GUILTY CA - Leila Fowler, 8, murdered, 12yo charged, Valley Springs, 27 Apr 2013 - #4

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Interesting that folks find BF being ordered to pay child support for the child he does not have custody telling but are much more forgiving about the mothers who are not paying support to him for children he does have in his custody.

MOO if you do not have custody of your kids you should be paying child support to the person who does. Period. Male female whatever. Not a fan of the double standard.

I actually think she was just pointing out that HE wanted the bio mom to be ordered to pay, but at the same time he had to be ordered to pay for a child not in his care. Like, "I want your money, but I don't want to give mine." That's also a double standard.
That is why I said male female whatever, I think anyone who does not have custody should be paying support. That includes BF. Sorry that was not clear.
That is why I said male female whatever, I think anyone who does not have custody should be paying support. That includes BF. Sorry that was not clear.

Oh! Yes, I totally agree with you. early, no caffeine...I just misunderstood :)
We don't know their financial situation.

We don't know if they're section 8 or if they receive food stamps.

Btw I have a neighbor who pays $ 48 a month in rent on her section 8 rental home. Has a live in boyfriend on SSI who works full time under the table, food stamps... New vehicles in the drive in relatives names. They throw huge parties all summer long complete with a moon bounce, steaks and ribs! They also breed labs ... Pups go for 1200 each and both of her dogs knock out 9-10 pups a litter.

It's more common then ya think.

It infuriates my husband,
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I have seen it a lot, too, and it infuriates me, also.

Interesting that folks find BF being ordered to pay child support for the child he does not have custody telling but are much more forgiving about the mothers who are not paying support to him for children he does have in his custody.

MOO if you do not have custody of your kids you should be paying child support to the person who does. Period. Male female whatever. Not a fan of the double standard.
I'm not a fan of the double standard either. It takes two people to make a child and both of those parents should be doing all they can do to make a good life for them, and that means supporting them financially.

I actually think she was just pointing out that HE wanted the bio mom to be ordered to pay, but at the same time he had to be ordered to pay for a child not in his care. Like, "I want your money, but I don't want to give mine." That's also a double standard.
That is exactly what I meant, thank you.
As for PR not paying support on her meager monthly disability check, if she has kids wouldn't she also receive a check on them that could go to BF for their support? I have no idea and am just asking, but if she does then it should go to whomever is caring for those children.
I also know it's really none of my business what PR disability is but still want to know if it's anything that would affect the mental disability of one of her children.

Interesting that folks find BF being ordered to pay child support for the child he does not have custody telling but are much more forgiving about the mothers who are not paying support to him for children he does have in his custody.

MOO if you do not have custody of your kids you should be paying child support to the person who does. Period. Male female whatever. Not a fan of the double standard.

I 100% agree with this post ticya.

And double standards hurt children.

All parents need to pay child support to the parent that is raising the child. We all are aware of how expensive it is to raise children nowadays.

The gender of the parent that has a responsibility of paying child support does not matter and if it does for some illogical reason then it shows we are still stagnated in double standards that only hurt the children in the end. The child deserve to be supported financially by BOTH parents.......period. There is no excuse that justifies them not doing what is their responsibility.

It seemed the family moves around from one place to the other. I'm assuming since they went to the school to say goodbye to everyone that's why IF was arrested right after. Maybe LE was concerned they wouldn't be able to find IF, hoping they had all the evidence they needed on everything before this happened.
eileenhawkeye, you might be spot on with your impression, according to this article (bolded parts by me):


My impression on the article.

He has 7 kids (!) And he managed to get custody of 6 of them? 4 different mothers? And it appears that at least one of the mothers wasn't allowed to see her kids.

He had to be court ordered to get a job????? (My ex used to do this. When child support found his place of employment, he would quit. If called to court, he was never working.)

As far as Leila's Mom, in my state if the parent is getting SSI, they don't have to pay child support. They are considered unable to work and the federal funds are for sustenance for the disabled person. As such that portion of a parents income is ineligible for child support.

On the surface a family's situation may seem unrelated to the crime. But whatever stressors are in the HH are reflected to some degree in the kids. Stressors I am seeing here include the obvious inability to connect with one parent and the financial worries. But there also seems to be subtle changes in the coparent changes as well as household moving.

Imagine for instance that you are a child. One day there is a Mom and a Dad. Then there is just Mom. Then just Dad. Then Dad and a new Mom (repeat as often as necessary.) All in the 8-12 years they have been alive. And in this situation I would like to know how long the new "Mom" has been in the family. How long before the kids were instructed to call her "Mom?" Were there any other "new Moms" introduced to the family before?

Under these circumstances I would expect some problems with the kids. And the type of problems would differ from child to child, according to the child's personality, the amount and kind of other support they are receiving. The type of parenting they get from the household bio parent would also affect in the stress on the kids.

No not every kid would kill under these circumstances. Some kids would cry, some would ignore the situation as much as possible, some would act out a lot. And some would take on the attitudes of the dominant parent. And yes, some will kill.
Who arrived to the house first that day? I would really like to hear that from LE not the media, because they don't always get things straight. :rolleyes:
My impression on the article.

He has 7 kids (!) And he managed to get custody of 6 of them? 4 different mothers? And it appears that at least one of the mothers wasn't allowed to see her kids.

He had to be court ordered to get a job????? (My ex used to do this. When child support found his place of employment, he would quit. If called to court, he was never working.)

As far as Leila's Mom, in my state if the parent is getting SSI, they don't have to pay child support. They are considered unable to work and the federal funds are for sustenance for the disabled person. As such that portion of a parents income is ineligible for child support.

On the surface a family's situation may seem unrelated to the crime. But whatever stressors are in the HH are reflected to some degree in the kids. Stressors I am seeing here include the obvious inability to connect with one parent and the financial worries. But there also seems to be subtle changes in the coparent changes as well as household moving.

Imagine for instance that you are a child. One day there is a Mom and a Dad. Then there is just Mom. Then just Dad. Then Dad and a new Mom (repeat as often as necessary.) And in this situation I would like to know how long the new "Mom" has been in the family. How long before the kids were instructed to call her "Mom?" Were there any other "new Moms" introduced to the family before?

Under these circumstances I would expect some problems with the kids. And the type of problems would differ from child to child, according to the child's personality, the amount and kind of other support they are receiving.
Great post! Often times I have seen parents not think of their kids but only finding a new "mom", a new "dad" when in all reality they wanted a new partner for themselves and it's sometimes like a revolving door. I don't understand any parent that thinks this is okay for their children! It's messed up.


BBM- Years ago I use to think that I was the only one this happened to. Found out very quickly that it happens often. My ex told the Judge once that he quit his job so someone else could make good money for awhile. He felt bad about some people not having a job. LOL Didn't go over well with the Judge.

I found had a picture with it but there were minors in it..

so it looks like they all moved in together in Aug of 2011?

Crystal's boyfriend Barney actually has 1 more older son that wasnt with us that day plus Crystal just found out that she is pregnant do n Feb that makes them 7 kids between the 2 of them ouch lol they r getting a house together next month

July 21, 2011 at 10:40am..
Question: Crystal has stated that she would like to be referred to as Leila's "mother." Has she ever requested to be referred to as IF's "mother?"
Any word on dinaslala verification as insider yet?
I found had a picture with it but there were minors in it..

so it looks like they all moved in together in Aug of 2011?

Crystal's boyfriend Barney actually has 1 more older son that wasnt with us that day plus Crystal just found out that she is pregnant do n Feb that makes them 7 kids between the 2 of them ouch lol they r getting a house together next month

July 21, 2011 at 10:40am..

Dinsala....are you able to verify whose child the 10ish year old boy's is? Is he also Priscilla's son? He seems to be between IF's and Leila's age.

Also, do you know who C****'s parents are???
Snipped and BBM for space

I agree!

Usually in my area when a child passes one of our long time funeral homes donates the service and the headstone. It's always nicely done. Our family has been long time friends with this family and the owner is good people that don't mind giving back to the community. I imagine that any service and headstone would be donated for Leila, too.

Read above about my thoughts of the funeral and headstone.
I hate to say it but wondered from the beginning if the pictures of Leila and the stories would be sold to the highest bidder. I don't like that and hope not. To me it cheapens the relationship they supposedly had with the deceased child as it shows it's all about the money. Some things shouldn't be sold.

ETA When this family asked from the beginning that negative things not be said about their family at this time, it screamed out to me that there must be plenty to say.


The pictures of Leila were released to the media within the first day or two of the case. I doubt they got much money for them (if any) because the media had no idea just how profitable the case was going to be.

ETA: I never really understand when people say a family was paid for pictures. There are many different media outlets. So do they all pay to use the pictures? Does the family get a check every time a media outlet does a story on the case? It's like in the Anthony case, when people talk about ABC paying Casey $250k. Well, what about HLN? They used pictures of Caylee too...Why doesn't anyone talk about them paying the Anthonys?
Dinsala....are you able to verify whose child the 10ish year old boy's is? Is he also Priscilla's son? He seems to be between IF's and Leila's age.

Also, do you know who C****'s parents are???
I believe he is CW's son..and do you mean cw's parents??
I said at the very beginning that we were gonna learn a mess behind this family's story and it's even messier than I thought.

I could go into every little detail about these kids feelings but the bottom line is that these kids ALL probably to some degree feel a burden, unwanted and worthless. I'm not making excuses for what IF allegedly did, but it gives us a little peek into his psyche that probably isn't the most healthy. I mean, this situation is a MESS. <modsnip>.
Dinsala....are you able to verify whose child the 10ish year old boy's is? Is he also Priscilla's son? He seems to be between IF's and Leila's age.

Also, do you know who C****'s parents are???

I am pretty sure that the long-haired boy is Crystal's son and his initials are GW.
STOP! How did this become all about the dad? STOP!

Dad is considered a victim here. Using the names of minors is against TOS.

This is a tragedy and bashing and accusing other family members is not helpful.

If you want to bring facts to life, that's fine if you have a link. But unnecessary and hurtful speculation against other family members will not stand and may subject you to a loss of posting privileges for a period of time.

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