Found Deceased CA - Ian Powers, 32, Levi's Stadium, 49ers game, Santa Clara, 12 Nov 2018

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Perhaps it's been mentioned already but another search of homeless shelters, the Salvation Army and church based charities along with questioning the "regular" street people might reveal his whereabouts if he decided to wander off for whatever reason.
The story of the Broncos fan reveals just how something that I can't imagine happening does actually happen. I would be quite happy if Ian pulled the same stunt.

As for the phone, the girlfriend is guessing a dead battery is why he didn't call, not that she knew his battery died. Another thought might be that someone started off to steal his phone, and things escalated. Or with a dead phone, he asked the wrong person if he could use their phone.

While the newscasts mentioned the red & g0ld shoes as distinctive, I don't know if they were home-made or some kind of designer shoe.

I don't think that anyone mentioned that they did use bloodhounds near where his phone was last used. Videos showed both the family & police searching the area (literally beating the bushes) as well as asking people in the area. Since nothing more was said about that, I'm guessing they found nothing.

I've not heard anything that suggested he got to his car but left before GF arrived. I would hope they used the blo0dhounds there.

This is a good view of the area, including the stadium, Blue parking lot (center right), the two creeks, and the baylands (to the left). As for the water nearby, see this street view of the nearest body of water and the vegetation around it. If you then walk backwards toward the stadium, you get good views of the larger creek, which appears a bit more substantial than I had thought, and the thicker vegetation in the stream bed. (I also noted that there was little graffiti that I saw so probably well patrolled.)
Here's another street view of the two closest bodies of water, beyond the parking lot, with the bay to your back. The smaller creek runs along this path. The rectangular pond is a salt pond, which I expect to be shallow. Clearly, the ability to swim doesn't matter for the creeks as they are too shallow. There is another, closer pond I missed. It is surrounded by an easily climbable fence. (Since Google is so close, all this area is well covered by street views.)

As you can see, the vegetation is fairly short. I think it likely that a helicopter or drone would quickly spot any person or body lying in that area, including in the creeks.

I just noticed this earlier article that has some different info than I had heard in our local news.
"The last communication Powers had with family was at 10 p.m. near Old Glory Lane and Great America Parkway" It would be interesting to know what was said in that call. ("I can't find the car" or what). I suspect this rooftop cell tower (3 of them on this roof) is where the phone connected. This tower is close to the OGL & Old Ironsides entrance to the Blue parking lot. (Another cell service is here) I believe our local news indicated the phone was near G.A.P. and Tasman (a major street). That tower might be this. If all the police have is the one or two towers, I think this doesn't bound their location too tightly.
That makes no sense. A woman, maybe yes, but men can easily get in and out of a rest room rather quickly. A ticket cost $150 or more (and here we have a family of 4) and you leave with 6 minutes left in a game where the score and the outcome could go either way?
It really depends on what business he is needing to complete in the restroom. Maybe a guy pops back out quick. Maybe he needs some extra time in there. Fan or not, if you have to go, you have to go. He probably went at that time to try and beat the crowd. The restroom lines at the end of a game can be brutal.
The story of the Broncos fan reveals just how something that I can't imagine happening does actually happen. I would be quite happy if Ian pulled the same stunt.

As for the phone, the girlfriend is guessing a dead battery is why he didn't call, not that she knew his battery died. Another thought might be that someone started off to steal his phone, and things escalated. Or with a dead phone, he asked the wrong person if he could use their phone.

While the newscasts mentioned the red & g0ld shoes as distinctive, I don't know if they were home-made or some kind of designer shoe.

I don't think that anyone mentioned that they did use bloodhounds near where his phone was last used. Videos showed both the family & police searching the area (literally beating the bushes) as well as asking people in the area. Since nothing more was said about that, I'm guessing they found nothing.

I've not heard anything that suggested he got to his car but left before GF arrived. I would hope they used the blo0dhounds there.

This is a good view of the area, including the stadium, Blue parking lot (center right), the two creeks, and the baylands (to the left). As for the water nearby, see this street view of the nearest body of water and the vegetation around it. If you then walk backwards toward the stadium, you get good views of the larger creek, which appears a bit more substantial than I had thought, and the thicker vegetation in the stream bed. (I also noted that there was little graffiti that I saw so probably well patrolled.)
Here's another street view of the two closest bodies of water, beyond the parking lot, with the bay to your back. The smaller creek runs along this path. The rectangular pond is a salt pond, which I expect to be shallow. Clearly, the ability to swim doesn't matter for the creeks as they are too shallow. There is another, closer pond I missed. It is surrounded by an easily climbable fence. (Since Google is so close, all this area is well covered by street views.)

As you can see, the vegetation is fairly short. I think it likely that a helicopter or drone would quickly spot any person or body lying in that area, including in the creeks.

I just noticed this earlier article that has some different info than I had heard in our local news.
"The last communication Powers had with family was at 10 p.m. near Old Glory Lane and Great America Parkway" It would be interesting to know what was said in that call. ("I can't find the car" or what). I suspect this rooftop cell tower (3 of them on this roof) is where the phone connected. This tower is close to the OGL & Old Ironsides entrance to the Blue parking lot. (Another cell service is here) I believe our local news indicated the phone was near G.A.P. and Tasman (a major street). That tower might be this. If all the police have is the one or two towers, I think this doesn't bound their location too tightly.

The last communication part is where things get interesting. New sources state that the last time family 'talked' with him was around 22:00, but the last contact the girlfriend had with him was a text stating 'hey baby'. I didn't see it listed on here or any news sites, but who did he last 'talk' with then?
His cell Phone pinged near his vehicle - he had the keys. He could have charged his phone in the vehicle and slept there.
But that didn’t happen.

Did he leave and go looking for his family and get robbed? Pass out?

Or is the cell phone ping not a fact? Or not near his vehicle?
His phone pinged near his vehicle, but how would the smoke from the fire affect that? Could that throw it off depending on the amount of particulates in the air from the smoke? I know that in a forest fire that the ping can be off due to tree canopies, but not sure about from the actual smoke.
I have my doubts this bit of information is correct. If there were other family members at the game why would they allow the gf with two kids go on a long late bus ride to the hotel? It makes no sense, it would seem pretty uncaring imo.
Although, they could have already left by the time the gf realized he wasn't meeting up at the car. If they are his family, she might not have their contact info and thus no way to call them.
GF and family of Ian part since she remembers where the car is parked and she figures Ian will make it back to the car. GF and kids head to the car. Family of Ian heads to their car in another location and leaves. By the time GF realizes that Ian isn't at the car and isn't coming, she has no way of tracking his family down. They don't know anything is amiss until later. Maybe after a family member of Ian sees a facebook post or whatnot by the GF.
Hi everyone.
I've read a lot of possibilities of what could have happened to Ian.
Maybe he was hit by a car while walking around, possibly impaired(or not) and the driver panics, for whatever reason. He could have been thrown in the car and dumped somewhere.
Or maybe had some type of altercation, got beat up, thrown in the car and dumped somewhere.
idk... just a thought. For all anyone knows he could have a history of odd behavior and/or taking off for awhile.
I do hope he is found safe somewhere.
Regarding the sign in the background, I don't agree with the thought that it is Citrix. The signage at the Citrix building doesn't look at all like that. To me, the white lit-up lettering, on a horizontal white strip caught my eye. I first thought of a gas station, but couldn't think of one like that nor is there one where we expect him to be. Then I thought of the entrance to a parking garage where the horizontal part is to limit the height of vehicles. Then I thought of a shop at a strip mall. In that neighborhood, I didn't see any examples of the first two. There were buildings that had that kind of horizontal white strip, but I didn't run across any that looked like they'd be lit at night. It also struck me that he might have been inside or adjacent to the stadium and I have no access to that imagery.

Then I looked at the lighting. There seem to be 3 lights sources. One is in front & above him but not too high (6-8' from the ground). Another light source, which may be a reflection of the first light (perhaps off a sign) fills in the shadow of the cap high on his forehead. Finally there appears to be a very high light (streetlight?) above his right shoulder, casting the shadow of his cap about an inch down.

Compared to the apparently horizontal white strip & lit sign, his head is slanted maybe 20 degrees. Looks odd, but maybe that's ok. His phone's camera is about nose high. He is clearly looking lower than his phone, or maybe he is just lowering his eyes. Is he looking at what he carried down the ramp?

In his walk down the ramp, it does not appear to be a phone that he is looking at. The top of the object is tan to white and wider than any phone, almost as wide as the logo on his shirt. It appears 8 to 10 inches wide. Tablet? Event program? A box containing something he bought in a store (a souvenir)? Look at the shadows below it on the shirt. Since the object is slanted, it is hard to determine the other dimension. Maybe 10"?? It seems to be a rather a solid red, so it blends into his shirt. If he had a tablet, it might have a red 49ers cover. For those who have experience, is it easy to read while walking intoxicated?
Someone commented under a news article asking that since Ian is a veteran, if the noise from the stadium could’ve triggered some type of of PTSD episode? I don’t think it’s been said whether he’s had an issue with PTSD before though?

Also I was wondering if he had been drinking, needed to smoke and left the stadium to go outside and then wasn’t permitted re-entry? I saw a video of Ian at the game (sitting with his son) that’s posted on his girlfriends Facebook page. Not sure what time that video was taken, but he doesnt appear to be inebriated at all.

And finally, one article said that it was “out of character” for Ian to drink much.

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