ACTIVE SEARCH CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 Mar 2018 #4

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Pretty sick case all around. Looks like Jennifer and Sarah Hart are abusers.

I would not be surprised if they are injustice collectors.

Not often you hear about people who adopt children and are criminals. Carri and Larry Williams, Nicole Finn, Lori Drew, Jerry Sandusky, and Jim Jones adopted children.
Jen the Drama Queen. Poor me. Trying real hard to justify her absence from FB. Sounds fishy.

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Right-- for example, she's not just the target of stalking. She's the target of SERIOUS stalking.

She is as defensive as heck.
Three different dogs were in the birthday video. One was in the kayak with Sarah. I had never seen that one before it was a light golden color. Wouldn’t the dogs have washed ashore as well? I wonder if the women just let them out somewhere in the woods during the road trip. Jen and Sarah both rode in that purple kayak in the video weren’t the kids allowed to ride in it and have some fun. My boys love boats.
Three different dogs were in the birthday video. One was in the kayak with Sarah. I had never seen that one before it was a light golden color. Wouldn’t the dogs have washed ashore as well? I wonder if the women just let them out somewhere in the woods during the road trip. Jen and Sarah both rode in that purple kayak in the video weren’t the kids allowed to ride in it and have some fun. My boys love boats.

I think one or two of the dogs from the birthday video might be some of the pets they lost last year.
Ah, you're right of course. Still, it could possibly indicate some kind of cascading series of events over/through the summertime.

Something that I'm not sure has been widely discussed, and it probably sounds silly. But here goes -

The election actually did have a big effect on my mental health, both right away and over time. I became enstranged from my own family too (later than Jen and Sarah seem to have, but still) and overall I lost a lot of hope for a long time. I'm sure there are people of all different opinions here, so please excuse me if you felt differently. :) And I'm just a regular, votes-in-the-big-elections liberal. The Harts were much more invested in politics than I am, and they probably would have felt... well, I'm not sure how to put, but the feeling I've gotten over the past two years has been pretty negative, and that there are greater forces of intolerance and general nastiness in America than I had realized. The Harts almost certainly got the same types of news and editorials that I did.

I really doubt that it was a direct reason for anything these women did, but I'm positive that any mental health problems they had were not made better by the last couple years' politics. And they probably were targeted by trolls after going viral. The kinds of trolls that you wouldn't otherwise ever see, unless your curiosity took you to some dark places on the internet. There are some incredibly nasty and ruthless people. And they would have said a lot of racist stuff to the Harts if they could, things that are calculated to get into your head and worsen your outlook - some of these people take a special interest in nasty propaganda.
I think one or two of the dogs from the birthday video might be some of the pets they lost last year.

Thanks. I wonder if they only had the little grey dog? I know she lost her 15yr cat she posted all about it on FB when he died. A photo with a sad teared up Devonte loving on the kitty.
JMO- thinking out loud so be kind please. What if Sarah was the dominant personality? What if Abigail told the teacher Jen abused her because she was afraid of the repercussions of outing Sarah? Sarah, perhaps, was fed up and just said-"I Did It". Taking the blame as she really did do it. A friend says she witnessed Sarah bruising one of the girls wrist over food. Jen was a stay at home mom with 6 kids. Sarah comes home, and as the breadwinner, expects a tidy house and obeying children. Maybe Jen was terrified of disappointing Sarah. Maybe Sarah flew home in a rage after the CPS visit and loaded everyone in the car. Perhaps Jen knew Sarah had reached her limit and didn't want to deal with disappointing her anymore -and ended it at the cliff.

At first I felt dominance in Jen. The staged photos, the perfect image. But as I saw the birthday video and several photos, I felt like a saw a coldness in Sarah and perhaps, an insane willingness by Jen to please Sarah with the dog and pony show. As in, look what we did all day (chicken and waffles pics, etc) while you were at work. Detachment: If you watch the Bird Landing on the Podium at the Bernie Sanders rally, Jen seems so animated. She goes to high five Sarah at one point. Sarah's response reads lukewarm at best.

Those wonderful, beautiful children were caught up in a storm of narcissism. Zero excuse for abuse. They weathered so very much. Breaks my heart.
Ah, you're right of course. Still, it could possibly indicate some kind of cascading series of events over/through the summertime.

Something that I'm not sure has been widely discussed, and it probably sounds silly. But here goes -

The election actually did have a big effect on my mental health, both right away and over time. I became enstranged from my own family too (later than Jen and Sarah seem to have, but still) and overall I lost a lot of hope for a long time. I'm sure there are people of all different opinions here, so please excuse me if you felt differently. [emoji4] And I'm just a regular, votes-in-the-big-elections liberal. The Harts were much more invested in politics than I am, and they probably would have felt... well, I'm not sure how to put, but the feeling I've gotten over the past two years has been pretty negative, and that there are greater forces of intolerance and general nastiness in America than I had realized. The Harts almost certainly got the same types of news and editorials that I did.

I really doubt that it was a direct reason for anything these women did, but I'm positive that any mental health problems they had were not made better by the last couple years' politics. And they probably were targeted by trolls after going viral. The kinds of trolls that you wouldn't otherwise ever see, unless your curiosity took you to some dark places on the internet. There are some incredibly nasty and ruthless people. And they would have said a lot of racist stuff to the Harts if they could, things that are calculated to get into your head and worsen your outlook - some of these people take a special interest in nasty propaganda.

You could have a point but no excuse for them beating on your kids because of a presidential race. Please please don’t bring up politics here those get real heated and hard to stop. Lol. Put it this way I’m Rep and am not racist at all!! We are all God’s children all the same.thats all I’m going to say. Lol
You could have a point but no excuse for them beating on your kids because of a presidential race. Please please don’t bring up politics here those get real heated and hard to stop. Lol. Put it this way I’m Rep and am not racist at all!! We are all God’s children all the same.thats all I’m going to say. Lol

I figure if there's one thing we could all agree on by now, it's that media (on both sides, of all kinds, online and offline... from television to newspapers) has been fanning the flames like crazy. It's been pretty much :panic: all the time. These two seem like they, how can I say this... were very susceptible to the tides of the times.
I figure if there's one thing we could all agree on by now, it's that media (on both sides, of all kinds, online and offline... from television to newspapers) has been fanning the flames like crazy. It's been pretty much :panic: all the time. These two seem like they, how can I say this... were very susceptible to the tides of the times.

Don't forget the kids [emoji30]

JMO- thinking out loud so be kind please. What if Sarah was the dominant personality? What if Abigail told the teacher Jen abused her because she was afraid of the repercussions of outing Sarah? Sarah, perhaps, was fed up and just said-"I Did It". Taking the blame as she really did do it. A friend says she witnessed Sarah bruising one of the girls wrist over food. Jen was a stay at home mom with 6 kids. Sarah comes home, and as the breadwinner, expects a tidy house and obeying children. Maybe Jen was terrified of disappointing Sarah. Maybe Sarah flew home in a rage after the CPS visit and loaded everyone in the car. Perhaps Jen knew Sarah had reached her limit and didn't want to deal with disappointing her anymore -and ended it at the cliff.

At first I felt dominance in Jen. The staged photos, the perfect image. But as I saw the birthday video and several photos, I felt like a saw a coldness in Sarah and perhaps, an insane willingness by Jen to please Sarah with the dog and pony show. Detachment: If you watch the Bird Landing on the Podium at the Bernie Sanders rally, Jen seems so animated. She goes to high five Sarah at one point. Sarah's response reads lukewarm at best.

Those wonderful, beautiful children were caught up in a storm of narcissism. Zero excuse for abuse. They weathered so very much. Breaks my heart.
Your theory sounds very plausable. I can see Sarah as the breadwinner exert control over Jen. But Jen definitely was the one who had the control over the kids - witholding food while Sarah was away. Maybe Jen had to do whatever Sarah said. What a twisted mess.

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Putting "trust building" down there twice... something happened to destroy trust somewhere. Doesn't this post just about line up with Hannah's runaway attempt?
Or trust building between sarah and jen.

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This article answers the question about why the aunt was not able to keep Devonte and his siblings.

I think (at least in CA) CPS is very serious about what they state in their case plans. If the plan states the adoptive parent or legal guardian cannot have contact with the birth family, they mean it. I think some people don't take these plans seriously and they lose the children. My children's birth parents never "worked their plan" because they hated CPS (understandably, I would too) but the trick to having children stay in the home is to follow the rules CPS sets out. The aunt having the birth mother watch the kids would sadly be an immediate removal.

One of the parts of the system that is broken for both biological and adoptive families is I don't think they know what resources are available to them. If the aunt needed childcare she could have asked for help with the expense. If the Hart's needed mental health care for their kids they could have reached out to post adoption services and got it....however, no one knows theses services exist because you have to ask someone. I only knew because I remained friends with my social worker, but still I had to ask for help.

This article answers the question about why the aunt was not able to keep Devonte and his siblings.

The kids were taken from the aunt, because she left them with their mother while she was at work. It's not clear whether this happened once. But I think SATA's previous point still stands. They'd still be alive. And if the state of Texas had given $270,000 to the family to help them take care of the kids, and get childcare...?

I think at this point, it's just time to write letters, and call politicians, and just be a general pita until this changes.
Many posts have been removed.

Sleuthing of the friend Cheryl is NOT allowed. She is not a POI or suspect in this case and therefore is not to be sleuthed. Read The Rules and The Rules: Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, etc. Also ...

C'mon folks ... the odd OT post in a slow thread is acceptable, but not umpteen posts about members' personal optometry in a thread as busy as this.

This was posted by alireba on Thread #2. Sorry I am having trouble quoting it so a copied and pasted. When I first read it last week I thought was a crazy scary glimpse into the mind of Jen at least and still do.

I found this copied post by Jen Hart on Facebook
��Here’s an ominous message that Jen Hart wrote on her fb page last summer...after their ‘Hug Seen Around The World’ notoriety and challenges. This is a glimpse of their experience...

“I unplugged from Facebook for over half of this year. I've had to change my/our phone number(s) twice. I've steered clear of public settings for the most part. Rather than answering the floods of messages like: Where have you been? Why haven't you responded to my texts? Etc - I'll try and address SOME of the things that led to the disconnect.

This. Year. Slammed. Us. Hard. It was as if we were continuously seeing this "Proceed No Further" sign showing up in a myriad of ways.

Extremely simplified explanation:
Loss of a friend
Loss of 5 animals(2 in the last month)
Serious stalking and threats of violence towards me and my family
3 job transfers(Sarah)
Several other very challenging medical diagnosis

Sarah: rear ended in a car accident. Totaled
Discrimination from the government & insurance companies - which nearly led to homelessness weeks before closing on our home. Yeah. This is still a thing that happens. Thanks to my wife for being a badass superhero along side of me to combat this bs.

*All of this while home hunting non stop for over a year.

*All of this during an already very terrifying time in this country (and Portland...holy ****)

*All of this while trying to be supportive and loving wife whilst raising 6 teenagers.

So, where have I(we) been?
SELF CARE, y'all. I've been taking care of myself and my family. Our safety, emotional and physical health are always the absolute most important things. Period. Releasing the expectations to show up here or elsewhere was vital in my own healing. I am no service to others if my tank is empty.

What do we need? What we need is loving understanding that there is a lot going on, and that we are working on putting our lives back together now that we've finally purchased our new home/land. Time. Trust building. Time. Trust building. TIME. We've been fighting the good fight always - just a little more behind the scenes than usual.

What we don't need:
-pity or sorrow for these struggles
-guilt trips for not meeting your expectations
-pressure of any kind.

We've embarked on an incredible new journey up on some beautiful land in Washington. After over 4 1/2 years in the PNW, we finally feel at HOME. We're looking forward to sharing it with everyone... when the time is right.


Oh - and if you still have our old phone numbers, please don't text or call them anymore...unless you like really colorful language from strangers.��”

- Jen Hart, June 2017

If I had friend that posted like that, I would think, “Screw you.” Castigating friends. Who needs it. They are soooooo important . A totally shaming and scolding post. No thank you very much.

This. Year. Slammed. Us. Hard. It was as if we were continuously seeing this "Proceed No Further" sign showing up in a myriad of ways.

Extremely simplified explanation:
Loss of a friend

*** my apologies, I don't know how to pull two quotes*** Please see quote above for Jen's Facebook post. ***

Also, when someone purposefully puts a list or bullet points out there, I assume (jmo) that the very FIRST thing they mention is the biggest issue. So, who was this "friend" that they lost?

In retrospect, "Proceed No Further" is so darn eerie as well.

I am going by my own experience which maybe way off, but I see similar posts from people I know on FB, Not necessarliy those things, but other things.

Drama queens. BSer’s hoping to get cash, goods, or a free vacation is how I read it.

Or just plain drama .There are people that post things such, “The lies will get them .”Then there is never any follow up or explanation. So when I see drama like that, it just in one eye and out the other.
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