentions who got swept up in a situation politically, socially and emotionally that was too much for them and they sometimes hit their kids and they sometimes punished them by taking food away and the ending was probably due to one parent (Jen) wanting to die and in a fit of emotional idiocy, couldn't bare to be without her kids and wife in the afterlife, so she took everyone with her.

I hate saying that because I disagree with their dumb politics and stupid lifestyle, but logically, stuff is usually simple and not some grand epic.

Thank you so much for saying what I have been apparently beating a dead horse with. I think there's significant mh issues with at least Jen, Sarah enabler at very least. A lot of neglect from the services kids needed. A couple are wearing glasses! It's so back and forth, that I think women had difficulty handling their own anger, impulses, moods, parenting. And refusal to get help, need for control. And witholding food worked to get kids to cooperate.
6. No ring worn, I noticed Sarah was not wearing a ring in more recent pictures but clearly was in many older pictures - yellow circle: whoa looks like ligature marks on the wrist
7. Area on chest clearly edited - can tell from hair strands "disappearing" , I also get this feeling zooming in on SH eyes and redness in nose she was crying just prior to this photo, could be wrong

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She has thick hair. May be from always wearing an elastic around wrist. Pulled up hair for ride. I often get band marks on my wrists.

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the reality of this situation was much more simple - at times they were probably good parents and good people with good intentions who got swept up in a situation politically, socially and emotionally that was too much for them and they sometimes hit their kids and they sometimes punished them by taking food away and the ending was probably due to one parent (Jen) wanting to die and in a fit of emotional idiocy, couldn't bare to be without her kids and wife in the afterlife, so she took everyone with her.

I hate saying that because I disagree with their dumb politics and stupid lifestyle, but logically, stuff is usually simple and not some grand epic.

Yes. I believe you are right.
In another discussion, someone identified Markis’s jaw anomaly as “hypertrophic masseter muscles”. I googled and that seems pretty accurate. Although his is more pronounced than many cases.

It can be caused by clenching the jaw from stress.
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