CA Knew Winnie The Pooh Blanket Missing

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You are assuming the blanket was supposed to be on the bed. Cindy said one of the WtP blankets was missing. It could have been stored in a closet.

But when did she realize it was missing? Not at the time she read the search warrant; otherwise, she would've gone to the bed/closet/wherever to see if it was still there before declaring it missing.

She had to know ahead of the SW that it was missing. I would think anything missing would be valuable information -- if it were found somewhere, it might be a clue as to the baby's whereabouts. I guess she didn't think it was important enough to let LE know?

Or was it too important to let LE know?
That's a possibility too. LE did drop the ball at first when Cindy was offering up items that might be connected to the case.

A couple more things struck me that makes me think it was seeing the Winnie blanket on the search warrant that brought to her mind that one was missing

1)Annie caught her using KC's email and name to get information about where Caylee would be
2)She is the one who made George go out back on the porch when he got up in LE's face, telling me she wanted to co-operate.
But when did she realize it was missing? Not at the time she read the search warrant; otherwise, she would've gone to the bed/closet/wherever to see if it was still there before declaring it missing.

She had to know ahead of the SW that it was missing. I would think anything missing would be valuable information -- if it were found somewhere, it might be a clue as to the baby's whereabouts. I guess she didn't think it was important enough to let LE know?

Or was it too important to let LE know?

Those are questions only Cindy knows the answer to, certainly no one here does. If Cindy were trying to cover for Casey by hiding the information that the blanket was missing she could have read the search warrant and played dumb, as you suggested. "A Winnie the Pooh blanket? I haven't noticed that one is missing."
A couple more things struck me that makes me think it was seeing the Winnie blanket on the search warrant that brought to her mind that one was missing

1)Annie caught her using KC's email and name to get information about where Caylee would be
2)She is the one who made George go out back on the porch when he got up in LE's face, telling me she wanted to co-operate.

I believe that Cindy has been cooperative, although at times reluctantly, all along.
Those are questions only Cindy knows the answer to, certainly no one here does. If Cindy were trying to cover for Casey by hiding the information that the blanket was missing she could have read the search warrant and played dumb, as you suggested. "A Winnie the Pooh blanket? I haven't noticed that one is missing."

That could be, Chilly...but it also could be that she knew the jig was up on that and that it'd look better for her to offer it up than to have to cough it up later under questioning, which could give the impression that she had purposefully withheld the info.

Regardless, I can't imagine realizing something of my missing baby's was gone from the house and not letting LE know about it immediately -- if found, it might lead to my baby. Heck, if I found even a hair scrunchie missing, I'd want them to know. But that's just me!

Who said she only noticed it missing at that exact moment? She could have noticed it missing earlier and not made a connection with Caylee's disappearance until she saw it described on the search warrant. If she didn't know when it disappeared, she may have assumed that Casey took it with her on a prior occasion and not even thought to mention it to LE. Perhaps we should hear her side of the story before declaring her guilty?

And HOW many months ago would Casey have taken it with her?

BTW, I'm NOT saying she's guilty of anything. Please, do NOT put words in my mouth. I simply find it curious someone as seemingly obsessive as she is wouldn't notice it missing and contact LE if she did. I also find it interesting that she mentioned it when they walked in with the search warrant. Don't you find that interesting?
What troubles me ,is when Cindy was explaning in response to the e-mail about the brush, she states they (LE) did not want to strip the bed and that to me is a statement that makes me wonder... if she knew something was missing ???

This is only in my opinion
I wish everyone would watch that video. It clears up so many of the unfair accusations that have been made against Cindy.

I don't believe pointing out what is common knowledge, with links, is making unfair accusations. She did admit she didn't walk into the other bathroom to get "Caylee's" brush. Is it an accusation to wonder why not?

I don't believe anyone is accusing Cindy of anything because she mentioned a blanket was missing when LE came with the search warrant. I simply find it strange.

I love the way words like "accusations" are used. God, it almost feels like a bear trap.

All of my posts are simply my OPINION. I believe all of us are entitled to one.
I don't believe pointing out what is common knowledge, with links, is making unfair accusations. She did admit she didn't walk into the other bathroom to get "Caylee's" brush. Is it an accusation to wonder why not?

I don't believe anyone is accusing Cindy of anything because she mentioned a blanket was missing when LE came with the search warrant. I simply find it strange.

I love the way words like "accusations" are used. God, it almost feels like a bear trap.

All of my posts are simply my OPINION. I believe all of us are entitled to one.

I agree ....everything it seems has or could have a why answer and thats what is great about debates every one has their why and puts opinions and what supports their opinion out there, Letting others debate if they see it the same way or in there own opinion the way they see it
I wish everyone would watch that video. It clears up so many of the unfair accusations that have been made against Cindy.

Well, she gives her side of the story. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how much stock to put into what she says at any given time.
Personally I don't think its so weird.

Laundry bag- they could simply not use laundry bags anymore. KC might have taken it for that exact reason - that no one would miss it or notice it was gone. Laundry bags are mostly used to bring laundry from a house to a laundry mat- hampers are more cumbersome. Maybe the As recently bought a washer/dryer? Or even not recently, if they are packrats. I used laundry bags all the time to drop my laundry off to get washed - I moved to an apartment with a washer/dryer, and I haven't used a laundry bag in 2 years (just carry the hamper downstairs).

Blanket- if it was missing since June 15th, CA may originally have thought KC and "the nanny" took it. When LE didn't want KCs clothes, or anything else CA tried to give them early on, she might have just not thought about it. Also, their house is pretty big and stuffed full of things - she might not have noticed until she saw it specifically listed on the warrant.

Hindsight is 20/20 - asking why someone didn't do something months ago in the face of new information is not the basis of obstruction. JMO. I think we should keep an open mind - and because it is hard, and I know some people are more critical than I am, even the prosecutors would have to have hard evidence that CA knew something was material at the time (ie in July) and purposefully hid it. The toothbrush/hairbrush "mix up" comes closer.
That's a possibility too. LE did drop the ball at first when Cindy was offering up items that might be connected to the case.

Yep. And they've been getting their payback ever since she said they hadnt been following through with everything that needed to be done and collected.
I believe that Cindy has been cooperative, although at times reluctantly, all along.

Oh lord...:eek:

I don't believe pointing out what is common knowledge, with links, is making unfair accusations. She did admit she didn't walk into the other bathroom to get "Caylee's" brush. Is it an accusation to wonder why not?

I don't believe anyone is accusing Cindy of anything because she mentioned a blanket was missing when LE came with the search warrant. I simply find it strange.

I love the way words like "accusations" are used. God, it almost feels like a bear trap.

All of my posts are simply my OPINION. I believe all of us are entitled to one.

Bold mine...Actually, and perhaps I am the only one, but I AM making an accusation against Cindy. She has done nothing but lie and conceal and omit throughout this entire ordeal and she continues it I am sure right up to this day! She has done nothing to co-operate, only what would make her "appear" to have co-operated, as with the wrong brush incident and suggesting she thought of giving them the DOGS toothbrush. There was no sudden realization at the moment when she read that search warrant that there was a blanket missing-she did not run anywhere and check. SHE ALREADY KNEW IT! :furious: She had been through Caylee's stuff with a fine tooth comb and she knew what was gone-guaranteed...
Personally I don't think its so weird.

Laundry bag- they could simply not use laundry bags anymore. KC might have taken it for that exact reason - that no one would miss it or notice it was gone. Laundry bags are mostly used to bring laundry from a house to a laundry mat- hampers are more cumbersome. Maybe the As recently bought a washer/dryer? Or even not recently, if they are packrats. I used laundry bags all the time to drop my laundry off to get washed - I moved to an apartment with a washer/dryer, and I haven't used a laundry bag in 2 years (just carry the hamper downstairs).

Blanket- if it was missing since June 15th, CA may originally have thought KC and "the nanny" took it. When LE didn't want KCs clothes, or anything else CA tried to give them early on, she might have just not thought about it. Also, their house is pretty big and stuffed full of things - she might not have noticed until she saw it specifically listed on the warrant.

Hindsight is 20/20 - asking why someone didn't do something months ago in the face of new information is not the basis of obstruction. JMO. I think we should keep an open mind - and because it is hard, and I know some people are more critical than I am, even the prosecutors would have to have hard evidence that CA knew something was material at the time (ie in July) and purposefully hid it. The toothbrush/hairbrush "mix up" comes closer.

I agree. As much as I believe CA knew Caylee was dead the day she smelled KC's car and then went into protection mode for her "remaining child", even I consider the blanket and laundry hamper to be easily explained away by the defense. I honestly might not notice items such as these missing if I had other things to replace them with in their stead. My 5yo daughter has at least 4 different Tinkerbell comforters for her bed and about 20 different fleece blankets it seems. And I have multiple laundry bags stored in my closets even though I don't use them for laundry anymore in lieu of my hampers. I can see how someone could take something I have replacements for and not notice it missing for awhile.

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