Found Deceased CA - Jennifer Evert, 34, Crescent City, 21 May 2013

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DNA Solves
Posts were moved from the information thread.

Please note that during the verification process, sgt809 and I shared the missing adults checklist and the possibility of contacting Klaas Kids.

Okay gang, do what you do best! Let's help find Jennifer!!! :rocker:
I am coming here desperate for help...anything you can do will be forever appreciated. Thank you
sgt809...Thank you SO much for sharing with us.
Youre in my prayers..
Thanks Kimster for moving Jennifers story over.NOW....lets find Jennifer.
Okay Barry... I hope that Jenn is found safe... I hope she changed her mind.
I assume you want to find her regardless though. So if she really did commit suicide, where would she go?

I have a friend who committed suicide... in his favorite place to photograph and write. A gorgeous waterfall.
When he went missing there was NO question where he would be. We found his note and knew where he'd go.

Is there anywhere like that in Jenn's life? Anywhere that brought her comfort?

You said between the casino and her parents house.
Can we get an approximate address for her parents house and then the name of the Casino to map it?

Has the area near where her late husband died been checked? The cemetery?
Any places that were special to them/him? Where they got married? Where they met?
Snippits it is. My name is Barry, I am Jennifers husband. There is nothing worse than bad info, and this thread has almost nothing right. Allow me to get you the real information, which could have been retrieved from the S.O. or by checking thr facebook posts. First, I spoke to her on the phone at 1030 that morning. Nothing appeared amiss. I came home at 215, and found the note with the perfume bottle. In the note Jenn told me she left the bottle so I could remember her. The note was clear, and I still have a hard time even thinking about it. She said this had nothing to do with me or the kids, but that the pain of finding her late husband after a gunshot suicide was just too much. She left a will, and told me I could find her at a local beach. I raced there hoping to stop her, but she was not there. I called the police to get her info out there hoping we can stop her. I found out after the fact that she had not gone to work at noon as she was scheduled, and had told her boss she was suprising me by being home when I was there, so to tell me she was busy should I call. She sent her last email at 1132, and was last seen at lucky 7 gas station at 1239. Video confirms it is her. She. Purchased no gas, only a coke. She was seen going northbound on the tape. She has not been seen or heard from since. She took my .38 and a bottle of sleeping pills. She had an eigth of a tank in the Tahoe, and 8 dollars in cash. She had no credit cards on her or used since, and after a lengthy police inquiry, it has been determined she had no help, nor has she been staying with someone. Right now Police believe she is between the casino and her parents home somewhere. Official and unofficial searches are ongoing. She was an experienced off roader, and knows the area. She knew the pain of findind a dead spouse. I believe she intentionally misled us to make sure I would not be the one to find her. Hope is in my heart, but reality is crushing. She has never gone anywhere without calling someone. None of her friends, family have heard a word. I even found all her old boyfriends around California just to make sure. I have been busting my butt trying to find Jenn, as have many in the community who know her. She has no history of mental illness other than depression. I hope with this info, you can maybe offer a more informed opinion or ideas. I appreciate that people on this thread were at least close to the facts. Many out there are not. I don't care what anyone thinks of me, I just want the right information out there so we can find Jenn. I know it has to be asked, so I will answer it for you: nom I did not see this coming. Neither did her friends or family. We weere coming up to the anniversary of her late husbands death (30th) and had planned to do some stuff that day. I don't mean to come acrossed so direct, but I am so aggrevated that she has not been found safely yet. I will answer any questions you may have for me. Thanks for looking into this, feel free to contact me day or night via FB... Barry


You say she sent her last email at 11:32? Was that email to you? Was it sent from a phone?...or computer?

BTW..anything you DONT want to cool.
Thank you for elaborating and helping us form a time line. You mentioned she enjoyed off roading, was there somewhere she always went to? A favorite trail thru a forest? Once we've mapped it, it will help to see the area. As stated she has very little gas in the tahoe, she couldn't have gone too far out of the area. Im praying she had a change of heart and is just taking a break. Jennifer please go home!!
I will do my best to answer. Her parents live on Floral Hill Drive in Brookings, OR...about 27 miles from here. She loves Loeb park, but it has been checked. She had a lot of areas she liked up in the hills, and assuming the worst, she would have picked an out of the way scenic spot to meet her maker. Her late husband is in an urn in the house, and is still here. We have checked all her favorite spots, but would love to hear some ideas from folks who do not know her on where she may have gone. This is thick is hard, and with the marijuana grows, even dangerous to traverse. If she was determined, she would have picked a spot I could not drive into with my car, but easy to reach with a four wheel drive. I am convinced now that she had planned this a few days in advance to make sure I would not be the one who finds her. God and Jenn are the only ones who know where she is right now, and the uncertainty is killing me. I want to bring her home no matter what. I just want to find her and either get her the help she needs, or put her to rest. Any help is appreciated, and at this point, no question is off limits. She was married to him in Tahoe and asked to have her ashes spread there with his. It does not appear she had the resources to make the trip, but I have alerted the police there just in case. She requested that I take her and her late husband there to rest in a way that did not make me think she was heading there...hard to explain I guess. I am going to get some sleep, but will check back in the early A.M. PST. God bless and thank you.
I missed the email question. The email was never finished. It was adressed to a girl friend, but the body of the email only had the letter "k". It was saved as a draft at that time. I gave the police the laptop, but they found nothing
Do you think she could have gone to a shelter of some kind? A women's shelter or one run by a charity or a religious organization?
Crescent City - which direction would she go. It says she left the station heading north. Would she have headed for Oregon? Did LE put out a BOLO for the Tahoe? Do you think she might have stayed on the 101?

I don't know where folks go off-roading in that area. Hmmmm..................

Where did her late husband commit his suicide? Have you checked there?

It seems she was thinking about him a lot and that makes me think there will be some kind of connection between his suicide and her, if that is what has happened.

I'm sending up lots of prayers that Jen changed her mind and will make contact soon.

Maybe even an area that is similar to where her late husband committed suicide?
If she wants her ashes with his... how does she expect you to do that if you can't find her?

It seems odd that she would not go somewhere she would be found.
Even if you didn't find her... it seems odd she wouldn't alert someone so that she would be found. :waitasec:
Maybe even an area that is similar to where her late husband committed suicide?
If she wants her ashes with his... how does she expect you to do that if you can't find her?

It seems odd that she would not go somewhere she would be found.
Even if you didn't find her... it seems odd she wouldn't alert someone so that she would be found. :waitasec:

Maybe she has left a clue......Grasping at straws here but have you thought of places she frequents that start with "K" hence the draft email??
I was just trying to think of somewhere she would have left a clue...
She could have mailed a note to someone... but it would have gotten there by now.

My Aunt got her hair done, her nails done and then had an email sent to send a few hours later.
She went into the middle of a field so that she would not dirty the house and her kids wouldn't find her...
The friend who got the email called the cops.

I would think Jenn would do something similar... so that she would be found.
I wonder if she thought she sent that email... didn't realize it was in the drafts...
That would be awful.
If she was focusing on the previous husband, and you feel this had something to do with that, maybe she went to a spot that was personal to THEM. Her old friends may know more about that.
It sounds like you are doing everything right, and I know it's hard to share so many personal facts on here. If she has any friends or family in the direction she was headed, ask them to check their properties. I would try Klaas Kids and ask for suggestions.
I wish you the best and know this is so hard for you and Jennifer's family.
There is the picture in her FB showing a big view of the hills and ocean with a notation of a beautiful place to live. Looks like a hikable path.
Can a request be posted to the FB missing page to see if anybody knows of someone who has a private plane? Someone may be willing to use their plane to fly the route she may have taken, with a spotter looking for the car. Sometimes a request for help will make people think of who they know that may be interested in a good-will gesture.
Sorry if I missed this detail...but,what about her phone? Has LE had any luck tracking her movement by the "pings"?

Have any SAR dogs been used yet?

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