GUILTY CA - Jessica Funk-Haslam, 13, found murdered, Rosemont, 6 March 2012

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Regarding the security video at the corner of Contempo and Rosemont Drive - I am sure the actual video tape from this person security camera is a bit clearer than what we see on the digital capture of the video. I would feel cops can see it clearer and know there is no skateboard. It just looks like the person is gliding- but I think it's just the video frame rate. I also think that probably the cops suspect that turning left down Zorina Way was the runners planned route. Its then he saw someone on Zorina that could identify him and that's when he turned around to head back the other way. If you go back down Rosemont as he did, you can also get to Zorina if you go down Frensham Way. And that's the direction the person was headed when the video ended. Sure it could be a inocent unrelated person out running but they must be aware of the video. I would be great if they identified themselves and let cops know if they saw anything
Well I doubt what cops got is clearer what we got. I am pretty sure I can even see the outline of a skate board. I don't see anyone hiding either (even if the person is running). Someone running from a crime scene would run away from the scene. Not run one way then go back.
Well I doubt what cops got is clearer what we got. I am pretty sure I can even see the outline of a skate board. I don't see anyone hiding either (even if the person is running). Someone running from a crime scene would run away from the scene. Not run one way then go back.

I'm not sure that the skateboard is the biggest issue. Is the person in the video aware of this video? Is that person just a random unrelated innocent person? Can that person identify themselves to police and tell them if they saw anything while they were in that area?
Well I doubt what cops got is clearer what we got. I am pretty sure I can even see the outline of a skate board. I don't see anyone hiding either (even if the person is running). Someone running from a crime scene would run away from the scene. Not run one way then go back.


Because most likely also, if they saw somebody they recognized enough to make them turn around, then most likely they also where seen. If hiding from a crime that you just commited, staying on ROSEMONT drive in ROSEMONT is not the way to go undetected, as it is the main street right through the area, and to go from Zorina to Frensham would be risky big time.
I'm not sure that the skateboard is the biggest issue. Is the person in the video aware of this video? Is that person just a random unrelated innocent person? Can that person identify themselves to police and tell them if they saw anything while they were in that area?

I don't know if the person is aware, but I am pretty sure if I were in their shoes I might not want to come forward, if I was just innocently skate boarding (or running) and then press comes out and basically accuses this person of being a suspect (even though the video does not show anything suspicious).
If the cops place her time of death between 8pm and 9pm, I wonder about the witnesses that claim (2 separate ones, I believe) that they heard a man and a girl talking after 9pm and someone who claims to have seen persons with a flashlight between 11pm and 1230am, presumably sitting on bleachers in the park, and a vehicle parked in the park lot. That means that a) the witnesses are incorrect b) the cops are incorrect about time of death c) persons unrelated to the murder were there after she was murdered or d) the perp or perps came BACK to the scene, perhaps to retrieve a weapon or what have you. Based on the witness accounts, I would have thought her death was after the 8pm to 9pm window.

Another thought of mine (pure speculation) is that someone went to the park that knew Jessica may be there to bring her home, especially if she had a history of hanging out there. She refused to go with them (back home or whatever) and things got ugly.

MonkeyMann - KCRA3 claimed that Sac Sherriffs do in fact have surveillance of her on RT to Watt from Butterfield, then took a bus to somewhere near Einstein and was seen on surveillance cameras with "students" at Einstein at 6:30pm.
I don't know if the person is aware, but I am pretty sure if I were in their shoes I might not want to come forward, if I was just innocently skate boarding (or running) and then press comes out and basically accuses this person of being a suspect (even though the video does not show anything suspicious).

I also can imagine an innocent scenario of a skateboarder dropping off or picking up a joint, so he doesn't want to come forward either.
Interesting about the timeline proposed. Finally a bit more information! If they think she was killed around 8-9 pm, that is quite a tight timeline. Possibly 2 hours from the time she left the house to when she was murdered? How does she have time to go all over on the transit system end up at the park, hang out for awhile and dead by 8pm. That would be taking a huge chance IMO...people could still be out running, and certainly driving around at that time?

I think the video is just as others said. Looks to be someone skate boarding. I'm curious to know more about the group of teens that was seen entering the park around 6:30pm as it's likely that Jessica was there at that time. Surely they would have seen her if it was a popular hangout. I believe they said they had video from the school of these teens? They were careful to say they were not suspects. If they haven't spoken to these teens, why wouldn't this video be released as well? If they have evidence of these teens arriving to the park, do they also have video of them leaving? After knowing what has happened to Jessica, why wouldn't this group of teens have come forward by now??

I'm not ruling out a possible group of girls yet.

Is it possible to get the cell phones of kids they might suspect to tell where they were at that time and night? I remember they found out Zahra's stepmonster was out by herself hiding her body on a certain day because her cellphone 'pings' showed she was there. I'm technologically-challenged, but can they do this in this case?
A thought about why she might not have had her cell phone...

Kids today are pretty savvy. I'm sure that most of them know that cells can be traced (especially if the kid watches any crime dramas.) For that matter, don't some cells sold for kids even have a "tracker" that parents can use to see where the child is? If she didn't want to be found, she might have intentionally left her phone behind, especially if it was the latter type.

(I know that if I were planning a crime, I'd make sure my phone was somewhere far in another direction when the crime occurred.)
So originally I thought it was a person on a skateboard. On second thought, it appears this person only does one pass and then is not seen on the video again. If somebody were truly out skateboarding, I don't think that would be the case. Seems likely he would have made a few more passes. I don't know, I think this person could be involved.

I am also curious about the teen seen running in the back of the news clip. He comes out of the house, walks down the street just a bit, looks at something, turns around to walk back to his house, notices the news crews, then runs back toward his house. Weird if you ask me.
So originally I thought it was a person on a skateboard. On second thought, it appears this person only does one pass and then is not seen on the video again. If somebody were truly out skateboarding, I don't think that would be the case. Seems likely he would have made a few more passes. I don't know, I think this person could be involved.

I am also curious about the teen seen running in the back of the news clip. He comes out of the house, walks down the street just a bit, looks at something, turns around to walk back to his house, notices the news crews, then runs back toward his house. Weird if you ask me.

Someone running away from crime scene is not going to run one way then run back.
Slaying time window shrinks for Rosemont girl

Her friends have been "fairly cooperative," Turnbull said, but so far no names have surfaced. One particular challenge has been culling good information from the bad.

"You can imagine, when dealing with (this age group) after about a day, what kind of rumors get passed around," he said.

Turnbull said some teens might be afraid to speak candidly for fear of their parents knowing they were somewhere, or doing something, that would get them in trouble.
For those teens, Turnbull had a reality check.

"We can take care of this," the detective said of issues with parents.
They are interested in a few individuals, but so far have not identified any suspects, Turnbull said. ... rinks.html
Slaying time window shrinks for Rosemont girl


The night of her death, Funk-Haslam was wearing a zip-up jacket with zebra stripes and a fur-lined hood. Turnbull said her hair was shorter than in her circulated school picture – jaw length, and with an awkward patch on the left side where she tried to cut her own hair.

"We're working as hard as we can to find a resolution to this," Turnbull said.
Speaking from personal experience that looks like the defiant daughter her mom probably saw often.
My first reaction to this picture was that she was hiding her face or shutting out the world. IMHO she has been sexually abused by someone and is angry; she is showing that she is 'tough', a 'don't tread on me' attitude.

She was sexually abused a year ago and the offender was sentenced to prison. So that had to be very tough on her. And now she is 13, a rough age for a sexual abuse survivor. So many conflicting feelings and emotions for her to go through. I acted out when I was that age because of the abuse i had suffered earlier. I was very confused about boys and what they wanted and what my own boundaries should be.

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