GUILTY CA - Jessica Funk-Haslam, 13, found murdered, Rosemont, 6 March 2012

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No sleuthing of family members unless they are named POIs or LE gives us some reason.



My 14 year old can't leave the couch and go to the refrigerator or pantry and back without taking her phone with her. This whole process takes all of 30 seconds.

The only reason she can take a shower without her phone is because it would get ruined if she did.

She left her charger at a friends house during a sleep over not long ago and you would have thought the world was going to end if she didn't get a ride to go get the charger before her battery died.

Your right, no teen is going to leave home without their phone. Certainly not a 13 year old girl. I too think the phone was taken away as a punishment if she didn't have it with her.


Yes, leaving the cell phone behind bothers me. My 14 YO's is attached to his hip, and he's never left home without it.

So I know we have a sighting (but not a confirmed sighting - just a young girl talking to a man in the dark).

What if - and this is just a theory folks - so feel free to pull it apart. The coroners report and cell phone records will be able to determine what happened.

Mom/daughter have an argument at 5:30, daughter leaves

Daughter comes back close to 6:00 and calls her dad (cell phone records would have to confirm)

Daughter and mom have another fight - it turns violent. Jessica was stabbed, asphyxiated and was struck on the head.

Mom starts texting friends she knows, and of course there's no response because Jessica was still at home.

During mom's midnight "search" she dumps Jessica at the baseball field, returns home, cleans up, and call LE in the morning.

If anyone can answer these questions:

1. Has the home been searched?
2. Was anyone else inside the home after 5:30 PM, or anyone who witnessed the argument?
3. Was the dump site the actual crime scene (LE can usually tell if the body had been moved there).
4. Had there been confirmed sightings of her past 6:00?

If the event happened at home, it would make sense as to why her cell phone remained behind. Laci Peterson left her cell phone behind, as did Susan Powell. As we've learned in so many other cases, sometimes we run across victims who live under the roof with the enemy. The boogeyman isn't always outside :(

As of this morning, Investigators are still asking for the public's help in identifying where the 13-year-old went after she left her house Monday night. Sacramento sheriff's detectives are also interviewing friends, schoolmates and family members to develop a profile of the victim. (Source:

Again, just some thoughts on what I think, and it's my opinion only - not based on any facts.


Yes, leaving the cell phone behind bothers me. My 14 YO's is attached to his hip, and he's never left home without it.

So I know we have a sighting (but not a confirmed sighting - just a young girl talking to a man in the dark).

What if - and this is just a theory folks - so feel free to pull it apart. The coroners report and cell phone records will be able to determine what happened.

Mom/daughter have an argument at 5:30, daughter leaves

Daughter comes back close to 6:00 and calls her dad (cell phone records would have to confirm)

Daughter and mom have another fight - it turns violent. Jessica was stabbed, asphyxiated and was struck on the head.

Mom starts texting friends she knows, and of course there's no response because Jessica was still at home.

During mom's midnight "search" she dumps Jessica at the baseball field, returns home, cleans up, and call LE in the morning.

If anyone can answer these questions:

1. Has the home been searched?
2. Was anyone else inside the home after 5:30 PM, or anyone who witnessed the argument?
3. Was the dump site the actual crime scene (LE can usually tell if the body had been moved there).
4. Had there been confirmed sightings of her past 6:00?

If the event happened at home, it would make sense as to why her cell phone remained behind. Laci Peterson left her cell phone behind, as did Susan Powell. As we've learned in so many other cases, sometimes we run across victims who live under the roof with the enemy. The boogeyman isn't always outside :(

As of this morning, Investigators are still asking for the public's help in identifying where the 13-year-old went after she left her house Monday night. Sacramento sheriff's detectives are also interviewing friends, schoolmates and family members to develop a profile of the victim. (Source:

Again, just some thoughts on what I think, and it's my opinion only - not based on any facts.



I think it's possible the mother's timeline may be off and that she didn't leave the house (if at all) until after the 6pm phone call to her dad. Why?
1. Because the mom was concerned of her going out in the dark and according to what someone posted above, it's not dark until about 6pm.
2. I just don't see Jessica leaving to meet up with someone or possibly "run away" without taking her cell phone. How would she contact the person she was about to meet up with?
3. If she had left without her phone, I don't see her borrowing a friend's phone to call her dad. If she did, LE would know who that person is as dad would have that phone number. Police would have more of a lead, and know who she was with, IMO. It still sounds like they are unsure of who she was with.

I wish her father would say if he knew if she was gone from the house when she made the call or if she mentioned still being at home. I wonder if she asked her dad to come pick her up or wanted to go there that night? He mentions she wanted to live with him, but nothing about wanting to come there that night.

I also found it interesting that the mother had said that Jessica barely had any friends and that she wouldn't tell the mother who the friends were, that the mother didn't know them. But then the mother says she was texting Jessica's friends to see where she was?? How would she text her friends if she didn't know their names or who they were? How would she know the phone numbers? I suppose if the cell phone was left behind, she could have been texting the friends from Jessica's cell phone and the numbers in it? Only the records will tell.

I've also read via FB and some article comments from locals who seem to refer to Rosemount as not a very safe place and that it has gotten worse in years. They also seem to question what kind of parent can't find their child, gone over night in this kind of place, and do not call the police?

Another commenter defending the mother alleges that when Jessica didn't come home that morning before school, that her mother DID phone the police, but it was about the same time her body had been found.

And one last commenter alleged that the mother "walks with a gimp" and simply wouldn't be capable of murdering her child and transporting her anywhere.

That's what I've found for today!

Hundreds turn out for meeting after teen's murder

from video:

- Community meeting. Locals left feeling discouraged and frustrated with few answers to their questions. Were hoping to get some answers.

- Mother and uncle attended meeting.

- 50 officers/investigators working round the clock. Knocking on doors and talking to people. Following up on every tip and every rumor about what might have happened.

- History of running away. Jessica was also reported missing in January by her parents and she was later found at an apartment complex off <can't decipher the name> Ave.
Yes. I think cellphone records and pings will tell alot about alot of things no matter who the perp is.

Hundreds turn out for meeting after teen's murder

from video:

- Community meeting. Locals left feeling discouraged and frustrated with few answers to their questions. Were hoping to get some answers.

- Mother and uncle attended meeting.

- 50 officers/investigators working round the clock. Knocking on doors and talking to people. Following up on every tip and every rumor about what might have happened.

- History of running away. Jessica was also reported missing in January by her parents and she was later found at an apartment complex off <can't decipher the name> Ave.
Watt Avenue- major road in Sacramento.
I noticed the mom does walk with a the video of her walking with a pastor to the 1st memorial/candlelight vigil? Looked to me like she may have MS.
I noticed the mom does walk with a the video of her walking with a pastor to the 1st memorial/candlelight vigil? Looked to me like she may have MS.

I thought so too. She seems very thin and frail.
Maybe I'm wrong but that's what it sounds like to me too.

Who strangles someone AND stabs them one time?

Warning - Might be a bit gruesome?

There have been a few cases where the person was beaten, strangled and stabbed... because the person "just wouldn't die."
Often they were teens who just weren't strong enough or street smart enough or organized enough to know how to kill someone effectively.

If they beat her to initially subdue her, she falls to the ground, but couldn't seem to kill her that way... there would be evidence of a beating.

Then they they tried to strangle her... but weren't strong enough to kill her that way... there would still be evidence of asphyxiation.

Then, you finally just find something to stab the person with, in the neck of course because that will bleed a lot.
Maybe the one stab wound to the neck caused a spurt of blood or gurgling sound that freaked the person out... so they stopped at one.

When combined with the blunt force trauma... she probably won't have enough fight in her to get back up after that.
She may be in the fetal position or "crumpled on the ground."

Elizabeth Olten was also both strangled and stabbed. - Teen girl killed to "see what it was like."

Shanda Sharer was horrendously murdered by 4 teen girls...
Beaten, stabbed, strangled... still alive in the trunk.
Then stabbed again.
Then hit with a tire iron several different times.
She still wasn't dead and it had been hours. Still in the trunk.

They finally just had to light her on fire and burn her alive.

There are others, those are just the ones that come to mind immediately, with names and everything. :twocents:
I thought so too. She seems very thin and frail.

Also no scratches on any visible areas of the body. I think some people are barking up the wrong tree here. Of course police should investigate every possible scenario, but I think it's more likely the girl was killed by someone she went to meet that night.

Comments in this article allege the talk is that Jessica was going to the dugout to meet someone she had met online. Yikes!
My brother lives in that area and told me he heard that a couple days ago. Apparently its been the rumor going around. I didn't post it here because he said it was just that...a rumor.

He also told me he and my sister in law attended the vigil and thought the mother's actions were not believable. Crying with no tears, then laughing etc...

I just don't feel the mom had anything to do with this but I can't get over the negative comments on her Google profile about her family.
My brother lives in that area and told me he heard that a couple days ago. Apparently its been the rumor going around. I didn't post it here because he said it was just that...a rumor.

He also told me he and my sister in law attended the vigil and thought the mother's actions were not believable. Crying with no tears, then laughing etc...

I just don't feel the mom had anything to do with this but I can't get over the negative comments on her Google profile about her family.

What makes that even worse is I believe it's human nature to portray oneself in the best possible light to the 'outside' world. Imagine how she must actually treat her family!

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