GUILTY CA - Jessica Funk-Haslam, 13, found murdered, Rosemont, 6 March 2012

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I would have more difficulty with the COD if she'd been shot, strangled, and beat.

Strangling, beating, and stabbing all are "close contact," whereas shooting is not. I can easily imagine (and what does that say about me?) beating, then strangling, and then stabbing "just to make sure." What I can't envision is beating, strangling, and then shooting, as they are two totally different methods; one is "hands on" and the other is "hands off."

**I am not saying she was shot. I'm saying it actually makes sense that she would have all three be CODs, and it would make far less sense if there was a gun involved.**

Does this make the least bit of sense?

As for the mother, she obviously is not parent of the year. And obviously also has trouble picking men to be with. What I will say is that the mother also, just as obviously, was willing to prosecute the previous boyfriend, who had molested this child...which tells me something about the mother.

I'm thinking it was a group of kids, probably her age, probably over a boy. I can't help thinking about that child who was murdered in Long Beach in a fight over a boy, and she was 9 or 10...that made the news, and this may be a result of that. Someone will 'crack' and give information; when there is more than one perp, there is always a weak link...I just pray that it's sooner rather than later.

God bless everyone...

Herding Cats
I am thinking that once LE is able to check phone records and computer info. that they will be able to narrow down the perp(s).

Especially if the killers are Jr. High to High Schoolers...since it sounds like more than one..I feel that not all of them will be able to keep their lips zipped and/or have already let something slip.
I don't think the fact that the ex-boyfriend was prosecuted says anything about the mother. The ex-boyfriend would have been prosecuted by the DA, not the mother.
I don't think the fact that the ex-boyfriend was prosecuted says anything about the mother. The ex-boyfriend would have been prosecuted by the DA, not the mother.

Yes, but how many times do we hear of things not going reported? Maybe I've made a poor assumption, in that thinking the mother supported her daughter in reporting it...I haven't read anything, to be sure.

I could be wrong, for sure.

herding Cats
Warning - Might be a bit gruesome?

There have been a few cases where the person was beaten, strangled and stabbed... because the person "just wouldn't die."
Often they were teens who just weren't strong enough or street smart enough or organized enough to know how to kill someone effectively.

If they beat her to initially subdue her, she falls to the ground, but couldn't seem to kill her that way... there would be evidence of a beating.

Then they they tried to strangle her... but weren't strong enough to kill her that way... there would still be evidence of asphyxiation.

Then, you finally just find something to stab the person with, in the neck of course because that will bleed a lot.
Maybe the one stab wound to the neck caused a spurt of blood or gurgling sound that freaked the person out... so they stopped at one.

When combined with the blunt force trauma... she probably won't have enough fight in her to get back up after that.
She may be in the fetal position or "crumpled on the ground."

Elizabeth Olten was also both strangled and stabbed. - Teen girl killed to "see what it was like."

Shanda Sharer was horrendously murdered by 4 teen girls...
Beaten, stabbed, strangled... still alive in the trunk.
Then stabbed again.
Then hit with a tire iron several different times.
She still wasn't dead and it had been hours. Still in the trunk.

They finally just had to light her on fire and burn her alive.

There are others, those are just the ones that come to mind immediately, with names and everything. :twocents:

Shanda Sharer...unbelievable. I had not heard of that case before.

One of her killers petitioned the court to be released early. Thank God the request was denied. But Melinda Loveless could still be freed as early as November, 2020.,0,131557.story

Local Psychics Search for Clues in Teen Girl's Murder

Local psychics Christina George and Jennifer Newell showed FOX40 what they believe was the exact path Jessica Funk Hanslam took the night she was killed, who she met with and where she died.

"(The suspect's) between 16 and 19. He's young," George said. "She does know him and she has been corresponding with him."
Police canvass schools, neighborhood for clues in girl's death

Police spent the weekend searching for the killer of a 13-year-old girl found dead at a Sacramento park last week.

Detectives continued working their way through the neighborhood asking if people had seen anything after 30 detectives questioned students at a middle school and high school in the area of Rosemont Park.

Investigators are still asking for the public's help in identifying where the 13-year-old went after she left her house Monday night. Sacramento County sheriff's detectives are also interviewing friends, schoolmates and family members to develop a profile of the victim.
According to Nancy Grace, she was fully clothed and there was no sign of sexual assault. The method of killing strikes me as being the result of rage - they just kept at her until she was dead.

I'm thinking she met the boyfriend (or -a- boyfriend, possibly not the one who's been quoted), and that boy had a jilted girlfriend who attacked her. If Jessica and a boy were the ones in the park, then perhaps a former girlfriend of his saw or followed them.
I'm really interested in why the mother immediately thought a girl was involved.

Because in my experience, this looks like a girl killing once the COD was released.
what time does it get dark there now? Here in michigan (if it is not overcast) it is light out until almost 7pm..

Well officially for the coast in Santa Cruz that day the sunset is listed at 6:05 pm. We are about two hours west of Sacramento.
Still nothing? If it was a couple of kids, it seems they couldn't outsmart LE. Kids talk!

If this was an on-line meeting, who knows who it could be, and that person could be 1/2 way round the world by now. I sure hope something is found on her phone or computer to give this perp away - and soon!


Man I don't know much about this case but last night I had a wicked dream about it. Saw her on a bus, black kid was in hiding, but instigated other's to attack her. Just a dream though.
article at this link
says LE took her laptop from her dad's house and police believe case is solvable. They have info they aren't releasing.

From article listed above:
"It was scary after things were falling all in a row, I guess," Funk-Haslam said. "I did not even have a thought that it would be her. I was holding the thought, hoping it wasn't," said Funk-Haslam, who said she learned about the investigation after getting an automated phone call from the school district.
What does that mean? Did the mother call police to report the daughter missing before or after the automated call from the school. What does "after things were falling all in a row" mean????
The parents are painting very different pictures of their daughter
The father says
Porter, however, believes the sexual abuse explains Jessica's rebellion and anger as a teen. Jessica was reported missing in January and later called her parents from an apartment complex near Watt Avenue. She wouldn't tell her parents who she was visiting, Porter said.
Jessica also disappeared the weekend before her murder, according to Porter.

The mother says
Tara Funk-Haslam said she and her daughter had their disagreements, but "she wasn't one that ran off all the time."

What makes that even worse is I believe it's human nature to portray oneself in the best possible light to the 'outside' world. Imagine how she must actually treat her family!

No wonder she wanted to move in with her dad.

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