GUILTY CA - Lana Clarkson, 40, fatally shot, Alhambra, 3 Feb 2003

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Alan Jackson did an absolutely breathtaking redirect of Dr Herold using the published words of defense experts and even pointing them out in the audience. So the jury can see this high-priced collection of experts the defendant bought agree with them.

And then he brought in --via a hypothetical --- the missing acrylic chip that Henry Lee made disappear.

Whooo hoo!! Bruce Cochran said it was the best redirect, following up on his brilliant OS. Only marred by Bruce's repeated reference to "Henry Jackson". Surprised he didn't call him "Scoop."

If you don't get that political reference, you are much much too young!!
LKB refers to "spatter" blood collected by Henry Lee on Post-It notes on the
2nd step but I say it's a DRIP from his hand as he goes up the stairs and leaves blood on the bannister.

I hate it when LKB refers to the slip-dress as a "slip" and DR Herold as "Miss Herold" and that Linda doesn't know the difference between infer and imply. And when she referred to "pettrie dish" I, too, Rags, thought of Bonnie Meadow Drive in New Rochelle.

LKB sets my teeth on edge.

I can't watch the trial and have to depend on you lovely people here, to keep me abreast of the situation.

Is LKB discreding her renounded husband the famous Dr. Baden, or is he just another high priced tagged, testify to whatever you want me too, Dr. Wecht and Dr. Lee? :sick:

i'm so disallusioned.

My biggest disappointment, other than these three so respected high price tags.

Is that, I've missed Alan Jackson in action. I saw the first week and he blew my socks off. :D In more ways than one. :blushing:
Alan Jackson did an absolutely breathtaking redirect of Dr Herold using the published words of defense experts and even pointing them out in the audience. So the jury can see this high-priced collection of experts the defendant bought agree with them.

And then he brought in --via a hypothetical --- the missing acrylic chip that Henry Lee made disappear.

Whooo hoo!! Bruce Cochran said it was the best redirect, following up on his brilliant OS. Only marred by Bruce's repeated reference to "Henry Jackson". Surprised he didn't call him "Scoop."

If you don't get that political reference, you are much much too young!!
And he mentioned Sara Caplan by name (hypothetically, of course :D ) and Dr. Lee ~ it was brilliant! Now LKB has to wait until morning to ask more of her boring re-cross. Maybe she'll just skip it, realize she's not making any progress and start the defense case in chief.
class-z=== why are you missing the delectable Mr Jackson in action? Two LA stations are streaming it live online. And as of 1 July CTV EXTRA will be free. No excuses!!

And he blows everyone's socks off!!:blowkiss: AJ
lisa ~ assuming the State finishes tomorrow, who & what do you think the defense will start off with?
I really can't imagine, Sunny. I guess since they have made science the centerpiece of their case and they have those expensive guys in the gallery, perhaps they will lead with one of them.

But first the prosecution has to rest.
I really can't imagine, Sunny. I guess since they have made science the centerpiece of their case and they have those expensive guys in the gallery, perhaps they will lead with one of them.

But first the prosecution has to rest.
I'm going to miss the first part of the testimony tomorrow so depending on what LKB comes up with for questions, I may miss the famous words "The State Rests". :( I'm just curious if the defense is just going to have the experts ~ since I can't really think of what else they have to work with.
Alan Jackson did an absolutely breathtaking redirect of Dr Herold using the published words of defense experts and even pointing them out in the audience. So the jury can see this high-priced collection of experts the defendant bought agree with them.

And then he brought in --via a hypothetical --- the missing acrylic chip that Henry Lee made disappear.

Whooo hoo!! Bruce Cochran said it was the best redirect, following up on his brilliant OS. Only marred by Bruce's repeated reference to "Henry Jackson". Surprised he didn't call him "Scoop."

If you don't get that political reference, you are much much too young!!

Hi Lisa and All! :)

It's difficult to imagine after hearing from Dr. Herold and LKB's pathetic cross, just exactly where and what the defense is going to be able to do to defend ole PS. I remember stranger things have happened, and in CA! lol

Jackson's hypothetical was fantastic, boy was he at the top of his game! Woo Hoo, not an objection by the defense. Unbelivable, they must have been choking to death. (or what can they have planned up their sleeves?) I think the only good plan for the D is if they can get a mis-trial! I have to remember tho, it is too early to count the chickens!

Lynn Gweeny did a transcription, which was so appreciated by me, for sure. Just to read over after it was over, was awsome!

I don't think she would mind if I shared her CTTV post. For those who missed it. I've never saw anything like this before, and will not forget it anytime soon.

Post by Lynn Gweeny (from the other place):

I was a little slow on getting fast enough to the recorder to get what occurred before this, but here’s what I was able to transcribe of AJ’s hypothetical question to Dr. Herold about the Caplan/Dr. Lee matter:

AJ: When I talk to you about an attorney for the defendant, I’m not talking about anybody on the current defense team, okay. As a matter of fact, just assume that her name was Sara Caplan. This attorney saw on the ground in the foyer area what she described to be a small, white, flat, solid object with uneven edges. She described it to be about the size of a fingernail when she was asked. Assume for purposes of my hypothetical, that she pointed it out to Dr. Henry Lee. Dr. Henry Lee looked at it and then recovered the small, white, flat object with tweezers and put that object in a vial and put a stopper in the vial. Assume for purposes of this question, that Dr. Henry Lee was the last person in whose possession that fingernail-sized item was seen. Assume for purposes of my question, that that item has never been turned over to the court or to the prosecution or to any one of the defense attorneys. But, that item was in fact last seen in Dr. Lee’s possession and has not been seen since. My question is this Dr. Herold, if that small, white, flat object had in fact been properly turned over either to the court or to the prosecution and ultimately turned over to you, would that have assisted you in your ability to reconstruct other parts of this crime scene, potentially?

LH: Maybe, and maybe not.

AJ: All right. Describe that to us please. What do you mean by that answer?

LH: When you have any object that is picked up at a crime scene, you treat it as potential evidence. The first thing you need to do is confirm what it is or identify what it is. Sometimes you pick up something because you don’t know what it is, and whether it is relevant or not. So, we’re back to the I need to know what it is, and not because somebody told me what it was, but I do something that will positively identify what it is. Frequently when working crime scenes, objects may appear to be, you’re working in less than good environmental conditions, so they’re not always what they were thought to be when you pick them up. So, first you need to confirm what it is, then you ask yourself where did this come from, what is it’s possible source, and then you ask yourself what has that got to do with the rest of the information that you have about the case. And, it may or may not be relevant to the case. You don’t know if you don’t have the object to examine, whether it is important or not.

AJ: So, it could have been important?

LH: It could have.

AJ: And, you’ll never know because you don’t have it?

LH: Correct.

AJ: That item, or an item that can reasonably be described as looking like that item, has never been turned over to you or the Scientific Services Bureau of the Los Angeles County Crime Lab, correct?

LH: Correct.

AJ: Dr. Herold, my last question, despite any missing or potentially missing evidence or concealed evidence, uh, were you still able to scientifically analyze what was present at the scene and make scientific conclusions about the relative positions of Lana Clarkson, of the gun, and of Phil Spector’s white jacket?

LH: Yes.

AJ: Thank you.
The different things the same people viewing the same trial perceive! It's amazing.

For example, LA WEEKLY's regular Phil Noir writer Steve Mikulan writes that Dr Herold's testimony about Lana's purse being reversed, twisted around on her shoulder suggested that a man, an unknowing man, staged it.

That's not the way I saw it at all!! With the purse strap wrapped around the chair arm and the purse reversed I took that fact to show that she sat down quickly and was prolly forced to do so and was not able to rearrange the purse, nor would it be important at the moment, which said to me she was focusing on the gun being held at her face.

And then there's Timothy Noah's column in, quoted here:

Assuming the California Supreme Court doesn't rule on Caplan's appeal right away, the defense will start presenting its case on June 26. Apparently it will do so without its resident Mafia lawyer. We will, at long last, find out what Bruce Cutler meant in his opening statement when he suggested a two-gun theory positing that Clarkson died because she confused one gun that didn't have bullets in it with another, similar-looking gun that did. But apparently we won't find this out from Cutler. Perhaps he is absenting himself not because he's been banished by Spector, but rather because he doesn't know how to make this argument with a straight face.

Is that what Bruce was getting at with his Ornamental Gun mantra?? And how would that confusion come about if the real gun was Lana's as I have come to believe, that he did NOT tell the jury in his OS but in voir dire.

We've all seen the sum-up packages narrated by Beth Karas: the one with the neighbor who heard the boom-boom, the one on his career ending with Carol Conners. One of them contains a clip of Bruce Cutler, facing the CTV camera and speaking, obviously, to citizens in a jury box.

For quite a while I believed that was taken from the missing part (from the EXTRA archived clips) of his OS. And that in OS, Bruce told them "It wasn't Phillip's gun."

But look at his tie. It's not the same as the ones he wore in his two-day, two-part OS.

So they floated that little trial balloon in voir dire: It was not Phillip's gun! And perhaps the weight of evidence persuaded them to let go of that string and grasp another: the ornamental gun defense. But that one was confusing, to me, at least. I never got it until I read this article on

As we know, nothing said in OS is evidence, just a road map of what they plan to introduce in evidence. And as such, it still puzzles me: how on earth can this theory be brought into evidence without testimony from Spector himself?

They don't have his statements. Any of the many contradictory statements. All they have is their bought and paid for experts. And their science is saddled with the Great Deceiver and Evidence Destroyer Henry Lee.

I am fascinated to see what they pull out of their sleeves, a hat or their posteriors.
The different things the same people viewing the same trial perceive! It's amazing.

For example, LA WEEKLY's regular Phil Noir writer Steve Mikulan writes that Dr Herold's testimony about Lana's purse being reversed, twisted around on her shoulder suggested that a man, an unknowing man, staged it.

That's not the way I saw it at all!! With the purse strap wrapped around the chair arm and the purse reversed I took that fact to show that she sat down quickly and was prolly forced to do so and was not able to rearrange the purse, nor would it be important at the moment, which said to me she was focusing on the gun being held at her face.

And then there's Timothy Noah's column in, quoted here:

Is that what Bruce was getting at with his Ornamental Gun mantra?? And how would that confusion come about if the real gun was Lana's as I have come to believe, that he did NOT tell the jury in his OS but in voir dire.

We've all seen the sum-up packages narrated by Beth Karas: the one with the neighbor who heard the boom-boom, the one on his career ending with Carol Conners. One of them contains a clip of Bruce Cutler, facing the CTV camera and speaking, obviously, to citizens in a jury box.

For quite a while I believed that was taken from the missing part (from the EXTRA archived clips) of his OS. And that in OS, Bruce told them "It wasn't Phillip's gun."

But look at his tie. It's not the same as the ones he wore in his two-day, two-part OS.

So they floated that little trial balloon in voir dire: It was not Phillip's gun! And perhaps the weight of evidence persuaded them to let go of that string and grasp another: the ornamental gun defense. But that one was confusing, to me, at least. I never got it until I read this article on

As we know, nothing said in OS is evidence, just a road map of what they plan to introduce in evidence. And as such, it still puzzles me: how on earth can this theory be brought into evidence without testimony from Spector himself?

They don't have his statements. Any of the many contradictory statements. All they have is their bought and paid for experts. And their science is saddled with the Great Deceiver and Evidence Destroyer Henry Lee.

I am fascinated to see what they pull out of their sleeves, a hat or their posteriors.
Great post, lisa. The defense's CIC may hold more zingers from the prosecution. Heck, I'll go so far as to say WILL, instead of may....AJ is a wonder to behold. I wonder if the defense is up to this, now.
Anyone else sick of hearing/reading that the prosecution wasn't/isn't able to put the gun in Spector's hand?

Adriano DeSouza very credibly testified to the gun's being in Spector's bloody hand and his statements were supported by the 911 tape.


And what about the people who don't believe the four PBA women? Why doesn't someone point out to the doubters that the defense does not dispute their accounts.

Anyone else sick of hearing/reading that the prosecution wasn't/isn't able to put the gun in Spector's hand?

Adriano DeSouza very credibly testified to the gun's being in Spector's bloody hand and his statements were supported by the 911 tape.


And what about the people who don't believe the four PBA women? Why doesn't someone point out to the doubters that the defense does not dispute their accounts.


their using the Blake case, that's why he wasnt' convicted. Jury couldn't put the gun in his hand. :(
class-z=== why are you missing the delectable Mr Jackson in action? Two LA stations are streaming it live online. And as of 1 July CTV EXTRA will be free. No excuses!!

And he blows everyone's socks off!!:blowkiss: AJ

For some reason, the streaming worked the first week for me here at work. But it no longer does. Maybe the boss did something and hasn't told me and I'm certainly, not going to ask him, why it's not working. :) LOL!

So, I'm stuck with no viewing and I was so impressed with Alan Jackson..

Now, court TV extra will be free as of July 1???????????Hadn't heard that, so I will see if I can get that to work.

Thanks for the info.
Hi everyone :) I tried to get here earlier but all I got was white pages again. So far I'm not at all impressed with the defense first witness, Dr. DiMaio, especially his "statistics" on women committing suicide using a gun and his certainty that Lana killed herself. $$$$$$ will buy the defense whatever they want to hear it seems. :mad:
Hi everyone :) I tried to get here earlier but all I got was white pages again. So far I'm not at all impressed with the defense first witness, Dr. DiMaio, especially his "statistics" on women committing suicide using a gun and his certainty that Lana killed herself. $$$$$$ will buy the defense whatever they want to hear it seems. :mad:

Hi, Sunny! I think Dr DiMaio is a very well respected pathologist and his manner doesn't bother me. However, I nearly spewed ginger ale on the screen when he pronounced that the means of suicide most often selected by women is gunshot!! That CANNOT be true! And in fact various pathologists opining on tv have said quite the oppo--- that women choose drugs not a violent means like a gun.

One thing that DiMaio said that jumped out at me: "I am sure there are poeple in this courtroom who have done stupid things when intoxicated."

Yeah, the DEFENDANT! And I wondered if that thought occurred to jurors, too, as it did to me. When intoxicated he has brandished guns and threatened people.

And I am so sick of hearing the THs say that those four instances of PBAs are not the same as this --- drunk, alone with female who wants to leave, he pulls a gun and threatens --- because THOSE TIMES he didn't pull the trigger!!

I just want to :banghead: when I hear that.
so... no more trial today?? Tomorrow at 9:30am??? :confused:

Hi, Sunny! I think Dr DiMaio is a very well respected pathologist and his manner doesn't bother me. However, I nearly spewed ginger ale on the screen when he pronounced that the means of suicide most often selected by women is gunshot!! That CANNOT be true! And in fact various pathologists opining on tv have said quite the oppo--- that women choose drugs not a violent means like a gun.

One thing that DiMaio said that jumped out at me: "I am sure there are poeple in this courtroom who have done stupid things when intoxicated."

Yeah, the DEFENDANT! And I wondered if that thought occurred to jurors, too, as it did to me. When intoxicated he has brandished guns and threatened people.

And I am so sick of hearing the THs say that those four instances of PBAs are not the same as this --- drunk, alone with female who wants to leave, he pulls a gun and threatens --- because THOSE TIMES he didn't pull the trigger!!

I just want to :banghead: when I hear that.
Hi lisa! I thought the exact same thing about alcohol impairment when he said that.

This article is very interesting regarding Dr. Di Maio ~

April 2006, Dr. Vincent DiMaio, Chief Medical Examiner of Bexar County, placed San Antonio on notice of his plans to retire in 2006. Years of controversy over questionable autopsies, shoddy work, out of court law suit settlements, falsification of records, and accusations of tailoring autopsy findings to support theories of law enforcement officials, has plagued the Office of the Bexar County Medical Examiner. He is in good company, however, as in recent years, Medical Examiners and Crime Labs throughout the State of Texas and the Nation have come under enormous scrutiny for their actions of incompetence and corruption.
Hi lisa! I thought the exact same thing about alcohol impairment when he said that.

This article is very interesting regarding Dr. Di Maio ~

April 2006, Dr. Vincent DiMaio, Chief Medical Examiner of Bexar County, placed San Antonio on notice of his plans to retire in 2006. Years of controversy over questionable autopsies, shoddy work, out of court law suit settlements, falsification of records, and accusations of tailoring autopsy findings to support theories of law enforcement officials, has plagued the Office of the Bexar County Medical Examiner. He is in good company, however, as in recent years, Medical Examiners and Crime Labs throughout the State of Texas and the Nation have come under enormous scrutiny for their actions of incompetence and corruption.

sounds like he wanted to mold himself after Lee and Wecht.

Why a half day today?

maybe they are hoping to drag this trail out, so Spector (the whackadoodle) can just die of natural causes.
sounds like he wanted to mold himself after Lee and Wecht.

Why a half day today?

maybe they are hoping to drag this trail out, so Spector (the whackadoodle) can just die of natural causes.
I'm not sure why the 1/2 day today and I missed the first hour of testimony (job interview :) ). They did have a brief motion hearing right after dismissing the jury at lunch time, but court is dark now until tomorrow @ 9:30am local time.
lisa ~ is this you?

"And what about Pena, Sunny? He said he couldn't say whether it was suicide or homicide just based on the autopsy, and that's why he had to consider the extrinsic evidence.

As I stated upthread, Dr DiMaio's 3 reasons for concluding it was self-inflicted were bogus and not exclusive to self-infliction and could support homicide as well."


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