CA CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020

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Does snyone have a pic of isidro
Why? It really doesn't matter what he looks like and we certainly can't sleuth him, but here is his video interview with News8 and a snapshot of him attached to the video. MOO, of course, we always see way too much of KH's face with him wearing that unique color shirt... his pic has shown up more really than Dia's face throughout this case.

Former employee of missing woman Lydia 'Dia' Abrams details timeline of disappearance for News 8
Im curious about the ex worker of abram (I.Garcia) of the 6 missing people(rosaria garcia) also has the same name and we dont know the relative she was suppose to meet with...his story is dramatic the neighbor had a gun wouldnt let knowbody inside and were was he friday she went missing

Welcome @Knewlogik!
Oh, I see why you asked about Isidro. Good for you thinking of new angles. I don't know if there's any connection between him and the woman Rosario... Garcia is such a common last name.
Bumping. Thanks. I don't know what to do with this info, but others might find it very useful.
The worker said dia didnt know about the farms she never goes up there as if he did and knew she didnt

He didn't actually say Dia didn't know about the grow site. JMO, I think she had to have known. He worked for her, and I'd expect he had to report things to her as a trusted employee, but as I said JMO.

In the video interview (see my post above) Isidro does say:
At 8:00 minute mark he talks about Dia's children trying to get the truck back. (Sounds like Dia was afraid her children were trying to get the truck and possibly her properties.) Isidro gives his thoughts on why Dia may have changed the papers to the properties, and he does think it had to do with her children. Says Clint hadn't been up to the ranch in one year or even longer. After Dia went missing, he, sister, and another man came and got the truck.

At the 13:30 mark Isidro talks about the MJ grow site bust, they took the plants but no arrests. Isidro doesn't really believe the grow site had anything to do with Dia's mysterious disappearance. (But of course, we all know anything is possible.) Isidro said Dia did rent out to the tenant, 14:19 mark, and probably had a one year lease, but after the papers were signed she never went up there he did. It was only one man and two workers on that grow site? Said man was back, Harper wanted him back to keep getting the rent.
he does say he doesnt know about the grows that je was the one fixing everything she never went to the ranch
True, @Knewlogik, you heard it correctly. What does that mean to you?

It's possible Dia really didn't know a thing about that grow site operation on her rented property. We have heard both versions-- she did and she didn't. MOO, it's not like Dia lived in a vacuum, nor do I think she was an unaware person. (She sounded vigilant and on guard, able to shoot rattlesnakes, etc.,) Someone, a neighbor, DF, or somebody could've told her if Dia really didn't know. You'd think, KH certainly would've known and mentioned it to her. JMO, I think she knew all about it.

Isidro says: "At the 14:18 Dia never goes there, she only sees the guy only when they signed the papers. She never goes to the ranch, I'm the one (hard time understanding this part...) if needs some fencing or fixing stuff I go there."
Sun Spot has been approved as a Verified Insider in this case.

As a VI, Sun Spot does not have to provide links to what they state as fact. Please treat our VI with respect at all times. If there is something you disagree with, don't argue with them or challenge them, just move on without pressing them for information.

Thank you to Sun Spot and all our members who have joined in to discuss Dia's case.
To all vested in sleuthing the case. I have chosen to be a VI to help further explore and find the truth in what happened to Dia. This has been a very trying decision as I know the dangers involved in coming forward.
Dia being a dear friend and colleague with her coming up missing has been difficult for me. Hopefully we can work together and help bring a resolution. THANK YOU
To all vested in sleuthing the case. I have chosen to be a VI to help further explore and find the truth in what happened to Dia. This has been a very trying decision as I know the dangers involved in coming forward.
Dia being a dear friend and colleague with her coming up missing has been difficult for me. Hopefully we can work together and help bring a resolution. THANK YOU

So glad you're here and in this capacity. Dia needs a voice!!

To all vested in sleuthing the case. I have chosen to be a VI to help further explore and find the truth in what happened to Dia. This has been a very trying decision as I know the dangers involved in coming forward.
Dia being a dear friend and colleague with her coming up missing has been difficult for me. Hopefully we can work together and help bring a resolution. THANK YOU
Welcome back, Sun Spot! You are a good friend. What's new?
Sunspot, you are courageous and we are grateful...
When you get your clearance, we are open and will have your immediate attention, probably a good idea to communicate discreetly...
We hope for resolve in the mystery of Dia...
Desert Cruiser
@Sun Spot, thank you for becoming a VI for Dia. You are a good friend. It will help to have someone here who actually knew Dia. What do you think she would want us to know to help bring her Justice?

FROM my experience with Dia I knew she was terrified of her son and did not trust him at all. There were years of turmoil involving her son from an early age. THERE were several incidents in which Dia felt he tried to physically harm her.
DIA had been estranged from Clem for approximately 20 years. That estrangement was also conveyed to the son.
Dia was aware of previous drug operations on a property that was nor Sky High.. a lab.. she had difficulty in getting those people out as they were squatters. I do not know if she know about the from on the Sky High property. I do know that she was terrified to go to other properties as past experiences had put her in danger.
DIA was not in the best physical health. She had physical imitations and did not travel or walk off the beaten path. She was always armed and very aware of her surroundings.
DIA only rode her horse when Isidro was riding with her for safety reason both being hurt and encounters with others.
Isidro.. Which I called him "Yahsidro" as he was always very willing to help and a hard worker was her safety net.
IMO the pot grows 8n the area were not a great threat to Dia. Dia did have a neighbor that was a problematic Karen. Not only for Dia and Isidro but others in the canyon.
THERE is much more involving the pressure and tactics the family put on Dia to try and drive her off the property. It was despicable and pure greed.
Dia had been going to physical therapy/personal trainer for her physical issues.. multiple visits per week for a long time. To my knowledge she was still attending in the winter of 2019/2020.

I am still questioning where Dia's loyal dog Ruby was the alleged day Dia came up missing? That dog would sure let everyone know something was not right.
It is my opinion that Dia did sign the trust over to KH and DF AS TRUSTEES ETC.. She had said often that the children only wanted her for what she had. That they only contacted her when they wanted or needed something.
Dia had used a gentlemen to house sit in the past. I cannot recall his name. He had trouble lighting the heater in the guest house and I had talked him through it on on her phone.
Dia had another vehicle I have not seen mentioned, was an SUV that I rode in. Not sure if it was owned, leased or a rental. I do know that her Escalade was hit by another driver in the canyon.
Dia was a collector of antique and collectables. SHE bought and sold and traded. I was in storage units she had of these down in the lower valley area. She had another person that was also involved with that.

Dia was a private person and held much to herself. She didn't readily disclose a great deal to others. She really did not trust many people, even most close friends she was guarded with information.

I welcome all of you to post and If I have knowledge I will comment.
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