CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #9

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On Feb 4th, 2010 the McStay Family, Joey, Summer, Gianni, and Joseph Jr vanished from their home. It looked like the family simply got up and left their home never to return.

Law Enforcement was convinced that the McStay family ran away to Mexico.

Patrick McStay, Joey's father, along with other loved ones knew there was no way Joey and his family would never flee to Mexico. There was no reason for this scenario presented by law enforcement.

Up until the remains of the family were found buried in the desert on November 11, 2013, Patrick McStay searched for his son and his family.

Family friend Chase Merritt was arrested for the McStay family murders on Nov 7th, 2014 and finally, Merritt's first-degree murder trial is underway.

The McStay forum is in our private section. However, we are making the discussion of the trial public.

Link to prior threads
#1 CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010

Thread #1
Thread #2
Thread #3
Thread #4
Thread #5
Thread #6
Thread #7

Thread #8
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(Trying to be brief, still using cellphone for "hotspot", nixed Speedconnect and new internet provider won't be set up til Wednesday)
Boles (the FBI dude) explained the setup of cell towers back in 2010. The first tower the cell signal would hit would be the first on the billing. From there, it might be switched to a tower of less mobile congestion. The last cell location would be indicated on the billing when the call was terminated, whether it was the 1st tower, the switched tower, or a 3rd(4th, 5th, etc) if the individual was traveling and went out of range of the previous cell tower.
He also explained that each provider had designated towers (2010), providers did not share tower reception.
It's easy for me to grasp this because we had a similar situation in our area for years. Verizon was the ONLY cell reception you could get. AT&T? it cut out at bridge and didn't reconnect until you got up on a mesa 12 miles away. T=Mobile? In and out depending on a hill, gully, or next to a building.
From @citygirl in the last thread:
Taking it by paragraph. Nothing to say about the first one.
Paragraph 2. I'm thinking he lived with CJ, thus no rent.
Paragraph 4. Why must the PA support Sequiedas testimony? It's up to the DT to refute it.
Paragraph 5 . Saudi deal is a complete mystery. Was it ever completed? Did Chase actually go there? We don't know that yet.
Paragraph 6. To me, the gambling is a big deal. His got out of control based on testimony.

para 2 - But they lived together, not married, but with kids, to the best of my knowledge during the years before and at the time of the murder. Are we really to believe that CJ paid all the bills alone and he didn't contribute at all?

para 4 - because they are the one's that have to prove it? lol it was only implied, so we will see what comes out on the defense side, but not until later and only if L&C doesn't let us down again. :mad::mad: I do have some notes about what I think they need to "prove" themselves, this is one of them ;-)

para 5 - AFAIK it was completed, but I don't think I know that from the trial. Will be interesting to see all of that. The prosecution did have other witnesses from Geis construction to talk about the money sent to Chase for their fountain in the spring of 2010; however, I don't believe the prosecution was very successful in showing what they wanted to in that testimony. (Geis construction testimony Day 12 Part 1)

para 6 - I can respect your opinion.
Missy, you mentioned on the last thread, that in your opinion gambling isn't an issue. I beg to differ. I worked with more than one "mother," who "couldn't afford" a $10 co-pay to take their kid(s) to a dr/dentist, because they had gambled away their paycheck. At least one of these "mothers," didn't even own a car and constantly mooched FREE rides, off of myself and other people.
I personally think that CM's children suffered a LOT, due to his addiction. I recall reading that after he and CJ split, she and the kids were living in an R.V. on the grounds of some private school. Apparently she worked out a deal, to trade housecleaning for free rent. That sounds pretty darn sad to me, considering CM had been paid as much as $173,000(!!!) wages for a year, by JM. I NEVER earned that much pay in a year, in my entire life. But I do own a home (at the beach, no less--not bragging, just trying to make a point) and have never had to live in a R.V.
Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 3m3 minutes ago
#McStay - Afternoon update: James McGee on cross examination of Agt. Boles regarding the cell phone/tower maps. Boles created maps in this case in 2014 showing cell tower pings, specifically the one showing pings on Feb 6, 2010 near burial site.

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 3m3 minutes ago
#McStay -He attended additional training after that.He went back and modified this map after that training, before the preliminary hearing, specifically how the tower positioned when the calls. He said in Sept or Oct 2018 he was advised he was going to be a witness

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 3m3 minutes ago
#McStay - Boles looked up the maps he made in 2014 and modified some of them to coincide with the additional training he had recd after 2014. McGee asked Boles - if your are stationary, make and end a call without moving, your odds are that it will still on the same tower?

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 3m3 minutes ago
#McStay - Boles said he wouldn't say that odds are greater the call would stay on one tower. McGee referenced a case Boles testified in, quoted Boles saying if you are stationary the odds are great the call will remain on same tower. Boles: "I can see that's how I testified"

Cathy Russon‏ @cathyrusson 4m4 minutes ago
#McStay - McGee went over Merritt's phone activity in Jan and Feb. There were many calls, when Merritt was on the phone or that went to voice mail, that no cell tower data showed, yet a call right before or after would show tower data. Def able to show the data is inconsistent.

Thanks, CC!
was just coming to post those geevee! :)

This one...

#McStay - McGee went over Merritt's phone activity in Jan and Feb. There were many calls, when Merritt was on the phone or that went to voice mail, that no cell tower data showed, yet a call right before or after would show tower data. Def able to show the data is inconsistent.

I noticed that when they were flipping through the phone records. There were quite a few that didn't go through, you could see the [] where the cell tower info should have been.

Dang I wish we had been able to watch that testimony :(

if your are stationary, make and end a call without moving, your odds are that it will still on the same tower? <<<< Now I have to go back and look the tower info on the records we can see *sigh*
I was hoping that the live feed would have continued for this week. The cell tower testimony would be the most interesting during this week. I was wrong about my previous comment regarding the "other case." So much baloney that I am unable to tear myself away from the discourse. At least with the live feed I could go back and review the case from the day before. L & C seemed to have dropped the case. Again we are in the dark.
From @citygirl in the last thread:

para 2 - But they lived together, not married, but with kids, to the best of my knowledge during the years before and at the time of the murder. Are we really to believe that CJ paid all the bills alone and he didn't contribute at all?

para 4 - because they are the one's that have to prove it? lol it was only implied, so we will see what comes out on the defense side, but not until later and only if L&C doesn't let us down again. :mad::mad: I do have some notes about what I think they need to "prove" themselves, this is one of them ;-)

para 5 - AFAIK it was completed, but I don't think I know that from the trial. Will be interesting to see all of that. The prosecution did have other witnesses from Geis construction to talk about the money sent to Chase for their fountain in the spring of 2010; however, I don't believe the prosecution was very successful in showing what they wanted to in that testimony. (Geis construction testimony Day 12 Part 1)

para 6 - I can respect your opinion.
All BBM.
#1. I think CJ was the main contributor.
#2.Yes, the defense needs to rebut.
#5. Agreed.
#6. Respect your opinion, as well.
Missy, you mentioned on the last thread, that in your opinion gambling isn't an issue. I beg to differ. I worked with more than one "mother," who "couldn't afford" a $10 co-pay to take their kid(s) to a dr/dentist, because they had gambled away their paycheck. At least one of these "mothers," didn't even own a car and constantly mooched FREE rides, off of myself and other people.
I personally think that CM's children suffered a LOT, due to his addiction. I recall reading that after he and CJ split, she and the kids were living in an R.V. on the grounds of some private school. Apparently she worked out a deal, to trade housecleaning for free rent. That sounds pretty darn sad to me, considering CM had been paid as much as $173,000(!!!) wages for a year, by JM. I NEVER earned that much pay in a year, in my entire life. But I do own a home (at the beach, no less--not bragging, just trying to make a point) and have never had to live in a R.V.

Don't get me wrong, I know it's an issue, I just don't know that it is in this case.

173K is not the correct number IMO I don't know where this came from? Chase's interview with DuGal? It's not true according to the accountants testimony anyway.
was just coming to post those geevee! :)

This one...

#McStay - McGee went over Merritt's phone activity in Jan and Feb. There were many calls, when Merritt was on the phone or that went to voice mail, that no cell tower data showed, yet a call right before or after would show tower data. Def able to show the data is inconsistent.

I noticed that when they were flipping through the phone records. There were quite a few that didn't go through, you could see the [] where the cell tower info should have been.

Dang I wish we had been able to watch that testimony :(

if your are stationary, make and end a call without moving, your odds are that it will still on the same tower? <<<< Now I have to go back and look the tower info on the records we can see *sigh*
I would try to get transcripts for these upcoming missing days but I hear they are expensive if coming straight from the court reporter versus an online system.
Don't even consider it. No reason to be out of pocket. It will all come out eventually.

Yep, I looked into it early on, ridiculously expensive!!!!
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