Found Deceased CA - Ian Powers, 32, Levi's Stadium, 49ers game, Santa Clara, 12 Nov 2018

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Oh, chelsea. You did your best, baby. You were smart and found a way to take care of yourself and the kids. It will never make sense. My heart breaks for you and the kids. I can imagine this is eating you alive. Because loss is already hard, but under such unusual circumstances would undoubtedly cause even more difficulty. I don't even know how much we will be able to help, in your case. But know that we are here to sleuth anything you want and we are here fornyou to just vent, anytime you need. I am glad you asked for toxicology . Because something definitely doesn't seem right. Especially if he was ok enough to find the bathroom when he left. I cannot even imagine. I am so sorry you have to try to deal with this really sad situation.
Oh, chelsea. You did your best, baby. You were smart and found a way to take care of yourself and the kids. It will never make sense. My heart breaks for you and the kids. I can imagine this is eating you alive. Because loss is already hard, but under such unusual circumstances would undoubtedly cause even more difficulty. I don't even know how much we will be able to help, in your case. But know that we are here to sleuth anything you want and we are here fornyou to just vent, anytime you need. I am glad you asked for toxicology . Because something definitely doesn't seem right. Especially if he was ok enough to find the bathroom when he left. I cannot even imagine. I am so sorry you have to try to deal with this really sad situation.

Thank you ♥️
Omg Chelsea :( Judging by those messages he sent you he was like absolutely wasted as heck. I'm so sorry. I'm confused how he ended up where he did. Was he on meds that would've negatively interacted with alcohol?? Because that's the only thing I can think of, of how he was that messed up..
I honestly understand him getting lost if he was intoxicated at that stadium, I am a local and I get turned around. its also really loud when people are leaving after. so I also understand missing so many calls. I don't know how he got in the water.
I’ve never b'een drunk and am not a man, but my theory on the water thing is that they go to take a leak & fall in.

As someone who has been peeing standing up his whole life and has also been intoxicated numerous times throughout his life, I will say that I have never specifically been drawn to pee into a body water. Especially when temperatures are chilly. I really don't think the Piss theory has any merit. This case is eerily similar to the William Hurley and Michael Kelleher cases at TD Garden in Boston. I don't think they were just going pee either
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As someone who has been peeing standing up his whole life and has also been intoxicated numerous times throughout his life, I will say that I have never specifically been drawn to pee into a body water. Especially when temperatures are chilly. I really don't think the Piss theory has any merit. This case is eerily similar to the William Hurley and Michael Kelleher cases at TD Garden in Boston. I don't think they were just going pee either

Catching up.

I’ve seen many, many cases where, imo, I do suspect this was case. I have seen with my own eyes men pee in strange places when they’re drunk. This is why so many males end up in the water after leaving bars. Jmo.
As someone who has been peeing standing up his whole life and has also been intoxicated numerous times throughout his life, I will say that I have never specifically been drawn to pee into a body water. Especially when temperatures are chilly. I really don't think the Piss theory has any merit. This case is eerily similar to the William Hurley and Michael Kelleher cases at TD Garden in Boston. I don't think they were just going pee either

You personally have never been drawn to water to pee when intoxicated, but that doesn't mean the theory has no merit. Not every man is like you, sadly. I'm a young person (23) and I've seen a lot of men do it. A lot of men found drowned in water have their flies down. There's even CCTV evidence in some cases, and survivor stories where men have admitted they were peeing and fell in. Did you know that in the UK, the busiest stations of the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) are those on the river Thames, rather than any on the coast? And they very often get called to drunk people who have jumped (as a dare, underestimating the river, etc) fallen due to stumbling, or were peeing into the river and fell in.
Thank you ♥️

Oh Chelsesa, I’m so very sorry for your loss. Ian sounded like an awesome guy and I pray that you and your kids are able to heal.

I followed Ian’s story since the beginning as unfortunately many of us Websleuthers here have followed others that have mirrored Ian’s case.

I remember reading that it was Veterans Night at the 49’s game with a flyover before the game. Did Ian have any history of PTSD that you are aware of? Also, was he talking with others sitting around you during the game and if Ian was drinking, did any of these other fans around you happen buy him or hand him a drink that evening?

Thank you so much for being here. We will try help you in any way that we can. ❤️
You personally have never been drawn to water to pee when intoxicated, but that doesn't mean the theory has no merit. Not every man is like you, sadly. I'm a young person (23) and I've seen a lot of men do it. A lot of men found drowned in water have their flies down. There's even CCTV evidence in some cases, and survivor stories where men have admitted they were peeing and fell in. Did you know that in the UK, the busiest stations of the RNLI (Royal National Lifeboat Institution) are those on the river Thames, rather than any on the coast? And they very often get called to drunk people who have jumped (as a dare, underestimating the river, etc) fallen due to stumbling, or were peeing into the river and fell in.

Look I'm not saying that it's impossible for a man to fall in while peeing, especially if he is intoxicated. What I am saying is that it's not normal behavior for any man, drunk or sober, to walk far out of their way just to pee in these waters that you all think we love peeing in so much. Will men sometimes pee into a body of water? Sure. We'll pee in it. If its right there, then why the hell not? If ever a man should need to pee and the circumstance happens to be that he is present along side a body of water, he will sometimes pee into it, perhaps even to his own mild amusement. But its not plausible that all of these countless men who have drowned under suspicious circumstances, all wandered off (miles away in many cases) because they just HAD to pee in the river. That's ludicrous. And its not the same circumstance as the young men who you've witnessed pee into water that they happened to be conveniently adjacent to at the time. Men will pee anywhere, but they dont inconvenience themselves like that just to go pee in a frozen river or pond or a knee deep shallow creek. It's not normal.
Look I'm not saying that it's impossible for a man to fall in while peeing, especially if he is intoxicated. What I am saying is that it's not normal behavior for any man, drunk or sober, to walk far out of their way just to pee in these waters that you all think we love peeing in so much. Will men sometimes pee into a body of water? Sure. We'll pee in it. If its right there, then why the hell not? If ever a man should need to pee and the circumstance happens to be that he is present along side a body of water, he will sometimes pee into it, perhaps even to his own mild amusement. But its not plausible that all of these countless men who have drowned under suspicious circumstances, all wandered off (miles away in many cases) because they just HAD to pee in the river. That's ludicrous. And its not the same circumstance as the young men who you've witnessed pee into water that they happened to be conveniently adjacent to at the time. Men will pee anywhere, but they dont inconvenience themselves like that just to go pee in a frozen river or pond or a knee deep shallow creek. It's not normal.

THIS. this so much.

i don't remember ONE incident where a male friend said to me, hey...gonna go to the river, creek, pond, lake, etc. to pee. and i grew up in the country and lived for many years in cities on the mississippi river, and now by an ocean. guys will literally pee on a tree or a wall (or absolutely nothing) 3 ft. away before going way out of the way or being inconvenienced, especially if it's freezing outside. they can go anywhere! it's women who wander way off the beaten path to squat and pee out of wandering eyes. NOT men. (generally speaking, of course). i think that's important to recognize in ALL of these cases, really.

ETA: i also think it's a shame that you face criminal charges for peeing in a public place (or drunken/disorderly conduct) in the USA. it's a natural human function. where i live, it's not a crime if it's an emergency, and never with kids. and no, there are not people peeing all over the place at random. lol. but you don't have to be afraid IF you or your kids have a situation. the ONLY reason i can see a man wandering out of the way of a bar or current environment to relieve himself is that he is afraid of getting approached by cops or caught publicly relieving himself. this is the only logical explanation for him not going within a reasonable vicinity to pee outside. moo.
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I am a girl, but the pee and fall doesnt ever sit right to me, either. All the men I have been around might find a Bush or a wall, but have never wandered away to a body of water to pee. How all these men end up in there? I dont know. But finding a body of water to pee never quite fits, in my brain. I was wondering if my males were odd lol.
Also, if I was desperately lost, had no idea where I was and thought peeing center stage would miraculously make the police appear, then that's right where I would pee. Why hide when I am actually trying to be found.
Wait, what is this from? What did I miss? I want in! Lol

I'm totally lost too..

If you click on the little up arrow next to a quoted poster's name, it will take you back to earlier in the thread, to that post.

FWIW, I don't think it's a gun, I think it's part of something bigger in the background. But who knows.

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