Found Deceased CA - Madyson Middleton, 8, Santa Cruz, 26 July 2015 - #1 *Arrest*

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We talk to kids about stranger danger. And I think most of us talk to kids about it beng adults to be wary of.

How do you explan the teen?

I always emphasized that the child never ever goes with anyone unless a parent is asked. That means even the police as there have been fake police.

Kids don't listen , though, so it is so sad

I have told my 2 boys the 4 people they can go with. Only 4. Otherwise they are told to say no and run. This list is my 2 brothers and my parents. No teacher, no friends. While I know it's crazy, I do hope if it ever comes down to it, they listen. My friends think my list is too short and crazy.
Many prayers for her friends and family. Can't even imagine the pain. Fly high Maddy
LE probably did look in the dumpster during the initial search. My guess is they didn't find anything because little Maddy's body was moved there afterward.

Or she was covered by refuse and they did not dig? There was something said about not seeing her clothes well enough?
In the Jorelys Rivera case the perp lured her, took her to a vacant apartment he had access to and then later hid her remains in a trash compactor. He had been participating in the search efforts and knew when searchers had cleared each area and was able to use that knowledge to his benefit.

The apartment being sealed in this case causes me to wonder if Maddy was ever there or if it is just where he went afterwards to clean up.

Just bouncing off this post. Not sure if someone has mentioned it yet, but could the body have been disposed of down a garbage shute? This is such a sad and disturbing case :-( poor Maddy and families.
We talk to kids about stranger danger. And I think most of us talk to kids about it beng adults to be wary of.

How do you explan the teen?

I always emphasized that the child never ever goes with anyone unless a parent is asked. That means even the police as there have been fake police.

Kids don't listen , though, so it is so sad

You have to explain that having boundaries - and keeping to them- is a good thing. And that good and trustworthy people will understand and be okay with you saying no. And bad people will try to push or manipulate you into changing your boundaries and this is always a bad sign. No matter their age or relationship - other kids to older family members- it is still an important truth. A person can always say no in a "respectful" manner. It is not often taught, but very important in all aspects of life to be able to decline something politely and hold to it.
When someone does not respect your "no" and cajoles or tries to force it- they could be a little bad, could be out right dangerous- but the sooner kids learn that people respecting them is important- and to identify that as a red flag- the better.
I bet he washed blood off of himself in the ocean, because he knew he couldn't go near his home to do it.

I don't know...I don't think he'd walk that far with blood on himself. It would be less risky to just go up the stairs to his apartment. I'm assuming the parking garage (that's what it was, right? Not a shed?) had a stairwell.
I have signatures blocked. What are the names?

The names are Melissa Ann Tremblay (found Sept 13, 1988 age 11)

Kimberly E. Farrah, (found Sept 13, 1997 age 18)

Leeann Millius, (found Sept 13, 1997, age 17)

Can you tell WHY Sept 11 thru the 13 is a nightmare for me every year since 1988?

Melissa's case is cold.... I will accept private messages about my 3 girls...... now... back to Mady
RIP sweet girl. I know I'm not the only one who looked at your photo riding your scooter and remembered carefree, happy days of my own childhood. Our hearts are with you.

I felt the same way! Just heartbreaking.
I am just reading the news about precious heart is broken. It feels like we are getting kicked in the pits of our stomachs a lot lately. So many sad endings and grieving families.....
The first thing I thought about was Maddie Clifton from FL, Jersey Bridgeman, Allana Gallagher, Elizabeth Olten, Autumn Pasquale, Kailey Vijil, Jessica Williams of Arkansas , you get the idea, Danger is everywhere I'm sure (well she said it ) Mom thought it was safe I was a total free range kid with my mom , and totally sheltered by my Grandmother , now that I look back at some of the things that happened, my grandmother was right .....although She put me in a Daycare with a pedofile owner who went to prison after I and several other little girls testified , then was released to go right back to running the nursery (good job Arkansas) (don't have a link but it was playhouse nursery 1972 Fayetteville AR, offender convicted of child rape Truman Russell NWA times ) so in essence even Hellicopter Grandma couldn't keep me safe .......

THERE IS NO SAFE OUT OF SIGHT , I AM NOT PARANOID ...but sadly here is yet another example......I don't know WTH do we arm our kids ? That wont work either ??? its almost certain you cant trust anyone ...teen boy neighbors are obviously on my radar :(
I have told my 2 boys the 4 people they can go with. Only 4. Otherwise they are told to say no and run. This list is my 2 brothers and my parents. No teacher, no friends. While I know it's crazy, I do hope if it ever comes down to it, they listen. My friends think my list is too short and crazy.
Many prayers for her friends and family. Can't even imagine the pain. Fly high Maddy

Its not crazy at all ITS SMART!!!!!!!
I have a theory but people hate my theory...:whiteflag:

I think kids today have way too much easy access to online, sick *advertiser censored*...not playboy stuff..but gruesome, sadistic *advertiser censored*. And horrid movies with killing, mixed in with rapes, and add in hardcore horror metal music and playing video games 24/7......IT IS JUST TOO MUCH for some of their porous minds.

It is no wonder that a few of them act out in this sick, twisted macabre way...

I agree wholeheartedly.

I remember reading somewhere that 93% of boys had been exposed to online *advertiser censored* during their adolescence and also quite a high number for girls as well. This is changing the wiring of their minds because they grow up thinking that what they are seeing is normal and expected. This is all they know when they see women and girls think that is how a man is supposed to be. It is forever changing them because they cannot unsee what they have seen so as they grow up and partake in relationships - this is all they know. They think the female anatomy should be what they see in *advertiser censored* and that women should be treated how they have grown up seeing it happen. This is a HUGE problem. People who think otherwise are absolutely delusional - what one child first sees cannot be undone. And as you posted - this isn't just playboy stuff. Think of a young, impressionable mind being exposed to such and then let that grow and grow and then as you posted - combine it with misogynistic lyrics in all music and violent video games - it is a perfect storm that results in crimes like this.
I don't know protocol when a minor is arrested and watched the video from KRON, if the minor's name is released by LE we can discuss right and if it's not released we can't, right?
It seems the 15 year olds home is on the third floor, above the garage where the dumpster is. I think he brought Madyson to his own room (what happened to the scooter) he later... when coast was clear (?) transferred her to the dumpster. Someone must have noticed.

I often wonder with crimes like this (neighbors, youth) is this something that they planned, waiting for an opportunity, or spur of the moment? an urge they couldn't control. IDK
I would not be surprised if he moved her body later as well. Maybe wrapped in something or in a bag. So disturbing.
I don't know protocol when a minor is arrested and watched the video from KRON, if the minor's name is released by LE we can discuss right and if it's not released we can't, right?
That's correct. Generally that won't happen unless the court decides to prosecute him as an adult.

Should MSM slip up and release his name prematurely, that doesn't count.
I agree wholeheartedly.

I remember reading somewhere that 93% of boys had been exposed to online *advertiser censored* during their adolescence and also quite a high number for girls as well. This is changing the wiring of their minds because they grow up thinking that what they are seeing is normal and expected. This is all they know when they see women and girls think that is how a man is supposed to be. It is forever changing them because they cannot unsee what they have seen so as they grow up and partake in relationships - this is all they know. They think the female anatomy should be what they see in *advertiser censored* and that women should be treated how they have grown up seeing it happen. This is a HUGE problem. People who think otherwise are absolutely delusional - what one child first sees cannot be undone. And as you posted - this isn't just playboy stuff. Think of a young, impressionable mind being exposed to such and then let that grow and grow and then as you posted - combine it with misogynistic lyrics in all music and violent video games - it is a perfect storm that results in crimes like this.

Sorry this might be too much information for some people and I understand that but I also think it's informative and needs to be considered.

I was at a conference last year and saw a documentary by Gail Dines called "Pornland" (she also has a book of the same name). Now I'm definitely not naive but what I saw in that film absolutely sickenend me. Boys (and its predominantly boys) as young as 10, but on a average 12, being able to access *advertiser censored*. And we aren't talking about "soft core" *advertiser censored* here. Apparently free sites allow anyone to go and view *advertiser censored* of the most disgusting nature. And because parents don't talk to their kids enough about sex and *advertiser censored* especially the attitudes of younger people are changing. There is a category of *advertiser censored* called Gonzo and it's awful. It's portrayed as "point of view" *advertiser censored*, but it's basically just awful violence against women with choking, putting the girl's head down the toilet so she's practically drowning, bukake, and deep throat. The *advertiser censored* that young kids can access is horrific. It's nothing more than the violation, degredation and abuse of young women for the man's benefit. And if young boys see this, and combine it with messages from music stars who talk about "hoes" and smacking women, and see sports stars beating up their girlfriends and getting away with it then that's what they believe is acceptable.

These *advertiser censored* companies are financed by "household name" companies. They are like drug dealers. They entice young boys in with "free" *advertiser censored* and then make them pay for the harder and harder stuff. Meanwhile doctors are now seeing more and more young girls with anal prolapse, vaginal prolapse and severe throat infections because boys are recreating what they see on *advertiser censored* and what they believe normal sex is.

It was the most unbelievable thing I have ever seen. It opened my eyes up massively to the damage *advertiser censored* does to our society. We need to teach our boys and girls from a young age that these things aren't acceptable. That a male orgasm is not the priority above a woman's dignity and respect. And that women are not all "*advertiser censored* stars" who have the airbrushed figures and who look like a human Barbie. I have teenage girls but after I saw the film I sat them down and we talked about the problems with *advertiser censored*, and they spoke about how boys in their class admitted openly to watching *advertiser censored* channels and then some had persuaded their girlfriends to try things they had seen. Luckily my girls are more bothered about school and grades than boys but I still think it's important to discuss.
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