Found Deceased CA - Maricela Garcia, 26, Reseda, 12 Jan 2017 #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
When I did some digging into the names on the missing women list from this thread it seemed possible that many of them had been reported missing from - not sure what the US term is - foster care or homes? Some of them had already turned up. I'm not sure if there was a list updated or not. I wasn't convinced that the numbers were as disproportionate as they initially seemed. But either way in this case of Mariela it seems less likely now. Seems likely that she knew whoever she got in that car with, and that person or those people know what happened to her. Someone took her body out to the middle of nowhere.

Here's my question: if you were with a friend who OD'd and you didn't want to report it to police, but you were scared, wouldn't you dump the body somewhere you at least knew she would be found?

Isn't the fact that the body was dumped somewhere remote, meaning that the remains are harder to process in autopsy, suggestive that there was some foul play involved? it seems to me that the motive for the body not to be found is counter to the possibility of accidental OD. I am just thinking about personally, if the OD was accidental, then as someone afraid of being implicated, the last thing you would want would be for there to be any doubt about the cause of death. You would want it to be obvious, no? You wouldn't want people to think there was something more to it.

Whereas hoping that a body won't be found, that is suggestive that you have something to hide. And in this case, it seems possible they have hidden it successfully. Hopefully they will discover something. But it will be much harder to do so now.
Here's my question: if you were with a friend who OD'd and you didn't want to report it to police, but you were scared, wouldn't you dump the body somewhere you at least knew she would be found?

Isn't the fact that the body was dumped somewhere remote, meaning that the remains are harder to process in autopsy, suggestive that there was some foul play involved? it seems to me that the motive for the body not to be found is counter to the possibility of accidental OD. I am just thinking about personally, if the OD was accidental, then as someone afraid of being implicated, the last thing you would want would be for there to be any doubt about the cause of death. You would want it to be obvious, no? You wouldn't want people to think there was something more to it.

Whereas hoping that a body won't be found, that is suggestive that you have something to hide. And in this case, it seems possible they have hidden it successfully. Hopefully they will discover something. But it will be much harder to do so now.

This really stood out to me. I have an anecdote here. I knew this guy, John. He was a friend of a friend, only met him twice but we had the same dealer for a while. Anyway John goes to the Chad the dealer's house to pick up some xanax. It's not uncommon to hang around for a bit and chat, especially if they're selling out of their house and don't want to raise suspicions. John made himself comfortable on the couch, took a couple xanax and had a beer with Chad. That was the big mistake here. John decided to rest his eyes and have a cat nap before leaving. He didn't wake up. What did chad do? Bagged up John and put him in the dumpster, of course, because well that was probably the best solution a panicked, seasoned drug user (read: brain damage) and big-time-small-time dealer (read: prison) could come up with on the spot.

In summary. They may not have caused any harm to Maricela. But, if she was with somebody who was selling, and considering Maricela had sold drugs herself in the past there's a good chance she was with a dealer, the chances of her being left somewhere hidden vs left on the street dramatically go up. If they were already in a car when Maricela possibly OD'd then that just makes it easier. Accidents happen. The way the situation is dealt with depends on who she is with and how deep they are in the business. I can't see an average harmless user(s) making an effort to hide her body. Things become much different when you're selling, especially when possibly carrying around heroin and/or other hard drugs or pills.
I remember before Maricela was located that a lot of people felt like her disappearance could be related to other missing girls in the area.

Now that some time has passed, Does anyone still feel like there is a connection?
Many speculated that human trafficking could be involved because many of the missing where young attractive ladies.

SD was found in CA but after some sleuthing, I'm not at all convinced that she was a victim of Human trafficking even though her family adamantly believed she was. Upon her being located, two men where arrested. One was let go almost immediately.
I sleuthed the arrests in that area and not one person was charged with human trafficking or anything even remotely related. There was one that was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge. ( That's a far cry from human trafficking) Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I sleuthed the wrong man. But something doesn't sit right with me with the SD case. Most importantly though, she's located safe and returned to her family.

So my question is this- does anyone still feel like there's a connection? Some of the other cases in question have been resolved. Some have not.
I do not think that MG is connected to the other women missing. However, because of MG's appearance, it brought attention to others who have gone missing with similar traits and around the same time. Whether they are connected? I'm not sure. I submitted everything to the mod for a new thread and I don't think anything ever became of it. At this point in time, I also do not think that MG was trafficked. I think she died very soon after her disappearance just judging by the state of decomposition her body was in. I think OD is a huge possibility, however I think that someone dumped her body there. I don't know if we we'll ever find out the truth but I think that there is A LOT we do not know.

I do not think the SD was trafficked. I would love to know what the circumstances are surrounding her disappearance and recovery. MOO, I think that family jumped the gun with the sex trafficking accusations. But maybe in the long run it was the best thing that they could have done. Maybe she saw the video and that is what helped her be found. I don't think we'll ever know what actually happened.

This really stood out to me. I have an anecdote here. I knew this guy, John. He was a friend of a friend, only met him twice but we had the same dealer for a while. Anyway John goes to the Chad the dealer's house to pick up some xanax. It's not uncommon to hang around for a bit and chat, especially if they're selling out of their house and don't want to raise suspicions. John made himself comfortable on the couch, took a couple xanax and had a beer with Chad. That was the big mistake here. John decided to rest his eyes and have a cat nap before leaving. He didn't wake up. What did chad do? Bagged up John and put him in the dumpster, of course, because well that was probably the best solution a panicked, seasoned drug user (read: brain damage) and big-time-small-time dealer (read: prison) could come up with on the spot.

In summary. They may not have caused any harm to Maricela. But, if she was with somebody who was selling, and considering Maricela had sold drugs herself in the past there's a good chance she was with a dealer, the chances of her being left somewhere hidden vs left on the street dramatically go up. If they were already in a car when Maricela possibly OD'd then that just makes it easier. Accidents happen. The way the situation is dealt with depends on who she is with and how deep they are in the business. I can't see an average harmless user(s) making an effort to hide her body. Things become much different when you're selling, especially when possibly carrying around heroin and/or other hard drugs or pills.

So you're saying, because a dealer would better know a good place to hide a body? That makes sense. So they should be looking higher up the 'food chain' as it were? in terms of who she might have been meeting. And could connect to the secret people have been talking of.

I suppose - not wishing to bang on about it - but it just strikes me that if you're trying to hide your own connection, or drug dealing, or whatever, then what you really need to do is distance yourself from the body. You don't necessarily need to put the body at a great distance, or in such a successful hiding place. Wouldn't the kind of person who knows a good hiding place for a body also know that an autopsy would reveal OD, and that her lifestyle would put her at high risk of being ignored by LE? Actually hiding the body this well, and causing a three month long disappearance, with press attention, isn't it a higher risk strategy for the dealer if the death was accidental and self-inflicted? You only need to hide the body this well if there is something about the body which you want and need to remain undiscovered. After this much time, such a person might also know that it is much harder for LE to find out what that might be.

But obviously both things are possible. I just remember reading something once that the discovery of skeletal remains often indicates homicide, because of the lengths someone has gone to to make sure the body isn't discovered. But that might not have been a US article, obviously even CA is vast, and perhaps it is easier to hide a body there than one might imagine. I just hope it is not too late for LE to find out, and that they prioritise this higher than 6-9 months, and that they don't make assumptions based on lifestyle. Mariela deserves better.
I do not think that MG is connected to the other women missing. However, because of MG's appearance, it brought attention to others who have gone missing with similar traits and around the same time. Whether they are connected? I'm not sure. I submitted everything to the mod for a new thread and I don't think anything ever became of it. At this point in time, I also do not think that MG was trafficked. I think she died very soon after her disappearance just judging by the state of decomposition her body was in. I think OD is a huge possibility, however I think that someone dumped her body there. I don't know if we we'll ever find out the truth but I think that there is A LOT we do not know.

I do not think the SD was trafficked. I would love to know what the circumstances are surrounding her disappearance and recovery. MOO, I think that family jumped the gun with the sex trafficking accusations. But maybe in the long run it was the best thing that they could have done. Maybe she saw the video and that is what helped her be found. I don't think we'll ever know what actually happened.

I couldn't agree more !!

I do not believe MG was a victim of HT, I do think she was likely killed though but the od is definitely a possibility.
I also couldn't agree more about SD. That video her family made was a good decision! It really may have helped. I sleuthed and sleuthed that case the night she was located. For days and weeks! I could not find one male who was charged with HT or even something related in that area. I did happen to find a young man who was a charged with having a small bit of pot and contributing to the delinquency of a minor that happened to be arrested in the same area and timeframe of her being located. Not one person was charged with anything that could be related to HT at all. I think SD got involved with some people that she shouldn't have and things went too far. We have to remember that the police knew exactly which door to knock on , they tracked her down using good old fashion police work.
In later reports she claimed she didn't remember what happened during her time away because she was kept heavily drugged. I'm guessing only one part of that is true. IMO

So in all, I don't think Maricelas death is at all related to any of the other cases in that area. I think she knew the person that is responsible for this.
I also agree that we may never know the outcome either.
I also agree that we may never know the outcome either.


Sending out a special thought to Mistivon.

You have all been so amazing through all of this. Nice group to be with. May you continue to bring changes to this world.
I remember before Maricela was located that a lot of people felt like her disappearance could be related to other missing girls in the area.

Now that some time has passed, Does anyone still feel like there is a connection?

Many speculated that human trafficking could be involved because many of the missing where young attractive ladies.

SD was found in CA but after some sleuthing, I'm not at all convinced that she was a victim of Human trafficking even though her family adamantly believed she was. Upon her being located, two men where arrested. One was let go almost immediately.
I sleuthed the arrests in that area and not one person was charged with human trafficking or anything even remotely related. There was one that was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge. ( That's a far cry from human trafficking) Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I sleuthed the wrong man. But something doesn't sit right with me with the SD case. Most importantly though, she's located safe and returned to her family.

So my question is this- does anyone still feel like there's a connection? Some of the other cases in question have been resolved. Some have not.

I still think the missing women cases could be related to Maricela's case, but not because of HT. I thought there could possibly be a SK out there. As soon as I read about Maricela's case, I felt there were two possibilities -- she'd either left voluntarily, or she'd been grabbed by a SK, since so many girls were missing at the time. I still think a SK is possible, unless I find out all or most of these missing girls have been found/returned home.

I didn't read anything about Maricela's ex until this thread. Since I've now read that info, I am inclined to think a third and most likely scenario is that the ex was involved in her murder. I'd still like to know what happened to all the missing girls, however. I meant to backtrack and look for the map that Dally made, but my schedule changed and I've been horribly busy. Hopefully I'll have the time to delve into that soon.

I still think the missing women cases could be related to Maricela's case, but not because of HT. I thought there could possibly be a SK out there. As soon as I read about Maricela's case, I felt there were two possibilities -- she'd either left voluntarily, or she'd been grabbed by a SK, since so many girls were missing at the time. I still think a SK is possible, unless I find out all or most of these missing girls have been found/returned home.

I didn't read anything about Maricela's ex until this thread. Since I've now read that info, I am inclined to think a third and most likely scenario is that the ex was involved in her murder. I'd still like to know what happened to all the missing girls, however. I meant to backtrack and look for the map that Dally made, but my schedule changed and I've been horribly busy. Hopefully I'll have the time to delve into that soon.
Didnt the ex recently relocate?
I remember before Maricela was located that a lot of people felt like her disappearance could be related to other missing girls in the area.

Now that some time has passed, Does anyone still feel like there is a connection?
Many speculated that human trafficking could be involved because many of the missing where young attractive ladies.

SD was found in CA but after some sleuthing, I'm not at all convinced that she was a victim of Human trafficking even though her family adamantly believed she was. Upon her being located, two men where arrested. One was let go almost immediately.
I sleuthed the arrests in that area and not one person was charged with human trafficking or anything even remotely related. There was one that was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor and a misdemeanor marijuana possession charge. ( That's a far cry from human trafficking) Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I sleuthed the wrong man. But something doesn't sit right with me with the SD case. Most importantly though, she's located safe and returned to her family.

So my question is this- does anyone still feel like there's a connection? Some of the other cases in question have been resolved. Some have not.
I do not believe her case is related to HT, but instead, was related to circumstances that landed her in the company of some very dangerous individuals which resulted in her paying with her life.

I live in this area and do not believe there is a SK running wild. I do believe there is a huge problem with HT. I do not think every dissapeaence is a HT case, but I am one who looks for patterns and I also believe there is more than one ring operating in the area and it is something worth looking at. Most of these girls have no family and no one realizes they are missing...exactly what HT is recruiting

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Memorial Service for Maricela. Article contains a bit of info about investigation.

From link:
Ewing, who is supervising detectives on the case, said Wednesday that the detectives have interviewed family members, been in contact with the Los Angeles police detectives who had been handling Garcia’s missing persons investigation and were in the process of collecting videotape from the area where Garcia was last seen.

Last he heard, Ewing said, “there was minimal information” to report.

Garcia’s cause of death has yet to been determined, said Ed Winter, assistant chief of investigations at the Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner.

Winter said the case has been deferred, pending toxicology tests and tests on Garcia’s organs and brain.

Those tests could take six to nine weeks to complete from the date they are sent out, Winter said.

BBM...but I'm going to have to refrain from commenting on it. :mad::maddening::stormingmad:
My sons father passed away very suddenly when he was 25 years old. Autopsy couldn't say why he died. Tox reports showed drugs but couldn't confirm a drug overdose. Sadly we still have no clue how he died and this was in 2001. They have even exhumed his body once.
I hope this family gets answers. Whatever they may be. Xo

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The way this whole case was handled is a nightmare.
A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves.

I was honored to attend Maricela's prayer vigil last night. This statue was a special place as she and her mom had said the Rosary there together. By all accounts, Mari was a warm & wonderful person. RIP sweet girl.

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I was blessed to have been able to attend Maricela's Memorial Service today.

While I was there I prayed for her family, friends, and those that did not know her--All who were greatly affected by her beautiful spirit & tragedy. It also gave me comfort & a little closure since her case has touched me in so many ways.

It was a lovely service and the church was bright, friendly & filled with many people, all there to celebrate Maricela's life. It was nice to see many people come together compared to the vigil I attended when she first went missing, and that broke my heart. Her brother read some prayers, and her sister Sarah spoke about some special memories the two of them shared. It was touching & heartfelt, especially when she said she was able to say she loved Maricela on that last day.

Rest In Paradise Maricela~You Were Loved By So Many :rose:



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Thank you all for attending and sharing pieces of the experience with us.

Time to go have a good cry for this precious girl, her loved ones, and those who tried so hard to get LE moving and to make the public aware, especially mistivon, Leese, and katydid, and other locals who truly showed up for Maricela.


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