CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #6

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I don't think he ever described it the way you are describing it. I don't think he ever said that Joey told him to backdate and delete checks he created.

We don't know. In 2010 the interview doesn't get into much detail. I think we'd have to hear the San Bernardino interviews.

Chase may have been afraid no one would believe him.
So a/ do you think Joey did it? and b/ What makes you think Chase didn't write that cheque if he killed them?

Because the check number is earlier in sequence than the checks Chase was using.
Because the check number is earlier in sequence than the checks Chase was using.
The cheques he wrote before and after the 4th weren't printed at the house, the one on the 4th was. Unless he had a blank cheque in his pocket when he went there it seems obvious to me he would have to use one from Joey's office.
In my opinion, Chase was a master con artist and manipulative liar. I have a hard time believing that he ever worried someone wasn't going to believe him.

Especially if it was the truth and could keep him from becoming a murder suspect. JMO
We don't know. In 2010 the interview doesn't get into much detail. I think we'd have to hear the San Bernardino interviews.

Chase may have been afraid no one would believe him.

Why didnt he tell LE that he went to the Fallbrook house on the 4th and create those checks , if he had Joey's permission and there were no problems with him doing so?

If he was innocent and that was an innocent action that he had permission to do, why not tell LE exactly what happened on the last day the family was known to be alive?
The cheques he wrote before and after the 4th weren't printed at the house, the one on the 4th was. Unless he had a blank cheque in his pocket when he went there it seems obvious to me he would have to use one from Joey's office.

Why didnt he tell LE that he went to the Fallbrook house on the 4th and create those checks , if he had Joey's permission and there were no problems with him doing so?

If he was innocent and that was an innocent action that he had permission to do, why not tell LE exactly what happened on the last day the family was known to be alive?

I don't think Chase wrote that check. At the time of Joey going missing, Chase had a bench warrant out for his arrest. He may not have thought he'd be believed. And maybe he was hoping Joseph would get back OK, and it wouldn't be an issue.
In my opinion, Chase was a master con artist and manipulative liar. I have a hard time believing that he ever worried someone wasn't going to believe him.

Especially if it was the truth and could keep him from becoming a murder suspect. JMO

I guess we'll see what the Quickbooks evidence reveals. I absolutely could be wrong.
The only way your son could have access to your vendor list is if you gave it to him. My thought is Joey didn't give Chase access to the vendor list that was generated for Contacts. I could be wrong, though.

Right, but that is my point. I set up a custom account so my son could write checks for tuition and books. So the portion that he had access to had his name entered and set up by me.

My question is, IF Joey had wanted Chase to write himself checks, wouldn't Joey have set up that custom account with an entry for Chase Merritt? Why did chase have to make his own if Joey had supposedly set it up for him?
State of California VS Charles Ray Merritt: Part Four - Transcript of Charles Merritt Preliminary

2 Q Now, with regard to QuickBooks, did you become familiar
3 with the program, how to use it?
4 A Yes, I did.
5 Q How did you receive access to these records from Intuit?
6 A Intuit cloned Joseph's accounts and made me an authorized
7 user on the accounts. It was an online-based account, so I
8 signed in using my information, and I could view Joseph's
9 account. I couldn't alter it. I couldn't change it or modify
10 it. I could view and print the records, only.
11 Q And those are the records that we previously discussed
12 were maintained by QuickBooks and the entries were at or near
13 the time the events occurred?
14 A That's correct.
15 Q Okay. With regard to both of those accounts, both the
16 Contact and the Custom account, how were those divvied up in the
17 business? Was there two sides to the business, two separate
18 businesses? Or do you know?
19 A Yes, there was. The original account, the Contact
20 account that was created in 2004, had a mixture of Joseph's
21 personal finances as well as his business finances.
22 The Custom account was strictly business, but he was not
23 writing checks from that account.
24 Q When you write a check from QuickBooks, does it
25 automatically debit the money from an account?
26 A If the user has a credit card, a bank card, something
27 like that associated with QuickBooks, it can debit. It can be
28 linked to Pay Pal, those type of things. But Joseph basically
1 used these accounts for an online ledger where he created
2 invoices, he wrote checks and kept track of his money coming and
3 going out. But it was not actually associated to a bank.
4 Q Did you also review or speak with someone who reviewed
5 Joseph's bank accounts?
6 A Yes.
7 Q Was that at Union Bank?
8 A Yes.
9 Q Which? Did you review it or --
10 A Yes, I reviewed it and spoke with Detective Ryan Smith.
11 Q Okay. With regard to the Custom account, were any checks
12 from, you said it was opened in January of 2008, from January of
13 2008 until February 1st, 2010, were any checks listed on
14 QuickBooks or written from QuickBooks on the Custom side of the
15 account?
16 A On the Custom side, no.
17 Q So, all the checks during that time period were listed on
18 the other account?
19 A On the Contact account, yes.

....and continue reading the transcript, it will explain when checks started being written after the 1st of February and out of what account.
Right, but that is my point. I set up a custom account so my son could write checks for tuition and books. So the portion that he had access to had his name entered and set up by me.

My question is, IF Joey had wanted Chase to write himself checks, wouldn't Joey have set up that custom account with an entry for Chase Merritt? Why did chase have to make his own if Joey had supposedly set it up for him?

If this is what happened, it was a choice Joey made. Chase wasn't Joey's child, so why not let him learn the program. If Joey was going to go to Desktop only, but wanted Chase to take on a few tasks, better that Chase learn how.
Because Joey wouldn't have wanted Chase to have access to his personal finances. If Chase wrote the checks on the Custom account, then deleted them, that account still reflects the activity on their projects. But though Chase is writing a check that will eventually have him receiving funds from Joseph's bank account-Chase has no idea the balance in that account.

If Chase has permission to write the checks, he simply lets Joseph know he printed a check up, and the amount, then Joseph (as Joseph did with handwritten checks) manually adds that check amount to the Contacts account. And then both accounts reflect the numbers they were intended to reflect.

And this is all speculative. We have yet to know how those accounts were actually set up. What I will say, is if Joey set the accounts up the way I'm thinking is possible, I will be inclined to believe Chase is innocent. On the other hand, if this isn't how the accounts were set up, and it turns out Chase was accessing Contacts or features related to Joseph's personal finances, I'm leaning toward guilt.

It will be interesting to find out how those accounts were managed.
Confused. I thought you knew from testimony that Chase accessed the Custom account? Yea or nay?
Confused. I thought you knew from testimony that Chase accessed the Custom account? Yea or nay?

Do you get that there were TWO accounts? Separate accounts, each with its own email and password?

Contacts was created in 2004, before Joey knew Chase.
Custom was created in 2007, after Joey and Chase began working together.

Chase accessed the Custom account. I haven't read anywhere that Chase accessed the Contacts account.

A Quickbook administrator (Joey) can, when he is setting up each account, also dictate the access each sign on email/password user has.

I don't know, but it could be that the email/password user for Custom has very limited access to data stored on the Quickbooks over all.
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Correct me if I am wrong. Didn’t Maline or McGee, on cross, ask the QB rep about other email addresses for the QB account and the prosecution objected? And judge sustained? Why would there be other email addresses for the QB account?
I screwed this up but will try again. The prosecution will try to tie the moneys Merritt deposited into his personal account and withdrawn via ATMs at different Casinos to those carte blanche checks. He actually spent that money after his interview with LE on the 17th, telling the cops that he wished JM would be found so he could pay his rent.
Do you get that there were TWO accounts? Separate accounts, each with its own email and password?

Contacts was created in 2004, before Joey knew Chase.
Custom was created in 2007, after Joey and Chase began working together.

Chase accessed the Custom account. I haven't read anywhere that Chase accessed the Contacts account.

A Quickbook administrator (Joey) can, when he is setting up each account, also dictate the access each sign on email/password user has.

I don't know, but it could be that the email/password user for Custom has very limited access to data stored on the Quickbooks over all.
I do understand that there were 2 accounts. What I am questioning is if we know for sure that he accessed the second account? Was that in recent testimony? TIA.
If this is what happened, it was a choice Joey made. Chase wasn't Joey's child, so why not let him learn the program. If Joey was going to go to Desktop only, but wanted Chase to take on a few tasks, better that Chase learn how.

It's going to take a lot for the defense to convince me that Joey wanted to bring Chase in and give him more access to the business finances. o_O
I screwed this up but will try again. The prosecution will try to tie the moneys Merritt deposited into his personal account and withdrawn via ATMs at different Casinos to those carte blanche checks. He actually spent that money after his interview with LE on the 17th, telling the cops that he wished JM would be found so he could pay his rent.

Exactly. Chase told LE that he couldn't pay his rent because Joey is gone. And yet he cashed thousands of dollars in checks he wrote from Joey's QB account, and took the cash out at various casinos:

Charles Ray Merritt: Timeline of Evidence in the McStay Family Murders

This is compiled from the preliminary hearing, warrants, phone records and various witness accounts.

February 22, 2010

Withdrawal for $1500 at San Manuel Casino in Highland, Ca by Chase Merritt.

March 8, 2010

2 withdrawals for $503 at Commerce Casino in Commerce, Ca by Chase Merritt.

March 22, 2010

2 withdrawals for $504 at San Manuel Casino in Highland, Ca by Chase Merritt.
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