GUILTY CA - Mark & Jacob Iskander, 11 and 9, Killed by Drunk Socialite Rebecca Grossman in Veh vs Ped Hit & Run - Los Angeles, 2020 *GUILTY on all counts*

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Judge ruled she can continue to have phone privileges.

Bah. Seems to be caving to avoid any chance of RG winning an appeal.

Oh well, as long as she has those privileges, we all get to hear out in the open what she is up to.

Better not be any more jurors finding a private investigator on their doorstep.

April 10 cannot come fast enough.

Sure, delay sentence as long as possible. So her new team of attorneys can understand the case. Let her have as many phone calls as she wants. No mention of her wanting people to be bribed so she can see her spouse, or the meds she wants in jail.

I am still interested in who "Tom" is, and what he was going to talk to Judge Brandolino about. Is he a private investigator? I have a lot of questions about this issue.

Sentencing delayed to June 10, 2024.

Sure, delay sentence as long as possible. So her new team of attorneys can understand the case. Let her have as many phone calls as she wants. No mention of her wanting people to be bribed so she can see her spouse, or the meds she wants in jail.

I am still interested in who "Tom" is, and what he was going to talk to Judge Brandolino about. Is he a private investigator? I have a lot of questions about this issue.

Sentencing delayed to June 10, 2024.
I have noticed this as well.

Is this judge elected? Is there some reason he is bending over backwards like a circus contoritionist to give RG far more special treatment than anyone else would get?
'I want you to unblock the videos,' she tells Alexis in one call detailed in the filing from February 23.
In addition, she's alleged to have told her teenage daughter to publicly release a body-camera video worn by a deputy that had been sealed by Judge Brandolino and even wrote a letter to the victims' mother after she was found guilty.

Nancy and Karim Iskander, the two boys' parents, said they received the letter from Grossman on March 13.

She responds: 'I will.'

Her husband Peter then shockingly adds: 'Everything you want us to put out, honey, let us know. We're going to put it all out.'

'I want you to put everything out,' Rebecca confirms.

'I'm going to do everything for you, Mom,' Alexis responded. 'Everything. And so is Dad.'

The everything apparently included Rebecca trying to get Scott Erickson - the former Major League Baseball pitcher and her ex-boyfriend - to take the fall.

'You should call Scott Erickson and tell him to get on a video and that he needs to confess,' Rebecca said to Peter on February 25.

Peter Grossman responded: 'I know he needs to confess, but right now, I can't even talk about the case. But that guy needs to [know] you're in jail for him, and it drives me crazy.'

'Tell him to [make] a video and confess,' Rebecca repeated. 'I have a family.'
Can someone explain to me how if a video had been sealed, she thinks her daughter can "unblock it? What am I missing???
'I want you to unblock the videos,' she tells Alexis in one call detailed in the filing from February 23.
In addition, she's alleged to have told her teenage daughter to publicly release a body-camera video worn by a deputy that had been sealed by Judge Brandolino and even wrote a letter to the victims' mother after she was found guilty.
Is this judge elected? Is there some reason he is bending over backwards like a circus contoritionist to give RG far more special treatment than anyone else would get?
He ran unopposed in 2020. He is up again in 2027

I'm angry at today's decisions. She should be facing some sort of sanctions IMO. She is far from naive FFS.

I just hope she gets more from this judge than this Malibu woman did!
Judge Joseph Brandolino
Calling it “an absolute tragedy,” a judge on Thursday sentenced a Malibu woman to one year in jail for hitting two pedestrians in a crosswalk, killing one of them, and later lying to police about her role in the collision
Can someone explain to me how if a video had been sealed, she thinks her daughter can "unblock it? What am I missing???
'I want you to unblock the videos,' she tells Alexis in one call detailed in the filing from February 23.
In addition, she's alleged to have told her teenage daughter to publicly release a body-camera video worn by a deputy that had been sealed by Judge Brandolino and even wrote a letter to the victims' mother after she was found guilty.

It feels like she thinks she can win an appeal and overturn the conviction by using social media and invading the privacy and security of the jurors to find out how to re-do her trial.

Basically starting up a social media furor that the real killer was Scott Erickson and by somehow getting him to get her off the hook for murder by making some sort of noble fake confession that it was really his black car that hit the two boys. Perhaps introducing the concept that he hit the boys first and killed them and the damage to her car was her hitting the two dead bodies.

I think she will stop at nothing to lie her way and coerce her way out of a life sentence for murder.
It feels like she thinks she can win an appeal and overturn the conviction by using social media and invading the privacy and security of the jurors to find out how to re-do her trial.

Basically starting up a social media furor that the real killer was Scott Erickson and by somehow getting him to get her off the hook for murder by making some sort of noble fake confession that it was really his black car that hit the two boys. Perhaps introducing the concept that he hit the boys first and killed them and the damage to her car was her hitting the two dead bodies.

I think she will stop at nothing to lie her way and coerce her way out of a life sentence for murder.
This is also abusive to the family of the children, who are trying to put their lives back together again.
Erickson was charged with "Reckless Driving", he passed through the crosswalk prior to RG's car. There is video footage of this, a black car (presumably Erickson's Mercedes-Benz), that passed thru the intersection a minute or two prior to RG's car.

This is the video footage that RG thinks is so crucial to her case. MOO, is let it out, it was determined to not be relevant to the case. The other video is a bodycam worn by an officer, interviewing someone. It was considered "heresay" and not allowed.

RG is grasping at straws.
thank you.
For the life of me, I don’t know why she gets to keep her phone privileges She was talking about finding the jurors and trying to influence the judge via an acquaintance. These are very serious matters!

This article has more information. Apparently, RG sent a letter to the Iskander family. That was all about her, not any remorse for their children or her part in the tragedy. There is no a "No Contact" order in place for RG to stop contacting the Iskander family.

According to this article, RG has had over a dozen of attorneys working on her case. And now has a new firm working on the appeal. It would be interesting to know if any of the foundation funds have been used for RG's defense. If so, probably hidden in some random line item.

Judge Brandolino addressed that no one would influence him on the case.

There is more, but this is the gist of it. Too bad we don't have a picture of the felon in her jumpsuit and shackles.
Comprehensive synopsis of yesterday's hearing by Charles Cohen, friend of the Iskander's, who attended the hearing.

I don't do Next Door, so could someone please post a copy of the synopsis?

I really want to hear from the side of the Iskander's, rather than from the Grossman side.

She has now used 10 attorneys. Wow. She is truly trying to buy her way out of prison.

I am concerned that there will be the lure of campaign funds and fundraisers to be raised at a later date for the elected judge at some point proffered by the Grossman's. This is the kind of persons the couple seems to be.

*edited for spelling correction.
Last edited:
Oak Park, CA
• 11h •
Grossman arrives in a brown jail jumpsuit in shackles. Brown jumpsuit means she is being held at Twin Towers for “medical” reasons, NOT for high-risk inmates.
Grossman adds yet another 2 attorneys to her legal team. Lara Gresssley, who failed to show up – who certainly had time to write a blog bashing the prosecutor, and Samuel Josephs, who had James Curtis show up on his behalf. On record, Grossman had 8 attorneys of record before today. John Hobson and James Curtis were present for RG.

On 06/03/2024 – there will be a hearing for a pre-trial motion for a new trial.

Right off the bat, the judge grants continuance for sentencing until 6/10/2024. The prosecution had to interrupt to see if her could go outside and see if the date works for the VICTIMS, the Iskander family.

Before officially being admitted to the defense, Lara Gressley enlisted the services of a private investigator named "Paul Stuckey" to locate jurors and visit their residences in an attempt to make contact. Another juror came forward, so this make 4 attempts and I believe 2 or 3 successful attempts to harass jurors. However, the defense now alleges that the investigator represented himself as being affiliated with the "Grossman Family" to the jurors and attempted to engage them in conversation. This conduct is unlawful. According to the defense, contacting jurors requires prior petitioning of the court, following a clear process, and granting jurors the option to decline the release of their information. Even if these steps fail in court, jurors are not obligated to engage with anyone. They must be presented with a declaration from a court official, and the person contacting them must clearly state their representation and purpose. Despite this, jurors are not compelled to communicate with anyone. This protocol is outlined in Cal. Code Civ. Proc. § 206 and 237, and it must be adhered to as it is the law.

Although the judge informed the defense that their actions were incorrect and constituted a violation of the law, no consequences were imposed. The judge's solution was for the defense to instruct everyone to destroy the jury list. However, it is doubtful that this will be carried out. Such a resolution is simply unjust and does not align with legal standards. If I were summoned as a juror in a trial presided over by Brandolino, considering these blatant breaches of juror privacy, I would unequivocally refuse to serve on that jury. The judge had assured the jurors of protection and privacy, promises that have been clearly disregarded. THE JURORS DID THEIR CIVIC DUTY AND SHOULD BE PROECTED AT ALL COSTS! Even though the judge said it was harassment, I wonder what the jurors think? Yoy have a very influencial, rich family, who’s mom/wife is convicted of murder, the judge seals your names and tells you will have privacy, and this convicted killers defense begins showing up at your doorstep. How awful! Our hearts break for them.

Few comments from the judge today:
Involving Sherry Thomas reaching out to her patient, a witness, Judge Brandolino thinks the Grossman is “naive” thinking a doctor would contact Suzy Manners, violating HIPPA. Since I am pretty sure this already happened, I truly hope Ms. Manners gets legal representation to protect herself. I'm sure many attorneys would take her case pro-bono. (not legal advice)

Concerning the disclosure of protected sealed evidence and the dissemination of muted videos displayed in court, it's yet another breach of the protective order issued in 2022. In 2022, the “boathouse” muted video was released and posted on a website full of lies, RG and AG have admitted to creating. This violation occurred not only in 2022, but also the night before the verdict. Despite Grossman being admonished about disseminating court evidence to the public once more just before the guilty verdict was delivered, she instructed her daughter and husband to release them in “full” within an HOUR of her conviction. According to Judge Brandolino, the violation of the protective order once again, was as because Grossman was “scared and naïve.”

In relation to Peter Grossman and Rebecca Grossman exerting influence on Tom Nolan, an acquaintance of Judge Brandolino, a respected attorney who frequently appeared in court with the Grossman family, the judge remarked, "I believe the defendant's actions stem from naivety." Initially, Brandolino stated he hadn't seen Nolan in years, but later clarified that he had greeted him in court on occasions.

In reference to Grossman's request for the AG to contact a defense witness, Forrester, who was under DEFENSE subpoena and they could have called him anytime, and urge him to alter his testimony, JUDGE Brandolino expressed that it's naive for the Grossman’s to believe that this witness would fabricate information or modify his statement in favor of the defense.

Concerning the request of RG to have Peter Grossman to contact Scott Erickson to lie and falsely confess on video to killing Mark and Jacob”: Brandolino says he gets Rebecca Grossman’s frustration about her conviction, “I get her sadness based on what’s happened to her,” “But I don’t think this is worthy of any action. WHAT ABOUT THE SADNESS OF THE ISKANDER FAMILY! WHAT ABOUT WHAT’S HAPPENED TO THEM?? WHAT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO MARK AND JACOB???

Regarding paying someone off in jail to get Peter Grossman to be able to visit her. Judge Brandolino says to “take it up with Sheriff.”
Judge granted “a no contact order” with Iskander family, despite Grossman writing in her letter to the Iskander family that she was aware she shouldn’t contact them but proceeded to so regardless.

How could Judge Brandolino presume to understand Rebecca Grossman's naivety when she hasn't spoken in over three and a half years in court!!? He's not a therapist; he's a judge. What about the anguish felt by Nancy, Karim, and Zachary? What about the jurors' discomfort with someone showing up at their homes? What about the distress of the witnesses being targeted, harassed, and having falsehoods spread about them? How many times must the judge issue warnings regarding a protective order? Why does he prioritize Grossman's naivety over the agony of receiving a letter at the victims' home? What about the emotions of Nancy, Karim, Zachary, Violet, and all those who care and love this family? His duty is to uphold the law, not defend a convicted child killer or delve into her motivations for breaking the law. Laws are laws—uphold them.

Isn't Grossman celebrated as the "Co-Founder of the Burn Foundation," a "Philanthropist," and the owner of magazines, blogs, spas, etc.? Now, she's portraying herself as the victim
Thank you to Cliff Lim for putting together all the news links today! Each article/news clip is different so make sure you watch/see them all when you get a chance. (Copy/paste)

Our hearts need a little mending today.

Someone reminded us of this today:
Revelation 22:11 says Let the wicked still act wickedly, and the filthy still be filthy. The righteous must still do right, and the holy still be holy.”

ACORN - Grossman sentencing delayed, new trial sought

ABC7 LA - Judge declines to revoke Rebecca Grossman's phone privileges after accusations of misconduct in jail

NBC4 LA - Rebecca Grossman can keep jailhouse phone privileges, judge says

Yahoo (LA Times) - Rebecca Grossman 'naive,' not conniving, with jailhouse calls; judge won't reprimand her

KCAL9 LA - Judge allows jailhouse phone calls for Rebecca Grossman to continue, rejecting prosecution request

KTLA5 LA - KTLA5 - 3-22-24.mp4

FOX 11 LA - Rebecca Grossman's phone privileges will not be revoked, judge says

KNX 97.1 Radio - KNX News Radio 3-22-24
I don't do Next Door, so could someone please post a copy of the synopsis?

I really want to hear from the side of the Iskander's, rather than from the Grossman side.

She has now used 10 attorneys. Wow. She is truly trying to buy her way out of prison.

I am concerned that there will be the lure of campaign funds and fundraisers to be raised at a later date for the elected judge at some point proffered by the Grossman's. This is the kind of persons the couple seems to be.

*edited for spelling correction.

I copied the entire comment. It is not an article, so no copyright infringement. I thought that the summary of what occurred at the hearing was important. By someone who was actually present.

Julie and Charles Cohen are friends of the Iskander family, and have been amazing to keep track of the numerous court hearings of this case.

The comments from the community are also interesting. No one is impressed by Judge Brandolino.

Noted, the "brown jumpsuit" worn by RG, she is in the medical section of the jail. Probably came in with a laundry list of medical issues, meriting "special treatment". Of course.
I copied the entire comment. It is not an article, so no copyright infringement. I thought that the summary of what occurred at the hearing was important. By someone who was actually present.

Julie and Charles Cohen are friends of the Iskander family, and have been amazing to keep track of the numerous court hearings of this case.

The comments from the community are also interesting. No one is impressed by Judge Brandolino.

Noted, the "brown jumpsuit" worn by RG, she is in the medical section of the jail. Probably came in with a laundry list of medical issues, meriting "special treatment". Of course.
I wish there was a way of excusing Judge Brandolino from sentencing

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