Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni missing from Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #9

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Dropped pin

Unfortunately, your map is incorrect. The party was not at the Prosser Family Campground, but rather more to the southwest, and I dropped a pin on the attached google maps link where her car was found. It was not close to the paved boat ramp, but rather an unpaved "informal" boat launch.

EBM to change west to southwest to be clearer.
Thank you for the visual because I was off for sure. It's very hard to get a strong feel on distance from the road but it does look like a rather significant stretch where she would have had to drive on the beach. It seems her car floated a good distance before sinking which seems odd but what do I know. In my mind if you drove off that beach into water, it seems you'd sink right there in relatively shallow water near the shore. Although she was closeish to the shore, in my mind she would have needed to take a flying leap to get there. Weird. I still think tragic accident but cannot figure out how. Horrific for her family and loved ones to have to live with.
Thank you for the visual because I was off for sure. It's very hard to get a strong feel on distance from the road but it does look like a rather significant stretch where she would have had to drive on the beach. It seems her car floated a good distance before sinking which seems odd but what do I know. In my mind if you drove off that beach into water, it seems you'd sink right there in relatively shallow water near the shore. Although she was closeish to the shore, in my mind she would have needed to take a flying leap to get there. Weird. I still think tragic accident but cannot figure out how. Horrific for her family and loved ones to have to live with.
It was also noted previously that the water levels were quite a bit higher at the time of KR's disappearance than on the google maps image.
There was no boat ramp at where she entered the water and it takes time from the road to Prosser Lake its not as close as it looks on maps. She would also have to turn her vehicle to the direction of the lake from the road. It won't go straight through to the lake before the Prosser Lake beach. She has to cross the beach so it will take time. I believe elevation from the road to the beach factors in also. Yeah it is very confusing how she got into the lake when everything is factored in.
but they did search that area first, LE , so they must have thought she could have driven in unless they suspected she was there from the get go, due to info provided, but could not find her and were waiting for better equipment.

Thank you for the visual because I was off for sure. It's very hard to get a strong feel on distance from the road but it does look like a rather significant stretch where she would have had to drive on the beach. It seems her car floated a good distance before sinking which seems odd but what do I know. In my mind if you drove off that beach into water, it seems you'd sink right there in relatively shallow water near the shore. Although she was closeish to the shore, in my mind she would have needed to take a flying leap to get there. Weird. I still think tragic accident but cannot figure out how. Horrific for her family and loved ones to have to live with. could be right. there are currents there that change when they drain the reservoir, the water level just did not happen to be low,
geologists came on here and explained that every year at the same exact
time they drain the reservoir, even the trout move to the *deep end* by the dam, etc. I think we need to ask Curiosa because it seems like water has some sort of memory and the current might have been stronger right by the edge of that shallow ledge she was found wedged in because it had just been drained a few days before. When she went in and before she sank she could have drifted quickly in the current in the shallow part if she went in the water a little ways down the beach..she did not have to beeline straight from the nearest road to the beach.
Edited to show this
Jade said:
A reservoir that is controlled by a dam is not going to be still water. Depending on how much is released a draw down can create significant currents in the body of water.
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The reservoir has been drained drained every year during the week of the annual party....for decades. getting Children of the Corn vibes. Seriously, though, what if the party started decades ago to watch the water level go down.

...and that includes maybe driving where you couldnt before, IDK
Something else to consider: If family and friends were not suspects, would what they reported as times to the media simply be accepted as factual?

What I'm trying to say is this: we have a timeline here, which is a bit disjointed, and when we start picking it apart, there are things that do not make sense to us.

The only thing I've seen come straight from LE is the last known ping from Kiely's phone. Is that correct? everything else is from her mom, from Sami? They could easily be off by 5 minutes, 15 minutes, etc. Under pressure, fatigue, admittedly being inebriated, all of that seems plausible to me, and since they're not suspects, there wouldn't be any official correction of remarks like "She said she was heading home at 12:15" or "I talked with her at 12:36." Would be close enough to give anyone who may have seen Kiely when she was still missing a general idea.

Just some thoughts. Maybe off base?
There may very well be a large grey area between "accident" and "foul play" that may end up being the final answer.

Like the folks I've quoted below, I long ago wondered a similar 'prank gone wrong' scenario.

My idea was KR curled up in the backseat of her car parked at the party site - to sleep it off. She locked her car to be safe. Maybe she airplane moded her phone so not to be disturbed. She was under a blanket (didn't Nick the diver tell Duty Don interviewers he saw a blanket or maybe clothes in the backseat?). Maybe that was 1-1:30am.

Then along come two f'd up kids or young adults who find this 'empty' SUV parked at the party site. They see keys inside but they don't see KR asleep in the back - or perhaps passed out unconscious. So they smash the passenger window to get in.

Their prank intent - for a good laugh - is to drive / push the SUV into the lake and watch it sink. Wouldn't that be a hoot? Sadly the next day they figure out someone might have been in the car... but say nothing. And still they say nothing.

That said, AWP / Nick RA's story would have to be totally wrong for this to work. So until I hear from LE, I no longer ascribe to the idea I just stated.

ET: fix typos

I’m leaning more towards she decided to cat nap and secured herself in the car maybe by locking the doors or something, and laid down in the hatch. Again, entirely speculating, but I cannot quit running this scenario in my head…perhaps another person/people approached her car while she was likely in a deep sleep, that person/people made a terrible choice in that moment to break a window and put her CRV in neutral—and physics did its thing on the decline.

I've had the thought for some time now that KR laid down in the back possibly the hatch was open and her and others were sitting hanging out, drinking and maybe she just passed out and SS or someone else thought it'd Funny to park her car with her in it somewhere else so she'd wake up and be like wtf?

prank, or some other impulsive act gone wrong, seems possible to me as well.
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There may very well be a large grey area between "accident" and "foul play" that may end up being the final answer.

Like the folks I've quoted below, I long ago wondered a similar 'prank gone wrong' scenario. But my idea was KR curled up in the backseat of her car parked at the party site - to sleep it off. She locked her car to be safe. Maybe she airplane moded her phone so not to be disturbed. She was under a blanket (didn't Nick the diver tell the Duty Don interviewers he saw a blanket or maybe clothes in the backseat?). Maybe that was at 1-1:30am.

Then along come two f'd up kids or young adults who find this 'empty' SUV parked at the party site. They see keys inside but they don't see KR asleep in the back - or perhaps passed out unconscious. So they smash the passenger window to get in.

Their prank intent - for a good laugh - is to drive / push the SUV into the lake and watch it sink. Wouldn't that he a hoot? Sadly the next day they figure out someone might have been in the car... but say nothing. And still they say nothing.

That said AWP / Nick RA's story would have to be totally wrong for this to work. So until I hear more from LE, I no longer ascribe to the idea I just stated.

Or? She's asleep in the back, and she's so tiny and they're so wasted/stupid/impulsive in the moment they don't see her?

They saw her with Sami all night, and they know Sami went home. So they think it would be good fun to move Kiely's car to a random location for giggles. (Thinking the girls would come back for it the next day, and no car...hahahaha, right?)

Maybe Kiely DID overdose? Or simply had way too much to drink? She could have choked in her sleep, something tragic along those lines.

They realize they don't just have a classmate's CRV. It's the middle of the night, early the next morning, they're at Boca, and .....enter Roadside Nick.
Someone could have even PUT Kiely in the back of her CRV.

I think if she went to sleep herself, the backseat seems more comfortable, as there would be some cushioning? But let's say she was stumbling around the party as it wound down. Maybe someone saw her, and "tucked" her in to the hatch area, meaning well enough, and then another group came along later and the prank scenario?
Every aluminum beverage can has lot data printed in permanent ink, normally on the bare aluminum part. If it was fully legible when it left the bottling plant*, LE will be able to tell what plant the Truly can came from and, combined with data from the bottler, the area (and possibly the retailer) to which it was shipped; the UPC will tell whether it was sold individually or as part of a pack. The lot number will also indicate when it was made, independent of the expiration date which should also be present.

* said data on the can presently in front of me is not entirely legible because it is not printed on a smooth part of the can. Also, I have never had a Truly.
guessing someone bought it for her at the convenience store she is pictured in or was it sold to her not accusing anyone just wondering out loud.
I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but there are at least two routes that Kiely could have taken to get home. One is the main paved road that leads to the highway which runs north/south. The other looks like a shortcut of sorts, a dirt road that ultimately gets into a suburban area which leads to the same highway in the direction of her home. (I dropped a pin near the suburban area and google says it takes about four minutes to get there). I was thinking that she knows the area well and has a 4WD vehicle. Maybe she was trying to avoid being on the highways and main road for any significant length of time (or she may have know a route which avoids the highway completely) because she had been drinking, or maybe this is the route she always takes. Anyway, if she did take the back road, then she would go right by the fork in the road that leads directly to the beach where her car was pulled from the water (I believe I have the right location, but correct me if I'm wrong!). Anyway, google maps says it would have taken her about two minutes to get to that fork from Prosser Family Campground. The road, although dirt, doesn't look that bad or treacherous, and if you have a 4WD vehicle no problem. I've included screen shots of the two different routes, and then a closeup of the back route which has the fork leading to the beach. Note: This also presumes that the water level was low enough (as in the map) that she could pass using the back road. Just some thoughts... JMO.

ETA: I was just thinking that in the AWP video, Kiely's father left the beach area on an ATV, presumably going home, and I doubt he took that on the highway. Also, in a DM article, the grandfather said something like 'she knows that road,' she's tough,' 'some people would see that road and not take it.' It made me wonder what road he was talking about because the paved road looks pretty docile.

Paved road to the highway.


Dirt road which leads to the highway.

Closeup of dirt road which passes the beach.
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The road, although dirt, doesn't look that bad or treacherous, and if you have a 4WD vehicle no problem.
That’s up for debate. We had a local from Truckee who drove that road/dirt path and said it was very hard on their car (Thread #6.) There used to be a video from another local who drove Kiely’s most likely route to the lake & I believe she said as well that it was a rugged dirt path (I wanted to repost the video but it has been removed.) Doug from AWP said it wasn’t an easy road to drive, there were holes & crevices. But obviously it’s a path people use so it’s not impossible.

I’m still of the mind that, assuming she was as intoxicated as we were led to believe, there is little chance that she could’ve made it out of the party site and down to the lake in her condition. It’s not a straight route - she has to take a few wrong turns, it was pitch black, she’s on a road that you seemingly really have to concentrate to maneuver and at her age she’s not an experienced driver. But of course her car did make it to the lake so — ?? I don’t know, for some reason I’m leaning more towards foul play than I was in the beginning.

The "crazy making" thing for me about all of this is when I examine either theory is: you can't have it both ways. For an easy, clear cut explanation where I can just accept either/or, there are too many sticking points.

Such as: you're totally "effed up", in no shape to drive.....yet, you navigate this disaster of a poorly lit, unmarked path, two turns, etc etc leave no sign along the way?

Or for foul play: no one sees anything, no one says anything. All cool here!

Everything seems to contradict everything and everyone in this case. I definitely feel like people are covering for one another, and they're probably covering up things that have nothing to do with Kiely's actual death, but in doing so, it makes everything else super confusing and suspicious when trying to figure out what the heck actually happened. I hope it's all clearer for LE than it is for all of us.
The last phone ping being at 12:33 does not mean that's the exact moment that Kiely's phone died. Phones only ping cell towers when they have a reason to (call, text, data access, etc). They also do periodic pings but those can be many hours apart. So as long as Kiely didn't use her phone again after the call with SS and she didn't drive far enough to switch cell towers there could have been a decent gap between the last ping and when the phone actually went into the water. It could have been 12:45 or even later.
Agree with all this. But LE can get her phone records from her carrier. It will tell everything such as if there was a hard shut off of the phone. Getting a search warrant for phone records should be no problem in this circumstance. LE surely has done this assuming they have not got her phone. Even if they do have the phone, they need the carrier's records. It takes time to get them in many cases. Could be waiting on that info too, or maybe just got the records and are continuing to ask people to come forward if something doesn't add up with what info LE has been given so far
The "crazy making" thing for me about all of this is when I examine either theory is: you can't have it both ways. For an easy, clear cut explanation where I can just accept either/or, there are too many sticking points.

Such as: you're totally "effed up", in no shape to drive.....yet, you navigate this disaster of a poorly lit, unmarked path, two turns, etc etc leave no sign along the way?

Or for foul play: no one sees anything, no one says anything. All cool here!

Everything seems to contradict everything and everyone in this case. I definitely feel like people are covering for one another, and they're probably covering up things that have nothing to do with Kiely's actual death, but in doing so, it makes everything else super confusing and suspicious when trying to figure out what the heck actually happened. I hope it's all clearer for LE than it is for all of us.
I was thinking along the same lines this morning - I truly do think she was wasted, that is what was reported from several sources & why would they lie about that? But for her car to end up where it did, under her control, I don’t think she could’ve gotten there in her condition - She would’ve ended up in the trees on the side of the road before she made it to the lake.

Do any of these make it more likely that she drove herself to the lake (intentionally or not):
- A little tipsy & tired, not paying attention
- Hallucinating (mushrooms have been mentioned)
- Upset about something that happened at the party
- Concussion from a fight at the party
- Afterparty

And maybe I have to stay off SM but I do feel like there is something sinister at play here - from the group at the party or from the town in general, something just seems off


I took several days away from thinking about it.

This is speculation by me:

I grew up in a small town, a bit smaller than Truckee, and once again find myself after years in big urban areas, in another small town.

People in small towns protect their own. You're from there, and you're local? It's a very different sort of life for you than if you "ain't from here", even if you're otherwise well liked and accepted. I thought of this specifically when SS was suggesting the out of town partygoers--i.e. "Oh! I know! Sketchy guys from out of town....they did IT!" (whatever "it" was....)

Of course, there really may have been ppl from other towns at the party, but when you live in a small town, a lot of people are suspicious of anyone from the nearest big city. Drugs? Crime? OMG! It was The People From The City!

That might be the "sinister" or off vibe you're picking up on? I personally think it is possible that it is an unwillingness to entertain the thought of any of the partygoers being involved. We do know there have been conflicting reports about partygoers cooperation, both from law enforcement, and from Kiely's family. First there was a plea to come forward, frustration no one was, and then they were all being amazing and helpful. (I'm paraphrasing, and can link different MSM articles, but they;re all in earlier threads, multiple times.)

I've said previously I think her mom/family has probably known many, if not all, of the young people who could possibly know something, since they were infants. So, *if* any of them could be involved? They would now not only lose KR, they would have to experience that sort of loss/pain as well. How awful would that be?

Maybe that's just too much for a small town to process? It wouldn't bring her back if it turns out her death is connected to a prank or horsing around in vehicles. The outcome is the same as if she drove herself straight into the water from the party.
This is way out of context, but in this article Kiely's mom mentions her love of baking. As usual, I was looking for something else, but there it was....

Rodni-Nieman described her daughter as a special and dynamic woman who loves playing music, science, baking and dancing.

I'm NOT trying to restart the crème brûlée discussion, just sharing as this should help confirm she really was cooking.
I’m still of the mind that, assuming she was as intoxicated as we were led to believe, there is little chance that she could’ve made it out of the party site and down to the lake in her condition. It’s not a straight route - she has to take a few wrong turns, it was pitch black, she’s on a road that you seemingly really have to concentrate to maneuver and at her age she’s not an experienced driver. But of course her car did make it to the lake so — ?? I don’t know, for some reason I’m leaning more towards foul play than I was in the beginning.
snipped for focus

I don't have any particular theory at this point but I was thinking that if she started out on the road and realized she was having trouble navigating, maybe she pulled onto the beach to call her mom or take a break or something. What if she thought the car was in gear or in park (don't know if she drove a manual or automatic) and didn't have the emergency brake on, and the car rolled into the water? She parks, starts looking for her phone in her bag, accidently takes her foot off the brake pedal, and when she looks up she's in the water. The AWP guys said for whatever reason that they thought that the car was in neutral when they found it. Also, I came upon this photo (hope the source is OK) and it appears to be a fairly steep gradient into the water (relatively speaking and JMO). Just a possibility. MOO.
from: Body and car pulled from lake near last location of missing teen Kiely Rodni
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