GUILTY CA - Killer targeting the homeless (3 dead, 2 hurt), San Diego, July 2016 *Arrest*

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Listening to News8 at 6:30 p.m., but not able to post the news broadcast of it yet.

Jon David Guerrero is a Coronado native, but has been living in the Downtown area. Detectives found evidence at the suspect's place of residence that definitively and uniquely links him to the recent murders and brutal attacks.

I learned Jon David Guerrero's mother wrote the court judge sometime ago saying...this is in my own words...that he suffered a mental condition that would make it hard for him to get along in the community resulting in him probably ending up in jail again. (Schizophrenia was mentioned. If this is on record as part of his history, then get ready for the mental defense, IMO. )

Info on the Arrest and the Video of News Conference in SD homeless killings

Some of the statements he made on fb give me a schizophrenia vibe for sure...
... snipped for photos ...

Homesless Killer matches sketch.jpg

I'm having a learning experience to improve my facial recognition abilities.
Ears don't stick out like I expected. I can see how his eyebrows wouldn't be an outstanding feature on the sketch. Looking at some of his FB pics, I think he must've lost weight or went off meds because his cheekbones are more prominent now. MOO, from his FB comments, I'd say he felt disturbed, and unhappy, by his own mental condition.

Do you think the first hairstyle from video hid the mole near his ear? The hat must've hid the mole on his forehead.
Catching lots of info from watching different news broadcasts. They don't have the link up on either broadcast yet, so I'll share, in my own words, for those who are interested.

NBC News7
- Guerrero lived about 2 miles on the other side of downtown.
- He lived in the Alpha Square Apartments in a one bedroom apt. since opened.
- It's run by Alpha Project helping the very low income and homeless.
- It cost $43-$50 million to build. and has 203 apartments. Looks nice!
- Bob McElroy who runs Alpha Project said Guerrero was cordial and quiet.
- Neighbors in the building said he kept to himself, quiet, more of a loner.
- Guerrero's Mother is devastated. She was his caretaker and made sure he had groceries, etc., Think parents live in Clairemont / maybe Bay Park area now.

CBS News8
- Family member of Guerrero said "That's not David, it's his demons."
- His mother is having a hard time. She is challenging if maybe they got the wrong person because she says he's not a violent person and is kind, etc., It's unbelievable to her at this point. She did write a letter once to the judge explaining his mental condition.
- Neighbor from Bay Park said something about he sometimes had strange behavior, mainly harmless odd behavior. Saw him once walking down street with jock strap on his head.
- Earlier I heard some of his past record, I don't think he has anything too violent on his record, certainly not a previous murder.

Catching lots of info from watching different news broadcasts. They don't have the link up on either broadcast yet, so I'll share, in my own words, for those who are interested.

NBC News7
- Guerrero lived about 2 miles on the other side of downtown.
- He lived in the Alpha Square Apartments in a one bedroom apt. since opened.
- It's run by Alpha Project helping the very low income and homeless.
- It cost $43-$50 million to build. and has 203 apartments. Looks nice!
- Bob McElroy who runs Alpha Project said Guerrero was cordial and quiet.
- Neighbors in the building said he kept to himself, quiet, more of a loner.
- Guerrero's Mother is devastated. She was his caretaker and made sure he had groceries, etc., Think parents live in Clairemont / maybe Bay Park area now.

CBS News8
- Family member of Guerrero said "That's not David, it's his demons."
- His mother is having a hard time. She is challenging if maybe they got the wrong person because she says he's not a violent person and is kind, etc., It's unbelievable to her at this point. She did write a letter once to the judge explaining his mental condition.
- Neighbor from Bay Park said something about he sometimes had strange behavior, mainly harmless odd behavior. Saw him once walking down street with jock strap on his head.
- Earlier I heard some of his past record, I don't think he has anything too violent on his record, certainly not a previous murder.


Thanks so much for the recap!

I think it's great to be reminded of the Alpha Project and its residents. We are quick to say that SD isn't doing anything to solve the homelessness problem, but this is proof to the contrary. This building has rents at $350/month, which practically anyone can afford.
Yes, I won't argue the fact that there's good people and organizations working towards solutions to lessen the number of homeless. What gets me is he was very fortunate to get into that nice apartment building. There's thousands of homeless here, and so few subsidized buildings that the waiting list is years. There's one with 205 apts. not even built yet with 600 on the wait list. MOO, San Diego needs more affordable housing and rent control for people who want to live inside and have any chance for a brighter future.

He was lucky, fortunate, blessed because he had someplace safe to sleep and family that cared about him. I'm sure his family did what they could for him. It's incredibly sad all the way around for everyone. One of his victims could've benefited from where he was living. They wouldn't have been sleeping on the streets where he could attack them. It's just sad. Three people are dead.

Suspect in Series of Homeless Killings Lived in Building for Homeless

Guerrero grew up in the wealthy community of Coronado, across the San Diego Bay, known for its expensive real estate and picturesque beaches. But since January he has been living in a one-room apartment on the fifth floor at Alpha Square. Homicide Investigators spent several hours Friday morning searching the apartment for evidence.

The suspects' parents told NBC 7 they've not yet spoken with their son and are seeking guidance from an attorney.

McElroy says the family is broken-hearted and that Guerrero's mother is his caregiver.

“She's there every day. It's her son. Making sure he has groceries and his laundry is done,” McElroy said. "She's devastated."

San Diego Homeless Killings: Suspect's mother says they have the wrong guy
Posted: Jul 15, 2016 5:48 AM PDT Updated: Jul 16, 2016 1:15 PM PDT

...Zimmerman told reporters she "firmly" believed Guerrero was the person "responsible for these vicious crimes."

"I say that with complete confidence after receiving a thorough briefing from our homicide unit and fully understanding the significant amount of physical evidence they have collected to date, and throughout this entire investigation," Zimmerman said.

Guerrero's mother, Kathleen, says her son suffers from mental illness and challenges what Zimmerman said.

Speaking to CBS News 8 at her home Friday evening, she said:

“"I think they must have the wrong person. They have to, because that is not what he's like. He is not a violent person. He has always been kind, courteous and polite. He is not an aggressive person. And this just has stumped us. This is unbelievable. It's just unbelievable." ”

Kevin Olenick, who's a former neighbor of Guerrero's parents in Bay Park, has known Guerrero for about 12 years. He says he was never violent, but did exhibit bizarre behavior when off his meds.

"He would walk down the street with squirt guns and a jock strap on his head--just kind of weird stuff. I don't hold anything against David, I feel bad for the guy, because this is one of those mental challenges. He is not an aggressive kid, he's not a mean kid," Olenick said.
Good pics, but you know how they like to sensationalize.

Guerrero's wealthy?

I wonder if AP, the man who was initially arrested then released, has actually changed his life and tried to make amends for his past crime. He keeps getting mentioned and his pic plastered on so many news reports. I hope if he's been trying to make amends that he just keeps working on his music and doesn't lose his desire to change his life for the better.

The moment cops arrested wealthy San Diego 'serial killer who murdered three homeless people and burned two of his victims alive'
Yes, I won't argue the fact that there's good people and organizations working towards solutions to lessen the number of homeless. What gets me is he was very fortunate to get into that nice apartment building. There's thousands of homeless here, and so few subsidized buildings that the waiting list is years. There's one with 205 apts. not even built yet with 600 on the wait list. MOO, San Diego needs more affordable housing and rent control for people who want to live inside and have any chance for a brighter future.

He was lucky, fortunate, blessed because he had someplace safe to sleep and family that cared about him. I'm sure his family did what they could for him. It's incredibly sad all the way around for everyone. One of his victims could've benefited from where he was living. They wouldn't have been sleeping on the streets where he could attack them. It's just sad. Three people are dead.

Suspect in Series of Homeless Killings Lived in Building for Homeless

San Diego Homeless Killings: Suspect's mother says they have the wrong guy
Posted: Jul 15, 2016 5:48 AM PDT Updated: Jul 16, 2016 1:15 PM PDT

Here's another, a whole high rise dedicated to affordable housing. I think 229 units?

There's soooo many buildings, and parts of buildings, reserved for low/very low income/homeless here. I once had a pdf list of these, I found it when trying to find a place myself!

Sad that there are likely thousands of affordable units provided, but it's not enough. Why?
San Diego Homeless Attacks: Suspect could face the death penalty

"Guerrero did not enter a plea during his first court appearance before San Diego Superior Court Judge Frederick Maguire. His public defender, Dan Tandon, asked was granted a delay in the arraignment until Aug. 2."


A friend of the suspect was at the courthouse and made statements to the news. He teaches art and knows Guerrero from the Alpha Square Apts. He expressed surprise and doubt that Guerrero is the right suspect saying "it's totally out of character".

More at Kelly Hessedal CBS8^tfw
Friend of accused serial killer talks to reporters ..what he knows about Jon Guerrero @CBS8 5&630

Friend says Guerrero expressed not liking tourists walking around, clogging up streets in gaslamp @CBS8

... He says he knew Guerrero was taking medication .. But told him he didn't like taking it @CBS8

Tandon told reporters outside the courtroom that Guerrero's story starts well before the moment the attacks started.
"San Diego deserves to hear the truth and the whole story in this case," Tandon said. "We're just beginning the process of gathering the information so the whole story, including Jon's, can be known."


Full Moon Tonight

Suspect in Homeless Killings Makes First Court Appearance
VIDEO only

A friend of the defendant said outside the courtroom:
"Guerrero had a short fuse and was becoming increasingly concerned and distressed by the number of homeless people coming to San Diego from out of state because of the nice weather."
Collecting today's news reports. Every report has another piece of what this "friend" is saying. I'm not sure he's helping Guerrero by doing so much talking and sharing. The guy sure is getting "his fifteen minutes". I mean he describes what sounds like a murder weapon at the same time he's not accepting Guerrero did it. So many conflicting statements from this one friend.

A friend of the suspect’s also showed up to court saying he was shocked to hear of the arrest. “He was laid back, but kinda had a short fuse – not to say that I would think he would ever do what’s been accused,” Dameon Ditto said.

Ditto says he met the suspect in an art class about 3 years ago and Guerrero has been going ever since but suddenly stopped about a month ago. He went on to say Guerrero had been homeless for years, and never expressed any hatred for the homeless, but frequently spoke about disliking the number of tourists in San Diego.

The friend also says Guerrero is mentally ill and would often talk about how much he hated taking his medication.

:eek:hdear: Ditto added that Guerrero owns some type of mallet that he used to chip away at rocks. He described it as “being like a hammer but bigger.”
Here's another, a whole high rise dedicated to affordable housing. I think 229 units?

There's soooo many buildings, and parts of buildings, reserved for low/very low income/homeless here. I once had a pdf list of these, I found it when trying to find a place myself!

Sad that there are likely thousands of affordable units provided, but it's not enough. Why?

Housing/rental prices in the San Diego area are very, very high. Anyone working there in a low to middle wage job has great difficulty finding an affordable place to live. We visited the area several years ago on vacation and loved it, but I was shocked at how expensive homes are there.

For someone working a minimum or slightly higher wage, there isn't much available. A check on Zillow shows only 4 apartments available in the entire San Diego area in the $500 to $750 a month range. Average rent for a simple apartment in the area is around $1500 to $2000 a month.

Wages just aren't keeping up with housing costs.
because the cost of living is very high. not everyone is smart enough to get an ivy league degree. blue collar jobs aren't what they were anymore, many jobs are outsourced to foreign countries.

Here's another, a whole high rise dedicated to affordable housing. I think 229 units?

There's soooo many buildings, and parts of buildings, reserved for low/very low income/homeless here. I once had a pdf list of these, I found it when trying to find a place myself!

Sad that there are likely thousands of affordable units provided, but it's not enough. Why?
Gee, even Guerrero was complaining about the growing homeless population coming from other states.

:talker: First, let me say, I have no brilliant answers. The HUD Section 8 waiting list is 8 to 10 yrs. at this time. It may look like there's plenty of subsidized housing, but there's a huge population of homeless using the city streets as their home. There's not even enough shelter space or programs to address this huge, growing problem. I just want to see more real solutions. More affordable housing and rent control is to stop more from becoming homeless, but so much more needs to be done by agencies and city officials. The city needs to make this a priority before the city turns into a toilet.

There's two sides to the story. Nobody wins because residents pay high mortgages and rents to live in places with a bunch of homeless camped out. I'm watching the homeless problems in San Diego get more and more out of control. There's areas of the city that are reporting aggressive homeless behavior. In turn, these neighborhoods are making equally aggressive attempts to keep the homeless out and move them along to some other place. It's getting ugly, and it's going to get worse.

Paying private security $75,000 to move the homeless from store fronts, well, I don't know if that's a real solution; some have an entitled, aggressive attitude, so hiring security is one way. But there's also elderly, mentally challenged, and impoverished people and reasons why some of these people can't get themselves into a real place to live. Some really want help. MOO, we need to figure out how to provide more help and incentives to get people off streets and get our lovely neighborhoods back.

Hillcrest Businesses Hire Private Security to Curb Homeless Safety Issues

In a statement to NBC 7, San Diego City Councilmember Todd Gloria wrote:

"Private security can help address issues like crime and trespassing on private property, but being homeless is not illegal. My office has dedicated funding for social services and outreach in Hillcrest over the last few years and will continue to invest in compassionate and proven efforts to address homelessness.”

My mom lives in Hillcrest :) my sister lives in mission hills very nearby. my mom is retired and got into a senior building and my sister is a dentist.

Gee, even Guerrero was complaining about the growing homeless population coming from other states.

:talker: First, let me say, I have no brilliant answers. The HUD Section 8 waiting list is 8 to 10 yrs. at this time. It may look like there's plenty of subsidized housing, but there's a huge population of homeless using the city streets as their home. There's not even enough shelter space or programs to address this huge, growing problem. I just want to see more real solutions. More affordable housing and rent control is to stop more from becoming homeless, but so much more needs to be done by agencies and city officials. The city needs to make this a priority before the city turns into a toilet.

There's two sides to the story. Nobody wins because residents pay high mortgages and rents to live in places with a bunch of homeless camped out. I'm watching the homeless problems in San Diego get more and more out of control. There's areas of the city that are reporting aggressive homeless behavior. In turn, these neighborhoods are making equally aggressive attempts to keep the homeless out and move them along to some other place. It's getting ugly, and it's going to get worse.

Paying private security $75,000 to move the homeless from store fronts, well, I don't know if that's a real solution; some have an entitled, aggressive attitude, so hiring security is one way. But there's also elderly, mentally challenged, and impoverished people and reasons why some of these people can't get themselves into a real place to live. Some really want help. MOO, we need to figure out how to provide more help and incentives to get people off streets and get our lovely neighborhoods back.

Hillcrest Businesses Hire Private Security to Curb Homeless Safety Issues
I didn't realize I had such growing worry, concern, and awareness about the homeless in San Diego until recently. This case opened up the can of worms hidden in the back of the cupboard.

Although I believe in helping people to stop living on the streets, I'm not unaware of some homeless developing an "entitled attitude" and aggressively taking advantage of the patience of the communities.

Some of the most quaint, mellow neighborhoods now have serious problems. It's nothing new for Ocean Beach to get a lot of out of town people who want to live "on the beach" and can't afford it, but lately it's become more than a few mellow transients. Ocean Beach just put up cameras on the beach area due to crimes I'd guess, and not just because of the homeless. Just seems that there's growing contention there against the more aggressive homeless, and there are some that do have an entitled attitude. This is not good for tourism either. A shift in priorities and funding seems needed.

It's time to look at how other cities have come up with solutions, think outside the box, and open up discussions because shuffling the homeless along to roam a different area, or move spots on the sidewalk, or try to chase them out of the canyons is not a long-term solution.

:cow: I remember there used to be cows in Mission Valley.

Aggressive transients put Ocean Beach on edge
This is my sidewalk!
July 6, 2016
because the cost of living is very high. not everyone is smart enough to get an ivy league degree. blue collar jobs aren't what they were anymore, many jobs are outsourced to foreign countries.

My post was more rhetorical than anything... there are no easy answers. :-/
Listening to News8 at 6:30 p.m., but not able to post the news broadcast of it yet.

Jon David Guerrero is a Coronado native, but has been living in the Downtown area. Detectives found evidence at the suspect's place of residence that definitively and uniquely links him to the recent murders and brutal attacks.

I learned Jon David Guerrero's mother wrote the court judge sometime ago saying...this is in my own words...that he suffered a mental condition that would make it hard for him to get along in the community resulting in him probably ending up in jail again. (Schizophrenia was mentioned. If this is on record as part of his history, then get ready for the mental defense, IMO. )

Info on the Arrest and the Video of News Conference in SD homeless killings

His public defender, Dan Tandon, asked was granted a delay in the arraignment until Aug. 2.

further down the page --

Tandon told reporters outside the courtroom that Guerrero's story starts well before the moment the attacks started.

"San Diego deserves to hear the truth and the whole story in this case," Tandon said. "We're just beginning the process of gathering the information so the whole story, including Jon's, can be known."

What did his mother want from the judge? I heard something about him stealing some woman's bike once, but haven't heard much about violent crimes. I want to know what Guerrero's mother wrote to the judge, as she was concerned that he couldn't manage himself within the community.

He eventually got into that nice low cost apartment. I think his family helped him on a steady basis. My guess is that he went off his medication. I expect his public defender is going to reveal Guerrero's documented mental illness. This is one of those cases where I'm not sure they should seek the Death Penalty which is not even carried out in California.
some years ago, maybe 2005 or so, I took my then two young sons to OB and a couple of homeless looking guys followed us back to our car as we were leaving and sexually harassed me. I stuck to mission beach from then on!

I didn't realize I had such growing worry, concern, and awareness about the homeless in San Diego until recently. This case opened up the can of worms hidden in the back of the cupboard.

Although I believe in helping people to stop living on the streets, I'm not unaware of some homeless developing an "entitled attitude" and aggressively taking advantage of the patience of the communities.

Some of the most quaint, mellow neighborhoods now have serious problems. It's nothing new for Ocean Beach to get a lot of out of town people who want to live "on the beach" and can't afford it, but lately it's become more than a few mellow transients. Ocean Beach just put up cameras on the beach area due to crimes I'd guess, and not just because of the homeless. Just seems that there's growing contention there against the more aggressive homeless, and there are some that do have an entitled attitude. This is not good for tourism either. A shift in priorities and funding seems needed.

It's time to look at how other cities have come up with solutions, think outside the box, and open up discussions because shuffling the homeless along to roam a different area, or move spots on the sidewalk, or try to chase them out of the canyons is not a long-term solution.

:cow: I remember there used to be cows in Mission Valley.

Aggressive transients put Ocean Beach on edge
This is my sidewalk!
July 6, 2016
im willing to bet the mother was trying to get him into some type of residential mental health services. the super at his building (I believe it was?) was quoted that they were helping him DAILY. that indicates he was high needs and pretty mentally ill. :(

DP never gets carried out here. and I agree, im not sure it would serve its purpose with this guy. he seems not at all there.

What did his mother want from the judge? I heard something about him stealing some woman's bike once, but haven't heard much about violent crimes. I want to know what Guerrero's mother wrote to the judge, as she was concerned that he couldn't manage himself within the community.

He eventually got into that nice low cost apartment. I think his family helped him on a steady basis. My guess is that he went off his medication. I expect his public defender is going to reveal Guerrero's documented mental illness. This is one of those cases where I'm not sure they should seek the Death Penalty which is not even carried out in California.

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