Found Deceased CA - Jennifer Evert, 34, Crescent City, 21 May 2013

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Okay, one more thought. Where are all of the lighthouses located along the 101?
Sorry to bombard the thread, but was she particularly religious?
Also grasping at straws... but she took a gun and a bottle of pills. Did you guys go target shooting? There is some sort of gun club off 101. Trying to think of somewhere she may go to be found by an adult, but not family. Are there any out of the way places people go to target practice?
Didn't her note say she would be found at the beach? If so, shouldn't we narrow our search towards beach areas?
Didn't her note say she would be found at the beach? If so, shouldn't we narrow our search towards beach areas?

I try really hard not to get personal here, but Jenn reminds me so much of myself. When I had my "plan" to commit suicide, I wanted to do it at the beach (hence my name Surfie). I love it there. My plan consisted of parking my truck on the seawall of Galveston, leaving my purse and keys in it, leaving a note saying where to find the truck. BUT, I was going to walk down to the ferry to take it across to Bolivar Peninsula as a passenger (it's free) and walk further to the most remote beach. I would then walk out into the water and shoot myself hoping that the sharks would get to me first before anyone.

Sorry to be so graphic. :(
A few other thoughts, Jenn knew that scents were important in the grieving process. Many, many, many people hold onto old shirts or whatever and never wash them so that they can smell their loved one.

What did the widow do? Did he have a particular scent associated with him like a firefighter might or ?
I try really hard not to get personal here, but Jenn reminds me so much of myself. When I had my "plan" to commit suicide, I wanted to do it at the beach (hence my name Surfie). I love it there. My plan consisted of parking my truck on the seawall of Galveston, leaving my purse and keys in it, leaving a note saying where to find the truck. BUT, I was going to walk down to the ferry to take it across to Bolivar Peninsula as a passenger (it's free) and walk further to the most remote beach. I would then walk out into the water and shoot myself hoping that the sharks would get to me first before anyone.

Sorry to be so graphic. :(

She did want to be found though....the sleeping pills are what bothers me. Were they Ambien? If she took a bunch of those, she could have passed out anywhere on the way...Also, I'm sure she would not shoot herself in front of people, especially since hubby said he is certain she wanted to protect him from finding her. I would focus close to the beach, but a secluded little hideaway...some bushes, rocks...also I don't know the terrain but if she situated herself a certain way she could possibly end up somewhere completely different if she did shoot herself, or pass out. I also find it strange that her car has not been found. This provides some kind of hope that maybe she is still alive, and possibly confused, or needing a mental rest. You would think the car would have been found by now, especially knowing she wanted to be found. Why park it in a secluded place? Makes me think previous post could be correct....perhaps she took pills before arriving and fell asleep before arriving. Are there any steep cliffs off the road she was driving on? Ravines?
We had a case here a while back where a lady from I think Georgia got disoriented and left her car running with the keys still in it and wandered. The police were called and impounded her car, but for whatever reason it was not entered into the main system and was overlooked when her parents reported her missing. It was finally correlated about 2 weeks later if memory serves me.

It's a big task, but based on the gas available to Jenn, maybe a 40 mile radius from the Lucky store of all tow truck companies can be contacted to see if they have her Tahoe. As Sgt said, find the truck and find Jenn.
Surfie :grouphug: ! Thank you for sharing your personal and very tough experience. You are an inspiration. I am SO very glad that you made it through your tough time.
All good points. The beaches have all been searched without luck. There are miles of cliffs here, but she left in the afternoon at the height of tourist season...someone would have seen her go down a the way, there is one bad sheet out there about the car. It is a TWO door tahoe. I cannot think of any items of scent that she took. It was hard to tell because she has tons of clothes. We are doing a candlelight vigil tonight, so if I am not on here it's because I am getting ready for that. Talk to you all soon.
I am not one to light candles in hope, but tonight I am lighting one for Jenn, and for you, sgt. This beautiful woman and her story of suffering after losing a loved one have really touched a lot of people. And your love for her, sgt, is really apparent. Too bad love is not enough to save some people. I hope you are surrounded by people who love and care for you, sgt. Now and always.

And yes, I do hope she had a change of heart and is taking time to re-group. love to all who are helping in this search.
Could she have left another note somewhere? Maybe in or around the ashes of her late Husband given that she specifically mentioned the his ashes in her note?
Jen's story resonates with me too. My Brother in law suicided 15 years ago. My sister found him and then just last year, she decided she had battled with her sorrow for long enough and chose to join him.

Sgt809, I am praying for Jen, you, and your family. Please let her be found alive and well soon. :please::please:

Is there anyplace she may have wrecked on the way to where she said she was going, where the vehicle can't be seen?
If you had any kind of ping on a phone (can't they turn on phones automatically for a ping?) you could narrow the area down and then do searches with dogs. Just an idea, don't know if it is plausible.

Lighting a candle for Jennifer here in Oregon :rose:
And here in California.

I have spent a lot of time up there because my best friend and her hubby moved to Crescent City 25 years ago.
I attended a high school graduation tonight, and they released a bouqet of balloons for a student who was killed in an accident a month ago and should have been there tonight. I watched them go over the mountains and I thought of Jennifer and so many others who are lost. I so wish some of these families could get some answers.

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