ACTIVE SEARCH CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 Mar 2018 #4

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I suspect that was the case with the foster child. That they complained to others about her eating out of the garbage can and not being smart says that they needed help for this girl...more than a makeover at a department store could accomplish. So what made it seem to be a good idea to take on 3 small children and then 3 more a few years later?

And cutting nipples of mannequins? Is she nuts? Does this tie in with keeping the kids small...preventing sexualization? Or am I over-analyzing this?

The mannequin thing is quite at odds with the Portland "Love is Love" vibe she had going on later in life huh? I have a feeling that Jen was a complete political moonbat who flipped like a switch whenever a social trend came along. It's also quite an aggressive approach to a situation. Just coz her social justice feelings were hurt... taking a hacksaw to someone else's property is a crime. No respect or logical reasoning, all emotion.

I am confused. The author says that children should eat, not be restricted, How would eating out of the garbage be an issue if food was available?

If we look at it like this : There's no reason to assume this foster child was deprived by Sarah or Jen. Her "eating out of the garbage" would probably have been her hoarding food from the garbage, as the article linked suggests, stemming from emotional insecurities that are documented in foster and adopted children. Given that it's a documented behaviour endemic to children who have faced trauma, especially foster and adopted children, in this circumstance it'd be more reasonable to assume that was the case, than they were starving this kid straight out of the gate. There was also no one saying "Jen and Sarah were restricting the first foster child", in fact the opposite ; they expressed concern at her behaviour, questioned what they could do. Like it'd make sense that this foster child had severe emotional issues and was exhibiting documented behaviour specific to her demographic. You know what I mean?

As an aside, the part in that article about the makeover, I wouldn't put too much in that. People recall things differently over a long period of time when they put it into current context. The journalist should have known better than to frame it like that, but she's after clicks, not logical reasoning. IMO anyway.
I suspect that was the case with the foster child. That they complained to others about her eating out of the garbage can and not being smart says that they needed help for this girl...more than a makeover at a department store could accomplish. So what made it seem to be a good idea to take on 3 small children and then 3 more a few years later?

And cutting nipples of mannequins? Is she nuts? Does this tie in with keeping the kids small...preventing sexualization? Or am I over-analyzing this?

That is highly odd. Really?!

Since I saw the photo she took and posted of one of Hannah´s bloody teeth, I have suspected a sadistic streak in Jennifer.
I have a child adopted internationally who came home at 6, the size of a 3yo. At 11, he is the size of an average 6/7 yo now. Food is a major issue still as he has no concept of feeling full and will eat and eat, as fast as he can and never stops until his belly is huge and protruding that he throws up and then he will still eat more unless we place appropriate limits. Being around others with food or at food related events are very hard with him. He will and has eaten out of the trash, other peoples plates, off the floor and random strangers drinks when we are out shopping.

The early years have a major impact on a child’s growth and development and much of that can’t be caught up on.

The difference is that we’ve had medical care involved for the past 5 years, trying to figure out what is causing his growth issues and get him help. No answers yet but we haven’t given up.

It has not been confirmed whether the Hart children have SN but I do fully understand the stress and challenges involved in caring for kids affected by trauma. We are deep in the trenches now and I do believe the prior adoption training was not enough. Help are respite and resources are hard to come by. Hardest thing we have ever done. Abuse is never escuseable, however.

You seek help, here lies the difference between you and the Harts!
Good luck with your son, I wish you all the very best.
I am confused. The author says that children should eat, not be restricted, How would eating out of the garbage be an issue if food was available?

You are rationalizing using your experience and understanding. But a person who has experienced severe neglect doesn’t think “normally.” This is one of the things I struggle with myself as an adoptive parent of very hurt children. You think that you show them they can eat (or go potty or flush the toilet or tell the truth or wear clothing that fits or get up when they wake up in the morning or whatever) and so they will. Maybe it’ll take a couple weeks for them to remember; but you figure they’ll get it. And for some things they DO. But others? Why say you wet the bed if you did NOT? Why chew on batteries and hoard scissors? Why beg kids at school for food when you had a double lunch and two snacks in your backpack? Mom is shaking her head wondering when the weeks turn to months turn to years.
Any word on the id of the body found a few days ago? IIRC, the autopsy was supposed to be yesterday.

Nothing yet. Maybe they will say something in the morning update, but most articles I read said ID from DNA would take a couple of weeks.

Did any autopsy info come out from the initial 5 crash victims?
That is highly odd. Really?!

Since I saw the photo she took and posted of one of Hannah´s bloody teeth, I have suspected a sadistic streak in Jennifer.

You can read about the mannequins here. Just bizarre. I respect the foster child's privacy, but it will be interesting to see if the woman comes forward with her own version of life with the Hart women in '05.

Interesting, different view of couple from the early beginnings. Even with one child they were a little harsh. I can't imagine being taken to a beauty counter and made to have a 'makeover', parents watching arms crossed...
I think the issue is that they eat out of the garbage even when they’ve eaten meals, etc. In other words it’s a mental health issue of obsessive eating. A foster mother upthread talked about this IIRC.

I taught children who were in homes below the poverty level for thirty years. We ate linch and snacks in the classroom. I had food hoarders but never once did I have a child who ate out of the garbage,No one ever tried to sneak food out of the garbage can.

Right or wrong, I,let them take as much food as they wanted. I never said one word if their last multiple helping was thrown away. I did not want them to think foord was restricted in anyway. I know there is a food waste problem in the US, but to me it was more important to see that at school, food was no issue.

What they did at home I had no idea.

It is possible that out of the hundreds of children I had, there were no children who were deprived of food in an abusive way. They may have been deproved because there was no food, but not because anyone was being cruel.

I cannot figure out why someone would eat out of the garbage if other food was available. Why not choose something more yummy?
Mom is shaking her head wondering when the weeks turn to months turn to years.

Quoting self. Lol

And depending on the issue it can get quite frustrating. And so you try various solutions. We have rules (or had rules for a time) that you might find weird. We tried punishment for certain things that were ongoing. We tried more therapies and medications. We tried everything, it seems. You eventually learn that some things just aren’t going away and you work around them.

But certain things may still frustrate you sometimes. I really don’t want to go on a trip this weekend. We really have to due to a family situation. But it will be HARD. We have all the normal things everyone else traveling with kids have but then we have some additional issues. For example, due to pasts, two of my kids are unable to “hold it” for even a couple minutes. And fear causes them to pee. The fear of wetting themselves causes them to wet themselves. So obviously we stop a LOT. And we need extra clothing. And we protect the seat of the van. But we can’t limit fluids due to other issues. And we have never figured out how to get them to just tell us rather than screaming and crying. So everyone jumps on edge. And we were already waiting for that “other shoe to drop.” I wish we could just stay home where they can use the bathroom the second they need to. And that is one issue. There will be more but I just want to use one example.

Just saying it can be hard.

Thing is that if Jen and Sarah had these issues (and I honestly believe they did), they likely made it a whole lot worse in some ways by abusing the kids. Had they sought appropriate help and support (which IS lacking), they may have made progress.

(Btw, my kids have made amazing progress! We are so fortunate to have gotten to see and be part of their journeys. But some things ARE tougher to live day in and day out.)
The mannequin thing is quite at odds with the Portland "Love is Love" vibe she had going on later in life huh? I have a feeling that Jen was a complete political moonbat who flipped like a switch whenever a social trend came along. It's also quite an aggressive approach to a situation.

LOL'ing quite literally here because I haven't seen the term "moonbat" since the good old days of the Bush administration. I have to say, though, that even though I tend a bit towards the left of where you appear to be on the political spectrum, I agree with you about Jen's actions with the mannequins were aggressive and overly emotional for the situation. Nipples on mannequins? How should we fix this? "Normal" people might want to spread their message that this is exploitative by writing or music or art. Something, anything to spread the message to a wider audience. Jen is simply concerned with making sure that the nipples are out of her own, personal sight. Because they're triggering for her, and I mean that literally.

Edited to correct myself re: Jen and Sarah.
The mannequin thing is quite at odds with the Portland "Love is Love" vibe she had going on later in life huh? I have a feeling that Jen was a complete political moonbat who flipped like a switch whenever a social trend came along. It's also quite an aggressive approach to a situation. Just coz her social justice feelings were hurt... taking a hacksaw to someone else's property is a crime. No respect or logical reasoning, all emotion.

If we look at it like this : There's no reason to assume this foster child was deprived by Sarah or Jen. Her "eating out of the garbage" would probably have been her hoarding food from the garbage, as the article linked suggests, stemming from emotional insecurities that are documented in foster and adopted children. Given that it's a documented behaviour endemic to children who have faced trauma, especially foster and adopted children, in this circumstance it'd be more reasonable to assume that was the case, than they were starving this kid straight out of the gate. There was also no one saying "Jen and Sarah were restricting the first foster child", in fact the opposite ; they expressed concern at her behaviour, questioned what they could do. Like it'd make sense that this foster child had severe emotional issues and was exhibiting documented behaviour specific to her demographic. You know what I mean?

As an aside, the part in that article about the makeover, I wouldn't put too much in that. People recall things differently over a long period of time when they put it into current context. The journalist should have known better than to frame it like that, but she's after clicks, not logical reasoning. IMO anyway.

If one can go to the frig or to a cupboard to get food, why go to the garbage can? If eating out of a garbage can is a problem, wrap the garbage up and put it outside.

Food scraps can be composted in a barrel that is not accessible for getting food out of it.

They can give leftover meat to the dog.
LOL'ing quite literally here because I haven't seen the term "moonbat" since the good old days of the Bush administration. I have to say, though, that even though I tend a bit towards the left of where you appear to be on the political spectrum, I agree with you Sarah's (because it was Sarah who worked in the department store, not Jen) actions with the mannequins were aggressive and overly emotional for the situation. Nipples on mannequins? How should we fix this? "Normal" people might want to spread their message that this is exploitative by writing or music or art. Something, anything to spread the message to a wider audience. Sarah is simply concerned with making sure that the nipples are out of her own, personal sight. Because they're triggering for her, and I mean that literally.

Yea "moonbat" made me almost choke on the air I was breathing [emoji38] but I also think this is a clear example of the women getting angry and inflicting violence/destruction on something they don't have patience or tolerance for and then getting away with it.

Ugh they were so full of themselves


They are (barf).

You hardly see Markis and Hannah in this video.
And if you do, they are from the back, hidden behind someone or in dark profile shots.
Ugh they were so full of themselves


My first reaction to seeing the birthday video was it's more like a slick production that snippets from a family outing. Strictly from a technical perspective the birthday video might be considered good, but from a creative standpoint it's not that original. In many ways it's a ripoff of the artist's official video for the song "Wild Child" that JH used. IMO
Try as in months later........ Thanks to Mrs. DeKalb's mother for telling her 80 year old father and him calling police. By the time March 23rd came, it was too late and also headed for the weekend, therefore only limited attempts could be made by CPS to visit on Friday but not the entire weekend,. Bruce DeKalb is is insensitive man and media had repeated the story in several ways in which he does not seem to understand and grasp why his own wife was upset even, he is a pathetic excuse for a human being. Then complained that the family barged in his house looking for HH. No Bruce, you let them openly in .

Someone posted a few days ago that maybe the police needed to check on the DeKalbs of the wife wasn't even able to make a phone call on her own lol. It's not really funny but the commenter had a point.

What makes me curious is.....they've basically been able to get away with anything so far. The only consequence was the charge back in what, 2006? 2009? in which one woman pled guilty even though it's pretty obvious the other woman did it.

Then there were at least 2 or 3 other incidents or reports that led to nothing.

So if the DCF visit is the trigger for this incident, what was so different about this situation that made Jen decide going over a cliff was better than facing the consequences?
So if the DCF visit is the trigger for this incident, what was so different about this situation that made Jen decide going over a cliff was better than facing the consequences?

That's the crux of the matter, what everyone else is wondering as well. And I suspect that we'll never know.
Someone posted a few days ago that maybe the police needed to check on the DeKalbs of the wife wasn't even able to make a phone call on her own lol. It's not really funny but the commenter had a point.

What makes me curious is.....they've basically been able to get away with anything so far. The only consequence was the charge back in what, 2006? 2009? in which one woman pled guilty even though it's pretty obvious the other woman did it.

Then there were at least 2 or 3 other incidents or reports that led to nothing.

So if the DCF visit is the trigger for this incident, what was so different about this situation that made Jen decide going over a cliff was better than facing the consequences?

Right, that is exactly what I have been asking myself this whole time. They got CPS called on them more than once before. So, what was so terrible that she thought she couldn't get away with? I don't think she (they) was thinking about comming back. CA is a long way from WA. Sarah probably had to go to work eventually, maybe she was already missing work days (not sure if she worked weekends or not). They left everything back. They did even take toothbrushes with them? I don't know but I keep thinking that Jen (or both of them) was not planning to ever get back.
^^^^^ Mz, I believe, IMO, there was more evidence at this time of worse things had been happening in that home.

Was there more severe starvation, or more physical abuse, or physically restraining, or sexual abuse or incest ????

Something was worse this time and the evidence was there. They knew they couldn't squirm out this time.

But with the crash, water degradation and condition of the bodies when found, this info may not come out.
Someone posted a few days ago that maybe the police needed to check on the DeKalbs of the wife wasn't even able to make a phone call on her own lol. It's not really funny but the commenter had a point.

What makes me curious is.....they've basically been able to get away with anything so far. The only consequence was the charge back in what, 2006? 2009? in which one woman pled guilty even though it's pretty obvious the other woman did it.

Then there were at least 2 or 3 other incidents or reports that led to nothing.

So if the DCF visit is the trigger for this incident, what was so different about this situation that made Jen decide going over a cliff was better than facing the consequences?

The million dollar question.
Could it be that the kids were now teens and would talk about all that happened in that household?
Ugh they were so full of themselves


What bothers me is why weren't there "(Kid)'s (___)th Birthday Adventure!" videos? Or even one big "birthday adventure" that they did once a year? These women just come across as so self centered.

I hate how easily people can be fooled.
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