ACTIVE SEARCH CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 Mar 2018 #4

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this scenario and the mention of knocked down cinder blocks...any blocks missing? Could have been used to weigh down and dispose of something in a body of water?

I thought of that, but there are 10 complete retaining blocks visible on the ground, along with cap blocks, which would be about the right number for that section of the wall. Each of the blocks would have been about 40 pounds, but were hollow-core. (I verified the size from the photos on the posting for the house.) They would have needed to take a lot more than one or two if they were planning on using them that far in advanced. It looks like all of the blocks were left there.
You all are so quick on this site...I wrote out my post and then went back and found my answer..thank you!!

Oh ) You welcome, dear. It is a fast-paced world and this discussion board is very active. Keep visiting and posting your insightful opinions. Have a nice day. : )

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SELF CARE, y'all. I've been taking care of myself and my family. Our safety, emotional and physical health are always the absolute most important things. Period.

- Jen Hart, June 2017


There's so many things this could be. A ruse to back up being gone for a few days. A legitimate illness. Something that was given to her that made her sick. Interesting, though, that Sarah had friends she felt comfortable texting at 3am about stuff like a bad illness. That's not something you'd send to someone you were trying to be superficial with.

Why did this take two weeks to be reported, though? (Or maybe my expectations of family/friend disclosures to the media aren't normal?)

I’m with you...I do believe she was sick. Did someone give her something?
I’m with you...I do believe she was sick. Did someone give her something?

I think it’s possible, but that would have been a long time for Jen to drive around with sick/sedated passenger(s) imo. Personally, I think either Sarah sent that text bc she knew she was going to be MIA for a while and was setting the stage to be unreachable, or jen sent the text from Sarah’s phone.
This makes me wonder what else Cheryl might have known or suspected. Because sure, if a friend who lives alone sent me a text like that and then went radio silent, I might call for a welfare check. But not a friend who has a spouse. UNLESS I thought that spouse was a and sketchy as all get out. A friend who lives with a spouse or family who went silent, I would wait a bit and assume their spouse/family was caring for them and they would contact me when they were ready for visitors. UNLESS I thought that their spouse might be the one to put them in the hospital in the first place.

Great post.
I think it’s possible, but that would have been a long time for Jen to drive around with sick/sedated passenger(s) imo. Personally, I think either Sarah sent that text bc she knew she was going to be MIA for a while and was setting the stage to be unreachable, or jen sent the text from Sarah’s phone.

Re: setting the stage why not follow up not to cause alarm when Cheryl responds? If you're trying Togo mia why leave so much open for interpretation? Upon return people would want answers from her and there would be an immediate alarm so that message seems sketchy.

This was posted by alireba on Thread #2 from Jen Hart FB Page

This. Year. Slammed. Us. Hard. It was as if we were continuously seeing this "Proceed No Further" sign showing up in a myriad of ways.

Extremely simplified explanation:
Loss of a friend
Loss of 5 animals(2 in the last month)
Serious stalking and threats of violence towards me and my family
3 job transfers(Sarah)
Several other very challenging medical diagnosis

Sarah: rear ended in a car accident. Totaled
Discrimination from the government & insurance companies - which nearly led to homelessness weeks before closing on our home. Yeah. This is still a thing that happens. Thanks to my wife for being a badass superhero along side of me to combat this bs.

*All of this while home hunting non stop for over a year.

*All of this during an already very terrifying time in this country (and Portland...holy ****)

*All of this while trying to be supportive and loving wife whilst raising 6 teenagers.

So, where have I(we) been?
SELF CARE, y'all. I've been taking care of myself and my family. Our safety, emotional and physical health are always the absolute most important things. Period. Releasing the expectations to show up here or elsewhere was vital in my own healing. I am no service to others if my tank is empty.

What do we need? What we need is loving understanding that there is a lot going on, and that we are working on putting our lives back together now that we've finally purchased our new home/land. Time. Trust building. Time. Trust building. TIME. We've been fighting the good fight always - just a little more behind the scenes than usual.

What we don't need:
-pity or sorrow for these struggles
-guilt trips for not meeting your expectations

- Jen Hart, June 2017

I just noticed something interesting. Jen states there have been 3 job transfers for Sarah in the past year. Sarah’s Linkedin says she has been at the same Kohl’s in OR since 2015. She was at the Kohl’s before that since 2012. So, where were these 3 transfers in a year?
I’m with you...I do believe she was sick. Did someone give her something?

I believe she was sick because of something bad that happened between the time she got home after CPS left until they left quickly the next day. My hinky meter is going off bad. I got a feeling they got carried away accidentally killed one of the kids while punishing probably Devonte if one of the kids had told them he had been getting food from the neighbors or he admitted it. That’s why decision to go off cliff. Do you seriously think these women would not punish Devonte or the other kids for that?
"...It was as if we were continuously seeing this "Proceed No Further" sign showing up in a myriad of ways."
- Jen Hart, June 2017

This sounds like an indirect suicide threat to me. Proceed no further with... what? Given the list that she gives out, you've pretty much gotta think she meant 'proceed no further with living.'
I just noticed something interesting. Jen states there have been 3 job transfers for Sarah in the past year. Sarah’s Linkedin says she has been at the same Kohl’s in OR since 2015. She was at the Kohl’s before that since 2012. So, where were these 3 transfers in a year?

I think you have to take pretty much everything out of Jen's mouth with a big grain of salt.
I just noticed something interesting. Jen states there have been 3 job transfers for Sarah in the past year. Sarah’s Linkedin says she has been at the same Kohl’s in OR since 2015. She was at the Kohl’s before that since 2012. So, where were these 3 transfers in a year?

This. Year. Slammed. Us. Hard. It was as if we were continuously seeing this "Proceed No Further" sign showing up in a myriad of ways.

Extremely simplified explanation:
Loss of a friend

*** my apologies, I don't know how to pull two quotes*** Please see quote above for Jen's Facebook post. ***

Also, when someone purposefully puts a list or bullet points out there, I assume (jmo) that the very FIRST thing they mention is the biggest issue. So, who was this "friend" that they lost?

In retrospect, "Proceed No Further" is so darn eerie as well.
If Sarah could bruise little Abigail front and back from a fist, Abigail said a closed fist and hold her head under cold water according to the complaint and plead guilty for it over a penny in a pocket Those big women were capable of anything they could do lots of damage to the frail kids. I don’t think it would take much as they were already weak from being starved.
I cannot figure out why someone would eat out of the garbage if other food was available. Why not choose something more yummy?

They do eat yummy food and they eat out of the garbage because the are emotional disturbed and have maladaptive behaviors from traumatic abuse and neglect that you may not be able to fathom.

You could ask why do hoarders hoard to the point of isolating themselves, destroying their homes, and their health, people have mental health issues and do not always behave rationally.
This was posted by alireba on Thread #2. Sorry I am having trouble quoting it so a copied and pasted. When I first read it last week I thought was a crazy scary glimpse into the mind of Jen at least and still do.

I found this copied post by Jen Hart on Facebook
&#55357;&#56476;Here’s an ominous message that Jen Hart wrote on her fb page last summer...after their ‘Hug Seen Around The World’ notoriety and challenges. This is a glimpse of their experience...

“I unplugged from Facebook for over half of this year. I've had to change my/our phone number(s) twice. I've steered clear of public settings for the most part. Rather than answering the floods of messages like: Where have you been? Why haven't you responded to my texts? Etc - I'll try and address SOME of the things that led to the disconnect.

This. Year. Slammed. Us. Hard. It was as if we were continuously seeing this "Proceed No Further" sign showing up in a myriad of ways.

Extremely simplified explanation:
Loss of a friend
Loss of 5 animals(2 in the last month)
Serious stalking and threats of violence towards me and my family
3 job transfers(Sarah)
Several other very challenging medical diagnosis

Sarah: rear ended in a car accident. Totaled
Discrimination from the government & insurance companies - which nearly led to homelessness weeks before closing on our home. Yeah. This is still a thing that happens. Thanks to my wife for being a badass superhero along side of me to combat this bs.

*All of this while home hunting non stop for over a year.

*All of this during an already very terrifying time in this country (and Portland...holy ****)

*All of this while trying to be supportive and loving wife whilst raising 6 teenagers.

So, where have I(we) been?
SELF CARE, y'all. I've been taking care of myself and my family. Our safety, emotional and physical health are always the absolute most important things. Period. Releasing the expectations to show up here or elsewhere was vital in my own healing. I am no service to others if my tank is empty.

What do we need? What we need is loving understanding that there is a lot going on, and that we are working on putting our lives back together now that we've finally purchased our new home/land. Time. Trust building. Time. Trust building. TIME. We've been fighting the good fight always - just a little more behind the scenes than usual.

What we don't need:
-pity or sorrow for these struggles
-guilt trips for not meeting your expectations
-pressure of any kind.

We've embarked on an incredible new journey up on some beautiful land in Washington. After over 4 1/2 years in the PNW, we finally feel at HOME. We're looking forward to sharing it with everyone... when the time is right.


Oh - and if you still have our old phone numbers, please don't text or call them anymore...unless you like really colorful language from strangers.&#55357;&#56838;”

- Jen Hart, June 2017
Jen the Drama Queen. Poor me. Trying real hard to justify her absence from FB. Sounds fishy.

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Sorry guys going off on my tangents. I just got a weird feeling there is more to this story lots more going on in that house of horrors. I think Jens mental stability had declined rapidly and both wonen had mental illness. The friend that called 911 must have known it too.

You could tell from Jens posts on her FB page she wasn’t right in the head. Much of it didn’t make sense a bunch of coverup stories. Her writings gave me the creeps.
Putting "trust building" down there twice... something happened to destroy trust somewhere. Doesn't this post just about line up with Hannah's runaway attempt?
Putting "trust building" down there twice... something happened to destroy trust somewhere. Doesn't this post just about line up with Hannah's runaway attempt?

I think it was a few months earlier. It was written in June and Hannah went to the neighbor's in August.
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