CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #4

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ForensicsFan, ITA about sending this info to media outlets. I think we've uncovered some pretty interesting info, profiles, websites, etc.

Maybe someone should email LR, too, and let him know about the Myspace page for Hasanni Shutterfly created instead of his sorry excuse of a website.
Okay, I may be bordering on paranoid here, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

If you search SF County public records for "Campbell, Shemika L." (Hasanni's bio mother), there are 2 records. Clicking either, you get this error:

"There are no cases for CAMPBELL, SHEMIKA L. available for public view."

If you search for "Clark, Pamela" you get 5 results (individuals). Only one gives an error -- for "Clark, Pamela C." -- the same error from above saying "There are no cases....available for public view."

I believe Pamela C. Clark is Hasanni's grandmother? Zabasearch shows this one is 62 (same age as Hasanni's grandmother) and lives near the Haight (which I believe a member here who knew them mentioned as the area):

It just seems interesting that of all the "Pamela Clark"s in SF Co. only the one with the same name as HC's grandma is removed from public view (and the bio mom -- with a unique name -- also removed from public view).

Any chance they've removed these cases from public view for a reason? Perhaps there is something going on that we're not seeing with LE.

May mean nothing but just seemed interesitng to me.
There is a traffic citation of some kind for Monterey County for LWR here:

We'd had some debate as to the Monterey listing on FB, so I thought I'd add this to the pile.

Good catch FF!!!

"Case Type Traffic: Marina"

What do you make of that.....he was ticketed at the marina maybe? Incidently it's like 80+ miles from Fremont to Monterey I believe.
The whole point is it was not 92.9 that was a typo it was 82.9 (83 dgrees) at 12:53 on 08/10/09 which was the hottest day in August.

let's not make a mountain out of a molehill...:crazy:
Flat and simple, it was too danm hot for Hasanni to be wearing a sweatshirt!
Thank you PRB for everything you are doing to help find Hasanni and for the added info on the temperature on the 10th and...for worrying so much about about the accuracy of info in the forum. It is so important that we provide accurate info. You efforts are very much appreciated.:blowkiss:
I believe if the Oakland/Fremont community were even half as dedicated as our WS members, Hasanni would have already been found. If LR was even half as responsible as WS members, Hasanni would have never gone missing!
let's not make a mountain out of a molehill...:crazy:
Flat and simple, it was too danm hot for Hasanni to be wearing a sweatshirt!
Thank you PRB for everything you are doing to help find Hasanni and for the added info on the temperature on the 10th and...for worrying so much about about the accuracy of info in the forum. It is so important that we provide accurate info. You efforts are very much appreciated.:blowkiss:
I believe if the Oakland/Fremont community were even half as dedicated as our WS members, Hasanni would have already been found. If LR was even half as responsible as WS members, Hasanni would have never gone missing!


From your keys to God's ears momtec....we'd be dun turned that place UPSIDE down and sideways!!

Poor FF and Columbo would be runnin' for the hills, swearin' they never heard of ANY of us lunatics!! :crazy:
Just a thought (and it may not be a good one). The news media was all over this case when there was very little to report. It almost seemed they were looking for anything to report on it. Lately, there's been nothing to report.

Might the media be interested in a few of the details uncovered here? For instance, the past court cases/TRO, or the online stuff? Perhaps even that the website by the family is up? Or even the BART meeting?

My point is that if keeping Hasanni in the news is the goal, the media may not be apprised of all the information uncovered here. Might be worth a few emails or phone calls to news outlets? At the end of the day, the media cares about anything the public would find interesting and we may have certain confirmed facts here that may help.

On the other hand, with the Jaycee case and the attempted school shooting/bombing in the area, it may just be a tough news week.

Do you think LE even has all the info that sleuthers here have managed to gather? !! The reason why I say that, is that I wonder if it might be better to contact LE than the media? Maybe they need our help!! I guess I wonder how putting some of this info out there via media will actually help the case....I'm thinking way down the line when they have to choose a jury, will too much publicity (if it's sensationalized) contaminate the jury pool? Hope this makes sense.
I don't know how to ask this tactfully so I'm just going to do it and hope I don't get virus email and that MOM/MODS don't jump out of my puter and beat the snot out of me......

Ughh....Is there ANY way you can put a body in a vehicle and have it there for, say, a few hours and it not leave decomp in the car? What if you had it in a cooler, a rubbermaid container, or such as that and the container was sealed?
Okay, I used ZabaSearch to look for LWR and noticed there was one listed in Roanoke, VA. Since we know that he lived in various locations in MD (not too far from VA), I took a stab at looking him up in the Roanoke Court Records.

Originally I thought there was one divorce. Looking closer, it appears TWO divorces are listed, one to J. (2001) and one to B (2005, 2007?).

To view them, Go here:

Choose "Roanoke City Circuit" from the drop-down list.

Select "Civil" and type in "Ross, Louis" to search.
Okay, I used ZabaSearch to look for LWR and noticed there was one listed in Roanoke, VA. Since we know that he lived in various locations in MD (not too far from VA), I took a stab at looking him up in the Roanoke Court Records.

Originally I thought there was one divorce. Looking closer, it appears TWO divorces are listed, one to J. (2001) and one to B (2005, 2007?).

To view them, Go here:

Choose "Roanoke City Circuit" from the drop-down list.

Select "Civil" and type in "Ross, Louis" to search.

No FF, you found TWO divorces!!

Betty fild for divorce 1st time 3/11/04, that was dismissed 2/8/05. Filed again 11/06/07.

Judy divorced him 2/6/2001
thank you god!!!!!![/b]

ETA....oops...I'm leaving it like that
All of Hampton Place is shut down. Police were everywhere blocking exits. I could see them talking to someone in the distance.

I know I had found some records in Roanoke City on LR. Something on 2/1/05 but I don't think it stated the crime. I'll have to go back and look. I also found some on LR the 1st DOB 10/14/45 from Roanoke City and San Antonio
:bananalama: :Banane10: :praying: :Jumpie: :whipper:
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