Found Deceased CA - Ian Powers, 32, Levi's Stadium, 49ers game, Santa Clara, 12 Nov 2018

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
His FB status says he is "single."

We honestly just never changed it. We weee pretty private about our relationship. We had been best friends for 14 years before dating so we had dating several of each other’s friends and it was just an awkward situation but everyone we cared for knew we were together.
When did it finish and how long after the game are there typically still fans on site?

The seats were pretty empty by the time we were told to clear out. He still hasn’t made it back and that’s when we started calling and trying to meet up. 0BBFBEAC-AAF9-4B5A-A2A6-A02BFBF05A81.jpegB23DE7C2-DD8D-4E4D-962D-21C7B6A26683.jpeg

These were pictures I took of the kids while they were collecting left over banners. It was pretty empty but the outside wasn’t as bad.
We honestly just never changed it. We weee pretty private about our relationship. We had been best friends for 14 years before dating so we had dating several of each other’s friends and it was just an awkward situation but everyone we cared for knew we were together.

So sorry for your loss sweetheart... I hope you get the answers you seek, can't imagine how hard it is for you and your family... You are in my thoughts..

Take care xx
That's a good question, and just what was he doing there? Was he so drunk that he didn't know where he was going and forgot his family? Yes, that can happen, trust me on that one........

The last ping was on the way to the car where we said we would meet originally when the game ended and we couldn’t find each other. He never made it back to the car.. at least not while his phone was still alive and tracking.
“Police said his cellphone last pinged where the car was parked in the Levi's lot.”

So the Levi’s lot is near Old Glory and Great American Parkway?

His last ping was kiddy corner to the stadium but the car was further out although the ping shows he was going towards the car or seemed to.
And he was reported missing the next day?

The next morning yes but it was only a few hours after me and the kids made it back to the hotel.. I ordered them food and then put them to bed while calling Ians phone a bunch of times. When he wasn’t there in the morning I started panicking and calling everyone.
Um, if my husband stranded me and the kids, I would know for a fact that something was wrong and would call the police immediately. Unless he's done this before to her or anyone else, I can't imagine someone waiting until the next day to call in, especially if the car was still in the parking lot!

In any other situation maybe. But he was drinking.. we were far from home and he was talking to me until his phone died. He also had the car keys so he didn’t strand me.. we just couldn’t find each other. And then his phone died. But he had the car keys so I figured eventually he would go charge his phone and call me. My phone was dying and I had two kids and had to figure out how to get them somewhere safe first. If anything was going to happen.. I thought a women and two kids would be the target over a six foot army vet but i was wrong.
It appears that you have to walk over a bridge to the stadium. I wonder how much water is in that ditch or canal right now. What if he tried going back and ended up in the water?

Google Maps
I posted a picture of the creek I took the day after he was found. It only has like a foot a water in it and the tide.. if it comes up that far was out from 10 pm to like 3 Am
So the girlfriend and kids came with him from Spokane? I can’t imagine catching a bus in an unfamiliar place, after dark, with two young kids. How close is their hotel? We’re they back at the hotel when the video call came?

It was an hour drive but took us a couple hours on the bus/train. I didn’t know what else to do.. my phone was dying and we still hadn’t found each other since his phone died. It didn’t even cross my mind that something bad happened to him only that I needed to get the kids inside somewhere safe and then keep calling him.
It was an hour drive but took us a couple hours on the bus/train. I didn’t know what else to do.. my phone was dying and we still hadn’t found each other since his phone died. It didn’t even cross my mind that something bad happened to him only that I needed to get the kids inside somewhere safe and then keep calling him.

Bless you how could you.. Kids would be every mothers priority at that time of night... People here will help you if they can... Xx
I could hear him.. he just wasn’t making a lot of sense. Kept mentioning the entrance and some name.. I can’t rmemeber what name but my son does .. I can ask. And he kept saying he wasn’t sure where exactly he was and when I would ask him specific questions like did you go down the escalator yet he kept saying “I don’t know”

Was this unusual for him? Was he so intoxicated that it would make sense he didn't know if he'd been on an escalator? Was he maybe doing some drugs in the bathroom? (Seems like he was there a while?)
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The bus thing really bothers me. Was the girlfriend familiar with this area or bus route? If they were just traveling through, how would she know that a bus would even go as far/and to the hotel? I'm pretty travel savvy, but there's no way that I would choose a bus late night with my kids at the last minute to get somewhere in an unfamiliar place. Especially if my boyfriend had gone missing!
Uber? Lyft? Police? YES. A bus? No way. JMO

There is an app. You just have to say where you are and where you want to go and it tells you exactly where. I have the screen shots from the route we took in case I lost internet. And I didn’t think he was missing..... just that we couldn’t find each other and his phone died. He had the keys to the car though so I thought he would be ok and call us when his phone was charged.
So they took the kids out of school all week? Around here we don’t get the week off before Thanksgiving.

Whose family? I had assumed his family but no one seems to be local except the Uncle.

We did take the kids out of school with the schools permission to go on vacation. And the family he was talking to was just me and the kids but you are correct.. his uncle Sean is the only local family he was contacting while down there.
Well that information leaves me scratching my head again. This story is strange. Agree with those who posted earlier about the call at 10pm and what was said being important. Hope he shows up safe!

He did require payment in advance but we didn’t know that then. We just got on thinking we could pay there like we do in Washington but the first couple didn’t ask and the one that asked Gave us a free ride after we started to explain
I'm wondering, did she even check the parking lot for their car? According to reports, the car was still in the spot where it was originally parked. I take it she didn't have a set of keys with her?She had her cell phone, why not call for a locksmith to open it, if she didn't have her keys? Better yet, why not call the cops right there and then?

I don’t have a set of keys and it was his car so a locksmith would let me in even if I had thought about it at the time. I didnt call the police because it didn’t know there was a reason to at the time.. we lost each other.. he wasn’t missing.. or I didn’t think so at the time.

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